Helping liberals get started with just the basics:

God has killed more humans than socialism.

And socialism thinks it has killed God . . .
That's communism, Dupe. Everywhere in the world outside the GOP Bubble all of BS, socialism is the government of Canada the EU Australia New Zealand. Always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. ACA made us socialist barely, albeit still a bought off give away to the rich GOP mess.
Fair capitalism would be nice...
Most illiterate First Family ever.
personal attack because typical liberal lacks IQ for substance

Sorry, but I am allowed to criticize the president of the United States. Go live in a country where you can't do that. And good riddance.

Substance? 1000 count toilet paper has more substance than you or your post.
You're not criticizing the President, you're venting your spleen because you're a poor loser.

Criticizing a president comes in the form of discussion on why this policy or that policy won't work.

Personally attacking the man or woman is just a four-year-old having a temper tantrum.
Most illiterate First Family ever.
personal attack because typical liberal lacks IQ for substance

Sorry, but I am allowed to criticize the president of the United States. Go live in a country where you can't do that. And good riddance.

Substance? 1000 count toilet paper has more substance than you or your post.
You're not criticizing the President, you're venting your spleen because you're a poor loser.

Criticizing a president comes in the form of discussion on why this policy or that policy won't work.

Personally attacking the man or woman is just a four-year-old having a temper tantrum.
His only policy that will work is the tax cuts making the richest even richer...
God has killed more humans than socialism.

And socialism thinks it has killed God . . .
That's communism, Dupe. Everywhere in the world outside the GOP Bubble all of BS, socialism is the government of Canada the EU Australia New Zealand. Always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. ACA made us socialist barely, albeit still a bought off give away to the rich GOP mess.
Fair capitalism would be nice...

Fair capitalism. Is that where people make lots of money so that you can steal it all and redistribute it to people who don't do shit?
God has killed more humans than socialism.

And socialism thinks it has killed God . . .
That's communism, Dupe. Everywhere in the world outside the GOP Bubble all of BS, socialism is the government of Canada the EU Australia New Zealand. Always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. ACA made us socialist barely, albeit still a bought off give away to the rich GOP mess.
Fair capitalism would be nice...

Fair capitalism. Is that where people make lots of money so that you can steal it all and redistribute it to people who don't do shit?
Ah, the brainwashed hater of poor people, while the GOP Rob the country blind for rich people. We now have the worst inequality since 1898 and the lowest upward Mobility ever. The richest now pay the same percentage in taxes as the middle class, the country is falling apart along with the non rich. Why are we the only country without Healthcare daycare cheap college and training 5 week vacations and a good SSID card to stop illegal immigrants? Because of the greedy GOP and silly dupes like you...
His only policy that will work is the tax cuts making the richest even richer...

employing more blacks women and hispanics than ever in history is working pretty well too. Not letting China rip us off anymore is working well too after Barry did nothing for 8 years!! Freedom from N Korean nukes is working out well too!! Sort of like Reagan!
Fair capitalism. Is that where people make lots of money so that you can steal it all and redistribute it to people who don't do shit?

it's also where you steal money from the productive and give it to the unproductive and thus discourage everyone from working!
Fair capitalism. Is that where people make lots of money so that you can steal it all and redistribute it to people who don't do shit?

it's also where you steal money from the productive and give it to the unproductive and thus discourage everyone from working!
Fake Strawman Lies!!! Corporations get all the Welfare & Subsidies to Screw Workers, Offshore Jobs, Traffic Illegals, Death Threats, Forced Slavery & Steal from Workers every way they can!!! Repubtard Corp Trillium Farms is a perfect example of how Republican treat Hard Workers!!!
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Fair capitalism. Is that where people make lots of money so that you can steal it all and redistribute it to people who don't do shit?

it's also where you steal money from the productive and give it to the unproductive and thus discourage everyone from working!
Fake Strawman Lies!!! Corporations get all the Welfare & Subsidies to Screw Workers, Offshore Jobs, Traffic Illegals, Death Threats, Forced Slavery & Steal from Workers every way they can!!! Repubtard Corp Trillium Farms is a perfect example of how Republican treat Hard Workers!!!

Did you take the wrong medication this morning by mistake?
Fair capitalism. Is that where people make lots of money so that you can steal it all and redistribute it to people who don't do shit?

it's also where you steal money from the productive and give it to the unproductive and thus discourage everyone from working!
Fake Strawman Lies!!! Corporations get all the Welfare & Subsidies to Screw Workers, Offshore Jobs, Traffic Illegals, Death Threats, Forced Slavery & Steal from Workers every way they can!!! Repubtard Corp Trillium Farms is a perfect example of how Republican treat Hard Workers!!!

Did you take the wrong medication this morning by mistake?
You are the mistake!
a perfect example of how Republican treat Hard Workers!!!

the pure beauty of Republican capitalism is that if a company treats workers badly, you can form another company that treats workers better, hire away all the best workers, and but the company that treats workers badly out of business. This is why our workers are the richest in the world with most having eg Iphone super computers in their pockets etc! Econ 101
a perfect example of how Republican treat Hard Workers!!!

the pure beauty of Republican capitalism is that if a company treats workers badly, you can form another company that treats workers better, hire away all the best workers, and but the company that treats workers badly out of business. This is why our workers are the richest in the world with most having eg Iphone super computers in their pockets etc! Econ 101
You Lie! Slaves can't form companies be hired away!
a perfect example of how Republican treat Hard Workers!!!

the pure beauty of Republican capitalism is that if a company treats workers badly, you can form another company that treats workers better, hire away all the best workers, and but the company that treats workers badly out of business. This is why our workers are the richest in the world with most having eg Iphone super computers in their pockets etc! Econ 101
You Lie! Slaves can't form companies be hired away!
actually American workers are free to quit their jobs any time they please and about 3 million do so each month so we would not say they are slaves. Do you understand?
Liberals have been made nuts by Trump and cant think straight. They need to start over with the basics: Our Founders were right wingers ie they believed in very limited govt or freedom from big liberal govt and thus they produced greatest country in human history by far. Left wingers are socialists, ie opposed to freedom from big central govt. Thus, they spied for Stalin, elected Obama Sanders Warren and now Alexandria Cortez, right out of Bolshevik central casting, even after socialism slowly killed 120 million virtually in a our life times. Now you have a starting point. Do you understand it?

They want a disarmed populace and big government. In other words, they want to shred the constitution because our founders gave people the power. Taking away our guns and limiting our freedoms is the only way to give government full power. That is the only reason they want to ban guns. Leftists hate our constitutional Republic. They want an oligarchy in which they can rule the entire planet, not just a country.


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