Zone1 Hello from Europe

I have known many, many educated people from outside the U.S., most of them citizens of other countries who come to live here temporarily, or who just do a lot of business here, while remaining in their home countries.

None of them understand the basics of the U.S. government, so their opinions, while fervent, are almost always based on misunderstandings about U.S. law and its limitations.

The U.S. Federal government, unlike in other countries, has LIMITED powers, and cannot do just anything that the Congress or President want to do. The biggest example is, the Federal government does not have the power to implement socialized medicine, no matter what it is called. Foreigners never grasp this fundamental point. Socialized medicine would require a Constitutional Amendment, which requires super-majorities in both Congress and the State legislatures, and there is no major push for such an Amendment.

Most governing power is in the States. They control most criminal law, family law, property law, infrastructure, education, and healthcare (which is 80% private, not government-controlled).

Within the Federal government, there are three branches (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) which have different powers and often can exert that power to limit what the other branches do. For example, the President can make foreign policy, but only Congress can declare war, and Congress controls the money. The President and Congress are limited by the Constitution but it is very difficult to challenge a law or Presidential action in Court. In order for that to happen, someone must be harmed, then take an action in Federal court to get it resolved, and then it must go through an appeals process that can take years. And even when it finally gets to the Supreme Court, the Court will only look at the specific action or part of the law that caused the legal action to be brought.

So be careful expressing opinions about how "stupid" the American government is. There are probably good reasons why they don't do what seems like the obvious thing to do.
Hi. I am Aaro. A lot of people in my country are interested in American politics. Some find it fascinating. My understanding is the American election season really gets going in September. Looking forward to reading more.

The election got going ages ago, but "get going" just means a lot of people saying stupid stuff to each other.

You'll find most threads on here are one side trying to tell the other side they're idiots.

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