NEW VIDEO of Atlanta Police Shooting

Why does everyone question the actions of the police without bothering to find out what brought about this response? The drunken thug is the one responsible for his own death. If he did not resist arrest with violence and steal the officer's tazer, if the gangsta would have acted like a civilized person he would still be alive today.
Resisting arrest and stealing a taser are not death penalty offenses. The cops were never in danger from him. They shot him running away. The cop who shot him had his gun drawn and trained on him before he turned and shot back with the taser. Shooting at a cop with a taser at that distance was nothing more than a hopeless attempt at saving himself from being shot by a cop with a real gun. You must be a true racist to call this poor man a 'gangsta' -- he was drunk and asleep in his car. That is not a death penalty crime. It is not a gangster crime. Nothing he did deserved being shot and killed. Nothing.
So you assign no fault to the drunk and it was all the cops fault.
Would you say the same thing if the drunk was white? If he had acted in a civilized manner and not resisted arrest with violence he would be alive today
As is proven, nope they would never say it, and it's because well you know it's because of white privilege, otherwise it had ran out finally, so the special privileged person got what they deserved for being white as is depicted in your senario.
1989 SCOTUS decision, Graham VS. Connor,
which was a 9-0 decision, is still the law, and justifies the fired officer's use of deadly force!
He not only needs to sue the City of Atlanta, he also needs to sue the tits off the Mayor, who passed judgement on the incident before an official investigation was completed!!!
This media led mob rule has got to end, and lawsuits should fly against the media who were constantly "yelling fire in a crowded theater", otherwise to boost their ratings etc. This BULLCRAP has gone way to far, and it has to end immediately.
It is an absolute farce. Why would anyone stay on as a police officer after this garbage? Now you get fired for firing on a man who beat you up, stole your taser, and then shot it at you?

Was this cop supposed to slow time like the Matrix and make sure he shot him in a non lethal area? Was he supposed to play taser tag with him? Was he was supposed to not give chase and just let a drunken idiot run off into Downtown Atlanta with a taser?
Ask Joe Biden... That nut case (yep talking about ole race baiting Joe), says you can just shoot'em in the leg or something. You know, you ain't got to use lethal force, come on NOWWWW !!!!!!!!!.... He's a crazy ole coot.

Can't take a chance of getting hit by your own taser, I mean then the guy can just walk back up to you, take your weapon, and kill you with it. Wait it's time for White's and conservative Blacks to rebel now ain't it ?? Oh wait, they don't do that do they ?? They just resign or cop out or hide out, so the crazies be it (white or black's that fit the profile), can continue taking over police precincts, cities and towns across America.

How anyone would want to be a cop now is amazing. The core or root of the problem needs to be studied, and looked at big time now, and I ain't talking about studying the police as if they have a huge problem through in and through out only, but instead studying the movements, and their financing, their true intent, and their true motivations in which the police are getting caught up in between it all now. I have seen cars being driven by individuals in the most wrecklace ways now, otherwise as if to challenge the law in every way. Sadly most seem to be driven by certain individuals whom are easily profiled by their actions and their attributes within these acts of wrecklaceness in which they are committing. Do we have a linked problem going on here maybe, where as there is some sort of trend taking place that is showing up big time on our highways and byway's now ?????

We have got to get back to figuring this mess out, and we have got to call out those (whether they are in Hollywood or elsewhere), who are promoting all of this stuff, to now change their acommodations or platforms in order to just stop with it all, and we have to change their attitudes of trying to hurt this country by using technology in order to indoctronate and influence violence and/or mayhem amongst our youngest minds before they even get a decent shot at a better life here.

This stuff is easily known and seen, but people act as if it's not their problems until it is. Well the chickens have come home to roost folks, and it's time for change in a positive way. Bring the word back into the daily workings of this nation, and the changes will be unbelievable for all.

Not to say that people must be forced to follow by outward acknowledgement or in actions there of be it against ones free will, because Christ doesn't want that, but to just add his word back into the options given where true freedom's of choice can exist once again in this nation, and to exist beside all freedoms of choices that we have.

This one sided agenda taking place all over this nation is anti-American, and it must be seen for what it is.
'Wrecklace"? That has to be the dumbest thing I have seen today! You had to work hard to come up with that! Stop using words you cannot spell.
He had a taser, not a deadly weapon. Neither resisting arrest nor grabbing a cop's taser are death penalty offenses. The cops knew he had a taser and at that distance shooting it at them could do them no harm. Using deadly force was beyond inappropriate. Anyone who thinks the action of the cop who shot him was justified has to be nothing other than a dyed in the wool racist.
What else did he have? I mean people like to run with what they know, but rarely do they think about what they don't know.

A DUI or Public intox doesn't warrant a search on the person until an arrest is made. They know he's combative, he's already stolen one weapon, and is running. Cops don't know if it's the Tazer now being pointed at them, it's a good possibility mind you... But it WAS FIRED at them as he's running away.

Hell no... Have to take him down. Risk of death is always a possibility when you run from the police. If you fire a weapon at them while doing so, it just got a whole lot higher. You absolutely CANNOT make an aggressive move toward police while risking your own life. They are absolutely, and with sound logic, going to think you are a threat to them and the public. They let him run, until he fired a weapon.

Stupid should never be rewarded.
They had wrestled with him. Two cops were all over him. THEY KNEW HE DIDN'T HAVE A GUN! Boy, you people are such racists. It's absolutely revolting.
They fought him. Do you think they were searching him at the same time? What a dumbass!
It is an absolute farce. Why would anyone stay on as a police officer after this garbage? Now you get fired for firing on a man who beat you up, stole your taser, and then shot it at you?

Was this cop supposed to slow time like the Matrix and make sure he shot him in a non lethal area? Was he supposed to play taser tag with him? Was he was supposed to not give chase and just let a drunken idiot run off into Downtown Atlanta with a taser?
Ask Joe Biden... That nut case (yep talking about ole race baiting Joe), says you can just shoot'em in the leg or something. You know, you ain't got to use lethal force, come on NOWWWW !!!!!!!!!.... He's a crazy ole coot.

Can't take a chance of getting hit by your own taser, I mean then the guy can just walk back up to you, take your weapon, and kill you with it. Wait it's time for White's and conservative Blacks to rebel now ain't it ?? Oh wait, they don't do that do they ?? They just resign or cop out or hide out, so the crazies be it (white or black's that fit the profile), can continue taking over police precincts, cities and towns across America.

How anyone would want to be a cop now is amazing. The core or root of the problem needs to be studied, and looked at big time now, and I ain't talking about studying the police as if they have a huge problem through in and through out only, but instead studying the movements, and their financing, their true intent, and their true motivations in which the police are getting caught up in between it all now. I have seen cars being driven by individuals in the most wrecklace ways now, otherwise as if to challenge the law in every way. Sadly most seem to be driven by certain individuals whom are easily profiled by their actions and their attributes within these acts of wrecklaceness in which they are committing. Do we have a linked problem going on here maybe, where as there is some sort of trend taking place that is showing up big time on our highways and byway's now ?????

We have got to get back to figuring this mess out, and we have got to call out those (whether they are in Hollywood or elsewhere), who are promoting all of this stuff, to now change their acommodations or platforms in order to just stop with it all, and we have to change their attitudes of trying to hurt this country by using technology in order to indoctronate and influence violence and/or mayhem amongst our youngest minds before they even get a decent shot at a better life here.

This stuff is easily known and seen, but people act as if it's not their problems until it is. Well the chickens have come home to roost folks, and it's time for change in a positive way. Bring the word back into the daily workings of this nation, and the changes will be unbelievable for all.

Not to say that people must be forced to follow by outward acknowledgement or in actions there of be it against ones free will, because Christ doesn't want that, but to just add his word back into the options given where true freedom's of choice can exist once again in this nation, and to exist beside all freedoms of choices that we have.

This one sided agenda taking place all over this nation is anti-American, and it must be seen for what it is.
'Wrecklace"? That has to be the dumbest thing I have seen today! You had to work hard to come up with that! Stop using words you cannot spell.
Ohh well ya can't win them all can you ? If you looked at a misspelled word, and that's all you got from the post, then you probably struggled with comprehension or content, but had that hand held high when the teacher hollared spelling test anyone ?? LOL.

But thanks for the correction always you ole fart. LOL.
He had a taser, not a deadly weapon. Neither resisting arrest nor grabbing a cop's taser are death penalty offenses. The cops knew he had a taser and at that distance shooting it at them could do them no harm. Using deadly force was beyond inappropriate. Anyone who thinks the action of the cop who shot him was justified has to be nothing other than a dyed in the wool racist.
What else did he have? I mean people like to run with what they know, but rarely do they think about what they don't know.

A DUI or Public intox doesn't warrant a search on the person until an arrest is made. They know he's combative, he's already stolen one weapon, and is running. Cops don't know if it's the Tazer now being pointed at them, it's a good possibility mind you... But it WAS FIRED at them as he's running away.

Hell no... Have to take him down. Risk of death is always a possibility when you run from the police. If you fire a weapon at them while doing so, it just got a whole lot higher. You absolutely CANNOT make an aggressive move toward police while risking your own life. They are absolutely, and with sound logic, going to think you are a threat to them and the public. They let him run, until he fired a weapon.

Stupid should never be rewarded.
They had wrestled with him. Two cops were all over him. THEY KNEW HE DIDN'T HAVE A GUN! Boy, you people are such racists. It's absolutely revolting.
They fought him. Do you think they were searching him at the same time? What a dumbass!
You're a dumbass if you think that while two cops are body wrestling him, all over him as per the video, they wouldn't have noticed he was armed. Seriously? You must be an idiot. And, BTW, John Wayne never served in the military. He was not a bigshot tough guy: he was an actor, a coward and a wimp. Is that why you identify with him?
This idiot needs to be locked-up for a long time.

Oh, I think torching him at the stake might be useful.

It's not a him.

That's a black woman, around 30 years old, 100-105 lbs. Small build.
This idiot needs to be locked-up for a long time.

Goes without saying. Another terrorist who will take off its mask and get away with it.
You're a dumbass if you think that while two cops are body wrestling him, all over him as per the video, they wouldn't have noticed he was armed. Seriously? You must be an idiot. And, BTW, John Wayne never served in the military. He was not a bigshot tough guy: he was an actor, a coward and a wimp. Is that why you identify with him?

Mods should mercy ban you.

Always remember... Nobody can make you look stupid. It doesn't matter what they say or do... They can't do it. You have to do it.
It is an absolute farce. Why would anyone stay on as a police officer after this garbage? Now you get fired for firing on a man who beat you up, stole your taser, and then shot it at you?

Was this cop supposed to slow time like the Matrix and make sure he shot him in a non lethal area? Was he supposed to play taser tag with him? Was he was supposed to not give chase and just let a drunken idiot run off into Downtown Atlanta with a taser?
Ask Joe Biden... That nut case (yep talking about ole race baiting Joe), says you can just shoot'em in the leg or something. You know, you ain't got to use lethal force, come on NOWWWW !!!!!!!!!.... He's a crazy ole coot.

Can't take a chance of getting hit by your own taser, I mean then the guy can just walk back up to you, take your weapon, and kill you with it. Wait it's time for White's and conservative Blacks to rebel now ain't it ?? Oh wait, they don't do that do they ?? They just resign or cop out or hide out, so the crazies be it (white or black's that fit the profile), can continue taking over police precincts, cities and towns across America.

How anyone would want to be a cop now is amazing. The core or root of the problem needs to be studied, and looked at big time now, and I ain't talking about studying the police as if they have a huge problem through in and through out only, but instead studying the movements, and their financing, their true intent, and their true motivations in which the police are getting caught up in between it all now. I have seen cars being driven by individuals in the most wrecklace ways now, otherwise as if to challenge the law in every way. Sadly most seem to be driven by certain individuals whom are easily profiled by their actions and their attributes within these acts of wrecklaceness in which they are committing. Do we have a linked problem going on here maybe, where as there is some sort of trend taking place that is showing up big time on our highways and byway's now ?????

We have got to get back to figuring this mess out, and we have got to call out those (whether they are in Hollywood or elsewhere), who are promoting all of this stuff, to now change their acommodations or platforms in order to just stop with it all, and we have to change their attitudes of trying to hurt this country by using technology in order to indoctronate and influence violence and/or mayhem amongst our youngest minds before they even get a decent shot at a better life here.

This stuff is easily known and seen, but people act as if it's not their problems until it is. Well the chickens have come home to roost folks, and it's time for change in a positive way. Bring the word back into the daily workings of this nation, and the changes will be unbelievable for all.

Not to say that people must be forced to follow by outward acknowledgement or in actions there of be it against ones free will, because Christ doesn't want that, but to just add his word back into the options given where true freedom's of choice can exist once again in this nation, and to exist beside all freedoms of choices that we have.

This one sided agenda taking place all over this nation is anti-American, and it must be seen for what it is.
'Wrecklace"? That has to be the dumbest thing I have seen today! You had to work hard to come up with that! Stop using words you cannot spell.
Ohh well ya can't win them all can you ? If you looked at a misspelled word, and that's all you got from the post, then you probably struggled with comprehension or content, but had that hand held high when the teacher hollared spelling test anyone ?? LOL.

But thanks for the correction always you ole fart. LOL.
"Hollered". Did you get thrown out of school at 3rd grade?

Install spell check on your computer.
He had a taser, not a deadly weapon. Neither resisting arrest nor grabbing a cop's taser are death penalty offenses. The cops knew he had a taser and at that distance shooting it at them could do them no harm. Using deadly force was beyond inappropriate. Anyone who thinks the action of the cop who shot him was justified has to be nothing other than a dyed in the wool racist.
What else did he have? I mean people like to run with what they know, but rarely do they think about what they don't know.

A DUI or Public intox doesn't warrant a search on the person until an arrest is made. They know he's combative, he's already stolen one weapon, and is running. Cops don't know if it's the Tazer now being pointed at them, it's a good possibility mind you... But it WAS FIRED at them as he's running away.

Hell no... Have to take him down. Risk of death is always a possibility when you run from the police. If you fire a weapon at them while doing so, it just got a whole lot higher. You absolutely CANNOT make an aggressive move toward police while risking your own life. They are absolutely, and with sound logic, going to think you are a threat to them and the public. They let him run, until he fired a weapon.

Stupid should never be rewarded.
They had wrestled with him. Two cops were all over him. THEY KNEW HE DIDN'T HAVE A GUN! Boy, you people are such racists. It's absolutely revolting.
They fought him. Do you think they were searching him at the same time? What a dumbass!
You're a dumbass if you think that while two cops are body wrestling him, all over him as per the video, they wouldn't have noticed he was armed. Seriously? You must be an idiot. And, BTW, John Wayne never served in the military. He was not a bigshot tough guy: he was an actor, a coward and a wimp. Is that why you identify with him?
John Wayne was 34 years old in 1941, married, with kids, and under contract to a movie studio. He tried to join but was turned down.

I volunteer in training Special Ops troops and once hid a pistol in the small of my back in my waistband. Guess what they never found during multiple searches? That was with me compliant and with my hands zip-cuffed behind my back!
He had a taser, not a deadly weapon. Neither resisting arrest nor grabbing a cop's taser are death penalty offenses. The cops knew he had a taser and at that distance shooting it at them could do them no harm. Using deadly force was beyond inappropriate. Anyone who thinks the action of the cop who shot him was justified has to be nothing other than a dyed in the wool racist.
What else did he have? I mean people like to run with what they know, but rarely do they think about what they don't know.

A DUI or Public intox doesn't warrant a search on the person until an arrest is made. They know he's combative, he's already stolen one weapon, and is running. Cops don't know if it's the Tazer now being pointed at them, it's a good possibility mind you... But it WAS FIRED at them as he's running away.

Hell no... Have to take him down. Risk of death is always a possibility when you run from the police. If you fire a weapon at them while doing so, it just got a whole lot higher. You absolutely CANNOT make an aggressive move toward police while risking your own life. They are absolutely, and with sound logic, going to think you are a threat to them and the public. They let him run, until he fired a weapon.

Stupid should never be rewarded.
They had wrestled with him. Two cops were all over him. THEY KNEW HE DIDN'T HAVE A GUN! Boy, you people are such racists. It's absolutely revolting.
Did you learn nothing from Chris Rock?

He had a taser, not a deadly weapon. Neither resisting arrest nor grabbing a cop's taser are death penalty offenses. The cops knew he had a taser and at that distance shooting it at them could do them no harm. Using deadly force was beyond inappropriate. Anyone who thinks the action of the cop who shot him was justified has to be nothing other than a dyed in the wool racist.
What else did he have? I mean people like to run with what they know, but rarely do they think about what they don't know.

A DUI or Public intox doesn't warrant a search on the person until an arrest is made. They know he's combative, he's already stolen one weapon, and is running. Cops don't know if it's the Tazer now being pointed at them, it's a good possibility mind you... But it WAS FIRED at them as he's running away.

Hell no... Have to take him down. Risk of death is always a possibility when you run from the police. If you fire a weapon at them while doing so, it just got a whole lot higher. You absolutely CANNOT make an aggressive move toward police while risking your own life. They are absolutely, and with sound logic, going to think you are a threat to them and the public. They let him run, until he fired a weapon.

Stupid should never be rewarded.
They had wrestled with him. Two cops were all over him. THEY KNEW HE DIDN'T HAVE A GUN! Boy, you people are such racists. It's absolutely revolting.
They fought him. Do you think they were searching him at the same time? What a dumbass!
You're a dumbass if you think that while two cops are body wrestling him, all over him as per the video, they wouldn't have noticed he was armed. Seriously? You must be an idiot. And, BTW, John Wayne never served in the military. He was not a bigshot tough guy: he was an actor, a coward and a wimp. Is that why you identify with him?
He wasn't armed eh ??? What do you call a taser after he took it from a cop ??? Oh yeah he was armed alright, and don't give me that bullcrap about lethality, because a taser can kill you. What do you want, another innocent cop killed by a criminal ? Is that what you aspire to in your mind ??

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