Help for a thicko please?


Aug 5, 2015
:banana2:Okay, ashamed to admit it but this old lady is finding it difficult to get around your forum. I know, I know, thick or what ! I am not that ofay with computers I'm afraid, I know how to get around normally but I seem to be finding it difficult on here. On my other Forum when I get to the bottom of a page of replies there is a simple numbering index to go to the next page, so easy for this old bat to understand, but apart from the reply box on here, where do I go to bring up the next and following pages showing the replies to a particular topic ?????????? honestly, it is probably staring me straight in the face but I still need help !
Thanks very much from a blushing Brit pensioner xx
Please ignore my request for help. DOH ! just been onto another thread and you of course have your page numbering system. I guess the two threads I looked at must have had only one page each. As I said.....DOH ! apologies x
No problem and welcome!
Please ignore my request for help. DOH ! just been onto another thread and you of course have your page numbering system. I guess the two threads I looked at must have had only one page each. As I said.....DOH ! apologies x
Hi LimeyLucy
Welcome and thanks for adding your unique perspective to our ranks.

Do you have any particular issues or activist experience you focus on?

When I think of British politics, I think of some of the same issues
facing both our countries with the Islam issues, the question of gun controls,
and what is happening with the access and costs regarding health care and education,
is quality going up or down in relation to costs, etc.

You would think that with the internet, we'd learn from each other at a faster rate
instead of repeating the same learning curve.

I'm hoping we humans learn to use global networking effectively to put solutions
together instead of wasting resources slamming and spamming.

I hope your presence here will keep communications more civil and stable
so we can actually share ideas, work out issues and focus on solutions we agree will work.

I'd love to see more of that in govt and democratic participation in general,
so thanks for being here! Enjoy!

Yours truly,

Emily Nghiem
Houston Texas
National Freedmen's Town
Historic District
Hows the weather on the other side of the pond?

Welcome to USMB. :)
I'd love to see more of that in govt and democratic participation in general,
so thanks for being here! Enjoy!
Limeylucy is in Englad. It will be great to see inter governmental participation… WTF?
I'd love to see more of that in govt and democratic participation in general,
so thanks for being here! Enjoy!
Limeylucy is in Englad. It will be great to see inter governmental participation… WTF?

Dear defcon4
The people are the govt -- in any nation.

If we the people are more civil when we add address political issues among ourselves,
and quit bullying namecaling and tearing people down,
THAT sets the pace for leaders in govt to do the same thing.

To follow OUR lead, not dictate to us what our values or choices are!

Why not take a COLLABORATIVE civilized approach to resolving
political issues instead of bulldogging and bulldozing.

Don't you think that makes a difference?
You don't believe in the ripple effect, the idea that
what we accomplish locally affects the global collectively???
Hi LimeyLucy
Welcome and thanks for adding your unique perspective to our ranks.

Do you have any particular issues or activist experience you focus on?

When I think of British politics, I think of some of the same issues
facing both our countries with the Islam issues, the question of gun controls,
and what is happening with the access and costs regarding health care and education,
is quality going up or down in relation to costs, etc.

You would think that with the internet, we'd learn from each other at a faster rate
instead of repeating the same learning curve.

I'm hoping we humans learn to use global networking effectively to put solutions
together instead of wasting resources slamming and spamming.

I hope your presence here will keep communications more civil and stable
so we can actually share ideas, work out issues and focus on solutions we agree will work.

I'd love to see more of that in govt and democratic participation in general,
so thanks for being here! Enjoy!

Yours truly,

Emily Nghiem
Houston Texas
National Freedmen's Town
Historic District
WTH! Why lecture now?
I'd love to see more of that in govt and democratic participation in general,
so thanks for being here! Enjoy!
Limeylucy is in Englad. It will be great to see inter governmental participation… WTF?

Dear defcon4
The people are the govt -- in any nation.

If we the people are more civil when we add address political issues among ourselves,
and quit bullying namecaling and tearing people down,
THAT sets the pace for leaders in govt to do the same thing.

To follow OUR lead, not dictate to us what our values or choices are!

Why not take a COLLABORATIVE civilized approach to resolving
political issues instead of bulldogging and bulldozing.

Don't you think that makes a difference?
You don't believe in the ripple effect, the idea that
what we accomplish locally affects the global collectively???
I rather not get entangled in your web of illusions.
I'd love to see more of that in govt and democratic participation in general,
so thanks for being here! Enjoy!
Limeylucy is in Englad. It will be great to see inter governmental participation… WTF?

Dear defcon4
The people are the govt -- in any nation.

If we the people are more civil when we add address political issues among ourselves,
and quit bullying namecaling and tearing people down,
THAT sets the pace for leaders in govt to do the same thing.

To follow OUR lead, not dictate to us what our values or choices are!

Why not take a COLLABORATIVE civilized approach to resolving
political issues instead of bulldogging and bulldozing.

Don't you think that makes a difference?
You don't believe in the ripple effect, the idea that
what we accomplish locally affects the global collectively???
I rather not get entangled in your web of illusions.

What illusion is there? defcon4

Do you agree or not that if the people set the standard for govt,
then govt has to follow us, not dictate to us by keeping us divided and squabbling.

Don't you think the political stereotyping is more the illusion being sold to us
to keep us locked in fear and keep us voting for bullies to defend us against these trumped up "bogeymen"

How are THOSE not illusions?
Get real!

There are more voters than there are these politicians in the media playing us against each other. By the numbers alone, who has more power?

What illusion are we living under if 9 justices on the Supreme Court or
1 executive in Washington "dictates" what we believe and follow in life? really?

What happened to human equality? If people are really created equal
don't we all have equal say and influence if we would just USE that instead of
giving all our authority away to someone else to make decisions for us. Really???
I'd love to see more of that in govt and democratic participation in general,
so thanks for being here! Enjoy!
Limeylucy is in Englad. It will be great to see inter governmental participation… WTF?

Dear defcon4
The people are the govt -- in any nation.

If we the people are more civil when we add address political issues among ourselves,
and quit bullying namecaling and tearing people down,
THAT sets the pace for leaders in govt to do the same thing.

To follow OUR lead, not dictate to us what our values or choices are!

Why not take a COLLABORATIVE civilized approach to resolving
political issues instead of bulldogging and bulldozing.

Don't you think that makes a difference?
You don't believe in the ripple effect, the idea that
what we accomplish locally affects the global collectively???
I rather not get entangled in your web of illusions.

What illusion is there? defcon4

Do you agree or not that if the people set the standard for govt,
then govt has to follow us, not dictate to us by keeping us divided and squabbling.

Don't you think the political stereotyping is more the illusion being sold to us
to keep us locked in fear and keep us voting for bullies to defend us against these trumped up "bogeymen"

How are THOSE not illusions?
Get real!

There are more voters than there are these politicians in the media playing us against each other. By the numbers alone, who has more power?

What illusion are we living under if 9 justices on the Supreme Court or
1 executive in Washington "dictates" what we believe and follow in life? really?

What happened to human equality? If people are really created equal
don't we all have equal say and influence if we would just USE that instead of
giving all our authority away to someone else to make decisions for us. Really???
Emily, the people's government is nothing but a brief glory of the past. Now, it is bastardized to a degree that putting the genie back into the bottle is almost impossible. Something horrendous has to happen to bring that about.
Hellooooo? This is an introductory thread. Take the politics to the political forum. Oy.
:beer:Hi everyone and yet once again I must thank you for your kindness in welcoming me aboard this forum. I have to admit I almost wet myself at the thought of participating in the Political forum when I read what was being typed and what you are allowed to say on here ! :ack-1:
If I put forward views such as I read on here on the other forum I use in the UK, (www.over50' I would have been banned for life ! I cannot believe how much you are allowed to get away with here. Half of your smilies alone would never be allowed to be even printed, never mind used !! Britain is unfortunately so obsessed with political correctness, ( if you will please forgive the rather crude saying), one dare not even fart for fear of being accused of some thought up phobia or ism towards those unable to ffart due to some form of illness. I kid you not, please cherish the freedoms you have here in the USA, we lost our freedoms to the PC police years ago all thanks to New Labour and Tony Bliar, (no not a spelling error, that is how he is remembered here).
To still be able to think, say and type what you want without fear of arrest must be wonderful

What can I say about the UK at the present moment.Well, I love my country dearly of course and I am very patriotic. It breaks my heart however to see what is happening here at the moment as this tiny island is changing beyond recognition, but whenever I try to put my viewpoint across on the forum with regard to my genuine fears and worries over unfettered immigration and our extremely porous open borders, I am constantly shot down by the same PC group on the forum as being homophobic, racist and a little Britaine for having such views. It matters little to them that I am not a member of any political or anti-immigrant party, I am just an ordinary wife, mum and grandma, worried about our vital services such as Housing, Education, Health and Benefit system being almost at breaking point. but as I say, if I dare question the stupidity of our porous borders, I am constantly shot down for daring to question the way the country is being run. So I usually leave them to it and head for the lounge forum where they discuss what they have been up to today ! . At least on here I will be able to discuss the way things are and the way things should be in the UK with regard to immigration, without the constant cries of Racist !

Okay, I am under no illusions that I will no doubt get attacked by someone on here who will vehemently disagree with my view, I can't help that I have broad shoulders and will try not to let my bottom lip quiver too much, I'll tighten the strap on my already bullet-ridden trusty tin helmet and put this old head over the parapet !
I hope I will be able to answer some of your questions regarding the UK Just aim that rifle elsewhere please. :beer: Best wishes to you all xx
I used to post there briefly. Same with #########. Both sucked.

(Mentioning other boards is a no no. Just a heads up).
:beer:Hi everyone and yet once again I must thank you for your kindness in welcoming me aboard this forum. I have to admit I almost wet myself at the thought of participating in the Political forum when I read what was being typed and what you are allowed to say on here ! :ack-1:
If I put forward views such as I read on here on the other forum I use in the UK, (www.over50' I would have been banned for life ! I cannot believe how much you are allowed to get away with here. Half of your smilies alone would never be allowed to be even printed, never mind used !! Britain is unfortunately so obsessed with political correctness, ( if you will please forgive the rather crude saying), one dare not even fart for fear of being accused of some thought up phobia or ism towards those unable to ffart due to some form of illness. I kid you not, please cherish the freedoms you have here in the USA, we lost our freedoms to the PC police years ago all thanks to New Labour and Tony Bliar, (no not a spelling error, that is how he is remembered here).
To still be able to think, say and type what you want without fear of arrest must be wonderful

What can I say about the UK at the present moment.Well, I love my country dearly of course and I am very patriotic. It breaks my heart however to see what is happening here at the moment as this tiny island is changing beyond recognition, but whenever I try to put my viewpoint across on the forum with regard to my genuine fears and worries over unfettered immigration and our extremely porous open borders, I am constantly shot down by the same PC group on the forum as being homophobic, racist and a little Britaine for having such views. It matters little to them that I am not a member of any political or anti-immigrant party, I am just an ordinary wife, mum and grandma, worried about our vital services such as Housing, Education, Health and Benefit system being almost at breaking point. but as I say, if I dare question the stupidity of our porous borders, I am constantly shot down for daring to question the way the country is being run. So I usually leave them to it and head for the lounge forum where they discuss what they have been up to today ! . At least on here I will be able to discuss the way things are and the way things should be in the UK with regard to immigration, without the constant cries of Racist !

Okay, I am under no illusions that I will no doubt get attacked by someone on here who will vehemently disagree with my view, I can't help that I have broad shoulders and will try not to let my bottom lip quiver too much, I'll tighten the strap on my already bullet-ridden trusty tin helmet and put this old head over the parapet !
I hope I will be able to answer some of your questions regarding the UK Just aim that rifle elsewhere please. :beer: Best wishes to you all xx

Enjoy and have fun.
Be sure to read the forum rules, not many but there are some.

They are trying to do the same thing here too with PC Police.
On the public air waves (Telly) we have to talk like we are walking on eggs or get attacked for being insulting or insensitive and or are getting fired from their jobs.
That is the total opposite of our 1st Amendment of Free speech.
I'd love to see more of that in govt and democratic participation in general,
so thanks for being here! Enjoy!
Limeylucy is in Englad. It will be great to see inter governmental participation… WTF?

Dear defcon4
The people are the govt -- in any nation.

If we the people are more civil when we add address political issues among ourselves,
and quit bullying namecaling and tearing people down,
THAT sets the pace for leaders in govt to do the same thing.

To follow OUR lead, not dictate to us what our values or choices are!

Why not take a COLLABORATIVE civilized approach to resolving
political issues instead of bulldogging and bulldozing.

Don't you think that makes a difference?
You don't believe in the ripple effect, the idea that
what we accomplish locally affects the global collectively???
I rather not get entangled in your web of illusions.

What illusion is there? defcon4

Do you agree or not that if the people set the standard for govt,
then govt has to follow us, not dictate to us by keeping us divided and squabbling.

Don't you think the political stereotyping is more the illusion being sold to us
to keep us locked in fear and keep us voting for bullies to defend us against these trumped up "bogeymen"

How are THOSE not illusions?
Get real!

There are more voters than there are these politicians in the media playing us against each other. By the numbers alone, who has more power?

What illusion are we living under if 9 justices on the Supreme Court or
1 executive in Washington "dictates" what we believe and follow in life? really?

What happened to human equality? If people are really created equal
don't we all have equal say and influence if we would just USE that instead of
giving all our authority away to someone else to make decisions for us. Really???
Emily, the people's government is nothing but a brief glory of the past. Now, it is bastardized to a degree that putting the genie back into the bottle is almost impossible. Something horrendous has to happen to bring that about.

Hi defcon4 What do you think of this idea: of
having a public agreement that the political party platforms
constitute political BELIEFS. so these CREEDS should be managed
and funded SEPARATELY, to respect all creeds equally,
ie without discrimination, and not impose them by govt.

Would that be a big step to separate Parties from Govt?
Limeylucy is in Englad. It will be great to see inter governmental participation… WTF?

Dear defcon4
The people are the govt -- in any nation.

If we the people are more civil when we add address political issues among ourselves,
and quit bullying namecaling and tearing people down,
THAT sets the pace for leaders in govt to do the same thing.

To follow OUR lead, not dictate to us what our values or choices are!

Why not take a COLLABORATIVE civilized approach to resolving
political issues instead of bulldogging and bulldozing.

Don't you think that makes a difference?
You don't believe in the ripple effect, the idea that
what we accomplish locally affects the global collectively???
I rather not get entangled in your web of illusions.

What illusion is there? defcon4

Do you agree or not that if the people set the standard for govt,
then govt has to follow us, not dictate to us by keeping us divided and squabbling.

Don't you think the political stereotyping is more the illusion being sold to us
to keep us locked in fear and keep us voting for bullies to defend us against these trumped up "bogeymen"

How are THOSE not illusions?
Get real!

There are more voters than there are these politicians in the media playing us against each other. By the numbers alone, who has more power?

What illusion are we living under if 9 justices on the Supreme Court or
1 executive in Washington "dictates" what we believe and follow in life? really?

What happened to human equality? If people are really created equal
don't we all have equal say and influence if we would just USE that instead of
giving all our authority away to someone else to make decisions for us. Really???
Emily, the people's government is nothing but a brief glory of the past. Now, it is bastardized to a degree that putting the genie back into the bottle is almost impossible. Something horrendous has to happen to bring that about.

Hi defcon4 What do you think of this idea: of
having a public agreement that the political party platforms
constitute political BELIEFS. so these CREEDS should be managed
and funded SEPARATELY, to respect all creeds equally,
ie without discrimination, and not impose them by govt.

Would that be a big step to separate Parties from Govt?
Start a thread, please.
Limeylucy is in Englad. It will be great to see inter governmental participation… WTF?

Dear defcon4
The people are the govt -- in any nation.

If we the people are more civil when we add address political issues among ourselves,
and quit bullying namecaling and tearing people down,
THAT sets the pace for leaders in govt to do the same thing.

To follow OUR lead, not dictate to us what our values or choices are!

Why not take a COLLABORATIVE civilized approach to resolving
political issues instead of bulldogging and bulldozing.

Don't you think that makes a difference?
You don't believe in the ripple effect, the idea that
what we accomplish locally affects the global collectively???
I rather not get entangled in your web of illusions.

What illusion is there? defcon4

Do you agree or not that if the people set the standard for govt,
then govt has to follow us, not dictate to us by keeping us divided and squabbling.

Don't you think the political stereotyping is more the illusion being sold to us
to keep us locked in fear and keep us voting for bullies to defend us against these trumped up "bogeymen"

How are THOSE not illusions?
Get real!

There are more voters than there are these politicians in the media playing us against each other. By the numbers alone, who has more power?

What illusion are we living under if 9 justices on the Supreme Court or
1 executive in Washington "dictates" what we believe and follow in life? really?

What happened to human equality? If people are really created equal
don't we all have equal say and influence if we would just USE that instead of
giving all our authority away to someone else to make decisions for us. Really???
Emily, the people's government is nothing but a brief glory of the past. Now, it is bastardized to a degree that putting the genie back into the bottle is almost impossible. Something horrendous has to happen to bring that about.

Hi defcon4 What do you think of this idea: of
having a public agreement that the political party platforms
constitute political BELIEFS. so these CREEDS should be managed
and funded SEPARATELY, to respect all creeds equally,
ie without discrimination, and not impose them by govt.

Would that be a big step to separate Parties from Govt?

Did you know that cereal boxes are made the size and shape they are so that men can hide behind them at the breakfast table?

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