Help the Black community

OK, so who has schooled you in life towards your views on history and racism etc. ???? Do tell, because we all would love to know where it is that you are coming in from, otherwise say we are all in a room where there are many doors, and you have walked in from one of those doors, now is it that your views could be skewed, biased or slanted in life all depending on what door you have come in from, and you don't realize this maybe ? How is that you are so sure about what you have been taught or what you have learned to be truth in your life, while on the other hand you accuse others of lies and untruths as according to you and your understanding of things, so how can we trust you then ?

Its not just me or it would not be that much of an issue. Its a lot of people. They dont dont know true history. I say this because it not a debate on what I was taught and what I find out that schools are still teaching. Its a blatant lie CC discovered America. He thought til his dying day he had hit India and actually never set foot on the American continent. I could understand your argument if that was not a fact and I had no proof. If this story is untrue and recognized as so why are people still teaching it? I'm not asking you to trust me. You are either going to believe or you wont. I'm more concerned with Black people understanding the truth because it seems to me only open minded white people actually research this stuff anyway.
Forget CC, what I am talking about is your racist attitude and/or view on whites in general.

How did you come about this closed minded slanted view in your life ? As smart as you are trying to be or that you are wishing for us to believe you are, one would think that you would be a person that is out to open peoples minds about how stupid racism really is, but here you are buried up to your own neck in it because you are a schooled or taught to be racist yourself ?

Can you tell me what is racist about my attitude towards whites? :lol: I obtained my views through observation like all other people do. I dont know exactly what you mean by being smart but I do hope people will see the stupidity in being racist. if i was schooled in racism it was only a result of what I saw and continue to see.
How does the government and society help the Black community deal with all of its problems?

What does the Black community need to do to deal with crime, drugs, single-parent homes, unemployment, low education?

I think several things need to happen:

#1. Convince Blacks that onl THEY can truly solve their problems. No government or white handouts can do the job for them.

#2. Blacks must make snitching on criminals, part of their culture. Crime will terrorize their community as long as "don't snitch" is a mantra of their culture.

#3. Middle-class, wealthy Blacks, and their non-Black allies must pool financial and intellectual resources together to create literacy, math, and job-training programs.

#4. Same as above, but to create large industries in the Black community to employ people. Factories, companies, industries, in Black communities.

#5. Create tax and other financial incentives for couples to stay together and raise their families. Make raising their children, as a strong element of black society, part of their culture. Pop music & other black icons will have to play a major roll in this. Those who refuse to comply should be shunned or worse.

you do the above, and in 30 years things will be better.

IMO they need to wake up and recognize that the democrats are only offering them keys to the back door.
Its not just me or it would not be that much of an issue. Its a lot of people. They dont dont know true history. I say this because it not a debate on what I was taught and what I find out that schools are still teaching. Its a blatant lie CC discovered America. He thought til his dying day he had hit India and actually never set foot on the American continent. I could understand your argument if that was not a fact and I had no proof. If this story is untrue and recognized as so why are people still teaching it? I'm not asking you to trust me. You are either going to believe or you wont. I'm more concerned with Black people understanding the truth because it seems to me only open minded white people actually research this stuff anyway.
Forget CC, what I am talking about is your racist attitude and/or view on whites in general.

How did you come about this closed minded slanted view in your life ? As smart as you are trying to be or that you are wishing for us to believe you are, one would think that you would be a person that is out to open peoples minds about how stupid racism really is, but here you are buried up to your own neck in it because you are a schooled or taught to be racist yourself ?

Can you tell me what is racist about my attitude towards whites? :lol: I obtained my views through observation like all other people do. I dont know exactly what you mean by being smart but I do hope people will see the stupidity in being racist. if i was schooled in racism it was only a result of what I saw and continue to see.

nice set of double standards you have there.

free pass for being black

using your logic any white that hates blacks is justified in their hate as a result of what they see and continue to see
Is calling a person a nigga wrong?

You heard of Rodney King because it was reported on a massive scale.
Even today you know his name, most people on earth do.
They know trayvon martins name too.

But DeMarquis Elkins, very little press, ever think why?
He murdered a 13 month old in cold blood.
Nothing, don't matter, who cares.
Why do you know about one but not the other 20?
Anti white racism and cover ups.
Whites don't count, they are subhuman in your mind.

If they are not being stingy then it is wrong to use the term. I agree I heard of Rodney King and Trayvon Martin due to the media. However, I also heard of Demarquis Elkins now that I looked up the name due to the media. I remember thinking they should torture him for shooting the child. The point you are missing is that he was promptly arrested. Your point is silly. I bet you haven't heard of one of my friends I saw shot and killed by a white cop because he was trying to show his ID. There was no media attention.

Never happened , it's just too unbelievable to be true.

I cannot accept it as truth that you have Freinds.
I see violence against whites every day.
For no other reason than their skin color.
If the baby was not one of the subhumans DeMarquis would not have shot him.
The rhetoric of Obama and haters like you has dehumanized white people.
Hence tge current epidemic of anti white crime.
Its not just me or it would not be that much of an issue. Its a lot of people. They dont dont know true history. I say this because it not a debate on what I was taught and what I find out that schools are still teaching. Its a blatant lie CC discovered America. He thought til his dying day he had hit India and actually never set foot on the American continent. I could understand your argument if that was not a fact and I had no proof. If this story is untrue and recognized as so why are people still teaching it? I'm not asking you to trust me. You are either going to believe or you wont. I'm more concerned with Black people understanding the truth because it seems to me only open minded white people actually research this stuff anyway.
Forget CC, what I am talking about is your racist attitude and/or view on whites in general.

How did you come about this closed minded slanted view in your life ? As smart as you are trying to be or that you are wishing for us to believe you are, one would think that you would be a person that is out to open peoples minds about how stupid racism really is, but here you are buried up to your own neck in it because you are a schooled or taught to be racist yourself ?

Can you tell me what is racist about my attitude towards whites? :lol: I obtained my views through observation like all other people do. I dont know exactly what you mean by being smart but I do hope people will see the stupidity in being racist. if i was schooled in racism it was only a result of what I saw and continue to see.

You refuse to accept the fact that whites are 17 times more likely to be victims of race crime than all other groups in the USA.

You believe that only blacks are victims of racism .
The reality is however that there is very little anti black racism.
There is the inclination amongst many blacks to believe they are the subject of racism when they are held to the same standard as everyone else!

Ask 100 people for an ID to buy alcohol. 3 will have improper/no or out of date ID.
A black will perceive it as racist if he is refused a sale on the back of an ID issue.
Forget CC, what I am talking about is your racist attitude and/or view on whites in general.

How did you come about this closed minded slanted view in your life ? As smart as you are trying to be or that you are wishing for us to believe you are, one would think that you would be a person that is out to open peoples minds about how stupid racism really is, but here you are buried up to your own neck in it because you are a schooled or taught to be racist yourself ?

Can you tell me what is racist about my attitude towards whites? :lol: I obtained my views through observation like all other people do. I dont know exactly what you mean by being smart but I do hope people will see the stupidity in being racist. if i was schooled in racism it was only a result of what I saw and continue to see.

You refuse to accept the fact that whites are 17 times more likely to be victims of race crime than all other groups in the USA.

You believe that only blacks are victims of racism .
The reality is however that there is very little anti black racism.
There is the inclination amongst many blacks to believe they are the subject of racism when they are held to the same standard as everyone else!

Ask 100 people for an ID to buy alcohol. 3 will have improper/no or out of date ID.
A black will perceive it as racist if he is refused a sale on the back of an ID issue.

What does your rant have to do with what I just posted? Everything in your rant is false and something you have dreamed up to support your view that I am racist. You are one funny person. :lol:
Can you tell me what is racist about my attitude towards whites? :lol: I obtained my views through observation like all other people do. I dont know exactly what you mean by being smart but I do hope people will see the stupidity in being racist. if i was schooled in racism it was only a result of what I saw and continue to see.

You refuse to accept the fact that whites are 17 times more likely to be victims of race crime than all other groups in the USA.

You believe that only blacks are victims of racism .
The reality is however that there is very little anti black racism.
There is the inclination amongst many blacks to believe they are the subject of racism when they are held to the same standard as everyone else!

Ask 100 people for an ID to buy alcohol. 3 will have improper/no or out of date ID.
A black will perceive it as racist if he is refused a sale on the back of an ID issue.

What does your rant have to do with what I just posted? Everything in your rant is false and something you have dreamed up to support your view that I am racist. You are one funny person. :lol:

I owned a chain of liquor stores until 3 months ago.
Everytime we refused a sale to a black they ranted about racism.
It's the law, being black or having a chip on your shoulder will not change that.
Name a recent black victim of racially motivated murder?
About these race crimes you accused me of?
Show one?

Were you a benefactor of affirmative action? Just curious, as I was the victim of the race crimes directed by affirmative action over a dozen times in my life.

Affirmative action does not apply to subhumans( the new liberal word for the creepy ass cracker) who's kids should be murdered en masse according to the liberal hate machine.
About these race crimes you accused me of?
Show one?

Were you a benefactor of affirmative action? Just curious, as I was the victim of the race crimes directed by affirmative action over a dozen times in my life.

Affirmative action does not apply to subhumans( the new liberal word for the creepy ass cracker) who's kids should be murdered en masse according to the liberal hate machine.

Yeah sucks to be a white male these days.
You refuse to accept the fact that whites are 17 times more likely to be victims of race crime than all other groups in the USA.

You believe that only blacks are victims of racism .
The reality is however that there is very little anti black racism.
There is the inclination amongst many blacks to believe they are the subject of racism when they are held to the same standard as everyone else!

Ask 100 people for an ID to buy alcohol. 3 will have improper/no or out of date ID.
A black will perceive it as racist if he is refused a sale on the back of an ID issue.

What does your rant have to do with what I just posted? Everything in your rant is false and something you have dreamed up to support your view that I am racist. You are one funny person. :lol:

I owned a chain of liquor stores until 3 months ago.
Everytime we refused a sale to a black they ranted about racism.
It's the law, being black or having a chip on your shoulder will not change that.
Name a recent black victim of racially motivated murder?

Yes false as in a lie or misconception on your part. What does your experience with every black person that ever came into your store have to do with me being racist?
About these race crimes you accused me of?
Show one?

Were you a benefactor of affirmative action? Just curious, as I was the victim of the race crimes directed by affirmative action over a dozen times in my life.

Affirmative action does not apply to subhumans( the new liberal word for the creepy ass cracker) who's kids should be murdered en masse according to the liberal hate machine.

Well white women benefit more from AA than any other demographic. Why you would call whites subhuman is strange and shows you have a tenuous grip on reality at best. Seems to me the media has you worked up right on schedule.
Were you a benefactor of affirmative action? Just curious, as I was the victim of the race crimes directed by affirmative action over a dozen times in my life.

Affirmative action does not apply to subhumans( the new liberal word for the creepy ass cracker) who's kids should be murdered en masse according to the liberal hate machine.

Well white women benefit more from AA than any other demographic. Why you would call whites subhuman is strange and shows you have a tenuous grip on reality at best. Seems to me the media has you worked up right on schedule.

Subhuman is how you racist black supremacists view whites.
You deny that there are scores of race attacks against whites on a daily basis, that is racist.
You allege that I have committed scores of race crimes yet cannot list one.

You are a hater and a baiter.

Al Sharpton?
What does your rant have to do with what I just posted? Everything in your rant is false and something you have dreamed up to support your view that I am racist. You are one funny person. :lol:

I owned a chain of liquor stores until 3 months ago.
Everytime we refused a sale to a black they ranted about racism.
It's the law, being black or having a chip on your shoulder will not change that.
Name a recent black victim of racially motivated murder?

Yes false as in a lie or misconception on your part. What does your experience with every black person that ever came into your store have to do with me being racist?

I didn't say every, can you try being honest?

You are a race baiter.
Show the most recent racially motivated murder of a black person?
Affirmative action does not apply to subhumans( the new liberal word for the creepy ass cracker) who's kids should be murdered en masse according to the liberal hate machine.

Well white women benefit more from AA than any other demographic. Why you would call whites subhuman is strange and shows you have a tenuous grip on reality at best. Seems to me the media has you worked up right on schedule.

Subhuman is how you racist black supremacists view whites.
You deny that there are scores of race attacks against whites on a daily basis, that is racist.
You allege that I have committed scores of race crimes yet cannot list one.

You are a hater and a baiter.

Al Sharpton?

And again you lie. Not that it really matters what you think of me but I'm curious as to where I said all these things? Can you show me?
I owned a chain of liquor stores until 3 months ago.
Everytime we refused a sale to a black they ranted about racism.
It's the law, being black or having a chip on your shoulder will not change that.
Name a recent black victim of racially motivated murder?

Yes false as in a lie or misconception on your part. What does your experience with every black person that ever came into your store have to do with me being racist?

I didn't say every, can you try being honest?

You are a race baiter.
Show the most recent racially motivated murder of a black person?

I am being honest. What does the highlighted portion of your quote mean then? If I am wrong then I will apologize. You still havent showed me where I made the statements you are lying about however.
Yes false as in a lie or misconception on your part. What does your experience with every black person that ever came into your store have to do with me being racist?

I didn't say every, can you try being honest?

You are a race baiter.
Show the most recent racially motivated murder of a black person?

I am being honest. What does the highlighted portion of your quote mean then? If I am wrong then I will apologize. You still havent showed me where I made the statements you are lying about however.

The underlying theme of all your posts is a hatred of whites.
There is far more black on white race crime in the USA.
Virtually no white on black race crime.
You are a race baiter who sees racism where there is none.
You blame whites for this perceived racism.
That is hate.
Now these crimes you accused me of, list them?
Just one of them?

The highlighted part meens exactly what it says.
Everytime we refused a sale to a black person they cried racism.
We did not refuse sales to every black person.
We refused sales to every person who did not have acceptable ID.
That is not racism, it's following the law.
It's preserving the liquor license, it's protecting the jobs of up to 60 employees.

Get it?
Now tell me about these race crimes you accused me of committing?
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Well white women benefit more from AA than any other demographic. Why you would call whites subhuman is strange and shows you have a tenuous grip on reality at best. Seems to me the media has you worked up right on schedule.

Subhuman is how you racist black supremacists view whites.
You deny that there are scores of race attacks against whites on a daily basis, that is racist.
You allege that I have committed scores of race crimes yet cannot list one.

You are a hater and a baiter.

Al Sharpton?

And again you lie. Not that it really matters what you think of me but I'm curious as to where I said all these things? Can you show me?

Show me one of the scores of race crimes you accused me of?

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