Hecklers Protest Obama Coakley Speech


So gump thinks it's fine when The Great Orator stutters yes 5 times and loses his attempt at though without his beloved teleprompter. I'm convinced.:razz:

Where is all the help for Haiti from New Zealand or the rest of the self righteous world who have nothing but criticism for the United States? Just curious.

He was laughing by the looks

Haiti quake: How to donate and country facts - World - NZ Herald News

You have to excuse him...he's one of those who live in a US centro world and have NO IDEA what the rest of the world does.
Obama looks a bit shaken at the persistent heckling he underwent. I can imagine he left this event thinking - WHY THE HELL DID I COME HERE????

Hecklers Pester President Obama During Coakley Senate Election Speech

Incessant hecklers forced President Barack Obama’s speech to a halt in Massachusetts on Sunday, as he showed his support for Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. It sounded more like today’s NFL playoff game than a political rally

Hecklers Pester President Obama During Coakley Senate Election Speech | TV | Mediaite


I have to say, this makes the anti-Obama side (whoever that may be) look like uncivilized buffoons.

How do two hecklers represent the entire "anti Obama side"?? WHo is the "anti Obama side"?? Is it Democrats on the left, disgusted with his sell out to insurance companies? Or is it Republicans on the right, simply disgusted?

I am referring not only to the heckers but also to those on this thread.
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Now I know you have a screw loose, there is no comparison between tea party members and communists, quite the opposite, tea party members are not pathological, they are normal every day citizens, dems, repubs and independents. Your elevator just doesn't quite hit the top floor.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Where in the hell do you get your nerve??? Have you seen the goings on at these stupid tea party events?? And you have the nerve to call somebody else cuckoo??

I think tea baggers are nothing but closet KKK members and white supremecists. Look at their signs, for God's sake.

Renata, your elevator does not hit the top floor either. Why don't you try getting off the computer, getting off the dumb down America channel MSNBC and attend a tea party. They are lots of good clean fun. I am a member of the tea party movement and down right proud of it.
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Now I know you have a screw loose, there is no comparison between tea party members and communists, quite the opposite, tea party members are not pathological, they are normal every day citizens, dems, repubs and independents. Your elevator just doesn't quite hit the top floor.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Oh really?
Yes, some of Obama's supporters are as vile and disgusting as are the Teabagger wierdos. That is why both Dems and Pubs should exclude them.

You don't get it yet, do ya, they are made up dems and pubs and INDEPENDENTS.

And another thing you libs better take into consideration, MASSACHUSETTS is home to the original tea party- they started the 1st revolution. They have a very proud history there and you could very well be insulting these people by insulting the tea party movement of today.

The tea party movement of today has the same cause that they did back then, we are protesting TAXATION without REPRESENTATION. We are protesting massive out of control spending that our children and grandchildren will have to pay for. That's it.
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So gump thinks it's fine when The Great Orator stutters yes 5 times and loses his attempt at though without his beloved teleprompter. I'm convinced.:razz:

Where is all the help for Haiti from New Zealand or the rest of the self righteous world who have nothing but criticism for the United States? Just curious.

He was laughing by the looks

Haiti quake: How to donate and country facts - World - NZ Herald News

You have to excuse him...he's one of those who live in a US centro world and have NO IDEA what the rest of the world does.

I don't want to talk to you no more you empty headed, animal food trough wiper..... I fart in your general direction, your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
I have to say, this makes the anti-Obama side (whoever that may be) look like uncivilized buffoons.

How do two hecklers represent the entire "anti Obama side"?? WHo is the "anti Obama side"?? Is it Democrats on the left, disgusted with his sell out to insurance companies? Or is it Republicans on the right, simply disgusted?

I am referring not only to the heckers but also to those on this thread.

Oh, OK. So you can't write clearly or think clearly. And you have BO.
Glad we cleared that up.
Yes, some of Obama's supporters are as vile and disgusting as are the Teabagger wierdos. That is why both Dems and Pubs should exclude them.

You don't get it yet, do ya, they are made up dems and pubs and INDEPENDENTS.

And another thing you libs better take into consideration, MASSACHUSETTS is home to the original tea party- they started the 1st revolution. They have a very proud history there and you could very well be insulting these people by insulting the tea party movement of today.

The tea party movement of today has the same cause that they did back then, we are protesting TAXATION without REPRESENTATION. We are protesting massive out of control spending that our children and grandchildren will have to pay for. That's it.

Maple, a very, very, very teensy part of the Teabaggers are anything but far right reactionary wierdos. You are represented, wierdo, in taxation right now: write your elected representatives. And write them about the deficit spending that is scaring you so badly. In other words, quit acting like a wierdo wingnut. The vast majority of America is ignoring you.
Yes, some of Obama's supporters are as vile and disgusting as are the Teabagger wierdos. That is why both Dems and Pubs should exclude them.

You don't get it yet, do ya, they are made up dems and pubs and INDEPENDENTS.

And another thing you libs better take into consideration, MASSACHUSETTS is home to the original tea party- they started the 1st revolution. They have a very proud history there and you could very well be insulting these people by insulting the tea party movement of today.

The tea party movement of today has the same cause that they did back then, we are protesting TAXATION without REPRESENTATION. We are protesting massive out of control spending that our children and grandchildren will have to pay for. That's it.

Maple, a very, very, very teensy part of the Teabaggers are anything but far right reactionary wierdos. You are represented, wierdo, in taxation right now: write your elected representatives. And write them about the deficit spending that is scaring you so badly. In other words, quit acting like a wierdo wingnut. The vast majority of America is ignoring you.

Prove that. I mean give some links to actual tea party sites-where anyone can read, (not post) what is being said. Trust me, Stormfront it's not.
You don't get it yet, do ya, they are made up dems and pubs and INDEPENDENTS.

And another thing you libs better take into consideration, MASSACHUSETTS is home to the original tea party- they started the 1st revolution. They have a very proud history there and you could very well be insulting these people by insulting the tea party movement of today.

The tea party movement of today has the same cause that they did back then, we are protesting TAXATION without REPRESENTATION. We are protesting massive out of control spending that our children and grandchildren will have to pay for. That's it.

Maple, a very, very, very teensy part of the Teabaggers are anything but far right reactionary wierdos. You are represented, wierdo, in taxation right now: write your elected representatives. And write them about the deficit spending that is scaring you so badly. In other words, quit acting like a wierdo wingnut. The vast majority of America is ignoring you.

Prove that. I mean give some links to actual tea party sites-where anyone can read, (not post) what is being said. Trust me, Stormfront it's not.

The whole basic premise is off, Annie, and I think you know that. I have attended three of them in my area last summer. Very unimpressive, very silly. When several started screaming at the the congressman in one town hall meeting , the country sheriff had them arrested for disturbing the pace. He said everybody could speak, but they had to act like Americans. I was impressed.
Maple, a very, very, very teensy part of the Teabaggers are anything but far right reactionary wierdos. You are represented, wierdo, in taxation right now: write your elected representatives. And write them about the deficit spending that is scaring you so badly. In other words, quit acting like a wierdo wingnut. The vast majority of America is ignoring you.

Prove that. I mean give some links to actual tea party sites-where anyone can read, (not post) what is being said. Trust me, Stormfront it's not.

The whole basic premise is off, Annie, and I think you know that. I have attended three of them in my area last summer. Very unimpressive, very silly. When several started screaming at the the congressman in one town hall meeting , the country sheriff had them arrested for disturbing the pace. He said everybody could speak, but they had to act like Americans. I was impressed.

Where and when?
In one of the larger metro areas in the south.

There's good reasons most don't bother responding to you. Public event, you wish to make blanket statements but you are obviously lying.

Just name the city and approximate date, then all can see the lowlife you're referring to.
Yes, some of Obama's supporters are as vile and disgusting as are the Teabagger wierdos. That is why both Dems and Pubs should exclude them.

You don't get it yet, do ya, they are made up dems and pubs and INDEPENDENTS.

And another thing you libs better take into consideration, MASSACHUSETTS is home to the original tea party- they started the 1st revolution. They have a very proud history there and you could very well be insulting these people by insulting the tea party movement of today.

The tea party movement of today has the same cause that they did back then, we are protesting TAXATION without REPRESENTATION. We are protesting massive out of control spending that our children and grandchildren will have to pay for. That's it.

Maple, a very, very, very teensy part of the Teabaggers are anything but far right reactionary wierdos. You are represented, wierdo, in taxation right now: write your elected representatives. And write them about the deficit spending that is scaring you so badly. In other words, quit acting like a wierdo wingnut. The vast majority of America is ignoring you.

Jake, this is not your finest post on this board. This is no more than an opinion from a person who sides with the left wing nuts. Vast majority of Americans???:lol:
You can at least use google and try to make the lie a little easier to believe.
The problem with the left wingnuts is that they can't take anyone who dissents from their god.

People have a right to use their constitutional right of free speech, despite the left wingers not liking it.
The GOP does not need the kooks.

Actually this thread could lose one now without tears. Yes, you. Same with your fake GOP crap.

You failed to name the 'large southern city' that had 3 tea parties this summer, all of which were terrible people. :rolleyes:
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