NEW VIDEO of Atlanta Police Shooting

The perp fought with the police after being arrested, grabbed the cop's Taser, ran away, turned to shoot it at the cop and got shot and killed. That's what happened. What do I hear from his lawyer today? Same old 'cops are racist' bullshit. For God's sake, the stupid fucker resisted arrest then STOLE the officer's Taser, pointed it at the officer and pulled the trigger. The cop was defending himself and shot. The lawyer says cops have to be more 'empathetic' what a bunch horse shit. This is really sickening.
A taser is not a lethal weapon. The response was out of proportion.

Use some critical thinking. A taser is classified as a non-lethal weapon. But I guaran-damn-tee you that they can kill someone, and pretty fucking easily at that. Have you ever been tased?
I have been stun gunned. A taser in "contact mode", same voltage without the needles. There is no doubt it hurts, but lethal? No. Not except in extreme cases.
Only takes 1/10th of an amp to stop the human heart, and when a taser is used it is designed to hopefully stop a bull on full charge if nessesary. It is a very dangerous weapon, and it will hopefully stop a drugged up maniac or a drunkened crazy person before they can hurt the officer or worse remove the officer's secondary weapon (his gun), during an encounter by way of the use of his primary weapon in which is his taser that is somehow commandeered by a dangerous individual.
It is specifically designed not to kill people.
But it does kill people, so it has a design flaw maybe or is it that some people's health might be flawed ? Is the cop a doctor dealing with non-violent patients who are just visiting to see if he can use his taser to cure their cancer ? No he's dealing with a raging drug user turned animal that he has to stun in hopes not to kill, but if it kills the raging bull, then ohh well he lives, and that's what matters in the situation. Hey don't fight with the law, and especially don't take there weapon, and then try to use it on them. That situation can bring about death in a hurry, and hopefully it will be the criminal dead and not the officer dead in such a situation.
Would you rather they just shot them?

No I'd rather just arrest them but that negro ensured that he wouldn't go down without a fight. And go down he did. With a nice dull thud.

The perp fought with the police after being arrested, grabbed the cop's Taser, ran away, turned to shoot it at the cop and got shot and killed. That's what happened. What do I hear from his lawyer today? Same old 'cops are racist' bullshit. For God's sake, the stupid fucker resisted arrest then STOLE the officer's Taser, pointed it at the officer and pulled the trigger. The cop was defending himself and shot. The lawyer says cops have to be more 'empathetic' what a bunch horse shit. This is really sickening.
A taser is not a lethal weapon. The response was out of proportion.

Use some critical thinking. A taser is classified as a non-lethal weapon. But I guaran-damn-tee you that they can kill someone, and pretty fucking easily at that. Have you ever been tased?
I have been stun gunned. A taser in "contact mode", same voltage without the needles. There is no doubt it hurts, but lethal? No. Not except in extreme cases.
Only takes 1/10th of an amp to stop the human heart, and when a taser is used it is designed to hopefully stop a bull on full charge if nessesary. It is a very dangerous weapon, and it will hopefully stop a drugged up maniac or a drunkened crazy person before they can hurt the officer or worse remove the officer's secondary weapon (his gun), during an encounter by way of the use of his primary weapon in which is his taser that is somehow commandeered by a dangerous individual.
It is specifically designed not to kill people.

But it can still kill.

So either product has design flaw, or sometimes shit happens.

The perp fought with the police after being arrested, grabbed the cop's Taser, ran away, turned to shoot it at the cop and got shot and killed. That's what happened. What do I hear from his lawyer today? Same old 'cops are racist' bullshit. For God's sake, the stupid fucker resisted arrest then STOLE the officer's Taser, pointed it at the officer and pulled the trigger. The cop was defending himself and shot. The lawyer says cops have to be more 'empathetic' what a bunch horse shit. This is really sickening.
A taser is not a lethal weapon. The response was out of proportion.

Use some critical thinking. A taser is classified as a non-lethal weapon. But I guaran-damn-tee you that they can kill someone, and pretty fucking easily at that. Have you ever been tased?
I have been stun gunned. A taser in "contact mode", same voltage without the needles. There is no doubt it hurts, but lethal? No. Not except in extreme cases.
Only takes 1/10th of an amp to stop the human heart, and when a taser is used it is designed to hopefully stop a bull on full charge if nessesary. It is a very dangerous weapon, and it will hopefully stop a drugged up maniac or a drunkened crazy person before they can hurt the officer or worse remove the officer's secondary weapon (his gun), during an encounter by way of the use of his primary weapon in which is his taser that is somehow commandeered by a dangerous individual.
It is specifically designed not to kill people.
But it does kill people, so it has a design flaw maybe or is it that some people's health might be flawed ? Is the cop a doctor dealing with non-violent patients who are just visiting to see if he can use his taser to cure their cancer ? No he's dealing with a raging drug user turned animal that he has to stun in hopes not to kill, but if it kills the raging bull, then ohh well he lives, and that's what matters in the situation. Hey don't fight with the law, and especially don't take there weapon, and then try to use it on them. That situation can bring about death in a hurry, and hopefully it will be the criminal dead and not the officer dead in such a situation.
Would you rather they just shot them?
You trolling ??

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