NEW VIDEO of Atlanta Police Shooting


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2020

Wanted to make a new thread because the original one was so big with a lot of debate so I thought it may get lost. Here is the have to fast forward to around 28:30.

With this new video... this is a clear warranted shooting. The left and BLM will make asses of themselves rioting and burning down cities for this guy. A man who was driving drunk, fought officers, stole their taser, and then pointed it at them. It looks like a pathetic suicide by cop attempt.

Or maybe they wont make assess of themselves? The police chief already resigned...the officer in question fired. I guess any use of force now by police against a person of color, no matter how warranted, is wrong? Will this man's family get millions of dollars?

I ask someone who thinks it was excessive a simple question...what would you do? Let the man taser you? Have a taser fight? What if you get tasered and he steals your gun? Do you risk aiming specifically for a kneecap or non lethal area? Wasting a precious second as you are getting tasered?
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A taser is meant to incapacitate. Incapacitating a police officer can have deadly consequences.

Totally a clean shoot, but the leftists won't care. Just more fuel for the outrage mob.

IMO all major metro officers should just leave their jurisdiction. Head out and stand guard over the suburbs where they are wanted and appreciated, and let the inner cities become the raging cesspools that the left clearly wants them to be.
I don't know what is justified or not nowadays, I do know that if you're arrested by police, just face the judge and make your case. What benefit does ANYONE have to ever running, or worse, grabbing their taser?

Nobody is going to convince me bad officers, even evil and horrible officers, don't exist, because they do. I do know though, that if you make their job difficult, you put them in spot where they have to make a split second decision and it can't ever work in your favour. Whether in fear for their lives or just relying on training.

This is why I won't ever resist arrest, but if an officer does wrong, there must be consequences. There has to be a balance on both sides of the ledger.
You can’t stop blacks anymore, they are unarrestable, every black person will resist arrest. And why not ?

Excellent point. I have heard people say...well how did two officers lose control of one man and allow him to steal their taser? Perhaps the two officers were not nearly as aggressive and forceful as they would have been against a black man resisting arrest...allowing him to get the upper hand?
I just saw a video of the man violently resisting arrest,, these poor block neighborhoods won’t have any cops soon, it’s going to be a banana republic
That is quite different from the original thread on this, saying the guy ran and was shot as he was running.
In this video, it's clear that Brooks not only turned, he aimed that tazer straight at the cop--the cop had to dodge it, might have even hit him--and Brooks was ready for a fight. He sure wasn't going to let anyone near him. According to the cops involved, they had tried tazering Brooks repeatedly and it wasn't slowing him down.

It's still too bad that their weapons weren't matched, that the cop didn't have a tazer on him instead of a gun. They could have had a real lightsaber moment. We ARE still talking about a DUI and resisting arrest, and he was not armed with a lethal weapon. In a moment of calm ratiocination, no reason for deadly force. But Brooks had definitely escalated things beyond reason, too, and I can see how it reached that point in the heat of the moment. At a moment like that, after Brooks fired the tazer at him, there is no way they were going to think about letting him run and catch up with him later.

I don't see why the mayor immediately called for the Chief's job, though. That was a political move and I think the idea of this being a bad shoot is questionable now.

Y'all are gonna start screaming, but in Great Britain, most of the cops are not armed. It is so unusual that when they DO carry a gun (like the terrorist shooting near Parliament) it is immediately noticed and they even put out a statement warning the populace. They can crack heads, wrastle a guy down, but they don't usually have weapons to kill on their persons. Maybe situations like this are why. Of course, most of their citizens don't carry guns, either.

Oh, I don't know the answers to any of this. It's goddamned clear, though, that everyone needs to stop yapping for a bit and do some serious thinking.

Wanted to make a new thread because the original one was so big with a lot of debate so I thought it may get lost. Here is the have to fast forward to around 28:30.

With this new video... this is a clear warranted shooting. The left and BLM will make asses of themselves rioting and burning down cities for this guy. A man who was driving drunk, fought officers, stole their taser, and then pointed it at them. It looks like a pathetic suicide by cop attempt.

Or maybe they wont make assess of themselves? The police chief already resigned...the officer in question fired. I guess any use of force now by police against a person of color, no matter how warranted, is wrong? Will this man's family get millions of dollars?

I ask someone who thinks it was excessive a simple question...what would you do? Let the man taser you? Have a taser fight? What if you get tasered and he steals your gun? Do you risk aiming specifically for a kneecap or non lethal area? Wasting a precious second as you are getting tasered?

A part of the systemic public misunderstanding of police and the role of police in our society is a large section of the public (and many politicians it seems) wrongly believing the police are servants of the people. The people (who have jobs) do pay police salaries with taxes, however, the core mission of the police is to enforce the law and maintain societal order or bring order to chaos by whatever means necessary. Research the SOP or mission statement of almost any PD special tactics unit and you will find the words "order to chaos" in there somewhere. What that "order to chaos" mantra does not mean is consult public opinion first or ask the public for permission before acting. Many, many situations police officers face daily happen and are over in a few dozen or less seconds, which leaves very little time for philosophizing on the use of force, particularly if their own lives or those of fellow officers or innocents are in jeopardy. Qualified immunity is one protection for police officers in such situations where ambiguity taints public opinion. Body cams are another. If anything police need more protections put in place, such as higher quality body armor purchasable at discount, a waiting period or moratorium on media blitzing after an officer involved shooting and many others.

The perp fought with the police after being arrested, grabbed the cop's Taser, ran away, turned to shoot it at the cop and got shot and killed. That's what happened. What do I hear from his lawyer today? Same old 'cops are racist' bullshit. For God's sake, the stupid fucker resisted arrest then STOLE the officer's Taser, pointed it at the officer and pulled the trigger. The cop was defending himself and shot. The lawyer says cops have to be more 'empathetic' what a bunch horse shit. This is really sickening.
Someone wake up Martin Looter King.

I think he is in bed with a hangover, but there is more work to be done in Atlanta.

Someone wake up Martin Looter King.

I think he is in bed with a hangover, but there is more work to be done in Atlanta.

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New video shows he shot the tazer at the officer. If it was the same officer he stole it from, the officer only had his gun then. It appears justified to me. Unless you think that was appropriate...

The perp fought with the police after being arrested, grabbed the cop's Taser, ran away, turned to shoot it at the cop and got shot and killed. That's what happened. What do I hear from his lawyer today? Same old 'cops are racist' bullshit. For God's sake, the stupid fucker resisted arrest then STOLE the officer's Taser, pointed it at the officer and pulled the trigger. The cop was defending himself and shot. The lawyer says cops have to be more 'empathetic' what a bunch horse shit. This is really sickening.
Yep... I'm all for going after the stupid shit... but this one was a good shoot.
Someone wake up Martin Looter King.

I think he is in bed with a hangover, but there is more work to be done in Atlanta.

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New video shows he shot the tazer at the officer. If it was the same officer he stole it from, the officer only had his gun then. It appears justified to me. Unless you think that was appropriate...
If an African commits crime and flees, it's over. Cops are obligated to let him go.
It is an absolute farce. Why would anyone stay on as a police officer after this garbage? Now you get fired for firing on a man who beat you up, stole your taser, and then shot it at you?

Was this cop supposed to slow time like the Matrix and make sure he shot him in a non lethal area? Was he supposed to play taser tag with him? Was he was supposed to not give chase and just let a drunken idiot run off into Downtown Atlanta with a taser?
It is an absolute farce. Why would anyone stay on as a police officer after this garbage? Now you get fired for firing on a man who beat you up, stole your taser, and then shot it at you?

Was this cop supposed to slow time like the Matrix and make sure he shot him in a non lethal area? Was he supposed to play taser tag with him? Was he was supposed to not give chase and just let a drunken idiot run off into Downtown Atlanta with a taser?

It's an election year; both the Dems and the GOP all agree white people below a certain income level need to stop resisting being murdered, beaten, and robbed by black people until after November at least, for the good of Wall Street.

Wanted to make a new thread because the original one was so big with a lot of debate so I thought it may get lost. Here is the have to fast forward to around 28:30.

With this new video... this is a clear warranted shooting. The left and BLM will make asses of themselves rioting and burning down cities for this guy. A man who was driving drunk, fought officers, stole their taser, and then pointed it at them. It looks like a pathetic suicide by cop attempt.

Or maybe they wont make assess of themselves? The police chief already resigned...the officer in question fired. I guess any use of force now by police against a person of color, no matter how warranted, is wrong? Will this man's family get millions of dollars?

I ask someone who thinks it was excessive a simple question...what would you do? Let the man taser you? Have a taser fight? What if you get tasered and he steals your gun? Do you risk aiming specifically for a kneecap or non lethal area? Wasting a precious second as you are getting tasered?

A part of the systemic public misunderstanding of police and the role of police in our society is a large section of the public (and many politicians it seems) wrongly believing the police are servants of the people. The people (who have jobs) do pay police salaries with taxes, however, the core mission of the police is to enforce the law and maintain societal order or bring order to chaos by whatever means necessary. Research the SOP or mission statement of almost any PD special tactics unit and you will find the words "order to chaos" in there somewhere. What that "order to chaos" mantra does not mean is consult public opinion first or ask the public for permission before acting. Many, many situations police officers face daily happen and are over in a few dozen or less seconds, which leaves very little time for philosophizing on the use of force, particularly if their own lives or those of fellow officers or innocents are in jeopardy. Qualified immunity is one protection for police officers in such situations where ambiguity taints public opinion. Body cams are another. If anything police need more protections put in place, such as higher quality body armor purchasable at discount, a waiting period or moratorium on media blitzing after an officer involved shooting and many others.

I hear that. Special tactics units aren't out doing the day to day policing and interacting with the community, though, that is being complained about. The storm troopers have their own mission. You are right though that in the spur of the moment, police have to make critical decisions and they're never easy.
They still need to be held accountable, though, in cases where there is death or serious injury to a citizen. Do you not agree?
Instead of tasers, maybe cops need to carry tranquiler darts to subdue the savages they encounter. Or allow for choke holds were are very effective. Also, since state legislatures are controlled today by non-Whites for the most part, why don't the non-Whites change laws that cops are told to enforce?
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Wanted to make a new thread because the original one was so big with a lot of debate so I thought it may get lost. Here is the have to fast forward to around 28:30.

With this new video... this is a clear warranted shooting. The left and BLM will make asses of themselves rioting and burning down cities for this guy. A man who was driving drunk, fought officers, stole their taser, and then pointed it at them. It looks like a pathetic suicide by cop attempt.

Or maybe they wont make assess of themselves? The police chief already resigned...the officer in question fired. I guess any use of force now by police against a person of color, no matter how warranted, is wrong? Will this man's family get millions of dollars?

I ask someone who thinks it was excessive a simple question...what would you do? Let the man taser you? Have a taser fight? What if you get tasered and he steals your gun? Do you risk aiming specifically for a kneecap or non lethal area? Wasting a precious second as you are getting tasered?

A part of the systemic public misunderstanding of police and the role of police in our society is a large section of the public (and many politicians it seems) wrongly believing the police are servants of the people. The people (who have jobs) do pay police salaries with taxes, however, the core mission of the police is to enforce the law and maintain societal order or bring order to chaos by whatever means necessary. Research the SOP or mission statement of almost any PD special tactics unit and you will find the words "order to chaos" in there somewhere. What that "order to chaos" mantra does not mean is consult public opinion first or ask the public for permission before acting. Many, many situations police officers face daily happen and are over in a few dozen or less seconds, which leaves very little time for philosophizing on the use of force, particularly if their own lives or those of fellow officers or innocents are in jeopardy. Qualified immunity is one protection for police officers in such situations where ambiguity taints public opinion. Body cams are another. If anything police need more protections put in place, such as higher quality body armor purchasable at discount, a waiting period or moratorium on media blitzing after an officer involved shooting and many others.

I hear that. Special tactics units aren't out doing the day to day policing and interacting with the community, though, that is being complained about. The storm troopers have their own mission. You are right though that in the spur of the moment, police have to make critical decisions and they're never easy.
They still need to be held accountable, though, in cases where there is death or serious injury to a citizen. Do you not agree?

Absolutely. Accountability is vital to the lawful function of any government run organization, as well as it is critical to the preservation and protection of our enshrined rights. Without accountability neither individual police officers nor the American people at large stand a much of a chance of coexisting within the same civilization. What we can't have are police officers who are too worried about politically poisoned after action reports and bystanders with cellphone cameras uploading eyewitness videos to YouTube. By the same token we cannot have citizens so terrified of the cops they don't want to call for help or attack the police on sight. It's a precarious balance for sure.
So he turns around and aims and looks like shoots taser at the cops and gets shot. Meh good shoot, one less violent criminal to deal with.

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