Hello, Snowden/Freedom supporter here

Welcome to the board - hope you enjoy posting here. I wonder if you'll still be here when Snowden is captured or gets his just reward? May be tough.
Daniel Ellsberg leaked classified information during a time of war and became a champion of the left. Snowden's actions don't rise to near the level of what that bastard Ellsberg did, yet to the left, one is a hero, the other a traitor. Ellsberg was a publicity seeker, became a media-darling and has basked in that treacherous glory ever since. Snowden is running for his life to countries that he can't be extradicted from. I'd imagine he'll do what he has to do to stay free as his own government, his own country, seem to be forcing him into committing real treason. This is what happens when you put stalinsts in charge of a government....he has a better chance in russia at this point. Who would have ever believed that possible?
I'm not a supporter of the corrupt Constitution destroying behemoth into which our federal government has transmogrified...but, that doesn't equate with being a Snowden supporter. He has done nothing to prove his credibility, imo. I believe the info he has outed, but do not trust his motives based on the countries he has chosen as his escapes.
The countries chosen were a brilliant strategic move. The man's brilliant. Let's see what happens in this chess game.

I have to agree and I'm glad you see the analogy of chess moves here. Let me predict one for you. You say his choice of countries were a brilliant stategy. I must agree. His best options for reconstructive surgery are in South America. He has to have that before he officially "dies". When that happens? It's Checkmate. - Jeri

p.s. it looks like Obama took the advice of the wise and dropped it. That was a smart move. He doesn't have anyone who could have got Snowden anyhow. Later gator!
LOL! Mertex! Snowdens just reward would be the keys to the city! The man is a hero! I know it is just eating you guys alive that you can't get him but as it is too late now - follow Obama's lead and DROP IT, Doll.

Welcome to USMB, snowdoneisahero. Hope you enjoy picking up the pieces when you realize how serious it is to betray a nation of 326,000,000 human beings to its chief competitor over ego issues.
Let's wait and see if any information which is potentially damaging to the interests of the American People is included in the so-called "classified" data revealed by Snowden and Manning. At this point there is an equal possibility that the revelations these men are being demonized for will operate to the advantage of the American People by exposing things government doesn't want us to know.

I want some categorical specifics -- not just the generic "classified" designation that works so well for the brainwashed authoritarian jingoists among us. Classified what? And why?

Edward Snowden appears to be far too intelligent to reveal anything which might be damaging to the the Nation and its People. And Julian Assange has repeatedly stated that any such information has been removed from the data WikiLeaks has published.

Snowden and Manning belong to one of two possible categories; traitors or heroes. Let's wait and see what the evidence suggests.
Both men signed documents agreeing that they would not pass classified information to unauthorized persons.

Snowden is plowing with the wrong cows, having defected to Russia and contacted Ecuador who are feathering Assange's nest. The Ecuador in which I supported two orphans for about 10 years apiece while they were growing up, and the Russia that cheated us out of first class seats and put us on the back of the plane because we were Americans in 2006. They ignored two letters of protest requesting the difference in airfares which they cheated us out of.

Yep. Birds of a feather who think nothing of people who benefitted them generously, repaying bad for good.

I'm not suprised to learn the Russians robbed you of your first class seats. How do you think the billlionaires in Russia felt about Putin taking it from them and putting it in his own bank account. Where is the record of Putin ever being so successful in business as to have become even a millionaire. He never was - he stole it.

Snowden is using the right assets. The two nations that the elitists still fear are Russia and China. He wasted no time in getting the strongest possible position on the board. I call this one 4 moves to fools mate with Obama coming out the fool. How much would you care to wager? JK. I don't bet. Kissinger always did have a soft spot for the Soviets. Guess Obama didn't know Kissinger had major game. He does now! - Jeri
Snowden had nowhere else to go to avoid incarceration. I doubt if he sympathizes with the Chinese or the Russians, but what would his chances have been if he had gone to say...Great Britain?

I think of it this way:

If Snowden tried to go through the proper channels in the US, you can pretty much guarantee our government would cover it up. Being in that atmosphere, Snowden likely knew this, which is why he left the country to air the dirty laundry.
Welcome aboard! Thanks for dropping in and saying hello. Side bar: If Snowden tried to go through the proper channels in the US he would have ended up like Hastings.

Enjoy the forum, great to have you here

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