NEW VIDEO of Atlanta Police Shooting

Democrats have become domestic terrorists.
Even in a legal shooting from a violent suspect the cops are being charged with murder.

I think it's time that all cops just quit and let these cities burn. This ends the Defund Cops debate.
I watched the entire video.....and it looks like the cop had two choices....let the guy get away with assaulting cops or just let him off with a sincere apology. Apparently the left thinks cops have no right to stop criminals from escaping a crime scene.
Blacks want us to stop killing them. We keep telling them...stop breaking the law.
They didn't shoot George Floyd....and he's still dead.
So what the fuck are cops supposed to do?
Are they supposed to stop enforcing the law?
Blacks want us to stop killing them. We keep telling them...stop breaking the law.
They didn't shoot George Floyd....and he's still dead.
So what the fuck are cops supposed to do?
Are they supposed to stop enforcing the law?
That is exactly what the Negros want.
Nothing here that deserves the death penalty. You people are pathetic.
And you are pathetic to see no wrong done to children via this asswipe. Its people like you that let him out of prison early.
If he did something worthy of the death penalty, he should be put on trial. This is supposed to be a democracy with a democratic, intelligent legal system. We don't execute people on the street without a trial because they have had some legal charges against them regarding children or anyone or anything else. In this country, which is not a 3rd world country, people get a fair trial, or are supposed to. You think someone should be executed on the street because they have violations that are not serious enough for the death penalty? You really are a nut job.
He fought with officers, took the officer's Taser....The officer now only had a gun. The perp turned and fired the Taser at the officer, the officer took him down with the only weapon he was left with, his gun. The perp had a rap sheet. Why don't black families teach their sons respect for law enforcement? Isn't it about time to stop falling for Democrat victimization?
A taser is not a lethal weapon. The cop was not in any danger. It was cold blooded murder.
Nothing here that deserves the death penalty. You people are pathetic.
And you are pathetic to see no wrong done to children via this asswipe. Its people like you that let him out of prison early.
If he did something worthy of the death penalty, he should be put on trial. This is supposed to be a democracy with a democratic, intelligent legal system. We don't execute people on the street without a trial because they have had some legal charges against them regarding children or anyone or anything else. In this country, which is not a 3rd world country, people get a fair trial, or are supposed to. You think someone should be executed on the street because they have violations that are not serious enough for the death penalty? You really are a nut job.
He fought with officers, took the officer's Taser....The officer now only had a gun. The perp turned and fired the Taser at the officer, the officer took him down with the only weapon he was left with, his gun. The perp had a rap sheet. Why don't black families teach their sons respect for law enforcement? Isn't it about time to stop falling for Democrat victimization?
A taser is not a lethal weapon. The cop was not in any danger. It was cold blooded murder.
A police taser is a firearm
Georgia Code Title 16. Crimes and Offenses § 16-11-106

(a) For the purposes of this Code section, the term “firearm” shall include stun guns and tasers. A stun gun or taser is any device that is powered by electrical charging units such as batteries and emits an electrical charge in excess of 20,000 volts or is otherwise capable of incapacitating a person by an electrical charge.
(b) Any person who shall have on or within arm's reach of his or her person a firearm or a knife having a blade of three or more inches in length during the commission of, or the attempt to commit

Wanted to make a new thread because the original one was so big with a lot of debate so I thought it may get lost. Here is the have to fast forward to around 28:30.

With this new video... this is a clear warranted shooting. The left and BLM will make asses of themselves rioting and burning down cities for this guy. A man who was driving drunk, fought officers, stole their taser, and then pointed it at them. It looks like a pathetic suicide by cop attempt.

Or maybe they wont make assess of themselves? The police chief already resigned...the officer in question fired. I guess any use of force now by police against a person of color, no matter how warranted, is wrong? Will this man's family get millions of dollars?

I ask someone who thinks it was excessive a simple question...what would you do? Let the man taser you? Have a taser fight? What if you get tasered and he steals your gun? Do you risk aiming specifically for a kneecap or non lethal area? Wasting a precious second as you are getting tasered?

The left wing white racists still have their mental slaves yelling that the fat thug shooting in Ferguson was murder. Despite all of the evidence the negro grand jury and democrat prosecutor saw and the eye witness that told the truth under oath, and despite the fractured orbital on Officer Darren Wilson's face, the mental slaves of the left wing white liberal racists still chant murder.

Do you know the white liberal racists have their mental slaves so conditioned that they still their think their negro hero OJ was framed by white cops.

Do you know the white liberal racists still have their mental slaves thinking juicy smollet was really assaulted by white maga hat wearing racists while he was innocently on his way to Subway at wee hours in the morning in sub arctic temperatures in Chicago?

This is what we are dealing with. It really isn't a mystery why actual Africans are so sickened and embarrassed by the ignorance of black Americans as a result of white liberal propaganda.
You can’t stop blacks anymore, they are unarrestable, every black person will resist arrest. And why not ?

Excellent point. I have heard people say...well how did two officers lose control of one man and allow him to steal their taser? Perhaps the two officers were not nearly as aggressive and forceful as they would have been against a black man resisting arrest...allowing him to get the upper hand?
Maybe we need to hire only Bruce Lee types that can knock out a guy with one punch.
Nothing here that deserves the death penalty. You people are pathetic.
And you are pathetic to see no wrong done to children via this asswipe. Its people like you that let him out of prison early.
If he did something worthy of the death penalty, he should be put on trial. This is supposed to be a democracy with a democratic, intelligent legal system. We don't execute people on the street without a trial because they have had some legal charges against them regarding children or anyone or anything else. In this country, which is not a 3rd world country, people get a fair trial, or are supposed to. You think someone should be executed on the street because they have violations that are not serious enough for the death penalty? You really are a nut job.
He fought with officers, took the officer's Taser....The officer now only had a gun. The perp turned and fired the Taser at the officer, the officer took him down with the only weapon he was left with, his gun. The perp had a rap sheet. Why don't black families teach their sons respect for law enforcement? Isn't it about time to stop falling for Democrat victimization?
A taser is not a lethal weapon. The cop was not in any danger. It was cold blooded murder.
And Hillary is our president.
Felony assault on a police officer while resisting arrest, stealing an officer’s taser weapon, pointing it at him at point blank range, & firing it at him, may result in the fatal use of force. Facts matter, but not to Joy Reid, who lies so often it’s hard to take her seriously.

Wanted to make a new thread because the original one was so big with a lot of debate so I thought it may get lost. Here is the have to fast forward to around 28:30.

With this new video... this is a clear warranted shooting. The left and BLM will make asses of themselves rioting and burning down cities for this guy. A man who was driving drunk, fought officers, stole their taser, and then pointed it at them. It looks like a pathetic suicide by cop attempt.

Or maybe they wont make assess of themselves? The police chief already resigned...the officer in question fired. I guess any use of force now by police against a person of color, no matter how warranted, is wrong? Will this man's family get millions of dollars?

I ask someone who thinks it was excessive a simple question...what would you do? Let the man taser you? Have a taser fight? What if you get tasered and he steals your gun? Do you risk aiming specifically for a kneecap or non lethal area? Wasting a precious second as you are getting tasered?


Side note, these people with their cell phones that do nothing but record are fucking idiots.
Blacks want us to stop killing them. We keep telling them...stop breaking the law.
They didn't shoot George Floyd....and he's still dead.
So what the fuck are cops supposed to do?
Are they supposed to stop enforcing the law?

How not to get your ass kicked by the police

Can a taser kill someone?

Cops need deescalation training.

He got the taser, and he has shown he would have used it.

What would happened if he got his hand on cop's gun, instead of taser. Would he use it?

I say, cop was lucky.
I'm sorry, the cop wasn't lucky.... He now has a death, of a father of 6, that he shot in the back twice, on his hands and in his inner soul... And that's not an easy thing to deal with, the rest of your life...

When I grew up, the cop shows, showed them running after suspects trying to escape, and capturing them... not shooting them in the back....

I supposed it was a form of brainwashing, to make children trust cops, and make us think they were all heroes....

Reality, is quite different...
The criminal was aiming a weapon at the cop when the cop shot him. The criminal put the public at risk by fleeing the police with a loaded weapon.
Blacks want us to stop killing them. We keep telling them...stop breaking the law.
US??? You a police man? I know you aren't doing that identity politics bullshit... Because I sure as hell have never killed anyone.

I don't honestly think you meant that... But I REALLY hate identity politics.
This media led mob rule has got to end, and lawsuits should fly against the media who were constantly "yelling fire in a crowded theater", otherwise to boost their ratings etc. This BULLCRAP has gone way to far, and it has to end immediately.

It's a goddamned mobacracy that we've descended to.
Blacks want us to stop killing them. We keep telling them...stop breaking the law.
US??? You a police man? I know you aren't doing that identity politics bullshit... Because I sure as hell have never killed anyone.

I don't honestly think you meant that... But I REALLY hate identity politics.
Blacks think cops and whites are the same thing......even though many of the cops involved in these things are Black.
But a cop is assumed to be white because being white means being a law-abiding citizen.
And Blacks are being taught to not respect authority and thus to break the law....essentially.
Drunk guy stole the taser and aimed it at the cop.
Well, they could have just parked the drunk guy's car and gave him a ride home. It didn't have to escalate into a deadly tragedy.
They’re cops, not Uber.
They're public servants. So they should act like public servants.
They were serving the public that the drunk put at risk.
Especially after he showed what kind of violent felon he could become once called on his bullcrap. No way was this a bad shoot. Cops must defend themselves 1st and foremost, because they are the only fence between anarchy and chaos to becoming outlaw rulers of the streets. Then what ? Oh wait, we've been getting a preview of that already.
Drunk guy stole the taser and aimed it at the cop.
Well, they could have just parked the drunk guy's car and gave him a ride home. It didn't have to escalate into a deadly tragedy.
They’re cops, not Uber.
They're public servants. So they should act like public servants.
They were serving the public that the drunk put at risk.
Bullshit. They unnecessarily put the public at risk, and caused horrific tragedy due to either their incompetence and/or criminal intentions.
Drunk guy stole the taser and aimed it at the cop.
Well, they could have just parked the drunk guy's car and gave him a ride home. It didn't have to escalate into a deadly tragedy.
They’re cops, not Uber.
They're public servants. So they should act like public servants.
They were serving the public that the drunk put at risk.
Bullshit. They unnecessarily put the public at risk, and caused horrific tragedy due to either their incompetence and/or criminal intentions.
Look it's a done deal, it was a good shoot on this one, so you are just shouting at the walls now. The idiot that resigned undoubtedly needed to step down anyway. Can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen, because chef's are at work repairing the damages to the full course justice meals in which this nation provides for everyone. The cops will be vindicated on this one.
Can a taser kill someone?

Cops need deescalation training.

He got the taser, and he has shown he would have used it.

What would happened if he got his hand on cop's gun, instead of taser. Would he use it?

I say, cop was lucky.
I'm sorry, the cop wasn't lucky.... He now has a death, of a father of 6, that he shot in the back twice, on his hands and in his inner soul... And that's not an easy thing to deal with, the rest of your life...

When I grew up, the cop shows, showed them running after suspects trying to escape, and capturing them... not shooting them in the back....

I supposed it was a form of brainwashing, to make children trust cops, and make us think they were all heroes....

Reality, is quite different...

You're thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.

Did you read my post, and why I said he was lucky? Considering that thug didn't get his gun, and he's still alive, he was lucky. I would do the same thing if I was in his place, and I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Oh, and click play below...


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