Hello, everyone


Jan 22, 2011
Like jckryan, I've been looking for a message board for people more to the center of the political spectrum, a place where you can offer an opinion and not be attacked for not toeing the company line. I just couldn't go through another election cycle with people like that. *chuckle*

All those little ''what are you?'' quizzes tell me I'm a conservative libertarian and that sounds about right. If the election were held today I'd rush to the polls to vote for Chris Christie but he's not running, it's early so I'm undecided and watching.

Again, I'm so happy to have found you. I think people who post on message boards are intelligent, attractive, resourceful, kind to children and animals and suckers for flattery. :lol:

Glad to be here.

Come in and enjoy :lol:
I am Zeshan from Asia.I am 21 years old currently doing MBA.I am a regular user of the internet.I love watching English

movies.I am new to this forum.Forums are a great source for getting information and sharing your ideas with others.
Like jckryan, I've been looking for a message board for people more to the center of the political spectrum, a place where you can offer an opinion and not be attacked for not toeing the company line. I just couldn't go through another election cycle with people like that. *chuckle*

All those little ''what are you?'' quizzes tell me I'm a conservative libertarian and that sounds about right. If the election were held today I'd rush to the polls to vote for Chris Christie but he's not running, it's early so I'm undecided and watching.

Again, I'm so happy to have found you. I think people who post on message boards are intelligent, attractive, resourceful, kind to children and animals and suckers for flattery. :lol:

Glad to be here.

Hey, Emma you didn't smoke all the Marlboro's did you? How's Becca and all that free candy?

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