Help the Black community

I didn't say every, can you try being honest?

You are a race baiter.
Show the most recent racially motivated murder of a black person?

I am being honest. What does the highlighted portion of your quote mean then? If I am wrong then I will apologize. You still havent showed me where I made the statements you are lying about however.

The underlying theme of all your posts is a hatred of whites.
There is far more black on white race crime in the USA.
Virtually no white on black race crime.
You are a race baiter who sees racism where there is none.
You blame whites for this perceived racism.
That is hate.
Now these crimes you accused me of, list them?
Just one of them?

The underlying theme? :lol: You are a funny dude. Whites commit most of the crime in the US so try your fake statements somewhere else. Then you call me a race baiter after ranting your fake race based statements?! :lol:
I am being honest. What does the highlighted portion of your quote mean then? If I am wrong then I will apologize. You still havent showed me where I made the statements you are lying about however.

The underlying theme of all your posts is a hatred of whites.
There is far more black on white race crime in the USA.
Virtually no white on black race crime.
You are a race baiter who sees racism where there is none.
You blame whites for this perceived racism.
That is hate.
Now these crimes you accused me of, list them?
Just one of them?

The underlying theme? :lol: You are a funny dude. Whites commit most of the crime in the US so try your fake statements somewhere else. Then you call me a race baiter after ranting your fake race based statements?! :lol:

Not per capita. Last I checked Blacks are three times more likely to commit crimes than white folks. I don't think it's skin color, I think it's cultural.
The underlying theme of all your posts is a hatred of whites.
There is far more black on white race crime in the USA.
Virtually no white on black race crime.
You are a race baiter who sees racism where there is none.
You blame whites for this perceived racism.
That is hate.
Now these crimes you accused me of, list them?
Just one of them?

The underlying theme? :lol: You are a funny dude. Whites commit most of the crime in the US so try your fake statements somewhere else. Then you call me a race baiter after ranting your fake race based statements?! :lol:

Not per capita. Last I checked Blacks are three times more likely to commit crimes than white folks. I don't think it's skin color, I think it's cultural.

Paul sees it as color based but I am the race baiter didnt you know? It definitely has something to do with the culture of being a criminal but it has nothing to do with race or color.
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The underlying theme? :lol: You are a funny dude. Whites commit most of the crime in the US so try your fake statements somewhere else. Then you call me a race baiter after ranting your fake race based statements?! :lol:

Not per capita. Last I checked Blacks are three times more likely to commit crimes than white folks. I don't think it's skin color, I think it's cultural.

Paul sees it as color based but I am the race baiter didnt you know? It definitely has something to do with the culture of being a criminal but it has nothing to do with race or color.

I'm referring ONLY to racist crime.
You keep trying to go off at a tangent.
Name the last black person to be murdered because of his race?

Then list one of the "scores of race crimes" you accused me of committing.
The underlying theme? :lol: You are a funny dude. Whites commit most of the crime in the US so try your fake statements somewhere else. Then you call me a race baiter after ranting your fake race based statements?! :lol:

Not per capita. Last I checked Blacks are three times more likely to commit crimes than white folks. I don't think it's skin color, I think it's cultural.

Paul sees it as color based but I am the race baiter didnt you know? It definitely has something to do with the culture of being a criminal but it has nothing to do with race or color.

There is a natural tendency for people to follow their mentors/leaders. Starting out in a group that has a culture of dependency.. increases the chances you will be dependent. Starting out in a group that has a culture of independence... same goes for drugs, guns, crime, engineers, tradesmen, etc.

The way out of crime, dependence, etc. is through recognition, parents, big brothers and such being good mentors.
Not per capita. Last I checked Blacks are three times more likely to commit crimes than white folks. I don't think it's skin color, I think it's cultural.

Paul sees it as color based but I am the race baiter didnt you know? It definitely has something to do with the culture of being a criminal but it has nothing to do with race or color.

I'm referring ONLY to racist crime.
You keep trying to go off at a tangent.
Name the last black person to be murdered because of his race?

Then list one of the "scores of race crimes" you accused me of committing.

Based on who's definition? There is probably someone Black being murdered right now just because they are black. Since we cant read peoples minds the stat is irrelevant Paul. Please show me my quotes proving I am racist.
Not per capita. Last I checked Blacks are three times more likely to commit crimes than white folks. I don't think it's skin color, I think it's cultural.

Paul sees it as color based but I am the race baiter didnt you know? It definitely has something to do with the culture of being a criminal but it has nothing to do with race or color.

There is a natural tendency for people to follow their mentors/leaders. Starting out in a group that has a culture of dependency.. increases the chances you will be dependent. Starting out in a group that has a culture of independence... same goes for drugs, guns, crime, engineers, tradesmen, etc.

The way out of crime, dependence, etc. is through recognition, parents, big brothers and such being good mentors.

You seem to have an excellent handle on the whole thing and even the sequence of events that need to transpire.
Paul sees it as color based but I am the race baiter didnt you know? It definitely has something to do with the culture of being a criminal but it has nothing to do with race or color.

There is a natural tendency for people to follow their mentors/leaders. Starting out in a group that has a culture of dependency.. increases the chances you will be dependent. Starting out in a group that has a culture of independence... same goes for drugs, guns, crime, engineers, tradesmen, etc.

The way out of crime, dependence, etc. is through recognition, parents, big brothers and such being good mentors.

You seem to have an excellent handle on the whole thing and even the sequence of events that need to transpire.

It's not rocket science. Even the red Russians & Chinese figured it out. Course it is also obvious to the more nefarious leaders throughout history. Focus on training the children to be dependent on government has been a long term goal of democrats. They appear to have been very successful in a great many democrat strongholds. Impressive effort they put out to get 100% of the people to vote democrat in democrat strongholds. One could say it was an example of mentoring and leadership skills shown by democrat leaders in their districts. Sad, though, what they have done with the power they were given.

I miss the days when democrats were all about getting jobs and the working class, vs welfare for the poor that forces them to "not work" or they loose their welfare.

If the democrats will switch from hand-outs to hand-ups, we'll get out of this hole we've dug.
Paul sees it as color based but I am the race baiter didnt you know? It definitely has something to do with the culture of being a criminal but it has nothing to do with race or color.

I'm referring ONLY to racist crime.
You keep trying to go off at a tangent.
Name the last black person to be murdered because of his race?

Then list one of the "scores of race crimes" you accused me of committing.

Based on who's definition? There is probably someone Black being murdered right now just because they are black. Since we cant read peoples minds the stat is irrelevant Paul. Please show me my quotes proving I am racist.

Stats are irrelevant if whites are killed for being white !!
However you bang on about racism against blacks.
That is your racism.
By your own words almost!!
You accused me of committing race crimes, yet have avoided giving information on those crimes.
That is your racism.
Now I've answered 10 of your bullshit questions in the time since I requested you list these scores of racist crimes I have committed.
You made a dishonest allegation, back it up you racist piece of shit.
I'm referring ONLY to racist crime.
You keep trying to go off at a tangent.
Name the last black person to be murdered because of his race?

Then list one of the "scores of race crimes" you accused me of committing.

Based on who's definition? There is probably someone Black being murdered right now just because they are black. Since we cant read peoples minds the stat is irrelevant Paul. Please show me my quotes proving I am racist.

Stats are irrelevant if whites are killed for being white !!
However you bang on about racism against blacks.
That is your racism.
By your own words almost!!
You accused me of committing race crimes, yet have avoided giving information on those crimes.
That is your racism.
Now I've answered 10 of your bullshit questions in the time since I requested you list these scores of racist crimes I have committed.
You made a dishonest allegation, back it up you racist piece of shit.

Is it just me or are you a little off your rocker? I imagine your voice to be very shrill and excitable from the way you write. How is pointing out racism racist? Thats a pretty neat trick Paul.

By my own words.........almost? Whats that supposed to mean? It cant be almost and you fill in the rest. Show me where I made a statement that was racist. Thats all I ask then I will agree with you Paul.
Its not just me or it would not be that much of an issue. Its a lot of people. They dont dont know true history. I say this because it not a debate on what I was taught and what I find out that schools are still teaching. Its a blatant lie CC discovered America. He thought til his dying day he had hit India and actually never set foot on the American continent. I could understand your argument if that was not a fact and I had no proof. If this story is untrue and recognized as so why are people still teaching it? I'm not asking you to trust me. You are either going to believe or you wont. I'm more concerned with Black people understanding the truth because it seems to me only open minded white people actually research this stuff anyway.
Forget CC, what I am talking about is your racist attitude and/or view on whites in general.

How did you come about this closed minded slanted view in your life ? As smart as you are trying to be or that you are wishing for us to believe you are, one would think that you would be a person that is out to open peoples minds about how stupid racism really is, but here you are buried up to your own neck in it because you are a schooled or taught to be racist yourself ?

Can you tell me what is racist about my attitude towards whites? :lol: I obtained my views through observation like all other people do. I dont know exactly what you mean by being smart but I do hope people will see the stupidity in being racist. if i was schooled in racism it was only a result of what I saw and continue to see.
If you don't see it or can't tell it yourself, then I don't know how I can help you other than maybe in the way that it is being done here on this site.
Based on who's definition? There is probably someone Black being murdered right now just because they are black. Since we cant read peoples minds the stat is irrelevant Paul. Please show me my quotes proving I am racist.

Stats are irrelevant if whites are killed for being white !!
However you bang on about racism against blacks.
That is your racism.
By your own words almost!!
You accused me of committing race crimes, yet have avoided giving information on those crimes.
That is your racism.
Now I've answered 10 of your bullshit questions in the time since I requested you list these scores of racist crimes I have committed.
You made a dishonest allegation, back it up you racist piece of shit.

Is it just me or are you a little off your rocker? I imagine your voice to be very shrill and excitable from the way you write. How is pointing out racism racist? Thats a pretty neat trick Paul.

By my own words.........almost? Whats that supposed to mean? It cant be almost and you fill in the rest. Show me where I made a statement that was racist. Thats all I ask then I will agree with you Paul.
Don't have to make a direct racist statement, where as all you have to do is word your writings in specific ways when speaking on the topic, and wa-la we begin to see from where it is that you are coming in from. Hec you said it yourself that it is because of what you see and still continue to see that schools and/or teaches you (fill in the blank here), ummm what ?
Forget CC, what I am talking about is your racist attitude and/or view on whites in general.

How did you come about this closed minded slanted view in your life ? As smart as you are trying to be or that you are wishing for us to believe you are, one would think that you would be a person that is out to open peoples minds about how stupid racism really is, but here you are buried up to your own neck in it because you are a schooled or taught to be racist yourself ?

Can you tell me what is racist about my attitude towards whites? :lol: I obtained my views through observation like all other people do. I dont know exactly what you mean by being smart but I do hope people will see the stupidity in being racist. if i was schooled in racism it was only a result of what I saw and continue to see.
If you don't see it or can't tell it yourself, then I don't know how I can help you other than maybe in the way that it is being done here on this site.

All I hear is screams of racism but no one is pointing out what exactly is racist about what I am saying. Why cant they do that? Is it because its only a butt hurt opinion?
Based on who's definition? There is probably someone Black being murdered right now just because they are black. Since we cant read peoples minds the stat is irrelevant Paul. Please show me my quotes proving I am racist.

Stats are irrelevant if whites are killed for being white !!
However you bang on about racism against blacks.
That is your racism.
By your own words almost!!
You accused me of committing race crimes, yet have avoided giving information on those crimes.
That is your racism.
Now I've answered 10 of your bullshit questions in the time since I requested you list these scores of racist crimes I have committed.
You made a dishonest allegation, back it up you racist piece of shit.

Is it just me or are you a little off your rocker? I imagine your voice to be very shrill and excitable from the way you write. How is pointing out racism racist? Thats a pretty neat trick Paul.

By my own words.........almost? Whats that supposed to mean? It cant be almost and you fill in the rest. Show me where I made a statement that was racist. Thats all I ask then I will agree with you Paul.

One if your definitions of racism by whites was the denial that racism was directed at people of color.
Yet you say nothing about the many many racist attacks on whites by blacks each day.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
You are a racist.
Now enough of your avoiding answering.
The crimes you alleged I committed, care to show even one of the scores you allege?
Just one!!!
You did say scores of race crimes that I committed right?
Stats are irrelevant if whites are killed for being white !!
However you bang on about racism against blacks.
That is your racism.
By your own words almost!!
You accused me of committing race crimes, yet have avoided giving information on those crimes.
That is your racism.
Now I've answered 10 of your bullshit questions in the time since I requested you list these scores of racist crimes I have committed.
You made a dishonest allegation, back it up you racist piece of shit.

Is it just me or are you a little off your rocker? I imagine your voice to be very shrill and excitable from the way you write. How is pointing out racism racist? Thats a pretty neat trick Paul.

By my own words.........almost? Whats that supposed to mean? It cant be almost and you fill in the rest. Show me where I made a statement that was racist. Thats all I ask then I will agree with you Paul.
Don't have to make a direct racist statement, where as all you have to do is word your writings in specific ways when speaking on the topic, and wa-la we begin to see from where it is that you are coming in from. Hec you said it yourself that it is because of what you see and still continue to see that schools and/or teaches you (fill in the blank here), ummm what ?

So you admit its just a unproven theory you have right? Thank goodness for that. I thought i was going to have to tell my biracial daughter I hated 1 half of her.

I said I speak out on racism because of what I see taught in schools and in the media. How that makes me racist sounds like some of the best linguistic gymnastics of all time. However you are entitled to your opinion.
Stats are irrelevant if whites are killed for being white !!
However you bang on about racism against blacks.
That is your racism.
By your own words almost!!
You accused me of committing race crimes, yet have avoided giving information on those crimes.
That is your racism.
Now I've answered 10 of your bullshit questions in the time since I requested you list these scores of racist crimes I have committed.
You made a dishonest allegation, back it up you racist piece of shit.

Is it just me or are you a little off your rocker? I imagine your voice to be very shrill and excitable from the way you write. How is pointing out racism racist? Thats a pretty neat trick Paul.

By my own words.........almost? Whats that supposed to mean? It cant be almost and you fill in the rest. Show me where I made a statement that was racist. Thats all I ask then I will agree with you Paul.
Don't have to make a direct racist statement, where as all you have to do is word your writings in specific ways when speaking on the topic, and wa-la we begin to see from where it is that you are coming in from. Hec you said it yourself that it is because of what you see and still continue to see that schools and/or teaches you (fill in the blank here), ummm what ?

It's called parsing words.
Obama promised to make corporations pay their share.
If asked why he didn't he would explain to his base that he never said that at all, what he said was misinterpreted by fox and passed on to them!!
It's a classic liberal trick.
Part of the underlying dishonesty in the liberal.
Is it just me or are you a little off your rocker? I imagine your voice to be very shrill and excitable from the way you write. How is pointing out racism racist? Thats a pretty neat trick Paul.

By my own words.........almost? Whats that supposed to mean? It cant be almost and you fill in the rest. Show me where I made a statement that was racist. Thats all I ask then I will agree with you Paul.
Don't have to make a direct racist statement, where as all you have to do is word your writings in specific ways when speaking on the topic, and wa-la we begin to see from where it is that you are coming in from. Hec you said it yourself that it is because of what you see and still continue to see that schools and/or teaches you (fill in the blank here), ummm what ?

So you admit its just a unproven theory you have right? Thank goodness for that. I thought i was going to have to tell my biracial daughter I hated 1 half of her.

I said I speak out on racism because of what I see taught in schools and in the media. How that makes me racist sounds like some of the best linguistic gymnastics of all time. However you are entitled to your opinion.

You said yourself what a racist was, you meet that theory with the races reversed.
Get that?
Your theory, not mine, all I did was reverse the races.
You have no biracial daughter.
The schools and media all insist the myth of white racism is a fact.
Hence you had heard of Rodney King and George Zimmerman but not DeMarquis Elkins.
School kids are violently assaulted in school for not supporting Obama!!
You are a racist.
Now show some evidence to support YOUR allegation that I had committed scores of racist crimes.
Evidence of one?
Is it just me or are you a little off your rocker? I imagine your voice to be very shrill and excitable from the way you write. How is pointing out racism racist? Thats a pretty neat trick Paul.

By my own words.........almost? Whats that supposed to mean? It cant be almost and you fill in the rest. Show me where I made a statement that was racist. Thats all I ask then I will agree with you Paul.
Don't have to make a direct racist statement, where as all you have to do is word your writings in specific ways when speaking on the topic, and wa-la we begin to see from where it is that you are coming in from. Hec you said it yourself that it is because of what you see and still continue to see that schools and/or teaches you (fill in the blank here), ummm what ?

It's called parsing words.
Obama promised to make corporations pay their share.
If asked why he didn't he would explain to his base that he never said that at all, what he said was misinterpreted by fox and passed on to them!!
It's a classic liberal trick.
Part of the underlying dishonesty in the liberal.

That would be great if I did such a thing. I have no need to parse words with anyone on this board. What exactly makes you think I wouldn't tell you I was a racist if i was in fact was one? Trust that if I was racist I would have no problem saying so at all. I'll have to excuse your ignorance to the fact you have no idea what type of person i am.
Don't have to make a direct racist statement, where as all you have to do is word your writings in specific ways when speaking on the topic, and wa-la we begin to see from where it is that you are coming in from. Hec you said it yourself that it is because of what you see and still continue to see that schools and/or teaches you (fill in the blank here), ummm what ?

So you admit its just a unproven theory you have right? Thank goodness for that. I thought i was going to have to tell my biracial daughter I hated 1 half of her.

I said I speak out on racism because of what I see taught in schools and in the media. How that makes me racist sounds like some of the best linguistic gymnastics of all time. However you are entitled to your opinion.

You said yourself what a racist was, you meet that theory with the races reversed.
Get that?
Your theory, not mine, all I did was reverse the races.
You have no biracial daughter.
The schools and media all insist the myth of white racism is a fact.
Hence you had heard of Rodney King and George Zimmerman but not DeMarquis Elkins.
School kids are violently assaulted in school for not supporting Obama!!
You are a racist.
Now show some evidence to support YOUR allegation that I had committed scores of racist crimes.
Evidence of one?

If I said what a racist was then why are you calling me one in reverse? That doesnt make sense. I dont think there is a superior race. You do understand thats what racist means dont you? Seems like your meds are wearing off again. Now you are going to try and tell me what my daughter is. :lol:
Don't have to make a direct racist statement, where as all you have to do is word your writings in specific ways when speaking on the topic, and wa-la we begin to see from where it is that you are coming in from. Hec you said it yourself that it is because of what you see and still continue to see that schools and/or teaches you (fill in the blank here), ummm what ?

It's called parsing words.
Obama promised to make corporations pay their share.
If asked why he didn't he would explain to his base that he never said that at all, what he said was misinterpreted by fox and passed on to them!!
It's a classic liberal trick.
Part of the underlying dishonesty in the liberal.

That would be great if I did such a thing. I have no need to parse words with anyone on this board. What exactly makes you think I wouldn't tell you I was a racist if i was in fact was one? Trust that if I was racist I would have no problem saying so at all. I'll have to excuse your ignorance to the fact you have no idea what type of person i am.

I know you are a liar.
Your own theories on racism describe you as a racist.
Now these crimes you alleged, why are you unable to provide details?

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