Hecklers Protest Obama Coakley Speech

The Teabaggers is a far more polite term than many used. The Tea Patriots are historically inaccurate. The Tea Party of 1773 was about 'taxation without representation.' The Teabaggers are represented. The point is this: they lost, and they are so mad that they have to follow constitutional, electoral process has unbalanced them.

To use the Big Lie undermines our wonderful country, and the Teabaggers do that.

So the fact that these people honestly feel that their elected officials aren't representing them is inaccurate? You're an asshole, did I misuse that word? You accuse others that are obviously not homosexuals of being homosexuals, don't people like you claim it is a sign of latent homosexuality.............. you like getting "tea bagged" don't you?
I am using the term politically. You can worry about the latent sexuality of it. I don't care. Since they are unhappy, they should vote every time the can (legally). So should you. Did I use that correctly?
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Why do you feel a need to use the derogatory term tea bagger? That is usually a derogatory term for homosexuals, why would you and others like you use that word? Surely you know that the protest movement is actually called The Tea Party Patriots after the historic Boston Tea Party or do you? My sister and my late 86 year old mother participated in these protests because they felt powerless while the current administration and Congress continues to roll fast and loose over how they interpret the Constitution. Are you really accusing my 86 year old Mother of being a practicing male homosexual or are you just using a term that imbeciles have decided to use to attempt to criticize decent, taxpaying, patriotic Americans who refuse to lay down to a government that is stealing their hard earned money? What cute term did you use to criticize the protesters that were on the street every day of the George Bush Presidency? Unlike the Tea Party Movement who respect property rights, I remember groups in California destroying businesses and even assaulting a Police officer and his horse........did you criticize these people?

I personally dont find the term Tea Bagger derogatory as many on the left intend it to be.

Seriously how can I take offense to someone saying I want to drop my nuts all over the faces of corrupt politicians in the republican and democrat parties?
The Tea Bag party protests were way more respectful than the leftists calling Bush "chimp" and "stupid". Protesting the wasting of tax dollars when SS & Medicare are going bankrupt shows fiscal responsibility, not a "big lie" or anything bad. I have not seen anyone call Obama "chimp". Before whining about a peaceful protest, read up on their party. Tea Party protests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Good for you, plymco. I could care less what the left wing means by it. I care very much by the fact that it is weakening the GOP.
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Excelent post, Jake!!!
"Marcia Coakley is a great candidate." lol! Classic Patrick Kennedy (D) RI quote after the President's speech. Sums up the sad Democrats at this point no? Uh Mr. Kennedy,her name is actually Martha. DOH! :)
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Now I know you have a screw loose, there is no comparison between tea party members and communists, quite the opposite, tea party members are not pathological, they are normal every day citizens, dems, repubs and independents. Your elevator just doesn't quite hit the top floor.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Where in the hell do you get your nerve??? Have you seen the goings on at these stupid tea party events?? And you have the nerve to call somebody else cuckoo??

I think tea baggers are nothing but closet KKK members and white supremecists. Look at their signs, for God's sake.
The teabaggers for the overwhelming part are far right reactionary wing nuts who, just like the commies, will tell the big lie: birthers, truthers, etc. Yes, their tactics are similar.

The wing nuts are Obama and his minions, wwho tell people's so called representatives not to care what their constitutents want. That Dictator Obama knows all, and knows better what's good for the people than the people do.

How do you know that?? Based on what?? Where is your source?? Or did you just make it up?? You're good at that.
Sen. John Kerry's (D-MA) office released a statement today describing the "threatening tactics" used by Scott Brown supporters in the final days of the special election in Massachusetts. Read the full text after the jump:

At a press conference today, U.S. Sen. John Kerry called on Scott Brown to tell his out of state supporters to put an end to the bullying and intimidation tactics of the past few days.

Recent media reports have described a range of these outrageous tactics, ranging from the theft and burning of lawn signs to threatening comments posted on the Facebook pages of Coakley supporters to death threats posted on Coakley's own Facebook page.

Kerry: Brown Supporters 'Way Over The Line', Reminiscent Of '08 Palin Rallies | TPM LiveWire

Do you know whats interesting about this, should Brown win Kerry will be his collegue!, and it does appear that Sen. Kerry had little trouble with what on the surface looks to be a very negative campaign run by the person he is supporting.
Here is a picture of the big bad HECKLER the Coakley goons are dragging out.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the people of Massachusetts not only elected Brown, but then turned around and threw that numbskull Lurch Kerry out on his gigolo ass..:lol:
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Now I know you have a screw loose, there is no comparison between tea party members and communists, quite the opposite, tea party members are not pathological, they are normal every day citizens, dems, repubs and independents. Your elevator just doesn't quite hit the top floor.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Where in the hell do you get your nerve??? Have you seen the goings on at these stupid tea party events?? And you have the nerve to call somebody else cuckoo??

I think tea baggers are nothing but closet KKK members and white supremecists. Look at their signs, for God's sake.

I hope you don't go through life being led by your assuptions, Rinata.
Thanks, Rinata. The inability to admit error may be the single most grevious personality mischaracteristic on the board: that pathology tells entire universes about such a personaltiy. Del admitted his error, I have done it, and so have others. But some, on the far right and far left, will outright lie and mischaracterize in order to win a point. In fact, I think to be a communist or a teabagger one must be pathological.

Now I know you have a screw loose, there is no comparison between tea party members and communists, quite the opposite, tea party members are not pathological, they are normal every day citizens, dems, repubs and independents. Your elevator just doesn't quite hit the top floor.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Where in the hell do you get your nerve??? Have you seen the goings on at these stupid tea party events?? And you have the nerve to call somebody else cuckoo??

I think tea baggers are nothing but closet KKK members and white supremecists. Look at their signs, for God's sake.

Tea baggers are loyal americans who are making their voices heard.

Despite Obama's minions thinking he is god, this is still supposed to be a democracy yanno.

The most vile and disgusting people are some Obama supporters :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

A little remidner who they are.

More Obama supporters

Yes, some of Obama's supporters are as vile and disgusting as are the Teabagger wierdos. That is why both Dems and Pubs should exclude them.
Obama supporters should be the last people to complain about other people's rallies.

They have had the most disgusting, vile, and repulsive people in the Obama rallies.
Now I know you have a screw loose, there is no comparison between tea party members and communists, quite the opposite, tea party members are not pathological, they are normal every day citizens, dems, repubs and independents. Your elevator just doesn't quite hit the top floor.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Where in the hell do you get your nerve??? Have you seen the goings on at these stupid tea party events?? And you have the nerve to call somebody else cuckoo??

I think tea baggers are nothing but closet KKK members and white supremecists. Look at their signs, for God's sake.

Tea baggers are loyal americans who are making their voices heard.

Despite Obama's minions thinking he is god, this is still supposed to be a democracy yanno.

The most vile and disgusting people are some Obama supporters :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

A little remidner who they are.


That is typical of the far left.

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