Heavenly Father of Heavenly God?

He loses no teeth in the process but the people lose alot of steam....
Why is there even a Delegation of Powers?
delegation of powers | law
Impeachment in the United States is an expressed power of the legislature that allows formal charges to be brought against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed while in office.

does the legislature's major voice account as anything or is it also just a glazed over thing?
He loses no teeth in the process but the people lose alot of steam....
Why is there even a Delegation of Powers?
delegation of powers | law
Impeachment in the United States is an expressed power of the legislature that allows formal charges to be brought against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed while in office.

does the legislature's major voice account as anything or is it also just a glazed over thing?
What I am asking is 'does anybody up there care that people down here are suffering???'
WHO, exactly, is suffering? I don't know... I can't even get a person's attention long enough that knows about anything that is going on in America.
WHO, exactly, is suffering? ...

I am suffering, because I tried to understand what's written here. I would say VW should leave the United States forever. No one needs criminals there. Okay - this has nothing to do with the theme here - but who cares?

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No. Thats why I dont have kids.
A) Raising a child in the so-called-first-world is an act of child abuse in it's own right.
I'd consider it if I lived in the Amazon regeon or arctic circle-Siberia perhaps.
B) If I had a kid that went crackhead or gang bang, etc, I'd kill it immediately.It cant be cured./No 'stories" please.It's a delay of a genetic flaw. There is no recovery.
C) If I had a girl(or boy) being sexually fucked with by anyone I'd kill them immediately(kid or not). If it was at school and any teacher-principle-janitor knew of it,and said nothing, I'd kill them immediately too.
I know. A good dumurrkikkkan would hire Joo Liars, file complaints, write letters, petition congress,call Babawawa and Rosie O'CON-hell pray to the Lawddy etc etc. BULLSHIT.

Many people are lucky I chose not to pro-create. The world can't deal with real people anymore. Too bad Che didn't have a nuclear arsenal.
I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.

You are as crazy as a coot. I recommend that you run don't walk away from whatever is brainwashing you into believing all this crap.

There is no god. There is no boogy man. No heaven.. no hell. It's all made up bullshit meant to keep morons like you kept in constant fear. Just read your own words. You have been sucked into this giant fraud and they have you believing dangerous nonsense. Cut them loose Sport. Nobody needs to be up against a wall like you believe you have been placed. It's all in your head.

Free yourself. Your life could be so much better without these horrible thoughts running around in your brain.

None of it is real. Get yourself away from this environment that is crushing your independent spirit.

I am an atheist and I swear I have no such thoughts ..ever! I seldom suggest someone also become a non believer but in your case I suggest it highly.

If nothing else your nightmares will go away as soon as you close the door to their existence.
I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.

You are as crazy as a coot. I recommend that you run don't walk away from whatever is brainwashing you into believing all this crap.

There is no god.

And you are his prophet.

There is no boogy man. No heaven.. no hell. It's all made up bullshit meant to keep morons like you kept in constant fear. Just read your own words. You have been sucked into this giant fraud and they have you believing dangerous nonsense. Cut them loose Sport. Nobody needs to be up against a wall like you believe you have been placed. It's all in your head.

Free yourself. Your life could be so much better without these horrible thoughts running around in your brain.

None of it is real. Get yourself away from this environment that is crushing your independent spirit.

I am an atheist and I swear I have no such thoughts ..ever! I seldom suggest someone also become a non believer but in your case I suggest it highly.

If nothing else your nightmares will go away as soon as you close the door to their existence.

Only the first hundredandtwenty years are a poblem for you - afterwords your life grows to become much more easy, while we have to live forever. So be happy. Keeps only one problem: What about if you are wrong?

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I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.

You are as crazy as a coot. I recommend that you run don't walk away from whatever is brainwashing you into believing all this crap.

There is no god.

And you are his prophet.

There is no boogy man. No heaven.. no hell. It's all made up bullshit meant to keep morons like you kept in constant fear. Just read your own words. You have been sucked into this giant fraud and they have you believing dangerous nonsense. Cut them loose Sport. Nobody needs to be up against a wall like you believe you have been placed. It's all in your head.

Free yourself. Your life could be so much better without these horrible thoughts running around in your brain.

None of it is real. Get yourself away from this environment that is crushing your independent spirit.

I am an atheist and I swear I have no such thoughts ..ever! I seldom suggest someone also become a non believer but in your case I suggest it highly.

If nothing else your nightmares will go away as soon as you close the door to their existence.

Only the first hundredandtwenty years are a poblem for you - afterwords your life grows to become much more easy, while we have to live forever. So be happy. Keeps only one problem: What about if you are wrong?

GEE WIZ? What if WHO is wrong? Me observing no evidence of a god and accepting that or someone that has their head filled with a myriad of fantastic fantasies based on a book of chapters written by the Romans to go hand in hand with an older version written by the pesky Jews they were also trying to control their own kind.

There was ZERO public education 2000 years ago. There was only very specific education for the powerful intended to keep themselves in power and to dominate the other human beings that were not so fortunate as to have been born to the powerful. Religions such as early Christianity were a way for the poor to gather and get some guidance in how to live better and a way to bond with others apart from the rulers who only wanted to use those people as slaves or snitches in helping control those that attempted to reject the rule of the Romans.

The only "science" that was engaged in was to make weapons for war or to get the necessities such as water delivered to the rulers and in constructing buildings and monuments glorifying the rulers.

I find it amusing that those that are strong believers today cannot look at the way life existed 2000 - 3000 years ago when they read the bibles and attempt to put those words into context. It was like ISIS or ISIL on steroids. Everybody was at the mercy of SOMEBODY. Heads LITERALLY rolled either from your own rulers or from the constant wars and armies of your enemies who would come and BUTCHER you and rape your women and children then burn down your village or city. Life was at best horrific and you HAD to choose a side or die. You would probably die soon anyway because there was no 911. No hospitals, No fire department, no sheriff that would respond..just good luck or bad luck. This was the "world" that spawned the bibles. It was easy to want the world to be like in those pages AND to think that if all you had to do was to say you were "sorry" convincingly you would go to "heaven"... Man O Man the Romans never offered ANYTHING like THAT!

What if "I" am wrong? Golly! I do believe I'm better informed than the goat herders of biblical times.
I'm sorry but what exactly would 'their worm never dies' mean? And how would I fit into this whole picture of things with Eternity and Today? How would my mom and family fit into this whole schema of things? How does the Lake of Fire, Hell, weeping and gnashing of teeth, worms that never die, Heaven, being as the Angels of Heaven, and all else after Today have anything to do with me? What the heck am I supposed to do with eternal things when I have a hard enough time getting past today without fainting from what is going on all around the world? You wanna know something? I was at a local supermarket today and I asked several many people how they felt towards the transgender restroom bill. NONE of them knew what I was talking about.

You are as crazy as a coot. I recommend that you run don't walk away from whatever is brainwashing you into believing all this crap.

There is no god.

And you are his prophet.

There is no boogy man. No heaven.. no hell. It's all made up bullshit meant to keep morons like you kept in constant fear. Just read your own words. You have been sucked into this giant fraud and they have you believing dangerous nonsense. Cut them loose Sport. Nobody needs to be up against a wall like you believe you have been placed. It's all in your head.

Free yourself. Your life could be so much better without these horrible thoughts running around in your brain.

None of it is real. Get yourself away from this environment that is crushing your independent spirit.

I am an atheist and I swear I have no such thoughts ..ever! I seldom suggest someone also become a non believer but in your case I suggest it highly.

If nothing else your nightmares will go away as soon as you close the door to their existence.

Only the first hundredandtwenty years are a poblem for you - afterwords your life grows to become much more easy, while we have to live forever. So be happy. Keeps only one problem: What about if you are wrong?

GEE WIZ? What if WHO is wrong?


Me observing no evidence of a god and accepting that or someone that has their head filled with a myriad of fantastic fantasies based on a book of chapters written by the Romans to go hand in hand with an older version written by the pesky Jews they were also trying to control their own kind.

There was ZERO public education 2000 years ago. There was only very specific education for the powerful intended to keep themselves in power and to dominate the other human beings that were not so fortunate as to have been born to the powerful. Religions such as early Christianity were a way for the poor to gather and get some guidance in how to live better and a way to bond with others apart from the rulers who only wanted to use those people as slaves or snitches in helping control those that attempted to reject the rule of the Romans.

The only "science" that was engaged in was to make weapons for war or to get the necessities such as water delivered to the rulers and in constructing buildings and monuments glorifying the rulers.

I find it amusing that those that are strong believers today cannot look at the way life existed 2000 - 3000 years ago when they read the bibles and attempt to put those words into context. It was like ISIS or ISIL on steroids. Everybody was at the mercy of SOMEBODY. Heads LITERALLY rolled either from your own rulers or from the constant wars and armies of your enemies who would come and BUTCHER you and rape your women and children then burn down your village or city. Life was at best horrific and you HAD to choose a side or die. You would probably die soon anyway because there was no 911. No hospitals, No fire department, no sheriff that would respond..just good luck or bad luck. This was the "world" that spawned the bibles. It was easy to want the world to be like in those pages AND to think that if all you had to do was to say you were "sorry" convincingly you would go to "heaven"... Man O Man the Romans never offered ANYTHING like THAT!

What if "I" am wrong?

I see in this text nothing what has only a little to do with a realistic perspective on history. Even your tooth brush has something to do with the christian religion. You are not able to think your world without Christians and their religion (=rebound in god).

Golly! I do believe I'm better informed than the goat herders of biblical times.

Tell me why between 0 and 1 are as many real numbers as between 0 and infinite. That's very simple. The lousy Neanderthaler who found this out should be not so intelligent as the new modern homo usamericanus arrogantus, isn't it?

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