Hello all!


Complete Democracy
Aug 22, 2011
Hello, I just signed up for the USMessageboard today and already love the place. I was trying to get more involved through facebook groups but it seems like there's not a lot of back an fourth on there.

Anyway, I think the best way to introduce myself is to repost something I put in the congress section of this forum. Let me know what you all think and I look forward to contributing to discussion!



I know people are extremely upset with congress and I think it's time we put a little pressure on them.

With today's technology, it would be possible to strip congress of their right to vote and give it back to the people. They would be elected to draft legislation and the Senate would still exist in order to keep a system of checks and balances in place.

I want you all to check out this 90 second video on YouTube. You can go to our site or just go to YouTube and search "complete democracy" if you're not comfortable with jumping to the new guys site. You'll quickly see this is not monitized in any way and it's simply a push to make a change.

If you like the idea or at least feel like it's better than what we've got, please share this video and site with your friends and family or through whatever venue you see fit to get the word out. If you think it's junk or needs some tweeking, please be sure to message us through the site or on here.

Yes, we have the technology now to actually have a DEMCORATIC form of government.

NO, that is never going to happen.

I suspect we all know why, too, right?
Hello, I just signed up for the USMessageboard today and already love the place. I was trying to get more involved through facebook groups but it seems like there's not a lot of back an fourth on there.

Anyway, I think the best way to introduce myself is to repost something I put in the congress section of this forum. Let me know what you all think and I look forward to contributing to discussion!



I know people are extremely upset with congress and I think it's time we put a little pressure on them.

With today's technology, it would be possible to strip congress of their right to vote and give it back to the people. They would be elected to draft legislation and the Senate would still exist in order to keep a system of checks and balances in place.

I want you all to check out this 90 second video on YouTube. You can go to our site or just go to YouTube and search "complete democracy" if you're not comfortable with jumping to the new guys site. You'll quickly see this is not monitized in any way and it's simply a push to make a change.

If you like the idea or at least feel like it's better than what we've got, please share this video and site with your friends and family or through whatever venue you see fit to get the word out. If you think it's junk or needs some tweeking, please be sure to message us through the site or on here.

CompleteDemocracy dot com

We are a Republic.

California Girl, thanks for the feedback! You know, that's not the first time that's been brought up so I'm going to be sure to address that on the site.

We are a republic and a republic is a representative democracy. The only reason representative democracies exist is because of simple logistics. When they first came about, it would take months to tally votes on a national level.

Of course congress would never want to give up their voting rights and this is why we know it's going to be a long haul even if we get the public chattering about it.
California Girl, thanks for the feedback! You know, that's not the first time that's been brought up so I'm going to be sure to address that on the site.

We are a republic and a republic is a representative democracy. The only reason representative democracies exist is because of simple logistics. When they first came about, it would take months to tally votes on a national level.

Of course congress would never want to give up their voting rights and this is why we know it's going to be a long haul even if we get the public chattering about it.

Well I can already tell we're dealing with an ideologue who also has an extremely flawed understanding of the founders motivations and our federal systems mechanics.
It take all kinds...........
Welcome anyway.

Under this theory, both houses would still exist. The Senate would still serve to prevent tryany of the majority and Representatives would still exist to draft legislation. The only change at all would involve giving congress' vote to the people. Issues would not be subject to majority rule because the Senate would still be able to keep this in check. The the purpose of congress has always been to amplify the wishes of their constituents. With today's technology, making their voices heard is much easier.

Thank you for the feedback and I will be sure to make it a little more clear that we're not talking about a pure democracy.


Under this theory, both houses would still exist. The Senate would still serve to prevent tryany of the majority and Representatives would still exist to draft legislation. The only change at all would involve giving congress' vote to the people. Issues would not be subject to majority rule because the Senate would still be able to keep this in check. The the purpose of congress has always been to amplify the wishes of their constituents. With today's technology, making their voices heard is much easier.

Thank you for the feedback and I will be sure to make it a little more clear that we're not talking about a pure democracy.


Yeah that would work.......... :rolleyes:
Good luck with that...... in some new country you're planning on creating..... elsewhere. Maybe when we colonize Mars.......... :eusa_whistle:
It's just a theory to get people talking. I know people are upset with congress and it's not a new sentiment. Even if it just leads to some congress people polling their own constituents on issues, I think the spirit of the idea might be enough to hold some of them a bit more accountable.
It's just a theory to get people talking. I know people are upset with congress and it's not a new sentiment. Even if it just leads to some congress people polling their own constituents on issues, I think the spirit of the idea might be enough to hold some of them a bit more accountable.

You do realize that politicians pole their constituents fairly often or at the least have communication tools in place for their constituents to contact them....... Right?
Besides there would have to be a basic change to the constitution in order to implement your "theory".
As for getting people to talk, all you have to do is read the forum...... :lol:
Oh and if you want to really get their attention, do what the CEO of Starbucks is calling everyone to do, hit em in the pocketbook, temporarily stop all political donations until they get their act together.
California Girl, thanks for the feedback! You know, that's not the first time that's been brought up so I'm going to be sure to address that on the site.

We are a republic and a republic is a representative democracy. The only reason representative democracies exist is because of simple logistics. When they first came about, it would take months to tally votes on a national level.

Of course congress would never want to give up their voting rights and this is why we know it's going to be a long haul even if we get the public chattering about it.

Not fond of folks who reference you away from this site to another.

Republics exist to prevent people from anarchy.

Most folks aren't going to vote on the small stuff Congress deals with. Perhaps a limited "super majority" vote on key issues by the voters would be interesting. It should only be instituted if a serious error has been made by Congress. Such as Obamacare.

In the raw form you speak of, its simply anarchy.

Thanks for the response! I think that could be a great format or variation of this idea. Sort of like when states or other municipalities have referendums.

Sorry to pull people way from the site and I know it seems spam-ish. No forum on there nor is it monetized. Just a little more complete package of info on the theory but I'll keep convo right here.

Hello, I just signed up for the USMessageboard today and already love the place. I was trying to get more involved through facebook groups but it seems like there's not a lot of back an fourth on there.

Anyway, I think the best way to introduce myself is to repost something I put in the congress section of this forum. Let me know what you all think and I look forward to contributing to discussion!



I know people are extremely upset with congress and I think it's time we put a little pressure on them.

With today's technology, it would be possible to strip congress of their right to vote and give it back to the people. They would be elected to draft legislation and the Senate would still exist in order to keep a system of checks and balances in place.

I want you all to check out this 90 second video on YouTube. You can go to our site or just go to YouTube and search "complete democracy" if you're not comfortable with jumping to the new guys site. You'll quickly see this is not monitized in any way and it's simply a push to make a change.

If you like the idea or at least feel like it's better than what we've got, please share this video and site with your friends and family or through whatever venue you see fit to get the word out. If you think it's junk or needs some tweeking, please be sure to message us through the site or on here.

Pimping a site up here?

Nice knowing ya'!
Welcome to USMB, CompDemo.

The founders knew history's democracies all failed due to chaos. That's why they endeavored so hard and worked through their ideas for so many months and into years to come up with a Democratic Republic in which one House of representatives would work in terms of equal percapita districts, and the second House of Congress was to be the Senate with ultimate passage of new laws with each stage getting equal representation. The way to get new states to sign on was to offer them equal representation, even if they had zilch population. That was the honey that sealed the deal.

Just sayin'. :)
It's just a theory to get people talking. I know people are upset with congress and it's not a new sentiment. Even if it just leads to some congress people polling their own constituents on issues, I think the spirit of the idea might be enough to hold some of them a bit more accountable.

Please. Do you really want 330 million people to have their faces shoved in Maxine Waters' pooie pie 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
It's just a theory to get people talking. I know people are upset with congress and it's not a new sentiment. Even if it just leads to some congress people polling their own constituents on issues, I think the spirit of the idea might be enough to hold some of them a bit more accountable.

Please. Do you really want 330 million people to have their faces shoved in Maxine Waters' pooie pie 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Things that make ya' go..........................:puke3::puke:
It's just a theory to get people talking. I know people are upset with congress and it's not a new sentiment. Even if it just leads to some congress people polling their own constituents on issues, I think the spirit of the idea might be enough to hold some of them a bit more accountable.

Please. Do you really want 330 million people to have their faces shoved in Maxine Waters' pooie pie 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Things that make ya' go..........................:puke3::puke:

Well, someone had to tell 'm. :eusa_whistle:
I'm not really pimping the site, there's nothing there but information. I just want to get people talking about the idea and maybe come up with some options to put a little pressure on congress. Congress has such a massive disapproval rating that I thought this would be something people would get behind or at least talk about. The congress is supposed to represent the population so why not let the population represent itself?
I'm not really pimping the site, there's nothing there but information. I just want to get people talking about the idea and maybe come up with some options to put a little pressure on congress. Congress has such a massive disapproval rating that I thought this would be something people would get behind or at least talk about. The congress is supposed to represent the population so why not let the population represent itself?
The pressure needs to be put on both Obama and Biden to hold a joint press conference announcing their resignations. Before they destroy this great country beyond repair.

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