Heating and AC , You're screwed

In a sense, yes. Think of it this way: how many things do we do in a normal day that is related to energy or health? I'll highlight it in red.

Before you wake up in the morning, your automatic thermostat turns on the heat for your comfort. Your electric alarm clock goes off, and you get up and begin to make breakfast on the stove using natural gas or propane. You decide on bacon and eggs, loaded with salt, fat and other artery clogging compounds that increase your cholesterol. You then rinse off your plate with hot water and put that and your utensils in the dish washer.

Then you get into a nice hot shower, come out, and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then you drive to work, get into the office or shop, and get a cup of coffee and doughnuts before you get started. Lunch time comes around and you drive to Burger King for a whopper combo.

At the end of the day, you drive home, eat dinner, and have a couple of drinks while watching television. Then it's make a sandwich for the evening, and head to bed only to start the day all over again tomorrow.

This is a typical day in America, and I won't even get into sporting activities like soft ball, weight lifting, or racket ball. Or perhaps you drive a motorcycle which could have dire consequences if you get into an accident. Maybe you smoke cigarettes, weed or cigars.

Most things we do in a day are related to energy and health. Even though government doesn't totally control that yet, look at what DumBama did in relation to both those things: school lunches, closing down tobacco shops all across America, trying to close down coal powered electric plants, increased CAFE standards for cars and trucks in the future, forcing restaurants to post calorie count on every single item they sell.
Coal powered electric plants should be closed down.

And thousands of people across China and India, and Africa, will all die. But you know what is best for the planet.... poor people dying.
Almost all of the democrats environmental policies can be linked to their desired genocide of the poor in third world countries.....
DDT would be an example of attempted conservative butchery in the third world.

Because of mass agricultural spraying, mosquitoes were becoming resistant to DDT. Liberals stopped that. Mosquitoes thus did not become resistant, DDT still worked against them for malaria control, and that's how liberals stopped millions of malaria deaths.

Butchers like Owebo have never forgiven us for that. Most conservatives feel the same. Most of them will proudly announce how they despise the liberal DDT policies that prevented those millions of malaria deaths. TheParty commands them to hate all liberal policies, especially the most successful ones.

Conservative PC ignorance of science and the environment is not harmless. It would kill millions, if given the chance. Given the choice between admitting they were wrong and killing millions, most conservatives would choose to kill millions.

Owebo, just how many millions dead would it take to slake your bloodlust?

I vote for genocide of all mosquitoes. :death:
DDT would be an example of attempted conservative butchery in the third world.

Because of mass agricultural spraying, mosquitoes were becoming resistant to DDT. Liberals stopped that. Mosquitoes thus did not become resistant, DDT still worked against them for malaria control, and that's how liberals stopped millions of malaria deaths.

Butchers like Owebo have never forgiven us for that. Most conservatives feel the same. Most of them will proudly announce how they despise the liberal DDT policies that prevented those millions of malaria deaths. TheParty commands them to hate all liberal policies, especially the most successful ones.

Conservative PC ignorance of science and the environment is not harmless. It would kill millions, if given the chance. Given the choice between admitting they were wrong and killing millions, most conservatives would choose to kill millions.

Owebo, just how many millions dead would it take to slake your bloodlust?

I vote for genocide of all mosquitoes. :death:

Who would miss them????
DDT would be an example of attempted conservative butchery in the third world.

Because of mass agricultural spraying, mosquitoes were becoming resistant to DDT. Liberals stopped that. Mosquitoes thus did not become resistant, DDT still worked against them for malaria control, and that's how liberals stopped millions of malaria deaths.

Butchers like Owebo have never forgiven us for that. Most conservatives feel the same. Most of them will proudly announce how they despise the liberal DDT policies that prevented those millions of malaria deaths. TheParty commands them to hate all liberal policies, especially the most successful ones.

Conservative PC ignorance of science and the environment is not harmless. It would kill millions, if given the chance. Given the choice between admitting they were wrong and killing millions, most conservatives would choose to kill millions.

Owebo, just how many millions dead would it take to slake your bloodlust?

I vote for genocide of all mosquitoes. :death:
oir resident fascist cat lady mamooth supports genocide of the poor under the guise of protecting the environment........
DDT would be an example of attempted conservative butchery in the third world.

Because of mass agricultural spraying, mosquitoes were becoming resistant to DDT. Liberals stopped that. Mosquitoes thus did not become resistant, DDT still worked against them for malaria control, and that's how liberals stopped millions of malaria deaths.

Butchers like Owebo have never forgiven us for that. Most conservatives feel the same. Most of them will proudly announce how they despise the liberal DDT policies that prevented those millions of malaria deaths. TheParty commands them to hate all liberal policies, especially the most successful ones.

Conservative PC ignorance of science and the environment is not harmless. It would kill millions, if given the chance. Given the choice between admitting they were wrong and killing millions, most conservatives would choose to kill millions.

Owebo, just how many millions dead would it take to slake your bloodlust?

I vote for genocide of all mosquitoes. :death:

Who would miss them????

Nobody or no critter. Not at all.
120,708,446 people have been murderd to date thanks to your draconian environmental regulations on DDT....

So like I said, you don't care that your DDT policies would kill millions. Liberals backed those polices, so you want them gone, even though you know millions would die.

Conservative ignorance is as immoral as genocide, being it tends to have the same effects.

Says the guy who supports people dying continually to Malaria that could easily be contained. Malaria has killed a million people a year for a decade. Only in recent years have the numbers of deaths dropped dramatically, and only with hundreds of billions in research and funding.

In truth, Malaria could have been dramatically reduced decades ago, with DDT.

You claim we're ignorant, and this is immoral, when you openly support tens of millions of people dying, for the sake of your stupid policies? You are the immoral one. Millions died because of your... not ignorance.... arrogant self-righteous evil. I'll take being ignorant, over being like you ANY DAY.
My guess is that few people even know that you can eat DDT for years without any ill effects.

Know what an LD50 is? DDT has one. 5-10 grams will kill an adult. So, would you like to eat some now?

The banning of the cheap, effect insecticide has also cost MILLIONS OF LIVES.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

It wasn't banned, dumbass. Damn, you people are stupid. You conservative cult fuktards simply have no idea of what you're babbling about. Your cult feeds you these insane stories, and you BELIEVE without question, being the good cultists you are.

Used properly it is harmless to humans, other animals and birds.

And it wasn't used properly. That's the point. Holy shit, you people are stupid. Criminally stupid, being your stupidity would kill so many people.
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My guess is that few people even know that you can eat DDT for years without any ill effects.

Know what an LD50 is? DDT has one. 5-10 grams will kill an adult. So, would you like to eat some now?

The banning of the cheap, effect insecticide has also cost MILLIONS OF LIVES.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

It wasn't banned, dumbass. Damn, you people are stupid. You conservative cult fuktards simply have no idea of what you're babbling about. Your cult feeds you these insane story, and you BELIEVE without question, being the good cultists you are.

Used properly it is harmless to humans, other animals and birds.

And it wasn't used properly. That's the point. Holy shit, you people are stupid. Criminally stupid, being your stupidity would kill so many people.
Over 120 million poor people you murdered.....
My guess is that few people even know that you can eat DDT for years without any ill effects.

Know what an LD50 is? DDT has one. 5-10 grams will kill an adult. So, would you like to eat some now?

The banning of the cheap, effect insecticide has also cost MILLIONS OF LIVES.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

It wasn't banned, dumbass. Damn, you people are stupid. You conservative cult fuktards simply have no idea of what you're babbling about. Your cult feeds you these insane story, and you BELIEVE without question, being the good cultists you are.

Used properly it is harmless to humans, other animals and birds.

And it wasn't used properly. That's the point. Holy shit, you people are stupid. Criminally stupid, being your stupidity would kill so many people.
Over 120 million poor people you murdered.....

And please link me to the Lowes I can purchase it at here...thanks...
And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.

Is that what you are trying to say?

In a sense, yes. Think of it this way: how many things do we do in a normal day that is related to energy or health? I'll highlight it in red.

Before you wake up in the morning, your automatic thermostat turns on the heat for your comfort. Your electric alarm clock goes off, and you get up and begin to make breakfast on the stove using natural gas or propane. You decide on bacon and eggs, loaded with salt, fat and other artery clogging compounds that increase your cholesterol. You then rinse off your plate with hot water and put that and your utensils in the dish washer.

Then you get into a nice hot shower, come out, and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then you drive to work, get into the office or shop, and get a cup of coffee and doughnuts before you get started. Lunch time comes around and you drive to Burger King for a whopper combo.

At the end of the day, you drive home, eat dinner, and have a couple of drinks while watching television. Then it's make a sandwich for the evening, and head to bed only to start the day all over again tomorrow.

This is a typical day in America, and I won't even get into sporting activities like soft ball, weight lifting, or racket ball. Or perhaps you drive a motorcycle which could have dire consequences if you get into an accident. Maybe you smoke cigarettes, weed or cigars.

Most things we do in a day are related to energy and health. Even though government doesn't totally control that yet, look at what DumBama did in relation to both those things: school lunches, closing down tobacco shops all across America, trying to close down coal powered electric plants, increased CAFE standards for cars and trucks in the future, forcing restaurants to post calorie count on every single item they sell.

Don't be silly. I like more efficient appliances, including light bulbs, and better cars, and all that other stuff. I've always wondered what the purpose of all the control you are whining about might be. Do they just like telling people what to do, or is there some specific purpose that they want to accomplish after the overlords succeed in total control?

Newsflash: They want to control all the resources.
Water, food. They gotcha at that. Heaven help you if they get your internet.

Picture a world with only hotpockets to eat and paid for bottled water to drink. This is what they want.

They don't want somebody that can dip their hand in a stream to drink, and is capable of killing and roasting a Moose.

That kind of individual does not not fit into their gameplan.
Almost all of the democrats environmental policies can be linked to their desired genocide of the poor in third world countries.....
Your FOS there. It was the American terrorists known as the PNAC, that drew a target on the poor of third world countries.
We are actually bidding on engineering for several new ones.....sadness on you and your Envirofascism...
Maybe you should be bidding on sustainable energy projects.

Oh, since you brought that up. I personally saw 1000 acres planted with sorghum from the Obama "stimulus" "biofuel" thing.

It was planted and left to rot. The next person that leased the land had to plow under 1000 acres of sorghum. Tell me more about that "Sustainable energy"

What to look for to avoid:"Sustainable" it really means "Whackadoodle" It means UN globalist bovine feces. The End.
In truth, Malaria could have been dramatically reduced decades ago, with DDT.

And it was, thanks to the liberals. And you hate us for saving those millions.

DDT wasn't banned. It has been constantly in use for malaria control, with the blessing of liberals. You're babbling cult conspiracy fables.

You claim we're ignorant, and this is immoral,

Claim? I point it out. it is the absolute truth. You're ignorant of the topic, and your ignorance would kill millions if you were allowed to implement it.

when you openly support tens of millions of people dying, for the sake of your stupid policies?

The whole planet has said you're full of shit on this topic for over 50 years now.

It's not because of some socialist conspiracy. It's because you _are_ full of shit. You're not brave souls who know the RealTruth. You're brainwashed cult bleaters who haven swallowed idiot propaganda.

You are the immoral one. Millions died because of your... not ignorance.... arrogant self-righteous evil. I'll take being ignorant, over being like you ANY DAY.

I'm not the genocidal maniac demanding that DDT be used for mass agricultural spraying, which would lead to resistant mosquitoes, which would lead to malaria deaths. That's you and your murderous crew here.

Now that I've explained the science to you again, will you still demand policies that will kill millions? If you do so, it makes you an evil human being. You'd literally rather kill millions than admit you were wrong.
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In truth, Malaria could have been dramatically reduced decades ago, with DDT.

And it was, thanks to the liberals. And you hate us for saving those millions.

DDT wasn't banned. It has been constantly in use for malaria control, with the blessing of liberals. You babbling kook cult conspiracy fables.

You claim we're ignorant, and this is immoral,

Claim? I point it out. it is the absolute truth. You're ignorant of the topic, and your ignorance would kill millions if you were allowed to implement it.

when you openly support tens of millions of people dying, for the sake of your stupid policies?

The whole planet has said you're full of shit on this topic for over 50 years now?

It's not because of some socialist conspiracy. It's because you _are_ full of shit. You're not brave souls who know the RealTruth. You're brainwashed cult bleaters who haven swallowed idiot propaganda.

You are the immoral one. Millions died because of your... not ignorance.... arrogant self-righteous evil. I'll take being ignorant, over being like you ANY DAY.

I'm not the genocidal maniac demanding that DDT be used for mass agricultural spraying, which would lead to resistant mosquitoes, which would lead to malaria deaths. That's you and your murderous crew here.

Now that I've explained the science to you again, will you still demand policies that will kill millions? If you do so, it makes you an evil human being. You'd literally rather kill millions than admit you were wrong.

No? You're lying.DDT is banned. where can i get ddt? - Google Search

Oh, since you brought that up. I personally saw 1000 acres planted with sorghum from the Obama "stimulus" "biofuel" thing.

It was planted and left to rot. The next person that leased the land had to plow under 1000 acres of sorghum. Tell me more about that "Sustainable energy"

What to look for to avoid:"Sustainable" it really means "Whackadoodle" It means UN globalist bovine feces. The End.
It was probably left to rot because during the Obama Administration, republicans did everything they could to grid lock government to the point where Washington couldn't do the things they were elected to do.
Oh, since you brought that up. I personally saw 1000 acres planted with sorghum from the Obama "stimulus" "biofuel" thing.

It was planted and left to rot. The next person that leased the land had to plow under 1000 acres of sorghum. Tell me more about that "Sustainable energy"

What to look for to avoid:"Sustainable" it really means "Whackadoodle" It means UN globalist bovine feces. The End.
It was probably left to rot because during the Obama Administration, republicans did everything they could to grid lock government to the point where Washington couldn't do the things they were elected to do.
No guy, it's because the biofuel thing was a scam and a big money handout to Obama's buddies who disappeared into the woodwork like the worms they are. All the Biofuel stuff failed and went bankrupt. You need to keep up.

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