Heating and AC , You're screwed

And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

It's much more than 5%, and if you're going to question where they get their money from, you better question why the politicians wish this global warming hoax was real.

Politicians (particularly from the left) have been trying to gain more control over the people of this country for many years. They've come quite a ways, but they don't have total control thanks to conservatives and our US Constitution.

There are two entities preventing them from total control, and those two things are energy and healthcare. Once they have control over those two things, they will have total control over the people, and that's why Democrats are trying so hard to get this control.

So you can offer them the freedoms we have left by buying into this global warming nonsense, or you can resist and preserve freedom for the people of the future.

Is that what you are trying to say?

In a sense, yes. Think of it this way: how many things do we do in a normal day that is related to energy or health? I'll highlight it in red.

Before you wake up in the morning, your automatic thermostat turns on the heat for your comfort. Your electric alarm clock goes off, and you get up and begin to make breakfast on the stove using natural gas or propane. You decide on bacon and eggs, loaded with salt, fat and other artery clogging compounds that increase your cholesterol. You then rinse off your plate with hot water and put that and your utensils in the dish washer.

Then you get into a nice hot shower, come out, and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then you drive to work, get into the office or shop, and get a cup of coffee and doughnuts before you get started. Lunch time comes around and you drive to Burger King for a whopper combo.

At the end of the day, you drive home, eat dinner, and have a couple of drinks while watching television. Then it's make a sandwich for the evening, and head to bed only to start the day all over again tomorrow.

This is a typical day in America, and I won't even get into sporting activities like soft ball, weight lifting, or racket ball. Or perhaps you drive a motorcycle which could have dire consequences if you get into an accident. Maybe you smoke cigarettes, weed or cigars.

Most things we do in a day are related to energy and health. Even though government doesn't totally control that yet, look at what DumBama did in relation to both those things: school lunches, closing down tobacco shops all across America, trying to close down coal powered electric plants, increased CAFE standards for cars and trucks in the future, forcing restaurants to post calorie count on every single item they sell.

Don't be silly. I like more efficient appliances, including light bulbs, and better cars, and all that other stuff. I've always wondered what the purpose of all the control you are whining about might be. Do they just like telling people what to do, or is there some specific purpose that they want to accomplish after the overlords succeed in total control?

Newsflash: They want to control all the resources.
Water, food. They gotcha at that. Heaven help you if they get your internet.

Picture a world with only hotpockets to eat and paid for bottled water to drink. This is what they want.

They don't want somebody that can dip their hand in a stream to drink, and is capable of killing and roasting a Moose.

That kind of individual does not not fit into their gameplan.

That's funny. Hot pockets and bottled water are taking our freedom. I don't think I've ever tasted roast moose.
Ice age, global warming, hole in the ozone, deformed frogs, the spotted owl, the delta smelt, the left have a long history of making shit up to further their agenda and attack their enemies, mostly corporations.

Meanwhile the left spills hundreds of millions of gallons of toxic human sewage into public waterways from their inner cities and its total crickets.
Ice age, global warming, hole in the ozone, deformed frogs, the spotted owl, the delta smelt, the left have a long history of making shit up to further their agenda and attack their enemies, mostly corporations.

Meanwhile the left spills hundreds of millions of gallons of toxic human sewage into public waterways from their inner cities and its total crickets.
And they punish us.....the EPA as we know it needs to be eliminated....
No guy, it's because the biofuel thing was a scam and a big money handout to Obama's buddies who disappeared into the woodwork like the worms they are.

Your answer to everything is "conspiracy!".

You're not a rugged individualist. You're a cultist, on his knees bleating mantras in unison with all the other cultists. We free men can only pity you.
You aren't free and you aren't a man.
It's your cult....if you're going to private high school, you may learn about it.....

I can't be a cultist, as the whole planet agrees with me.

You, you're part of tiny fringe group that holds reality-defying beliefs, so you're kind of a cultist by definition.

If you're confused, go upstairs and ask your mom to explain it.
No, you are not the spokesperson for Earth. Global socialism is being hammered hard but not all Earthlings are onboard, sorry. Come up with some evidence instead of beating your tiny chest.

Taking care of our environment is one thing, anyone with any sense wants to. Technology is the answer, we do much better than third world countries and government can help BUT what people like you can't see is that artificially mandating regulations based on your belief system has unintended negative consequences.
It's your cult....if you're going to private high school, you may learn about it.....

I can't be a cultist, as the whole planet agrees with me.

You, you're part of tiny fringe group that holds reality-defying beliefs, so you're kind of a cultist by definition.

If you're confused, go upstairs and ask your mom to explain it.
No, you are not the spokesperson for Earth. Global socialism is being hammered hard but not all Earthlings are onboard, sorry. Come up with some evidence instead of beating your tiny chest.

Taking care of our environment is one thing, anyone with any sense wants to. Technology is the answer, we do much better than third world countries and government can help BUT what people like you can't see is that artificially mandating regulations based on your belief system has unintended negative consequences.
Conservatives are far better at protecting the environment.....
You believe in MMGW too...don't you...:lol:

You shouldn't use cult lingo like "MMGW". That's a dead giveaway of your cult affiliation. It makes normal people twirl a finger around their ear and walk away.

I don't really have to ask about which particular conspiracy theories you believe in. Hardcore members of the fringe right extremist cult have a standard list of conspiracy theories that they're required to swear fealty to. You don't have the brains or balls to break with your cult in any way, so you're going to parrot them all.
Is that a fancy way of saying that you're a leftist traitor who needs a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you?
Newsflash: They want to control all the resources.
Water, food. They gotcha at that. Heaven help you if they get your internet.

Picture a world with only hotpockets to eat and paid for bottled water to drink. This is what they want.

They don't want somebody that can dip their hand in a stream to drink, and is capable of killing and roasting a Moose.

That kind of individual does not not fit into their gameplan.
Who is this "they" people?
Newsflash: They want to control all the resources.
Water, food. They gotcha at that. Heaven help you if they get your internet.

Picture a world with only hotpockets to eat and paid for bottled water to drink. This is what they want.

They don't want somebody that can dip their hand in a stream to drink, and is capable of killing and roasting a Moose.

That kind of individual does not not fit into their gameplan.
Who is this "they" people?

The man! :badgrin: They want eveybody in the inner cities.

Seriously, it's the UN globalist movement.

They even have a system for screwing American citizens out of being represented at the town level with their organization called ICLEI. Vet your local politicians closely.



Articles: UN Agenda 21 - Coming to a Neighborhood near You

Sustainable Development | IISD



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What's wrong with that? Do you just want to be a selfish leech, wasting energy and resources because you fucking feel like it?

That one is psycho talk.

That's right wing fear mongering.

What's wrong with that?
What's wrong with that? Do you just want to be a selfish leech, wasting energy and resources because you fucking feel like it?

That one is psycho talk.

That's right wing fear mongering.

What's wrong with that?
Wait....wasting resources? I thought it was about MMGW? You fascist liberals are kooks....:lol:
What's wrong with that? Do you just want to be a selfish leech, wasting energy and resources because you fucking feel like it?

That one is psycho talk.

That's right wing fear mongering.

What's wrong with that?

Missouri Legislature Bans UN Agenda 21

Alabama To Agenda 21: Get Lost

It's a real thing, they've by and large been beaten back already.

Doesn't mean they won't keep trying.

For instance, pushing unrealistically efficient HVAC mandates.
In a sense, yes. Think of it this way: how many things do we do in a normal day that is related to energy or health? I'll highlight it in red.

Before you wake up in the morning, your automatic thermostat turns on the heat for your comfort. Your electric alarm clock goes off, and you get up and begin to make breakfast on the stove using natural gas or propane. You decide on bacon and eggs, loaded with salt, fat and other artery clogging compounds that increase your cholesterol. You then rinse off your plate with hot water and put that and your utensils in the dish washer.

Then you get into a nice hot shower, come out, and dry your hair with a hair dryer. Then you drive to work, get into the office or shop, and get a cup of coffee and doughnuts before you get started. Lunch time comes around and you drive to Burger King for a whopper combo.

At the end of the day, you drive home, eat dinner, and have a couple of drinks while watching television. Then it's make a sandwich for the evening, and head to bed only to start the day all over again tomorrow.

This is a typical day in America, and I won't even get into sporting activities like soft ball, weight lifting, or racket ball. Or perhaps you drive a motorcycle which could have dire consequences if you get into an accident. Maybe you smoke cigarettes, weed or cigars.

Most things we do in a day are related to energy and health. Even though government doesn't totally control that yet, look at what DumBama did in relation to both those things: school lunches, closing down tobacco shops all across America, trying to close down coal powered electric plants, increased CAFE standards for cars and trucks in the future, forcing restaurants to post calorie count on every single item they sell.

Don't be silly. I like more efficient appliances, including light bulbs, and better cars, and all that other stuff. I've always wondered what the purpose of all the control you are whining about might be. Do they just like telling people what to do, or is there some specific purpose that they want to accomplish after the overlords succeed in total control?

Sure, if they have control of that, they can control your life. They can tell you what you are allowed to eat, what you are allowed to drink, how much time you need to spend exercising, what you must use for transportation, what kind of physical activities you are allowed to be involved in, how much natural gas you're allowed to use, how much electricity you are allowed to use, just any number of things.

And don't say it can't happen here.

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Summoned by the city of Amagasaki one recent morning, Minoru Nogiri, 45, a flower shop owner, found himself lining up to have his waistline measured. With no visible paunch, he seemed to run little risk of being classified as overweight, or metabo, the preferred word in Japan these days.

But because the new state-prescribed limit for male waistlines is a strict 33.5 inches, he had anxiously measured himself at home a couple of days earlier. “I’m on the border,” he said.

Under a national law that came into effect two months ago, companies and local governments must now measure the waistlines of Japanese people between the ages of 40 and 74 as part of their annual checkups. That represents more than 56 million waistlines, or about 44 percent of the entire population.

Those exceeding government limits — 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women, which are identical to thresholds established in 2005 for Japan by the International Diabetes Federation as an easy guideline for identifying health risks — and having a weight-related ailment will be given dieting guidance if after three months they do not lose weight. If necessary, those people will be steered toward further re-education after six more months.

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

That was the basis of my question. Why would they want to control how much I exercise? What would that do for them?

It creates dependency. If you need X, you better vote Democrat to get it. If Democrats were ever in a position of total power, then if you want healthcare, you better not smoke. If you want healthcare, you better not eat fast food. If you want energy, you better vote Democrat to get it. If you want to have personal transportation instead of taking public, you better buy an electric car.

Michelle Obama decided to rule over school lunches. Kids were throwing away their meals and hitting the candy machine, so she took that away too. In hindsight, do you really believe that Democrats gave a damn if you had health insurance or not? No, they just needed Commie Care to create more government dependents (20 million new dependents) because government dependents generally vote Democrat. Foreigners? All people of color vote Democrat by majority, so their goal is to make the white race the new minority as quickly as possible. It would insure them that we become a single-party nation.

It's Thunderdome. When you depend on government for everything, then you will vote for more government to get it. Any government large enough to give you everything you want is large enough to take everything away.

I see your point, but that didn't answer the question. Do you think healthier children and high efficiency light bulbs are going to eliminate all white people?

No, but it's not governments business to dictate what our children are eating, playing with, how much sleep they get, or any other decision a parent is supposed to make. Government doesn't belong at your dining room table every evening having dinner with the family.

So how have these lightbulbs changed your life? My life? The country as a whole? On one hand they want to mandate what lightbulbs we use to save a fraction of energy, but then want us to drive around in electric cars that use a ton of electricity.

The Democrat party does not want to eliminate white people--just make us powerless for political reasons. Many whites realize this and that's one of the reasons Trump is our President. The surrender--first whites might realize this later on, but perhaps by that time, it will be too late.
I didn't even realize...

I guess this January the government , with their "efficiency" BS , made 14 SEER heating and air conditioning the minimum which can be sold in the U.S.

One of the manufacturers told us they are barley scraping by making 14 SEER equipment, if the government raises the minimum to 15 SEER (which I think they are already planning to do) then we're talking about high efficiency motors. In my area high efficiency motors average $1500.

The high efficiency equipment designers have a habit of placing several circuit boards into one system. circuit boards are $400 to $800. Many go out without any reason.

Like everything else, the government is going to save you 5 bucks on your monthly bill , but send the money back to the economy with high repair costs.

By-the-way, I heard something about a new refrigerant for cars, R1234 , currently selling for $1000 per jug

Tell me about it. I've just done a project for a client to improve the Heat Strip efficiency that's used for "emergency back-up".. And I KNOW that my 12 Seer bottom floor unit is completely fagged out anytime it's below freezing out. Nothing like Govt logic of making fans/compressors run ALL DAY by lowering the energy used.. :cuckoo:

Below 30 degF outside, the unit runs CONSTANTLY and loses ground until the 10KWatt electric heat strips finally kick in and suck the juice right out of the power company..

It's madness. Sheer madness. With a little bit of fraud and hubris mixed in... .
Wear more clothes, that will help the clothing industry...
No guy, it's because the biofuel thing was a scam and a big money handout to Obama's buddies who disappeared into the woodwork like the worms they are. All the Biofuel stuff failed and went bankrupt. You need to keep up.
What do you think is going to happen when we pass peak oil?

That is many, many years down the road and by then, we will be using a different kind of fuel. What that might be we do not know, but it has to come at it's own time.
I didn't even realize...

I guess this January the government , with their "efficiency" BS , made 14 SEER heating and air conditioning the minimum which can be sold in the U.S.

One of the manufacturers told us they are barley scraping by making 14 SEER equipment, if the government raises the minimum to 15 SEER (which I think they are already planning to do) then we're talking about high efficiency motors. In my area high efficiency motors average $1500.

The high efficiency equipment designers have a habit of placing several circuit boards into one system. circuit boards are $400 to $800. Many go out without any reason.

Like everything else, the government is going to save you 5 bucks on your monthly bill , but send the money back to the economy with high repair costs.

By-the-way, I heard something about a new refrigerant for cars, R1234 , currently selling for $1000 per jug

Tell me about it. I've just done a project for a client to improve the Heat Strip efficiency that's used for "emergency back-up".. And I KNOW that my 12 Seer bottom floor unit is completely fagged out anytime it's below freezing out. Nothing like Govt logic of making fans/compressors run ALL DAY by lowering the energy used.. :cuckoo:

Below 30 degF outside, the unit runs CONSTANTLY and loses ground until the 10KWatt electric heat strips finally kick in and suck the juice right out of the power company..

It's madness. Sheer madness. With a little bit of fraud and hubris mixed in... .
Wear more clothes, that will help the clothing industry...
Your depends are made in Pennsylvania....
I didn't even realize...

I guess this January the government , with their "efficiency" BS , made 14 SEER heating and air conditioning the minimum which can be sold in the U.S.

One of the manufacturers told us they are barley scraping by making 14 SEER equipment, if the government raises the minimum to 15 SEER (which I think they are already planning to do) then we're talking about high efficiency motors. In my area high efficiency motors average $1500.

The high efficiency equipment designers have a habit of placing several circuit boards into one system. circuit boards are $400 to $800. Many go out without any reason.

Like everything else, the government is going to save you 5 bucks on your monthly bill , but send the money back to the economy with high repair costs.

By-the-way, I heard something about a new refrigerant for cars, R1234 , currently selling for $1000 per jug

Tell me about it. I've just done a project for a client to improve the Heat Strip efficiency that's used for "emergency back-up".. And I KNOW that my 12 Seer bottom floor unit is completely fagged out anytime it's below freezing out. Nothing like Govt logic of making fans/compressors run ALL DAY by lowering the energy used.. :cuckoo:

Below 30 degF outside, the unit runs CONSTANTLY and loses ground until the 10KWatt electric heat strips finally kick in and suck the juice right out of the power company..

It's madness. Sheer madness. With a little bit of fraud and hubris mixed in... .
Wear more clothes, that will help the clothing industry...
Your depends are made in Pennsylvania....
It depends..

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