Heavy Precipitation Over the US: Has it Increased as Some have Predicted it Should?

The UN is working to the goal of world socialism. I just showed you that.

Where did you show me that? Give me the post # and I'll check it out.

Just out of curiosity, can you explain why the 150 countries in the UN which are NOT socialist are backing this plan?

Post #24. Now hurry up and insist it doesn't say what it says!
Haven't you read the Koyoto Protocol? It's right there. Compensating undeveloped nations, creation of the global carbon exchange.

Saigon, you are like any other person in a cult. Nothing makes any sense outside of the cult beliefs. You could be a Moonie, or have taken your last breath at the Jones camp. Of course I'm not going to make sense to you. Could any thing, any person, on earth stopped the mass suicide at Heaven's Gate? No. They chose to die for their insane beliefs. Nothing made sense BUT their beliefs. No. That I don't make a lick of sense to you, makes perfect sense to me.
The UN is working to the goal of world socialism. I just showed you that.

Where did you show me that? Give me the post # and I'll check it out.

Just out of curiosity, can you explain why the 150 countries in the UN which are NOT socialist are backing this plan?

Post #24. Now hurry up and insist it doesn't say what it says!

Daveman -

You aren't kidding, are you?!

Nothing you have posted in #24 or elsewhere suggests anything whatsoever to do with socialism, world government or any other conspiracy. Obviously. It's just one guy's idea for a tax.

Again - can you explain why the 150 countries in the UN which are NOT socialist are backing this plan?
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Haven't you read the Koyoto Protocol? It's right there. Compensating undeveloped nations, creation of the global carbon exchange.

Saigon, you are like any other person in a cult. Nothing makes any sense outside of the cult beliefs. You could be a Moonie, or have taken your last breath at the Jones camp. Of course I'm not going to make sense to you. Could any thing, any person, on earth stopped the mass suicide at Heaven's Gate? No. They chose to die for their insane beliefs. Nothing made sense BUT their beliefs. No. That I don't make a lick of sense to you, makes perfect sense to me.

Right - YOU believe in a fantastic secret conspiracy involving thousands of scientists and thousands more politicians, involving the creation of an evil socialist empire - and I'M the one in the cult!!

I've highlighted two statements of yours above which do not make logical sense at all. Not because I don't understand your English - but because there is simply no coherent logic in the statements. They are gibberish.
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Where did you show me that? Give me the post # and I'll check it out.

Just out of curiosity, can you explain why the 150 countries in the UN which are NOT socialist are backing this plan?

Post #24. Now hurry up and insist it doesn't say what it says!

Daveman -

You aren't kidding, are you?!

Nothing you have posted suggests anything whatsoever to do with socialism, world government or any other conspiracy. Obviously.

Again - can you explain why the 150 countries in the UN which are NOT socialist are backing this plan?

Even if they don't have a socialist form of government themselves, they see a lot of money coming their way if these plans are implemented.

Brendan DeMelle | UN Chief Urges Industrialized Nations to Release Promised Funds To Poor Nations For Climate Change Aid

Aid to poor nations is expected to rise from the initial $10 billion a year to an annual $100 billion by 2020, although industrialized nations have not detailed how they would generate that level of funding.
Even if they don't have a socialist form of government themselves, they see a lot of money coming their way if these plans are implemented.


So Finland, with our conservative government, is going to make a lot of money from this?

Ditto Germany, Spain, New Zealand....right?
Finland already got a bundle from our stimulus package.

Every country is going to have a hand out. Whether it's from a wealthier country or its own people in higher taxes, fees and carbon credit, is the decision.

Carbon credits are imaginary. They represent nothing but the paper they are printed on. Yet there is a carbon exchange where you can invest real money into carbon trades. 22 countries belong to the carbon exchange. There is so much money invested in climate change that the underpinnings of hoax must be protected or it will bankrupt entire countries.
Cost of a lab experiment controlling for 200PPM of CO2 $25

Avoiding the lab because your theory sucks, Trillion of dollars

Taking local weather stories and making them "Climate change" Priceless
Finland already got a bundle from our stimulus package.

Every country is going to have a hand out. Whether it's from a wealthier country or its own people in higher taxes, fees and carbon credit, is the decision.

Oh, did we? Well, I look forward to hearing more about that!!
Where did you show me that? Give me the post # and I'll check it out.

Just out of curiosity, can you explain why the 150 countries in the UN which are NOT socialist are backing this plan?

Post #24. Now hurry up and insist it doesn't say what it says!

Daveman -

You aren't kidding, are you?!

Nothing you have posted in #24 or elsewhere suggests anything whatsoever to do with socialism, world government or any other conspiracy. Obviously. It's just one guy's idea for a tax.

Again - can you explain why the 150 countries in the UN which are NOT socialist are backing this plan?
And you perform exactly as predicted, and exactly as ordered.

Good cultist.
Even if they don't have a socialist form of government themselves, they see a lot of money coming their way if these plans are implemented.


So Finland, with our conservative government, is going to make a lot of money from this?

Ditto Germany, Spain, New Zealand....right?
If you'd read the article I linked, you'd have seen this:

However, partly due to domestic financial pressures, most E.U. members have up to now been unwilling to commit revenue raised by the cap-and-trade system to international programs, the report says.

Germany is an exception, having committed to earmarking 15 percent of revenue raised to “international climate finance.” The WESS says if other E.U. members follow Germany’s lead, Europe’s cap-and-trade could raise $3-$5 billion a year for international purposes.​
But you didn't read it. Because it dares question your cult doctrine.

Why are you so terrified of conflicting ideas?
Finland already got a bundle from our stimulus package.

Every country is going to have a hand out. Whether it's from a wealthier country or its own people in higher taxes, fees and carbon credit, is the decision.

Oh, did we? Well, I look forward to hearing more about that!!
You're a tremendously ignorant person.

Car Company Gets U.S. Loan, Builds Cars In Finland - ABC News
With the approval of the Obama administration, an electric car company that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work.

Vice President Joseph Biden heralded the Energy Department's $529 million loan to the start-up electric car company called Fisker as a bright new path to thousands of American manufacturing jobs. But two years after the loan was announced, the company's manufacturing jobs are still limited to the assembly of the flashy electric Fisker Karma sports car in Finland.​
Daveman -

I have no stake in this debate at all.

If I found out tomorrow climate change wasn't real, I'd be absolutely delighted.

I'm not a scientist, I don't have money at stake here, I don't work in this field and have nothing at all to lose or gain from whatever scientific proof is presented. I love conflicting ideas, I love good debate.

My only interest is scientific proof, and the evidence I see before me when I travel to countries like Bangladesh, Spain, Australia and Mozambique - all critically effected by climate change today.

What I try away from in general are wild conspiracy theories. I don't believe the CIA blew up the twin towers, I don't believe Jews staged the Holocaust, I don't believe Obama was born in Kenya, and I sure as hell don't believe that the UN is locked in an evil struggle to install a global socialist government - backed and paid for by the German Conservative government.

It really is just laugh-out-loud funny.

Why not take Occam's Razor, and go with an explanation that is both simple and logical?
You're a tremendously ignorant person.

Oh, I am sure I am.

I didn't realise that a US car company receiving a loan had anything to do with the Stimulus Package, nor constituted giving money to Finland. I also didn't know the Stim pack came out in October 2011 - when the loan was given.

From your link:

Henrik Fisker said the U.S. money has been spent on engineering and design work that stayed in the U.S., not on the 500 manufacturing jobs that went to a rural Finnish firm, Valmet Automotive.
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Daveman -

I have no stake in this debate at all.

If I found out tomorrow climate change wasn't real, I'd be absolutely delighted.

I'm not a scientist, I don't have money at stake here, I don't work in this field and have nothing at all to lose or gain from whatever scientific proof is presented. I love conflicting ideas, I love good debate.

My only interest is scientific proof, and the evidence I see before me when I travel to countries like Bangladesh, Spain, Australia and Mozambique - all critically effected by climate change today.

What I try away from in general are wild conspiracy theories. I don't believe the CIA blew up the twin towers, I don't believe Jews staged the Holocaust, I don't believe Obama was born in Kenya, and I sure as hell don't believe that the UN is locked in an evil struggle to install a global socialist government - backed and paid for by the German Conservative government.

It really is just laugh-out-loud funny.

Why not take Occam's Razor, and go with an explanation that is both simple and logical?
Because it's neither. You can tell because of the horrifically bad science used to push it.

What you see in your travels is weather -- not climate.
There is not a single climate zone in the entire world that is changing into another climate zone. Not one. Many have weather conditions that vary.
There is not a single climate zone in the entire world that is changing into another climate zone. Not one. Many have weather conditions that vary.
All of your very certain pronouncements are just noise, Katzhitbrainz, empty words with no connection to reality. Repeating your delusions over and over won't make them real, little retard.

Climate change comes to your backyard

USDA revises its plant hardiness map, bringing climate change down to earth for millions of households across the country.

23 March 2009
As winter retreats northward across the nation, gardeners are cleaning tools and turning attention to spring planting. But climate change is adding a new wrinkle, and now a standard reference – the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Plant Hardiness Zone Map – is about to make very clear how much rising temperatures have shifted planting zones northward. “Anyone involved with gardening, especially with perennials, uses the map to pick the right plants for their location,” says NGA horticulturist Charlie Nardozzi. “Shifting hardiness zones are a very tangible result of climate change, and people will see that change happening where they live over a short period of time.”

Familiar to anyone who has paged through a nursery catalogue, the USDA hardiness map divides North America into 11 latitudinal zones, each representing a 10ºF range of “average annual minimum temperature” - the coldest lows that can be expected in that area. Zones 2 through 10 are each subdivided into two sections - “a” and “b” - that represent 5ºF ranges. Zone 11 (southern Mexico and much of Hawaii) is tropical, with winter lows above 40ºF. By injecting climate change into one of America’s favorite pastimes, the revised USDA map could become an important public education tool. “Hopefully the new map will clear up a lot of confusion about what’s happening to the climate,” said Nardozzi.

USDA climate zones are based on measurements from the Commerce Department’s National Climatic Data Center, plus national sources in Canada and Mexico. Every ten years the data center calculates new U.S. “climate normals,” or 30-year average values, for meteorological elements such as temperature, precipitation, and heating and cooling degree days for thousands of U.S. weather stations. The center released an image in 2003 showing the difference between average minimum winter temperatures throughout the United States for 1961-1990 and 1971-2000. In nearly every part of the continental United States winter lows were warmer during the second period, rising as much as 2.5ºF in parts of the Rockies, the northern Great Plains, and central and southern California.
Which climate zone has changed? Has the alpine climate of the Rockies suddenly become tropical, desert, or arctic?

There is no such thing as climate change! Gads that should be obvious. It has been warmer before. It has been colder before. Those are fluctuations in any normal climate. They happen over the course of hundreds of years.

The only climate changing is California because in a million years or so, San Francisco will be up around Juneau Alaska.

Good thing the idiots today weren't around during the dust bowl years in the US.
I sometimes have to remember that there were a lot of people convinced of global cooling in the 70s and were convinced that ALAR would kill you too.

There's a sucker born every minute. That's why there's a carbon exchange board. Lots of suckers.

How gullible are you. Take the science hoax quiz.

Science Hoaxes Quiz : Famous Hoaxes : Science Channel

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