hello to all the white men & women out there with Trump-voting relatives

Thank goodness all my family is intelligent so there are no truputin supporters near. The stupids are only in Floodida and tennnnassse.
My family is very civil, especially at holidays. I'm gonna cook in the AM. :funnyface:

I was gonna do it tonight, but no!
Yep even my third generation FDR Democrat brother in law is well behaved. Now around the pond at night after the 5th beer, whoo boy that's when the fun begins :04:
Man another Racist dimshit thread. I am going to the grandkids just taking some tater salad. They all think dims are dangerous nut jobs.
Today you’re using the pre-Thanksgiving hours to rehearse talking points for the dinner table tomorrow to do some work breaking down systemic racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. right!?

Keep those cards and letters coming. Someone might actually read them.
Today you’re using the pre-Thanksgiving hours to rehearse talking points for the dinner table tomorrow to do some work breaking down systemic racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. right!?
Hello to Kanye West and Alveda King as well

Good conversation starters for your trump loving uncle...

Hey uncle buck, how’s it going? We got you mock turkey.
Today you’re using the pre-Thanksgiving hours to rehearse talking points for the dinner table tomorrow to do some work breaking down systemic racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. right!?

No, of course not.

Are you crazy? Why would I go waste a perfectly good holiday, where I could play games, watch football, eat food, talk about all the funny crazy stories that happened throughout the year, have a great enjoyable relaxing Thanksgiving with family.....

but instead, let's waste it getting heated about the minimum wage, or a caravan? Really? That's your idea of a good holiday?

You could have a great, fun, enjoyable time... but no, let's argue about politics? Come on........ Man you need to get a life. Not as an insult... I'm just saying there are in fact, better things to do with your time, than argue about politics.

I remember one year someone tried to play that game on me.... "What do you think about (X)?" I answered "here is what I think about that topic"..... and all of sudden they were in argument mode, and "Blaw blaw blaw blaw what do you say to that???"

"I say... I'm going on a walk with my relatives through the forest" And walked out with them. (They were already getting ready to go). Went a on great walk, had a great time with my other relatives.

Now that guy, later on, when I had time that wasn't a holiday being wasted... I answered his question.

There is a time and place for heated discussion about important topics. Like here. Had a guy on voice chat, start arguing with me in the middle of an online game. I moved on, and started playing the game without answering him. The next day, over text chat, I answered all his questions about my position on the topic. Why ruin the game with a heated argument, when you can have an enjoyable game, and answer him later?

Dude seriously. Enjoy your time with people, and holidays, without dumb arguments over politics. That's what forums are for. Not family get togethers.
Today you’re using the pre-Thanksgiving hours to rehearse talking points for the dinner table tomorrow to do some work breaking down systemic racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. right!?
Xenophobic racist homophobic...Who are your relatives, the Hitlers? Do they dress in their best storm trooper outfits and do sieg heil at the thanksgiving table instead of saying grace ? My relatives are mostly liberal, I don't demonize them with extremist terms. But silly me, voting for trump. Stop hating on people , this is about diversity. Being condescending hurts people's feelings and isn't inclusive. Yeah, right.
I blush to admit that amongst my conservative-to-libertarian family members, the Leftist whacko and her progeny have been informally but definitely shunned. We will have a short, polite "Happy Thanksgiving" phone call and that's it. We don't like being called (implicitly) "haters," "bigots," "xenophobes," "homophobes," etc., simply because we like the idea of enforcing U.S. laws and the Constitution.

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