Hecklers Protest Obama Coakley Speech

And then there's this...Patrick Kennedy (D) RI was interviewed right after the President's speech and was quoted several times as saying "Marcia is a great candidate." He repeatedly called her 'Marcia' rather than her real name 'Martha' all during his rant. Yikes! Tough times for the Democrats...and that's a good thing. Go get em Mr. Brown!

HERE'S THE IRONY: A Liberal who proclaims to loath wealthy people--excludes the Kennedy's & John Kerry- (then they love'em)--:lol::lol::lol:

It is a fact that democrat politicians on average are much more wealthy that their republican counterparts.

you forgot about the other rich liberals, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, ect ect ect..... :lol:
Marcia Marcia Marcia!!! Uh Patrick,her name is actually Martha. Patrick Kennedy represents the Democrats perfectly. What a Dunce.
James Sheets a six term Democratic mayor of Quincy today endorsed Scott Brown for United States Senator. He released the following statement via the Brown campaign:

"Despite being a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, I am endorsing Scott Brown for Senate, as I know he will always represent Massachusetts with an independent voice in Washington,"

American Thinker Blog: Dem Mayor of Quincy, MA endorses Scott Brown
Brown, then, may be more centrist than we realized, and we may be using the teabaggers and neo-cons. That's OK, if he wins, and he stays more centrist and far less teabag.
James Sheets a six term Democratic mayor of Quincy today endorsed Scott Brown for United States Senator. He released the following statement via the Brown campaign:

"Despite being a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, I am endorsing Scott Brown for Senate, as I know he will always represent Massachusetts with an independent voice in Washington,"

American Thinker Blog: Dem Mayor of Quincy, MA endorses Scott Brown

Brown is greatly respected among the more moderate rank and file of the Democrat Party in Massachusetts, as indicated by polling showing him getting up to 20% of the Democrat vote.

A great candidate that the Republican Party would do well to emulate.

Stay with a focused and positive message - a few basic themes such as lower taxes, less government, and strong defense.

It is the Reagan playbook, and it is what the vast majority of American voters actually want.

Scott Brown clearly understands this - do the elites within the Republican Party machine???
James Sheets a six term Democratic mayor of Quincy today endorsed Scott Brown for United States Senator. He released the following statement via the Brown campaign:

"Despite being a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, I am endorsing Scott Brown for Senate, as I know he will always represent Massachusetts with an independent voice in Washington,"

American Thinker Blog: Dem Mayor of Quincy, MA endorses Scott Brown

Brown is greatly respected among the more moderate rank and file of the Democrat Party in Massachusetts, as indicated by polling showing him getting up to 20% of the Democrat vote.

A great candidate that the Republican Party would do well to emulate.

Stay with a focused and positive message - a few basic themes such as lower taxes, less government, and strong defense.

It is the Reagan playbook, and it is what the vast majority of American voters actually want.

Scott Brown clearly understands this - do the elites within the Republican Party machine???

The uncorrupted version of the Reagan playbook.
#196 above clearly was just that type of statement and attitude. Let's move on; you were wrong.

That appears to be a supposition and mere circumstancial evidence based on bias on your part Starkey...and inadmissible in a court of law. Carry on.

You are so full of it!!! It is so obvious that you are refusing to admit that Jake was right. Didn't you see del's post??? He was very gracious in telling Jake that he was right. But not you. Very telling.
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.
That may be the Democratic dam breaking, Sinatra, do remember that Dems outnumber Pubs in MA three to one.
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Now I know you have a screw loose, there is no comparison between tea party members and communists, quite the opposite, tea party members are not pathological, they are normal every day citizens, dems, repubs and independents. Your elevator just doesn't quite hit the top floor.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
The teabaggers for the overwhelming part are far right reactionary wing nuts who, just like the commies, will tell the big lie: birthers, truthers, etc. Yes, their tactics are similar.
The teabaggers for the overwhelming part are far right reactionary wing nuts who, just like the commies, will tell the big lie: birthers, truthers, etc. Yes, their tactics are similar.

The wing nuts are Obama and his minions, wwho tell people's so called representatives not to care what their constitutents want. That Dictator Obama knows all, and knows better what's good for the people than the people do.
A states citizens , any states should have the right to have their voice be heard on an issue as important the current healthcare bill. In many states for example the citizens of those states have expressed to those that represent them they do not like this bill nor do they want it. However, knowing this fact, those that represent them continue to press forward based on the assumption that they will like later after it's passed, as if they know what is best and the citizens that elected them do not. This arrogance has resulted in many peoples anger and it's no different in what your seeing in the state of MA. play itself out. Sooner or later regardless of what party a person happens to represent this attitude will result in the voters becoming tired and seeking voices that better respresent their wishes. Perhaps this election regardless of the outcome , has shed some light on this fact.
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Why do you feel a need to use the derogatory term tea bagger? That is usually a derogatory term for homosexuals, why would you and others like you use that word? Surely you know that the protest movement is actually called The Tea Party Patriots after the historic Boston Tea Party or do you? My sister and my late 86 year old mother participated in these protests because they felt powerless while the current administration and Congress continues to roll fast and loose over how they interpret the Constitution. Are you really accusing my 86 year old Mother of being a practicing male homosexual or are you just using a term that imbeciles have decided to use to attempt to criticize decent, taxpaying, patriotic Americans who refuse to lay down to a government that is stealing their hard earned money? What cute term did you use to criticize the protesters that were on the street every day of the George Bush Presidency? Unlike the Tea Party Movement who respect property rights, I remember groups in California destroying businesses and even assaulting a Police officer and his horse........did you criticize these people?
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You may well be right Navy1960. However, this is a republic, not a democracy, and the representatives and senators will vote as they see fit. The people will judge in the end.
The Teabaggers is a far more polite term than many used. The Tea Patriots are historically inaccurate. The Tea Party of 1773 was about 'taxation without representation.' The Teabaggers are represented. The point is this: they lost, and they are so mad that they have to follow constitutional, electoral process has unbalanced them.

To use the Big Lie undermines our wonderful country, and the Teabaggers do that.

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