Heating and AC , You're screwed

post those pictures if you have them. The arctic and Antarctic ice is growing in its normal seasonal patterns. There are more polar bears today than there were 50 years ago. Glaciers have been calving for hundreds of thousands of years, nothing new about that.

the prophet algore said that florida would be under water by now and that there would be no ice in the arctic. He lied and you fools bought it.

do you actually think that's a real picture on the right? Are you that stupid?
Exactly, turns out the supposed safer refrigerant was not more efficient or so safe and newer systems have been having issues quicker then then the former.
My suggestion is to buy the older refrigerant on Amazon $27-$30 a can not 100 from AC co and have your certified AC friend or company fill the system this at least saves 50% + on the freon costs as the A/C guy doubles or more the already excessive cost of freon.
Or if you have some experience from car freon installations learn home AC on Youtube get a license $50-$65 and do it yourself.
All you need are cheap leak detectors under $20. and metalic bonding compound to repair found leaks, manifolds (pressure reader) under $30 that read your type of freon, and a temp gauge for the hi and lo line.

Great idea. I think I'll also check on the DIY appendectomy kit too. What could go wrong?
We were just talking about luddites like you the other day....more specifically about the younger generation being incapable of using hand tools and how the hand tool market is suffering because the younger generation can barley change a lightbulb now.

It's sad how you need someone else to tell you what to do......and are now incapable of doing for yourself....

I haven't needed anyone to tell me what to do for decades, but I will admit that since I retired, I do prefer to pay someone else do a lot of the things I used to do.
The plantation is treating you well I see....




No it wasn't?????

Nope. The scientific consensus in the 1970s was warming. You don't get to create your own reality just because the real reality contradicts you.

You know my education better than I do? What a 'tard!

Now you seem to be claiming that the Weekly Reader you read in the 4rth grade was the scientific consensus.

Denying is what a healthy mind does when confronted with wild ass theories and attempts to intimidate. You have no facts, just opinions that feed off the Warmer industry.

That's right, all that climate data is the work of the VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot, just as those darn efficiency standard are.

Useful, the way your GrandUnifiedSocialistPlot conspiracy theory covers multiple topics.
And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.




No it wasn't?????

Nope. The scientific consensus in the 1970s was warming. You don't get to create your own reality just because the real reality contradicts you.

You know my education better than I do? What a 'tard!

Now you seem to be claiming that the Weekly Reader you read in the 4rth grade was the scientific consensus.

Denying is what a healthy mind does when confronted with wild ass theories and attempts to intimidate. You have no facts, just opinions that feed off the Warmer industry.

That's right, all that climate data is the work of the VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot, just as those darn efficiency standard are.

Useful, the way your GrandUnifiedSocialistPlot conspiracy theory covers multiple topics.


DailyTech - Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.
You watch too much TV.
It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.
You watch too much TV.

Maybe you should watch more!
And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.

Is that what you are trying to say?
No it wasn't?????

Nope. The scientific consensus in the 1970s was warming. You don't get to create your own reality just because the real reality contradicts you.

You know my education better than I do? What a 'tard!

Now you seem to be claiming that the Weekly Reader you read in the 4rth grade was the scientific consensus.

Denying is what a healthy mind does when confronted with wild ass theories and attempts to intimidate. You have no facts, just opinions that feed off the Warmer industry.

That's right, all that climate data is the work of the VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot, just as those darn efficiency standard are.

Useful, the way your GrandUnifiedSocialistPlot conspiracy theory covers multiple topics.

No, I don't let assholes tell me what I was taught.

So what were you taught, and who taught it? I notice you're unwilling to tell us. Why do you think "what you were taught" has any bearing on the actual science?

I have to ram that right back down your throat. I've talked to many that say the exact same thing.

You've talked to other brainless rubes who confuse media spin with science, because they were bamboozled by propaganda? Of course you do. You hang out with such people.

You're full of shit and you sound like someone that is nursing off of the Warmer industry titty. Not too bright, highly dishonest and very motivated to proselytize the faith.

I am not sorry about triggering you.

Now, back to the real reality...

When I point out all you have is media spin and no science, posting a list of media and spin and no science would be confirming my point. Thank you for doing that. I'll let you know when I want any more of my points proven.

Now, here's the actual science. The 1970s scientific consensus was warming. Cursing at me won't change that.



Ok jerkwad, you've already been shown proof that it was Ice Age they were talking then and I remember it too. It was glaciers growing on the front of all the science magazines. So you can stuff it, buddy.
And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.

Is that what you are trying to say?

In a sense, yes. Think of it this way: how many things do we do in a normal day that is related to energy or health? I'll highlight it in red.

Before you wake up in the morning, your automatic thermostat turns on the heat for your comfort. Your electric alarm clock goes off, and you get up and begin to make breakfast on the stove using natural gas or propane. You decide on bacon and eggs, loaded with salt, fat and other artery clogging compounds that increase your cholesterol. You then rinse off your plate with hot water and put that and your utensils in the dish washer.

Then you get into a nice hot shower, come out, and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then you drive to work, get into the office or shop, and get a cup of coffee and doughnuts before you get started. Lunch time comes around and you drive to Burger King for a whopper combo.

At the end of the day, you drive home, eat dinner, and have a couple of drinks while watching television. Then it's make a sandwich for the evening, and head to bed only to start the day all over again tomorrow.

This is a typical day in America, and I won't even get into sporting activities like soft ball, weight lifting, or racket ball. Or perhaps you drive a motorcycle which could have dire consequences if you get into an accident. Maybe you smoke cigarettes, weed or cigars.

Most things we do in a day are related to energy and health. Even though government doesn't totally control that yet, look at what DumBama did in relation to both those things: school lunches, closing down tobacco shops all across America, trying to close down coal powered electric plants, increased CAFE standards for cars and trucks in the future, forcing restaurants to post calorie count on every single item they sell.
And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.

Is that what you are trying to say?

In a sense, yes. Think of it this way: how many things do we do in a normal day that is related to energy or health? I'll highlight it in red.

Before you wake up in the morning, your automatic thermostat turns on the heat for your comfort. Your electric alarm clock goes off, and you get up and begin to make breakfast on the stove using natural gas or propane. You decide on bacon and eggs, loaded with salt, fat and other artery clogging compounds that increase your cholesterol. You then rinse off your plate with hot water and put that and your utensils in the dish washer.

Then you get into a nice hot shower, come out, and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then you drive to work, get into the office or shop, and get a cup of coffee and doughnuts before you get started. Lunch time comes around and you drive to Burger King for a whopper combo.

At the end of the day, you drive home, eat dinner, and have a couple of drinks while watching television. Then it's make a sandwich for the evening, and head to bed only to start the day all over again tomorrow.

This is a typical day in America, and I won't even get into sporting activities like soft ball, weight lifting, or racket ball. Or perhaps you drive a motorcycle which could have dire consequences if you get into an accident. Maybe you smoke cigarettes, weed or cigars.

Most things we do in a day are related to energy and health. Even though government doesn't totally control that yet, look at what DumBama did in relation to both those things: school lunches, closing down tobacco shops all across America, trying to close down coal powered electric plants, increased CAFE standards for cars and trucks in the future, forcing restaurants to post calorie count on every single item they sell.

Don't be silly. I like more efficient appliances, including light bulbs, and better cars, and all that other stuff. I've always wondered what the purpose of all the control you are whining about might be. Do they just like telling people what to do, or is there some specific purpose that they want to accomplish after the overlords succeed in total control?
And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.

Is that what you are trying to say?

In a sense, yes. Think of it this way: how many things do we do in a normal day that is related to energy or health? I'll highlight it in red.

Before you wake up in the morning, your automatic thermostat turns on the heat for your comfort. Your electric alarm clock goes off, and you get up and begin to make breakfast on the stove using natural gas or propane. You decide on bacon and eggs, loaded with salt, fat and other artery clogging compounds that increase your cholesterol. You then rinse off your plate with hot water and put that and your utensils in the dish washer.

Then you get into a nice hot shower, come out, and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then you drive to work, get into the office or shop, and get a cup of coffee and doughnuts before you get started. Lunch time comes around and you drive to Burger King for a whopper combo.

At the end of the day, you drive home, eat dinner, and have a couple of drinks while watching television. Then it's make a sandwich for the evening, and head to bed only to start the day all over again tomorrow.

This is a typical day in America, and I won't even get into sporting activities like soft ball, weight lifting, or racket ball. Or perhaps you drive a motorcycle which could have dire consequences if you get into an accident. Maybe you smoke cigarettes, weed or cigars.

Most things we do in a day are related to energy and health. Even though government doesn't totally control that yet, look at what DumBama did in relation to both those things: school lunches, closing down tobacco shops all across America, trying to close down coal powered electric plants, increased CAFE standards for cars and trucks in the future, forcing restaurants to post calorie count on every single item they sell.

Don't be silly. I like more efficient appliances, including light bulbs, and better cars, and all that other stuff. I've always wondered what the purpose of all the control you are whining about might be. Do they just like telling people what to do, or is there some specific purpose that they want to accomplish after the overlords succeed in total control?

Sure, if they have control of that, they can control your life. They can tell you what you are allowed to eat, what you are allowed to drink, how much time you need to spend exercising, what you must use for transportation, what kind of physical activities you are allowed to be involved in, how much natural gas you're allowed to use, how much electricity you are allowed to use, just any number of things.

And don't say it can't happen here.

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Summoned by the city of Amagasaki one recent morning, Minoru Nogiri, 45, a flower shop owner, found himself lining up to have his waistline measured. With no visible paunch, he seemed to run little risk of being classified as overweight, or metabo, the preferred word in Japan these days.

But because the new state-prescribed limit for male waistlines is a strict 33.5 inches, he had anxiously measured himself at home a couple of days earlier. “I’m on the border,” he said.

Under a national law that came into effect two months ago, companies and local governments must now measure the waistlines of Japanese people between the ages of 40 and 74 as part of their annual checkups. That represents more than 56 million waistlines, or about 44 percent of the entire population.

Those exceeding government limits — 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women, which are identical to thresholds established in 2005 for Japan by the International Diabetes Federation as an easy guideline for identifying health risks — and having a weight-related ailment will be given dieting guidance if after three months they do not lose weight. If necessary, those people will be steered toward further re-education after six more months.

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions
you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Too bad all the data says you and your fellow cultists are alt-reality nutters.

Also too bad that invoking your conspiracy theories even louder won't change that. The science and the data say you're wrong, hence you're wrong.

It is that simple. You can keep wishing really hard, but your wishes won't change reality. You can keep babbling your paranoid conspiracy theories, and it won't change reality. You and your Stalinist cult can even send scientists to the gulag, as Stalin did, and it still won't change reality. The facts are what they are, and they say you're wrong.
And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.

Is that what you are trying to say?

In a sense, yes. Think of it this way: how many things do we do in a normal day that is related to energy or health? I'll highlight it in red.

Before you wake up in the morning, your automatic thermostat turns on the heat for your comfort. Your electric alarm clock goes off, and you get up and begin to make breakfast on the stove using natural gas or propane. You decide on bacon and eggs, loaded with salt, fat and other artery clogging compounds that increase your cholesterol. You then rinse off your plate with hot water and put that and your utensils in the dish washer.

Then you get into a nice hot shower, come out, and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then you drive to work, get into the office or shop, and get a cup of coffee and doughnuts before you get started. Lunch time comes around and you drive to Burger King for a whopper combo.

At the end of the day, you drive home, eat dinner, and have a couple of drinks while watching television. Then it's make a sandwich for the evening, and head to bed only to start the day all over again tomorrow.

This is a typical day in America, and I won't even get into sporting activities like soft ball, weight lifting, or racket ball. Or perhaps you drive a motorcycle which could have dire consequences if you get into an accident. Maybe you smoke cigarettes, weed or cigars.

Most things we do in a day are related to energy and health. Even though government doesn't totally control that yet, look at what DumBama did in relation to both those things: school lunches, closing down tobacco shops all across America, trying to close down coal powered electric plants, increased CAFE standards for cars and trucks in the future, forcing restaurants to post calorie count on every single item they sell.

Don't be silly. I like more efficient appliances, including light bulbs, and better cars, and all that other stuff. I've always wondered what the purpose of all the control you are whining about might be. Do they just like telling people what to do, or is there some specific purpose that they want to accomplish after the overlords succeed in total control?

Sure, if they have control of that, they can control your life. They can tell you what you are allowed to eat, what you are allowed to drink, how much time you need to spend exercising, what you must use for transportation, what kind of physical activities you are allowed to be involved in, how much natural gas you're allowed to use, how much electricity you are allowed to use, just any number of things.

And don't say it can't happen here.

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Summoned by the city of Amagasaki one recent morning, Minoru Nogiri, 45, a flower shop owner, found himself lining up to have his waistline measured. With no visible paunch, he seemed to run little risk of being classified as overweight, or metabo, the preferred word in Japan these days.

But because the new state-prescribed limit for male waistlines is a strict 33.5 inches, he had anxiously measured himself at home a couple of days earlier. “I’m on the border,” he said.

Under a national law that came into effect two months ago, companies and local governments must now measure the waistlines of Japanese people between the ages of 40 and 74 as part of their annual checkups. That represents more than 56 million waistlines, or about 44 percent of the entire population.

Those exceeding government limits — 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women, which are identical to thresholds established in 2005 for Japan by the International Diabetes Federation as an easy guideline for identifying health risks — and having a weight-related ailment will be given dieting guidance if after three months they do not lose weight. If necessary, those people will be steered toward further re-education after six more months.

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

That was the basis of my question. Why would they want to control how much I exercise? What would that do for them?
Appliances? All more efficient now.

If we had listened to these luddites, our economy would be getting reamed by the inefficient technology wasting massive amounts of energy, on top of environmental damage. And we wouldn't be able to sell the US goods in europe an other markets, so exports would be hammered. It's as if the luddites want to destroy both our economy and our environment.
LOL at the name calling then immediately launching into brainwashed tripe. Technology has always moved forward and always will. Government forcing standards ahead of time causes all kinds of problems and we end users take it in the shorts.

Due to CAFE standards I lost a car engine, and my ass. Got stuck in Canada. The engine was too small for the body but GM stuck it in there to meet government regulations.

Appliances for the most part are not made to last. You can find refrigerators from the 50s still plugging along. My HE Samsung washing machine died. Sure it used less water but when I replaced it with a Speed Queen, made the old fashioned way, I discovered it took twice as long. I use more water per load now but do it in half the time. Electricity costs money too.

Save your lecture for your fellow drones.

In my house that I just inherited from my mother is a Wizard refrigerator that was built in 1957. It had NEVER been serviced. Not bad for a 60 year-old refrigerator.

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