“Hell yes we are going to take your AR-15”

Your accusations of disrespect for the founders is way off base. I guess making wild unfounded accusations is just another symptom of being a crazy right winger.
You ridicule "right wingers" (I am liberal, but whatever) for being prepared to take the same action the founders took in fighting the crown...for gun confiscation!!!

You seem to have little understanding of the founding, so I will go ahead and chalk this up to ignorance.


Horseshit - we've had Assault Weapons Ban in 1994-2004, it was never ruled to be unconstitutional.

The 1994 ban on assault weapons was not ruled unconstitutional because the SCOTUS was corrupt

aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH

Horseshit - we've had Assault Weapons Ban in 1994-2004, it was never ruled to be unconstitutional.

The 1994 ban on assault weapons was not ruled unconstitutional because the SCOTUS was corrupt

aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH
And he is advocating what the entire democratic party wants.

Never vote democrat...EVER!!


Horseshit - we've had Assault Weapons Ban in 1994-2004, it was never ruled to be unconstitutional.

The 1994 ban on assault weapons was not ruled unconstitutional because the SCOTUS was corrupt

aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH
And he is advocating what the entire democratic party wants.

Never vote democrat...EVER!!


Do you ever get tired of making up bullshit?

He is the only one to make this proposal out of all the democrats running.

Horseshit - we've had Assault Weapons Ban in 1994-2004, it was never ruled to be unconstitutional.

The 1994 ban on assault weapons was not ruled unconstitutional because the SCOTUS was corrupt

aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH
And he is advocating what the entire democratic party wants.

Never vote democrat...EVER!!


Do you ever get tired of making up bullshit?

He is the only one to make this proposal out of all the democrats running.
And the crowd response tells me all I need to know.

Democrat = Confiscation

Just because you're all telling us you don't wanna do that doesn't mean we have to believe you. You're known for being a bunch of fucking liars.

And no, I do not like the GOP., But right now Democrats are worse. If we lose the right to keep and bear arms, we lose everything else.

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Horseshit - we've had Assault Weapons Ban in 1994-2004, it was never ruled to be unconstitutional.

The 1994 ban on assault weapons was not ruled unconstitutional because the SCOTUS was corrupt

aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH
And he is advocating what the entire democratic party wants.

Never vote democrat...EVER!!


Do you ever get tired of making up bullshit?

He is the only one to make this proposal out of all the democrats running.
And the crowd response tells me all I need to know.

Because you belive whatever the fuck you want to belive.

A crowd of die-hard politicos reacting in the moment is not representative of thought out position of a entire populist political party.

Beto is not a serious contender and his proposal has no legs, so maybe you should go find some other strawmen about Democrats to go hang your hat on.
What was thst you said a
The 1994 ban on assault weapons was not ruled unconstitutional because the SCOTUS was corrupt

aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH
And he is advocating what the entire democratic party wants.

Never vote democrat...EVER!!


Do you ever get tired of making up bullshit?

He is the only one to make this proposal out of all the democrats running.
And the crowd response tells me all I need to know.

Because you are dummy that belives whatever the fuck you want to belive.

A crowd of die-hard politicos reacting in the moment is not representative of thought out position of a entire populist political party.

Beto is not a serious contender and his proposal has no legs, so maybe you should go find some other strawmen about Democrats to go hang your hat on.
What was thst you recently said about those who name call and insult again?
What was thst you said a
aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH
And he is advocating what the entire democratic party wants.

Never vote democrat...EVER!!


Do you ever get tired of making up bullshit?

He is the only one to make this proposal out of all the democrats running.
And the crowd response tells me all I need to know.

Because you are dummy that belives whatever the fuck you want to belive.

A crowd of die-hard politicos reacting in the moment is not representative of thought out position of a entire populist political party.

Beto is not a serious contender and his proposal has no legs, so maybe you should go find some other strawmen about Democrats to go hang your hat on.
What was thst you recently said about those who name call and insult again?

Moron (insult), what I said was that the substance is not negated by insult (subtance)

Do you have a learning disability to STILL not understand this and still distort what I said, after multiple explanations?
The 1994 ban on assault weapons was not ruled unconstitutional because the SCOTUS was corrupt

aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH
And he is advocating what the entire democratic party wants.

Never vote democrat...EVER!!


Do you ever get tired of making up bullshit?

He is the only one to make this proposal out of all the democrats running.
And the crowd response tells me all I need to know.

Because you belive whatever the fuck you want to belive.

A crowd of die-hard politicos reacting in the moment is not representative of thought out position of a entire populist political party.

Beto is not a serious contender and his proposal has no legs, so maybe you should go find some other strawmen about Democrats to go hang your hat on.
A crowd of die-hard politicos reacting in the moment is not representative of thought out position of a entire populist political party.
So, a crowd of top democrats reacting with a standing ovation is not a clear indicator of the direction the party has taken?



aaaaaand the inevitable grand conspiracy theory.

Okay folks this is it, 50+ pages over something who has snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination said is ENOUGH
And he is advocating what the entire democratic party wants.

Never vote democrat...EVER!!


Do you ever get tired of making up bullshit?

He is the only one to make this proposal out of all the democrats running.
And the crowd response tells me all I need to know.

Because you belive whatever the fuck you want to belive.

A crowd of die-hard politicos reacting in the moment is not representative of thought out position of a entire populist political party.

Beto is not a serious contender and his proposal has no legs, so maybe you should go find some other strawmen about Democrats to go hang your hat on.
A crowd of die-hard politicos reacting in the moment is not representative of thought out position of a entire populist political party.
So, a crowd of top democrats reacting with a standing ovation is not a clear indicator of the direction the party has taken?




Which top Democrats were in the crowd, wtf are you talking about?
Which top Democrats were in the crowd, wtf are you talking about?
O'Rourke Not Alone in Support of Mandatory Buyback

Start reading here:

All of the leading Democratic presidential candidates support a ban on the sale of certain semi-automatic weapons, which were banned from 1994 to 2004 as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. And most of the candidates have expressed a preference for either a mandatory or voluntary buyback of such weapons currently owned by Americans.
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it's just funny we've gone from WE ARE NOT COMING FOR YOUR GUNS to HELL YEA WE'RE GONNA TAKE 'EM!!!

the ironic part is the anti-gun crowd started out thinking the AR15 was fully automatic. the media fed that ignorance 24x7. the anti-gunners eat it up cause they don't want to understand, they just want what they want. but unfortunately the more the anti-gunners learn, the more they just want all guns gone cause they can't define "assault rifle" outside their emotional force field.

when you debate the issue and ask how it's different, their frustration sets in and they just want all semi-automatic guns gone now.

but they're not coming for gun and just want "common sense" when that in fact is the last thing they have cause they refuse to learn, just broaden their definition and demands.

So what did you expect? You have been accusing Democrats for years of coming for your guns when there was no effort whatsoever to do that. Eventually, you get to a point where you realize that if you are going to be accused of it anyway, you might as well consider whether it would be worthwhile. You worked long and hard to convince Beto that it would be worthwhile. Congratulations. You should be proud.
Big fucking cop out.

But as usual, the left blames someone else. Big mean gun pushers made you do it.

How long have you gun nuts been crying that someone was coming for your guns, with no rational reason to believe anyone was? Now you're getting all excited because someone finally said "OK, let's think about that" You silly little baby.

Its not like those with guns invented the idea of government confiscation of guns.
All dictatorship all over the world and through out history have always done it.
It is the defining element, that allows anyone to tell when a government has become so corrupt that it has to be destroyed.
It has always been the line in the sand.
And it is impossible to read the Constitution without realizing the founders had intended for not a single federal weapons law at all.
So we clearly are already over that line, and the federal government has already become criminal.
We all just keep hoping it was a mistake that will be corrected.
But confiscation can be no mistake.
It is a call to arms.

Typical gun nut. Primed for an armed conflict. Something has to be, and will be done about that

If or when you make war on the Constitution of the United States, as you have declared you will do, then patriots will defend this Republic.

You are a traitor, you are an enemy of liberty and self-government. You are a Marxist. You will find the resolve of those who cherish liberty, just as your Mentors Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin did.
How long have you gun nuts been crying that someone was coming for your guns, with no rational reason to believe anyone was? Now you're getting all excited because someone finally said "OK, let's think about that" You silly little baby.

You already admitted that "gun nut" is just an enemy of the party, it has no actual meaning.

How can a Nazi fuck like you speak of "rational?"

Please point to the post where you think I made that claim.

“Hell yes we are going to take your AR-15”

That was YOU, right Comrade?

The post below is what you linked to. Where do you think I said gun nuts are just an enemy of the party, or that it has no actual meaning dumb ass?
ACTUALLY, YOU GUN NUTS HAVE BECOME SO MUCH MORE. You are a danger to the safety of our citizens.

View attachment 279783

That is obviously foolish.
If having an AR makes one a danger, then we would not be giving them to the police or military.

And if you try to claim that the police and military are so honest and safe that they are no danger, you clearly would be lying. The police have a record of 10 times the number of illegal murders of average people, and everything the US military has done since WWII was illegal murder of innocents, such as Shock and Awe.

The US Military doesn't use the AR-15, they never have, It isn't a military weapon, never was.
So what did you expect? You have been accusing Democrats for years of coming for your guns when there was no effort whatsoever to do that. Eventually, you get to a point where you realize that if you are going to be accused of it anyway, you might as well consider whether it would be worthwhile. You worked long and hard to convince Beto that it would be worthwhile. Congratulations. You should be proud.
Big fucking cop out.

But as usual, the left blames someone else. Big mean gun pushers made you do it.

How long have you gun nuts been crying that someone was coming for your guns, with no rational reason to believe anyone was? Now you're getting all excited because someone finally said "OK, let's think about that" You silly little baby.

Its not like those with guns invented the idea of government confiscation of guns.
All dictatorship all over the world and through out history have always done it.
It is the defining element, that allows anyone to tell when a government has become so corrupt that it has to be destroyed.
It has always been the line in the sand.
And it is impossible to read the Constitution without realizing the founders had intended for not a single federal weapons law at all.
So we clearly are already over that line, and the federal government has already become criminal.
We all just keep hoping it was a mistake that will be corrected.
But confiscation can be no mistake.
It is a call to arms.

Typical gun nut. Primed for an armed conflict. Something has to be, and will be done about that

If or when you make war on the Constitution of the United States, as you have declared you will do, then patriots will defend this Republic.

You are a traitor, you are an enemy of liberty and self-government. You are a Marxist. You will find the resolve of those who cherish liberty, just as your Mentors Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin did.

Are yo hearing those voices again When did I declare to make war on the constitution you goof ball?
Only a fool believes that progressives have any moral superiority....
Big fucking cop out.

But as usual, the left blames someone else. Big mean gun pushers made you do it.

How long have you gun nuts been crying that someone was coming for your guns, with no rational reason to believe anyone was? Now you're getting all excited because someone finally said "OK, let's think about that" You silly little baby.

You already admitted that "gun nut" is just an enemy of the party, it has no actual meaning.

How can a Nazi fuck like you speak of "rational?"

Please point to the post where you think I made that claim.

“Hell yes we are going to take your AR-15”

That was YOU, right Comrade?

The post below is what you linked to. Where do you think I said gun nuts are just an enemy of the party, or that it has no actual meaning dumb ass?
ACTUALLY, YOU GUN NUTS HAVE BECOME SO MUCH MORE. You are a danger to the safety of our citizens.

View attachment 279783

So you agree that you're lying, and indeed made the claim...
Big fucking cop out.

But as usual, the left blames someone else. Big mean gun pushers made you do it.

How long have you gun nuts been crying that someone was coming for your guns, with no rational reason to believe anyone was? Now you're getting all excited because someone finally said "OK, let's think about that" You silly little baby.

Its not like those with guns invented the idea of government confiscation of guns.
All dictatorship all over the world and through out history have always done it.
It is the defining element, that allows anyone to tell when a government has become so corrupt that it has to be destroyed.
It has always been the line in the sand.
And it is impossible to read the Constitution without realizing the founders had intended for not a single federal weapons law at all.
So we clearly are already over that line, and the federal government has already become criminal.
We all just keep hoping it was a mistake that will be corrected.
But confiscation can be no mistake.
It is a call to arms.

Typical gun nut. Primed for an armed conflict. Something has to be, and will be done about that

If or when you make war on the Constitution of the United States, as you have declared you will do, then patriots will defend this Republic.

You are a traitor, you are an enemy of liberty and self-government. You are a Marxist. You will find the resolve of those who cherish liberty, just as your Mentors Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin did.

Are yo hearing those voices again When did I declare to make war on the constitution you goof ball?

Reading is FUN demental sploogy.

If or when you make war on the Constitution of the United States,
Only a fool believes that progressives have any moral superiority....

Only a fool believes that progressives have any moral sense or system of ethics. These vermin we laughingly call 'democrats' who are in fact Bolsheviks have no integrity. They value only raw power. They seek a globalist dictatorship under Marxist rule and will do ANYTHING to achieve their goal.

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