Hecklers Protest Obama Coakley Speech

[No you haven't Starkey...but that is another thread for another day....and I didn't challenge your numbers I merely gave you a suggestion for your next avatar since you are a GOP member in opposition to Obama's policies.

On errors of fact, yes, I have, PP. On matters of opinion or assertion, I have when the other side has presented evidence that would cause any reasonable man to change his position; you, personally, have never offered that type of proof. So I can accept your comment above that you know you erred on a matter of fact and are not manly enough to admit it. OK.
#196 above clearly was just that type of statement and attitude. Let's move on; you were wrong.
Nominee........ Richard Nixon........ Hubert Humphrey........ George Wallace
Party ........... Republican........... Democratic ............... American Independent
Home state ..... California ......... Minnesota........ .......... Alabama
Running mate ... Spiro Agnew...... Edmund Muskie ...........Curtis LeMay
Electoral vote......... 301 ................ 191 ..................... 46
States carried ........ 32 ................ 13 + DC ................... 5
Popular vote....... 31,783,783 ........... 31,271,839................ 9,901,118
Percentage .......... 43.4% .............. 42.7% .................. 13.5%
PP, you have demonstrated the proof of my point, so this is over.

Well...look at the positive side...you have a new avatar that you can use since you are a member of the GOP and totally against Obama's reckless spending and ramming legislation down the throats of Americans against their wishes. Bravo Jake...proud to have you onboard.
PP, you have demonstrated the proof of my point, so this is over.

Well...look at the positive side...you have a new avatar that you can use since you are a member of the GOP and totally against Obama's reckless spending and ramming legislation down the throats of Americans against their wishes. Bravo Jake...proud to have you onboard.

Here's the fraud: Just a reminder--

Funny how soon he forgets, because today, in this public venue before all the world, this man, the president of the United States of America who should be above reproach, crudely and viciously tore down Brown, and repeatedly made negative and insulting references to the fact that Brown drives a truck...some of the comments were far below the belt. Bet that's gonna go down wrong with a lot of working folk.

Brown owns four houses and a timeshare in Aruba. He's about as apart of the working class as Harry Reid is. Obama was right in making a spoof of the pathetic attempt that Brown attempts to connect himself with the people when it's a sham on Brown's part.

Owning 4 houses and a timeshare doesn't preclude someone from being working class... rather, it shows a propensity for hard work, the foundation of 'working class'.

You are funny when you decide that anyone who has accumulated wealth cannot be 'working class'. I come from a family of such hard working Americans - my parents achieved the American dream... they got theirs by sheer hard work and sacrifice. I guess in your book that precludes them from 'working class'. To be honest, you sound more like a jealous, whiny liberal than anything else.

And as for calling anyone a 'partisan hack', Dog, you are the very essence of the phrase. Fool.
Funny how soon he forgets, because today, in this public venue before all the world, this man, the president of the United States of America who should be above reproach, crudely and viciously tore down Brown, and repeatedly made negative and insulting references to the fact that Brown drives a truck...some of the comments were far below the belt. Bet that's gonna go down wrong with a lot of working folk.

Brown owns four houses and a timeshare in Aruba. He's about as apart of the working class as Harry Reid is. Obama was right in making a spoof of the pathetic attempt that Brown attempts to connect himself with the people when it's a sham on Brown's part.

Owning 4 houses and a timeshare doesn't preclude someone from being working class... rather, it shows a propensity for hard work, the foundation of 'working class'.

You are funny when you decide that anyone who has accumulated wealth cannot be 'working class'. I come from a family of such hard working Americans - my parents achieved the American dream... they got theirs by sheer hard work and sacrifice. I guess in your book that precludes them from 'working class'. To be honest, you sound more like a jealous, whiny liberal than anything else.

And as for calling anyone a 'partisan hack', Dog, you are the very essence of the phrase. Fool.

Yeah, he'll tell you that he isn't partisan, and that he didn't vote for obama. But, what he won't tell you is that he wasn't old enough to vote in the last presidential election.
Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi to Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey (never married) and was raised on a farm by her grandmother. Her name came from the misspelling of the biblical name Orpah.

At a very young age she liked to be in front of people, and would recite stories to people at the age of three. She moved to Milwaukee to live with her mother in 1960. However, in 1967, after repeated abuse and molestation, she ran away. When the police caught her, they tried to place her in a home for juvenile delinquents, but it was full, so they sent her off to live with her father Vernon in Nashville, Tennessee. He was a strict disciplinarian, but also made her do extra schoolwork, which helper her later in life. [Note: Oprah gave birth to a baby boy when she was only 14, but the baby died when it was only two weeks old.]
Oprah Winfrey biography, information, news, pics (pictures), links and products (talk show host)

So now let me get this right, anyone that dares to rise above the rest is to be considered an object of scorn? I don't care if the man has 50 houses or none as long as he can do the job, the fact that he has tried to make somehing of himself at least to me means that he has worked hard for it, much like those HARD WORKING Middle class Americans like most of us are Scott Brown included.
Funny how soon he forgets, because today, in this public venue before all the world, this man, the president of the United States of America who should be above reproach, crudely and viciously tore down Brown, and repeatedly made negative and insulting references to the fact that Brown drives a truck...some of the comments were far below the belt. Bet that's gonna go down wrong with a lot of working folk.

Brown owns four houses and a timeshare in Aruba. He's about as apart of the working class as Harry Reid is. Obama was right in making a spoof of the pathetic attempt that Brown attempts to connect himself with the people when it's a sham on Brown's part.

Owning 4 houses and a timeshare doesn't preclude someone from being working class... rather, it shows a propensity for hard work, the foundation of 'working class'.

You are funny when you decide that anyone who has accumulated wealth cannot be 'working class'. I come from a family of such hard working Americans - my parents achieved the American dream... they got theirs by sheer hard work and sacrifice. I guess in your book that precludes them from 'working class'. To be honest, you sound more like a jealous, whiny liberal than anything else.

And as for calling anyone a 'partisan hack', Dog, you are the very essence of the phrase. Fool.

You have to watch LIBERALS---I have asked DOGBERT to provide a link to Brown owning 4 houses & a time share in Aruba--he has yet to do that.

You're correct--many middle class Americans invest in "rental" properties & my guess is a few million own time shares--(not owned property) in the United States & abroad for the vacations they take.

Dogbert apparently doesn't understand that this is NOT an indication of being RICH. Brown may be having a hard time keeping up with these expenses each month.
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Brown owns four houses and a timeshare in Aruba. He's about as apart of the working class as Harry Reid is. Obama was right in making a spoof of the pathetic attempt that Brown attempts to connect himself with the people when it's a sham on Brown's part.

Owning 4 houses and a timeshare doesn't preclude someone from being working class... rather, it shows a propensity for hard work, the foundation of 'working class'.

You are funny when you decide that anyone who has accumulated wealth cannot be 'working class'. I come from a family of such hard working Americans - my parents achieved the American dream... they got theirs by sheer hard work and sacrifice. I guess in your book that precludes them from 'working class'. To be honest, you sound more like a jealous, whiny liberal than anything else.

And as for calling anyone a 'partisan hack', Dog, you are the very essence of the phrase. Fool.

Yeah, he'll tell you that he isn't partisan, and that he didn't vote for obama. But, what he won't tell you is that he wasn't old enough to vote in the last presidential election.

Fucking liberals who sit in judgement on who is or is not 'working class' make me laugh. Since when did we become a nation that judges people as somehow less worthy based on their financial success?
Owning 4 houses and a timeshare doesn't preclude someone from being working class... rather, it shows a propensity for hard work, the foundation of 'working class'.

You are funny when you decide that anyone who has accumulated wealth cannot be 'working class'. I come from a family of such hard working Americans - my parents achieved the American dream... they got theirs by sheer hard work and sacrifice. I guess in your book that precludes them from 'working class'. To be honest, you sound more like a jealous, whiny liberal than anything else.

And as for calling anyone a 'partisan hack', Dog, you are the very essence of the phrase. Fool.

Yeah, he'll tell you that he isn't partisan, and that he didn't vote for obama. But, what he won't tell you is that he wasn't old enough to vote in the last presidential election.

Fucking liberals who sit in judgement on who is or is not 'working class' make me laugh. Since when did we become a nation that judges people as somehow less worthy based on their financial success?

I think it really gained traction under the Clinton administration. Clinton was saying that "Big Corporations" is bad. Remember Phillip Morris, and Microsoft? Then the class envy with the wealthy was a spinoff from it.
The American Dream disappeared into the fog after that with the far left liberals.
Need to give us video.

I don't have a TV, so I have to take people's word on this

I'll sum it up for you.

Some idiots yells, you can't really hear what he says. Crowd chants Obama. Idiot yells again, same thing. This occurs for about two minutes.

Sinatra probably thinks this is the entire state yelling at him mind you.

They are chantin Martha ;).

But I really really want to know what the guy was yelling.
Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi to Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey (never married) and was raised on a farm by her grandmother. Her name came from the misspelling of the biblical name Orpah.

At a very young age she liked to be in front of people, and would recite stories to people at the age of three. She moved to Milwaukee to live with her mother in 1960. However, in 1967, after repeated abuse and molestation, she ran away. When the police caught her, they tried to place her in a home for juvenile delinquents, but it was full, so they sent her off to live with her father Vernon in Nashville, Tennessee. He was a strict disciplinarian, but also made her do extra schoolwork, which helper her later in life. [Note: Oprah gave birth to a baby boy when she was only 14, but the baby died when it was only two weeks old.]
Oprah Winfrey biography, information, news, pics (pictures), links and products (talk show host)

So now let me get this right, anyone that dares to rise above the rest is to be considered an object of scorn? I don't care if the man has 50 houses or none as long as he can do the job, the fact that he has tried to make somehing of himself at least to me means that he has worked hard for it, much like those HARD WORKING Middle class Americans like most of us are Scott Brown included.

GOOD POINT---it has become very clear to me that most liberals loath all wealthy people--even if they worked up from dirt level to gain their wealth. They catagorize them in with evil rich Wall streeters--& not hard working Americans--who risked it all-worked all their lives-to become wealthy.

Liberals just want a share of their hard earned wealth--so to justify taking it from them--they have to demonize them.
And then there's this...Patrick Kennedy (D) RI was interviewed right after the President's speech and was quoted several times as saying "Marcia is a great candidate." He repeatedly called her 'Marcia' rather than her real name 'Martha' all during his rant. Yikes! Tough times for the Democrats...and that's a good thing. Go get em Mr. Brown!
Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi to Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey (never married) and was raised on a farm by her grandmother. Her name came from the misspelling of the biblical name Orpah.

At a very young age she liked to be in front of people, and would recite stories to people at the age of three. She moved to Milwaukee to live with her mother in 1960. However, in 1967, after repeated abuse and molestation, she ran away. When the police caught her, they tried to place her in a home for juvenile delinquents, but it was full, so they sent her off to live with her father Vernon in Nashville, Tennessee. He was a strict disciplinarian, but also made her do extra schoolwork, which helper her later in life. [Note: Oprah gave birth to a baby boy when she was only 14, but the baby died when it was only two weeks old.]
Oprah Winfrey biography, information, news, pics (pictures), links and products (talk show host)

So now let me get this right, anyone that dares to rise above the rest is to be considered an object of scorn? I don't care if the man has 50 houses or none as long as he can do the job, the fact that he has tried to make somehing of himself at least to me means that he has worked hard for it, much like those HARD WORKING Middle class Americans like most of us are Scott Brown included.

GOOD POINT---it has become very clear to me that most liberals loath all wealthy people--even if they worked up from dirt level to gain their wealth. They catagorize them in with evil rich Wall streeters--& not hard working Americans--who risked it all-worked all their lives-to become wealthy.

Liberals just want a share of their hard earned wealth--so to justify taking it from them--they have to demonize them.

It all comes down to basic laziness. Conservatives generally have a much more refined work ethic and believe in a days pay for a days work....where as liberal work ethic seems to be you work for a day and the government should get it to give to me because I can't find a job or I want what you got but I'm too lazy to work for it.
And then there's this...Patrick Kennedy (D) RI was interviewed right after the President's speech and was quoted several times as saying "Marcia is a great candidate." He repeatedly called her 'Marcia' rather than her real name 'Martha' all during his rant. Yikes! Tough times for the Democrats...and that's a good thing. Go get em Mr. Brown!

HERE'S THE IRONY: A Liberal who proclaims to loath wealthy people--excludes the Kennedy's & John Kerry- (then they love'em)--:lol::lol::lol:

It is a fact that democrat politicians on average are much more wealthy that their republican counterparts.

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