Heaven has gates, walls, so why does Biden think America is better than heaven???

Remember when Biden said this?
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The above was Biden in 2019 campaign when he was seeking votes... and guess what?
his encouragement to "Surge to the border" WORKED!

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So Biden says NO WALLS... NO GATES....
YET...we've been told as Christians that... Heaven's gates!
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Who keeps invading Heaven?
Who keeps invading Heaven?
You certainly remind me of Emily Litella is a fictional character created and performed by comedian Gilda Radner in a series of appearances on Saturday Night Live
You are the classic Emily Litella!
What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!
The news anchor would interrupt Litella to point out her error, along the lines, "That's death penalty, Ms. Litella, not deaf ... death."[4] Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different," then meekly turn to the camera and say, smiling, "Never mind!"
What is ironic is Emily Litella was a fictional character... YOU on the other hand are for REAL!
You are certainly the iconic "Never mind" lady!
Penn and Teller hired some illegals once to build a section of wall. Then that evening they had the same illegals show how to beat it.

It took them less than 3 minutes to do it by going under, through or over it.
The Chinese found out walls don't work 800 years ago. But republicans believe they know better.
Penn and Teller hired some illegals once to build a section of wall. Then that evening they had the same illegals show how to beat it.

It took them less than 3 minutes to do it by going under, through or over it.
Tell that to the 6,200,000 that Biden encouraged to ILLEGALLY enter the USA.
Oh and by the way YOU and your ilk are just as guilty as Biden for encouraging people to break the law!
My relatives spent 2 years, a lot of their time to become LEGAL citizens from Ukraine. And they are like me pissed at people like you that are so ignorant of the law abiding people like my relatives that took the time to become citizens LEGALLY while dummies like you and "surge to the border" Biden ENCOURAGE law breakers!
The Chinese found out walls don't work 800 years ago. But republicans believe they know better.
Tell me Dummy... why do you make dumb ass lies as you did without checking first the FACTS?

Did the Great Wall of China Work?
The answer is “Yes”.
The Great Wall was effective to some extent in warding off the invasion of nomads from the north.
as early as 7th century BC, the state of Chu began to build the Great Wall in order to resist the threat of northern nomadic people. Although the Great Wall measured approximately 3 - 4 meters (3.3 - 4.4 yards) high at that time, it still managed to delay the assault of the nomads. After Emperor Qin Shihuang unified China, he joined the separate Great Wall sections built by previous states to form a huge complicated frontier defence, resisting the invasion of the northern Huns and consolidating his rule. The Great Wall was also extended during the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD) and continued to protect the land from invasion during most of later dynasties. The Silk Road, an international trading route extending from Xi’an to European countries also found protection within the Great Wall's defence.
The Great Wall of China was a functional military defense system and oversaw a ray of functions including messages and combat strategies.
Delivering messages: The soldiers stationed at the beacon towers transmitted messages by fire or smoke to warn their troops once the enemy was seen approaching.
Defending: The Great Wall is generally located in high terrain, like a military screen to defend the people inside.
Transporting troops and supplies: The wide passages on the top of the wall are beneficial to troop’s movement and supplies’ delivered during battles.
Aggressing and Territory Expansion: Chinese troops relied on the Great Wall to attack the Huns. If they won, they kept advancing and took over the territory of the nomads; if they lost, they returned and sought defense from the Great Wall.

Tell that to the 6,200,000 that Biden encouraged to ILLEGALLY enter the USA.
Oh and by the way YOU and your ilk are just as guilty as Biden for encouraging people to break the law!
My relatives spent 2 years, a lot of their time to become LEGAL citizens from Ukraine. And they are like me pissed at people like you that are so ignorant of the law abiding people like my relatives that took the time to become citizens LEGALLY while dummies like you and "surge to the border" Biden ENCOURAGE law breakers!

Again, our immigration laws are dumb, which is why people are ignoring them, no matter who is in charge.

The only reason why Trump didn't have much worse numbers is Covid scared a lot of people off. No point coming up here when Trump Plague is killing thousands a day.
As usual for a grade school mentality, you quote "scholar postulated"... then use "lack of scholarship" as your response. Your grade-school-attention span is evident.
YOu're changing quotes.

That's against the rules.

It's also dishonest, but you're a republican so it's expected.
You certainly remind me of Emily Litella is a fictional character created and performed by comedian Gilda Radner in a series of appearances on Saturday Night Live
You are the classic Emily Litella!
What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!
The news anchor would interrupt Litella to point out her error, along the lines, "That's death penalty, Ms. Litella, not deaf ... death."[4] Litella would wrinkle her nose, say something like, "Oh, that's very different," then meekly turn to the camera and say, smiling, "Never mind!"
What is ironic is Emily Litella was a fictional character... YOU on the other hand are for REAL!
You are certainly the iconic "Never mind" lady!
I see you have no answer.
YOu're changing quotes.

That's against the rules.

It's also dishonest, but you're a republican so it's expected.
Prove I changed "quotes" in what first? Then prove by making copies of the changes! But be careful... I make a copy of all my entries just because dummies I have to deal with like you CHANGE what you originally say!
So prove to me what I was "dishonest" about? But YOU can't because it never happened!
Prove I changed "quotes" in what first? Then prove by making copies of the changes! But be careful... I make a copy of all my entries just because dummies I have to deal with like you CHANGE what you originally say!
So prove to me what I was "dishonest" about? But YOU can't because it never happened!
Follow the links back.
Um, I have walls around my condo to keep the cold out.

Do you really think that four foot wall in front of Biden's beach house is to keep illegals out?
You dummy! You tell me why Biden had to get walls built around his home?

Tell that to the 6,200,000 that Biden encouraged to ILLEGALLY enter the USA.
Oh and by the way YOU and your ilk are just as guilty as Biden for encouraging people to break the law!
My relatives spent 2 years, a lot of their time to become LEGAL citizens from Ukraine. And they are like me pissed at people like you that are so ignorant of the law abiding people like my relatives that took the time to become citizens LEGALLY while dummies like you and "surge to the border" Biden ENCOURAGE law breakers!
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So when trump secured the border only about 2 million immigrants crossed over. Guess he wasn't that successful in stopping them after all. And I remember his separating children from their parents went over like a lead balloon. Besides all the legal maneuvering to pass borderline fascist laws on immigration.
You dummy! You tell me why Biden had to get walls built around his home?

View attachment 895417
I ' ve never heard of a famous person.who doesn't take measures to.prevent unwanted public exposure.

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