Help the Black community

So you admit its just a unproven theory you have right? Thank goodness for that. I thought i was going to have to tell my biracial daughter I hated 1 half of her.

I said I speak out on racism because of what I see taught in schools and in the media. How that makes me racist sounds like some of the best linguistic gymnastics of all time. However you are entitled to your opinion.

You said yourself what a racist was, you meet that theory with the races reversed.
Get that?
Your theory, not mine, all I did was reverse the races.
You have no biracial daughter.
The schools and media all insist the myth of white racism is a fact.
Hence you had heard of Rodney King and George Zimmerman but not DeMarquis Elkins.
School kids are violently assaulted in school for not supporting Obama!!
You are a racist.
Now show some evidence to support YOUR allegation that I had committed scores of racist crimes.
Evidence of one?

If I said what a racist was then why are you calling me one in reverse? That doesnt make sense. I dont think there is a superior race. You do understand thats what racist means dont you? Seems like your meds are wearing off again. Now you are going to try and tell me what my daughter is. :lol:
You have no kids, no self respecting woman would allow herself to be defiled by one such as you.
Your theory on what makes a white racist was one that denies the suffering of people of color.
Yet you deny the epidemic of anti white violence in the USA today.

Now these race crimes you accused me of, scores of them wasn't it?

Do elaborate............
It's called parsing words.
Obama promised to make corporations pay their share.
If asked why he didn't he would explain to his base that he never said that at all, what he said was misinterpreted by fox and passed on to them!!
It's a classic liberal trick.
Part of the underlying dishonesty in the liberal.

That would be great if I did such a thing. I have no need to parse words with anyone on this board. What exactly makes you think I wouldn't tell you I was a racist if i was in fact was one? Trust that if I was racist I would have no problem saying so at all. I'll have to excuse your ignorance to the fact you have no idea what type of person i am.

I know you are a liar.
Your own theories on racism describe you as a racist.
Now these crimes you alleged, why are you unable to provide details?

Seeing that you think I'm a liar what on earth would possess you to try and have a conversation with me?

What are my "theories" on racism and how does that make me racist?

Why do you keep blabbering about crimes you personally committed?
You said yourself what a racist was, you meet that theory with the races reversed.
Get that?
Your theory, not mine, all I did was reverse the races.
You have no biracial daughter.
The schools and media all insist the myth of white racism is a fact.
Hence you had heard of Rodney King and George Zimmerman but not DeMarquis Elkins.
School kids are violently assaulted in school for not supporting Obama!!
You are a racist.
Now show some evidence to support YOUR allegation that I had committed scores of racist crimes.
Evidence of one?

If I said what a racist was then why are you calling me one in reverse? That doesnt make sense. I dont think there is a superior race. You do understand thats what racist means dont you? Seems like your meds are wearing off again. Now you are going to try and tell me what my daughter is. :lol:
You have no kids, no self respecting woman would allow herself to be defiled by one such as you.
Your theory on what makes a white racist was one that denies the suffering of people of color.
Yet you deny the epidemic of anti white violence in the USA today.

Now these race crimes you accused me of, scores of them wasn't it?

Do elaborate............

Maybe its a woman thing. I've been allowed to "defile" a woman or 2

Where in the hell did you get that from as a definition of a white racist and how does that make me one?

Where did you see me deny an epidemic of anti white violence? I do disagree with you but please point out where I said this prior to just now and again how does that make me racist?
That would be great if I did such a thing. I have no need to parse words with anyone on this board. What exactly makes you think I wouldn't tell you I was a racist if i was in fact was one? Trust that if I was racist I would have no problem saying so at all. I'll have to excuse your ignorance to the fact you have no idea what type of person i am.

I know you are a liar.
Your own theories on racism describe you as a racist.
Now these crimes you alleged, why are you unable to provide details?

Seeing that you think I'm a liar what on earth would possess you to try and have a conversation with me?

What are my "theories" on racism and how does that make me racist?

Why do you keep blabbering about crimes you personally committed?
Your theory, the one you voiced in the past 24 hours.

Now these crimes you allege I committed?
Care to elaborate, you did accuse me of committing scores of racist crimes didn't you?
Yet have refused to elaborate by ignoring requests and changing the subject on a score of occasions.
You made an allegation, do expand.
I know you are a liar.
Your own theories on racism describe you as a racist.
Now these crimes you alleged, why are you unable to provide details?

Seeing that you think I'm a liar what on earth would possess you to try and have a conversation with me?

What are my "theories" on racism and how does that make me racist?

Why do you keep blabbering about crimes you personally committed?
Your theory, the one you voiced in the past 24 hours.

Now these crimes you allege I committed?
Care to elaborate, you did accuse me of committing scores of racist crimes didn't you?
Yet have refused to elaborate by ignoring requests and changing the subject on a score of occasions.
You made an allegation, do expand.

Can you give me a hint besides that lame one you found in the house of mirrors at the carnival?

I dont know you personally so why would I accuse you of committing racist crimes Paul? I keep ignoring you because you are not making sense.
"I said cracka with an a not cracker with er."

By that standard "nigga" is not a derogatory racial term. I call BS on that one.
So you admit its just a unproven theory you have right? Thank goodness for that. I thought i was going to have to tell my biracial daughter I hated 1 half of her.

I said I speak out on racism because of what I see taught in schools and in the media. How that makes me racist sounds like some of the best linguistic gymnastics of all time. However you are entitled to your opinion.

You said yourself what a racist was, you meet that theory with the races reversed.
Get that?
Your theory, not mine, all I did was reverse the races.
You have no biracial daughter.
The schools and media all insist the myth of white racism is a fact.
Hence you had heard of Rodney King and George Zimmerman but not DeMarquis Elkins.
School kids are violently assaulted in school for not supporting Obama!!
You are a racist.
Now show some evidence to support YOUR allegation that I had committed scores of racist crimes.
Evidence of one?

If I said what a racist was then why are you calling me one in reverse? That doesnt make sense. I dont think there is a superior race. You do understand thats what racist means dont you? Seems like your meds are wearing off again. Now you are going to try and tell me what my daughter is. :lol:

"... or that members of different races should be treated differently."
Seeing that you think I'm a liar what on earth would possess you to try and have a conversation with me?

What are my "theories" on racism and how does that make me racist?

Why do you keep blabbering about crimes you personally committed?
Your theory, the one you voiced in the past 24 hours.

Now these crimes you allege I committed?
Care to elaborate, you did accuse me of committing scores of racist crimes didn't you?
Yet have refused to elaborate by ignoring requests and changing the subject on a score of occasions.
You made an allegation, do expand.

Can you give me a hint besides that lame one you found in the house of mirrors at the carnival?

I dont know you personally so why would I accuse you of committing racist crimes Paul? I keep ignoring you because you are not making sense.

You specifically accused me of committing scores of race crimes, your words, Are you now admitting to being a vile, disgusting, perverted lying scumbag?
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Is it just me or are you a little off your rocker? I imagine your voice to be very shrill and excitable from the way you write. How is pointing out racism racist? Thats a pretty neat trick Paul.

By my own words.........almost? Whats that supposed to mean? It cant be almost and you fill in the rest. Show me where I made a statement that was racist. Thats all I ask then I will agree with you Paul.
Don't have to make a direct racist statement, where as all you have to do is word your writings in specific ways when speaking on the topic, and wa-la we begin to see from where it is that you are coming in from. Hec you said it yourself that it is because of what you see and still continue to see that schools and/or teaches you (fill in the blank here), ummm what ?

It's called parsing words.
Obama promised to make corporations pay their share.
If asked why he didn't he would explain to his base that he never said that at all, what he said was misinterpreted by fox and passed on to them!!
It's a classic liberal trick.
Part of the underlying dishonesty in the liberal.
Yes, I do think that there is a lot of this sort of thing (expert sly double speak taking place now), in which is being unleashed on society at large in these latter days, and it is a shame but not surprising as the times are going along just as it has been predicted they would be.

Barack Obama, I knew was a slickster from the get go, and I warned of his slickness in speak early on when he was campaigning, but to no avail as the nation had already slid into chaos prior, and it was looking desperately for someone to tickle it's ears in which they figured that they had found in this Barack Obama who had come out of no where.

This man will say anything and stop at nothing to get what he wants, and if he can set the GOP up for the fall by way of his minions, then nothing would stop this cat from going full on in his quest to change this nation into what he thinks would make his wife even more proud of him, along with all their associates who are awaiting such a day to come while they are sitting there in the wings watching for that day in which he promised them maybe ?
The sudden silence?
Can't wait to hear the sorry excuse!!

Show the evidence to support your accusation!!

I would still like to know why anyone would think that slavery as practiced in the US was different than that practiced elsewhere throughout history.

I would still like to know why anyone would think that slavery as practiced in the US was different than that practiced elsewhere throughout history.

Spartan soldier trainees were encouraged to kill slaves (helots) they ran across as part of their training. There were at least some legal protections concerning murdering slaves in the Old South.
Show these scores of race crimes I commit daily?
It starting to look like you made a very dishonest and frankly , racist allegation.
Best if you Man up and explain yourself milkweed!!
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I would still like to know why anyone would think that slavery as practiced in the US was different than that practiced elsewhere throughout history.

Go take a look for yourself. Slavery in the US was founded on destroying the black family dynamic in order to completely render the slaves into animal like status. Slavery elsewhere was more like indentured servitude.

I would still like to know why anyone would think that slavery as practiced in the US was different than that practiced elsewhere throughout history.

Go take a look for yourself. Slavery in the US was founded on destroying the black family dynamic in order to completely render the slaves into animal like status. Slavery elsewhere was more like indentured servitude.

I think you better take a closer look at actual history. I don't know of any culture anywhere that made buying and selling family units of slaves a priority. Family units were often not allowed to be formed in the first place and when they were they did not overrule the master's right to sell, trade or keep any of them on an individual basis.
Roman rule was based on slavery for centuries. I don't think I ever heard of gladiators fighting in the arena in family units.

There have been slaves and masters of all races and they are not normally treated differently because of race.

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