Heavenly Father of Heavenly God?

I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.
One lady had an idea of what transgender bill meant and she was trying to express how she is against it when all of a sudden this other lady had some good insights. But soon her good insights turned into Mental Ward hospital reasonings of how if a person who is using the bathroom with transgendered people because of the Bill that it doesn't make them ALL gay.
I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.
One lady had an idea of what transgender bill meant and she was trying to express how she is against it when all of a sudden this other lady had some good insights. But soon her good insights turned into Mental Ward hospital reasonings of how if a person who is using the bathroom with transgendered people because of the Bill that it doesn't make them ALL gay.
She even said that it could never happen.. That a transgender man could walk into a woman's bathroom and reveal himself and then started defending how it could never happen and then on and on with ideas that didn't make any sense.. So the first lady I was talking to started getting irate at me because I had asked her the question...
I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.
One lady had an idea of what transgender bill meant and she was trying to express how she is against it when all of a sudden this other lady had some good insights. But soon her good insights turned into Mental Ward hospital reasonings of how if a person who is using the bathroom with transgendered people because of the Bill that it doesn't make them ALL gay.
She even said that it could never happen.. That a transgender man could walk into a woman's bathroom and reveal himself and then started defending how it could never happen and then on and on with ideas that didn't make any sense.. So the first lady I was talking to started getting irate at me because I had asked her the question...
and pretty much, the second lady, who was speaking like she just got out of a mental health facility, came out the most understood by everyone around that area...
I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.
One lady had an idea of what transgender bill meant and she was trying to express how she is against it when all of a sudden this other lady had some good insights. But soon her good insights turned into Mental Ward hospital reasonings of how if a person who is using the bathroom with transgendered people because of the Bill that it doesn't make them ALL gay.
She even said that it could never happen.. That a transgender man could walk into a woman's bathroom and reveal himself and then started defending how it could never happen and then on and on with ideas that didn't make any sense.. So the first lady I was talking to started getting irate at me because I had asked her the question...
and pretty much, the second lady, who was speaking like she just got out of a mental health facility, came out the most understood by everyone around that area...
And so I asked her if she was taking any kind of anti psychotic medications and she replied, 'No, I'm not gay.'
I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.
One lady had an idea of what transgender bill meant and she was trying to express how she is against it when all of a sudden this other lady had some good insights. But soon her good insights turned into Mental Ward hospital reasonings of how if a person who is using the bathroom with transgendered people because of the Bill that it doesn't make them ALL gay.
She even said that it could never happen.. That a transgender man could walk into a woman's bathroom and reveal himself and then started defending how it could never happen and then on and on with ideas that didn't make any sense.. So the first lady I was talking to started getting irate at me because I had asked her the question...
and pretty much, the second lady, who was speaking like she just got out of a mental health facility, came out the most understood by everyone around that area...
And so I asked her if she was taking any kind of anti psychotic medications and she replied, 'No, I'm not gay.'
And then she goes and says, 'You don't have to be gay to take meds (drugs).' I am presently not remembering her exact word (meds, drugs)... But basically the same thing.
I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.
One lady had an idea of what transgender bill meant and she was trying to express how she is against it when all of a sudden this other lady had some good insights. But soon her good insights turned into Mental Ward hospital reasonings of how if a person who is using the bathroom with transgendered people because of the Bill that it doesn't make them ALL gay.
She even said that it could never happen.. That a transgender man could walk into a woman's bathroom and reveal himself and then started defending how it could never happen and then on and on with ideas that didn't make any sense.. So the first lady I was talking to started getting irate at me because I had asked her the question...
and pretty much, the second lady, who was speaking like she just got out of a mental health facility, came out the most understood by everyone around that area...
And so I asked her if she was taking any kind of anti psychotic medications and she replied, 'No, I'm not gay.'
And then she goes and says, 'You don't have to be gay to take meds (drugs).' I am presently not remembering her exact word (meds, drugs)... But basically the same thing.
So I asked her if she smoked marijuana... and she said no... it's a blur... I had to take a nap ...
You will call Him Abba. It means Daddy. He loves us more than humans are capable of understanding. He will provide for His children for eternity. He never takes His eyes off of you. He dances over you with pride. He is the perfect Father, and He has a place set for you at His table.

Jesus called Him Abba. Only once did He call Him God. That was when He was being judged in our place on the cross.
Maybe He wants me at the dinner table right now?

He'll call you when it's time. :)
oh... and how about this one? After the whole 'not knowing of any transgender bill' escapade, I wait for the bus, get on the bus and the bus driver gets irate because a senior man with a walker took too long to exit the bus. The bus driver is scolding the senior and telling him 'he can't do that' 'that he took too long' so as the senior is trying to get down the bus steps with his walker, and while the bus driver is scolding him, another older lady comes on. The bus driver starts telling the lady that someone needs to 'slap his head' and make some sense in his brain and the lady is just standing there talking with the bus driver. The bus hasn't moved at all yet. They keep talking for about a full minute and a half and the bus driver keeps telling the lady passenger that the older man with the walker is stupid and ... whatever... I get ticked off. I get off the bus, (the front door had not even closed yet) and as I'm getting off the bus I tell him that it is not respectful to suggest to anybody that a senior man with a walker should get his head slapped. He and I get into a little verbal stupidity. He ends up telling me that he would rather slap my head... I tell him to go and slap himself... ... So.. what was my point? oh yeah.. she said 'you don't have to be gay to take meds/drugs... huh?
What does being gay have anything to do with transgenderism?
from transgender to medications to gay all in one encounter with the first lady who seemed like she wanted to discuss her feelings about it turning irate that I had even stopped to talk with her.
What does being gay have anything to do with transgenderism?
from transgender to medications to gay all in one encounter with the first lady who seemed like she wanted to discuss her feelings about it turning irate that I had even stopped to talk with her.
But my asking the second lady about meds and stuff happened after the 1st lady was quieted by the 2nd lady's unintelligible comments.
so i leave the outdoor place and am in a daze with how people are making no sense now days and I BEGIN actively looking for people who might know what might be going on about the transgender bill. I find noone who looks like they are keeping up with the news so I ask this one homeless man if I could talk with him. He says sure. I ask him how he felt about the gun control topic. He said that he's not sure so I ask him if he heard about the Orlando shooting. He says no. I tell him how the shooter purchased a semi automatic human assault rifle from a local gun shop. He asks if you can buy a gun at the store.. I tell him yes and not only guns but assault rifles that are used in assaulting people. He doesn't really understand that part.. But in the end he says he doesn't think selling guns in stores is a good idea. So out of the whole going to the local grocery store adventure I got one response of current events when I asked about them.. One verbal stupidity with a bus driver. A headache. And some stuff in between I forget because of the over whelming lack of any sense in my brain..
Let me ask a question.. Why are semi-automatic assault rifles called assault rifles? Can you use them for hunting wild game? What exactly does ASSAULT mean? So, why do they even make anything that can be used against you in the Court of Law as legal?
You might as well sell methamphetamines at the local meth shop if you're going to sell assault things.
Buy your grade of meth at the meth shop on 5th and Hardingway.. We've got what you're looking for and if not, we guarantee, to have it ordered for you...
Buy your grade of meth at the meth shop on 5th and Hardingway.. We've got what you're looking for and if not, we guarantee, to have it ordered for you...
If you dont' want to wait, we'll even ship it to your address free of charge. Locally and internationally delivered using 1st class mail. Just send us your visa or mastercard and leave the shipping and packaging to us. Less than 1 week delivery time or else the next purchase of rounds is on us...
And on your 6th purchase of any items with live rounds, you get the 7th purchase of rounds free.. Ask to sign up to our in store benefits savings card...

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