Hecklers Protest Obama Coakley Speech

Should Brown win, the health insurance reform bill will be watered down even further in Congress. I have no doubt that the Democrats will pull the 'nuclear option' in the Senate if they have to do so. They have too much to lose if they don't pass the bill.

Here's a thought: if the Dems go with 51 plus votes, they could make that bill much more liberal than what it is right now.
God, I hope the Democrats do that and put through a much more liberal option.
The cons wouldn't hesitate.
I own two houses and two large parcels of land, I lease them out to farmers...and I drove a semi.

My neighbor owns 4 houses...and he is a mailman. He supplements his income renting them out.

My best friend owns 3 houses...and he's in the Army.

All working class folks...and fiscal conservatives.

My pickup truck has 250,000 miles on it and is 21 years old...that's one of the ways I saved enough to buy real estate.

No new cars, lots of thrift stores, craigslist and ebay, no credit cards unless it's a dire emergency. If your penny isn't screaming, you aren't squeezing it hard enough.

gosh,, I'm poor,, I only own two houses.. I must work harder.. didn't the perfect people pick on JOhn McCain for being rich?? and now they don't want to talk about rich ted kennedy?? Hilarious ain't it???

Hilarious what a fucking HYPOCRITE you are. Wasn't John Kerry attacked for being an ELITEST? GAWD you are SUCH a fucking PARTISAN ASSHOLE. Your HYPOCRISY is just OUTRAGEOUS!
Off the cuff Barry is painful to watch.

The man is helpless without prepared text.

We can't have seen the same clip. The one I saw in the link he did fine.

The crowd starting booing and chating his name when the heckler started and he was smiling, and waited until the disruption had finished then carried on.

He handled the interruption with aplomb, dignity and class...

...The Chimp would have probably told a fart joke....

So gump thinks it's fine when The Great Orator stutters yes 5 times and loses his attempt at though without his beloved teleprompter. I'm convinced.:razz:

Where is all the help for Haiti from New Zealand or the rest of the self righteous world who have nothing but criticism for the United States? Just curious.
No one is commenting on how Massachusetts played the Obama speech, complete with a few seconds of hecklers. Obama sent a brand new message, now about the Democratic Administration policies about to commence: Anyone can go back to the policies of people like Mitch McConnell, Ron Paul, John McCain, and Sarah Palin(?), which caused it all: Or Massachusets can get off the truck that Brown drives around--and set about moving forward.

Obama gave a very good mid-term election speech, possibly a forerunner of the coming elections.

In the alternative, there are people like Brown, Mitch McConnell, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, and others who want to go back get the collapse of the economy started again!

That's not even going to work in the Spring, much less in the Summer and the Fall.

The tea-party crusaders want the unemployment rate at 50% or more, and the United States living like Haiti. Anyone knows what the GOP has been advocating, for the prior eight years.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Actually, Miss Pussy might have liked to mix it up a bit with Sarah Palin: Before she killer her, like so many others. Hollywood knows about GOP femininity, and their money!

What a goofball. :lol:
Thanks for that.

I hate this kind of ass clown. He is going to so hurt the Brown side on this. (Sounds like only one jerk to me.)
(found the video link)

But 0bama is so lost without that teleprompter. In the days of yore, leaders could do this extempore

the Model 0bama would follow


It is quite possible he was a Coakely plant - the Coakely campaign is now pushing in all their chips on the "Brown is anti-woman" play and utilizing, yet again, the abortion issue as the centerpiece.

The desperation on the Coakley side is in super-overdrive...

I couldn't hear anythinig the heckler was saying--so I watched the crowd behind Obama. At first they started chanting his name--Obama left the micro--phone for a bit came back & another group of people started saying something "inaudible"--only this time the crowd behind Obama wasn't chanting--so it was really hard to tell what was going on in the auditorium.
Beware the Democrat Machine though...


If they attempt to steal this election through intimidation or Franking, be prepared for the biggest protests since the Boston Tea Party.

Oh we are SOOOO scared. Yeah send out a couple dozen Tea Baggers. LOL what a fucking fool you are Rabid. Why do you even care we both know your FIRST loyalty is to Israel.
Funny how soon he forgets, because today, in this public venue before all the world, this man, the president of the United States of America who should be above reproach, crudely and viciously tore down Brown, and repeatedly made negative and insulting references to the fact that Brown drives a truck...some of the comments were far below the belt. Bet that's gonna go down wrong with a lot of working folk.

Brown owns four houses and a timeshare in Aruba. He's about as apart of the working class as Harry Reid is. Obama was right in making a spoof of the pathetic attempt that Brown attempts to connect himself with the people when it's a sham on Brown's part.

Of course you would have a link to Brown owning 4 houses & having a time share in Aruba--don't you---:lol::lol::lol:
What if someone referred to Obama as "The Chimp"? You okay with that?

I couldn't give a shit.....

FYI, TLS... Grump isn't even an American citizen. He just likes to come here and stir the pot.

As far as obama in the video, the guy is a buffoon, plain and simple. He's a gas bag full of hot, fucking air that makes people with empty heads swoon.
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Beware the Democrat Machine though...


If they attempt to steal this election through intimidation or Franking, be prepared for the biggest protests since the Boston Tea Party.

Oh we are SOOOO scared. Yeah send out a couple dozen Tea Baggers. LOL what a fucking fool you are Rabid. Why do you even care we both know your FIRST loyalty is to Israel.

I don't know who will win on Tuesday, but even if Brown loses and it's a real tight race, it will resonate throughout America in this election year. I don't care what kind of campaign she ran, it's Ma. and she should have ran away with it. There are some deep currents running against the democrats , and this is showing.
By the way Cold, for the love of God, take the high road and not insult the religion. Your a better man than that.
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Obama looks a bit shaken at the persistent heckling he underwent. I can imagine he left this event thinking - WHY THE HELL DID I COME HERE????

Hecklers Pester President Obama During Coakley Senate Election Speech

Incessant hecklers forced President Barack Obama’s speech to a halt in Massachusetts on Sunday, as he showed his support for Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. It sounded more like today’s NFL playoff game than a political rally

Hecklers Pester President Obama During Coakley Senate Election Speech | TV | Mediaite


Your video is from Fox News. That is not the version I saw today. Here is a version that has Obama speaking and some fool started yelling at him and it sounded to me like only one person. When he wouldn't shut up, Obama supporters started booing him.

The Fox video started at the point where Obama supporters started booing. Making it appear that all of these boos were for the prez. What a piece of work they are.

Compare the videos and you'll see.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Heckled At Coakley Rally
If they attempt to steal this election through intimidation or Franking, be prepared for the biggest protests since the Boston Tea Party.

Oh we are SOOOO scared. Yeah send out a couple dozen Tea Baggers. LOL what a fucking fool you are Rabid. Why do you even care we both know your FIRST loyalty is to Israel.

I don't know who will win on Tuesday, but even if Brown loses and it's a real tight race, it will resonate throughout America in this election year. I don't care what kind of campaign she ran, it's Ma. and she should have ran away with it. There are some deep currents running against the democrats , and this is showing.
By the way Cold, for the love of God, take the high road and not insult the religion. Your a better man than that.

IF it's a tight race!
Has anyone stopped to think that this race is not about President Obamas majoirty in the Senate in order to protect his agenda for healthcare, cap and trade, etc. rather should it be about the election of a Senator from the State of MA. that best represents the interests of that state. The Presidents super majoirty is just a bonus should the person he supports wins, but is NOT the reason why a state should select a Senator. If the person that best represents MA. is someone whoe does not agree with that agenda then the people of MA. will be the judge of that. The President perhaps while I am sure wanting to not lose his super majority and run the risk of losing any ground on the so called Medicaid For ALL / Mandatory healthcare bill also known perviously as healthcare reform, was a big factor in his mind and pro and con on all of us on the outside looking in, using a super-majority and his agenda as justification is for electing any candidate in MA. bascilly assumes that his candidate is there to serve not the people MA. but the party
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Senate races have taken on national importance for some time - decades in fact.

Not saying it's right - but that's the way it is.

So, Scott Brown represents the people of Massachusetts and their dislike of both Obama and the Democrat Machine - it is both a state campaign as well as a national campaign. The youth vote in favor of Brown is particularly telling.

The whole world is watching...
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Obama looks a bit shaken at the persistent heckling he underwent. I can imagine he left this event thinking - WHY THE HELL DID I COME HERE????

Hecklers Pester President Obama During Coakley Senate Election Speech

Incessant hecklers forced President Barack Obama’s speech to a halt in Massachusetts on Sunday, as he showed his support for Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. It sounded more like today’s NFL playoff game than a political rally

Hecklers Pester President Obama During Coakley Senate Election Speech | TV | Mediaite


Your video is from Fox News. That is not the version I saw today. Here is a version that has Obama speaking and some fool started yelling at him and it sounded to me like only one person. When he wouldn't shut up, Obama supporters started booing him.

The Fox video started at the point where Obama supporters started booing. Making it appear that all of these boos were for the prez. What a piece of work they are.

Compare the videos and you'll see.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Heckled At Coakley Rally

It's really not often that Presidents get booed. It took several years before Bush was booed in public--Obama has only been in office for 1 year & he is getting lambasted.

I really don't care for hecklers--let the person talk--but I think this is a sign that Americans are getting real frustrated with this administration.
Has anyone stopped to think that this race is not about President Obamas majoirty in the Senate in order to protect his agenda for healthcare, cap and trade, etc. rather should it be about the election of a Senator from the State of MA. that best represents the interests of that state. The Presidents super majoirty is just a bonus should the person he supports wins, but is NOT the reason why a state should select a Senator. If the person that best represents MA. is someone whoe does not agree with that agenda then the people of MA. will be the judge of that. The President perhaps while I am sure wanting to not lose his super majority and run the risk of losing any ground on the so called Medicaid For ALL / Mandatory healthcare bill also known perviously as healthcare reform, was a big factor in his mind and pro and con on all of us on the outside looking in, using a super-majority and his agenda as justification is for electing any candidate in MA. bascilly assumes that his candidate is there to serve not the people MA. but the party

This isn't just about the state of MASS. When we elect senators from every state & they end up voting on national issues that affect us all--& that's why every senate race, every congressional district it is also a national issue.
Obama looks a bit shaken at the persistent heckling he underwent. I can imagine he left this event thinking - WHY THE HELL DID I COME HERE????

Hecklers Pester President Obama During Coakley Senate Election Speech

Incessant hecklers forced President Barack Obama’s speech to a halt in Massachusetts on Sunday, as he showed his support for Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. It sounded more like today’s NFL playoff game than a political rally

Hecklers Pester President Obama During Coakley Senate Election Speech | TV | Mediaite


Your video is from Fox News. That is not the version I saw today. Here is a version that has Obama speaking and some fool started yelling at him and it sounded to me like only one person. When he wouldn't shut up, Obama supporters started booing him.

The Fox video started at the point where Obama supporters started booing. Making it appear that all of these boos were for the prez. What a piece of work they are.

Compare the videos and you'll see.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Heckled At Coakley Rally

It's really not often that Presidents get booed. It took several years before Bush was booed in public--Obama has only been in office for 1 year & he is getting lambasted.

I really don't care for hecklers--let the person talk--but I think this is a sign that Americans are getting real frustrated with this administration.

The truth is the truth and there is nothing we can do to change it. I just wish that people would report it, talk about it, and tell it like it is. And not embelish or be misleading.

It just appears to me that there was only one guy yelling out. And the booing started from the Obama supporters. In this case. I would never say that Obama will not get booed. It happened whe he was campaigning. And as you said, every prez gets booed.
I still can't believe adults were sitting there CHANTING, Obama.

creepy creepy creepy
This isn't just about the state of MASS. When we elect senators from every state & they end up voting on national issues that affect us all--& that's why every senate race, every congressional district it is also a national issue.[/QUOTE]

This is one of my biggest gripes. these senators and congressmen block you from writing emails to them if you don't live in their district. all taxpayers pay their saleries and it comes out of income tax revenues. Their votes effect me and all other people who live in the United states and I do have the right to have my views heard no matter where I live. All taxpayers pay your wages. these people (congressmen and senators)will hear from the taxpayers next election, and the public is PISSED OFF since you are not listen to us!!!!!

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