
Yes I would. Shock and awe I know.

I pity your kids then. I really do. But...they have minds of their own. Maybe they will break free of your mindset. One can hope.

My mindset? I don't tell my kids what to think being around the people I don't want them around at wal mart or the mall shows them what kind of people they are...That teaches them all they need to know...I broke free of my parents ignorance and stupidity so I am sure everyone is capable of it. Course they tried forcing multicultism and race mixing is ok down my throat and I revolted against them.

My parents said the opposite. To date only "our race". I 'revolted" as well. They weren't really racist...but they were ignorant because in those days, that's how they were raised. The 70's became a bit more enlightened, I'd like to think.

There is a show called Wife Swap. This show had this horrible woman that constantly preached and the family she swapped with were wiccans and she was universally hated by everyone that saw that episode. But about a year later, they had her back again..this time, she was paired with a black couple. The black dude was very much like you...and preached not religion, but Black Power and how horrible whites were. This hated woman said something that made everyone love her. She said "you know, I have lived my whole life not seeing color. But since being here with you, I lost that ability".

Its ok to be proud of who you are. But to not live in harmony the best you can...and raise your kids to goosestep along with you....that is pretty sad.
They have my sympathies.
Eh figured it would be fun to introduce myself to all the degenerate scum here. :cool:

Didn't work out the way you expected, did it?

Since you signed up and didn't post, I'll bet you thought you would be welcomed as a returning hero, right?

Not really....I got tired of not having anything to do so I started looking for political forums and it said I was already registered here so I just started posting again...I could care less what any of you think of me. Dealing with the shit I deal with only makes me stronger...Fact is if any of you saw me in the street you would run in fear that's not a threat its a promise.
you greatly over estimate your significance
Didn't work out the way you expected, did it?

Since you signed up and didn't post, I'll bet you thought you would be welcomed as a returning hero, right?

Not really....I got tired of not having anything to do so I started looking for political forums and it said I was already registered here so I just started posting again...I could care less what any of you think of me. Dealing with the shit I deal with only makes me stronger...Fact is if any of you saw me in the street you would run in fear that's not a threat its a promise.
you greatly over estimate your significance

And his chances!
Soon this assclown will have all of us on ignore, and this will be his online experience on this board.

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Didn't work out the way you expected, did it?

Since you signed up and didn't post, I'll bet you thought you would be welcomed as a returning hero, right?

Not really....I got tired of not having anything to do so I started looking for political forums and it said I was already registered here so I just started posting again...I could care less what any of you think of me. Dealing with the shit I deal with only makes me stronger...Fact is if any of you saw me in the street you would run in fear that's not a threat its a promise.
you greatly over estimate your significance

You mean he has ANY? He won't even become a legend in his own lunchtime!
Has someone left a barrowload of shit in one of the forums? Seems we have a lot of maggots crawling in lately!
Why do you think people would run in fear of you, Hoss?
Do tell.

Because I know the kind of people I am dealing with here...little anarchist/left wing/communist/antifa punks same garbage I deal with on the street.
Actually no rat. I said I was a National Socialist. Not a nazi. That is just a ignorant term uneducated people like yourself call people like me.
Has someone left a barrowload of shit in one of the forums? Seems we have a lot of maggots crawling in lately!

The site that will not be named dumped a load of trash, and they're crawling here looking for a warm place to troll.
Why do you think people would run in fear of you, Hoss?
Do tell.

Because I know the kind of people I am dealing with here...little anarchist/left wing/communist/antifa punks same garbage I deal with on the street.

Does that big brush you're carrying around get heavy? You've mentioned a few times now about dealing with "garbage on the street". So what exactly do you do to encounter such things? Are you sure your glasses aren't just smudged? Seriously..I'm really wondering why you feel this way. What the hell happened to make it so?
Are you a cop???

Edited to say no offense to cops. But they have to deal with really ugly things and really ugly crimes.
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Why do you think people would run in fear of you, Hoss?
Do tell.

Because I know the kind of people I am dealing with here...little anarchist/left wing/communist/antifa punks same garbage I deal with on the street.

Does that big brush you're carrying around get heavy? You've mentioned a few times now about dealing with "garbage on the street". So what exactly do you do to encounter such things? Are you sure your glasses aren't just smudged? Seriously..I'm really wondering why you feel this way. What the hell happened to make it so?

Try being a 16 year old kid living in the ghetto and realize you are smarter than everyone else living there and you don't look like everyone else...you start to educate yourself on the differences on race etc....one thing led to another. I am proud to say my wife is a proud white woman who is the mother of my 2 white kids.

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