Heaven has a wall, a gate, & extreme vetting to get in

Except Heaven isn't real, so there's that.....

You could prove it...so there's that.

I won't wait for it...you can't

Prove Santa Clause isn’t real.

I won’t wait for it... you can’t

Yo doofus I never claimed he was. That was weak...even for your limited skills

How so? Both are absurd beliefs, yet you gleefully except one as truth, but not the other, despite evidence of neither
Except Heaven isn't real, so there's that.....

You could prove it...so there's that.

I won't wait for it...you can't

Prove Santa Clause isn’t real.

I won’t wait for it... you can’t

Yo doofus I never claimed he was. That was weak...even for your limited skills

How so? Both are absurd beliefs, yet you gleefully except one as truth, but not the other, despite evidence of neither

Absurd to you and guess what? I don't give a shit. Stop making statements you can't prove. Its fucking stupid.

I could not care less what you believe or don't believe. There lies your problem. It's all about faith tolerate it and if not shove off
God knows one's heart

So, does that mean that BP agents know what is in the hearts of people trying to get into this country?

No, you made a comment and I schooled you. Immigration into this nation and entrance to heaven is apple and oranges. A silly comparison but it gives you loons a chance to bash religion so carry on

I prefer to bash you fake religious folks who cherry pick the Bible to justify your various bigotry .

Thank you Timmy. I am blessed now.

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."

Just saying . The cons in this board are terrible people . Y'all think you are going to heaven!?! Lol!
Uh...Timmy I am no con, but I am a Christian. Please keep talking shit about us Christians, as we like being blessed.

May the Lord my God be with you.
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I think the OP is in need of a brief bible study. In Revelation 21, the seer is shown the New Jerusalem (the OP called it "heaven", but the bible never calls it that, but whatever). In Revelation 21:25, we read this: "In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed"!
One of those horrible stories of child molestation was in the news one time in particular. This particular one came a few days after a discussion with a friend. We had argued about who gets into heaven.

My position then, and since I was very young was the same. I don’t get to decide it. Who God lets in is up to God. God can use whatever standard He chooses to use. The one thing I am sure of is I do not get a vote.

My friend asked if I thought this Child Molester would serve eternity in Hell. I answered I did not know. He demanded to know why I thought God might let him in, and I answered that God decided and that was fine with me.

I turned the question around. Let’s say you get to Heaven, and there is a room where everyone is playing Bridge. At one table sits Adolph Hilter, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao. Four of the worst mass murderers in History. Four men who are what we think of when we say Evil. Four men who are literally the embodiment of everything that good and decent people stand against. Yet, they are in Heaven.

Are you going to stomp over to God and demand to know what the hell he was thinking letting them in? What could you say? “God, do you know what those men did?”

Yes, God knows. I don’t know if it is still said. I know it was for a long time. We used to say words to the convicted when we sentenced them to death. We used to say. “May God have mercy on your soul.”

Those words indicate the truth. We have judgement over what happens on this plane. We decide what punishment the mortal being shall suffer in punishment for the crimes against man. But we have no authority over the next plane. We have no authority over what God does.

You may imagine that God’s immigration policy is tough. I believe that God uses mercy. God so loved us that he gave us his only Son. Sacrificed his own offspring to fulfill the prophecy He had given us.

All I know from Revelations, is that 144,000 will get God’s own seal. These are Jews, God’s chosen. Then a multitude too numerous to be counted will enter.

God has His wisdom. He does not need my paltry offering. God has His judgement. He does not answer to me. I am the one who answers.

God does not need to live up to your expectations. God is not a puppet for you to manipulate. I will never say that someone will or will not be granted entrance, or denied entrance into the Heaven many of us believe exists. I trust God to do what God believes is right.

In all my life. I have held two truths absolutely. 1) There is a God. 2) I am not God. I don’t play God in my dreams, or fantasies. I have no desire to do so. I have never understood the desire of so many to play the part of the Divine. It is one thing among many that I will never do.

EDITED for a type.
REAL christians are on the right side of immigration!

Quick question for the OP..................how extreme is the vetting REALLY, if a person can be a sinner all their life, then when they are about to die, ask for forgiveness, and then they are let in?

That would be like a terrorist who had been a member of AQ all their life coming to the US, and then saying they want forgiveness and renounce Islam, and we let them in.

Sorry, but that is a pretty piss poor example.

I think that Jesus might be pissed if He heard you say something like that. Isn't Heaven and God and Jesus all about forgiveness?

God knows one's heart

So, does that mean that BP agents know what is in the hearts of people trying to get into this country?

No, you made a comment and I schooled you. Immigration into this nation and entrance to heaven is apple and oranges. A silly comparison but it gives you loons a chance to bash religion so carry on

Yo...............Bitchy Irish Ass................if you had read the OP and understood that they were the first one to make the comparison of entrance to Heaven with immigration to this country, then you would have understood that in my post I was mocking them. You can use the "Click to expand" button at the bottom of the post and you can re-read the whole conversation if you are still confused.

But, I expect you won't do that, because it would require you to admit you'd made a mistake. What I do expect is another of your inane insults.
Except Heaven isn't real, so there's that.....

It's real and it's right here :

P.S. My God is cooler than your God.

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