Helping liberals get started with just the basics:

i like a good fairy tale.

don't stop now
substance free typical of anti free speech liberal
View attachment 202018

It’s clear Trump is using liberal tactics against you liberals.

He read your friggin book……
So that makes Trump a liberal if he uses liberal tactics and therefore you support liberals...

Not exactly Dumb Ass…
Well, then he's using conservative tactics because he is conservative? Lol
Trump lies, but photographs don't.
Do a Google search of Trump in his office.
All the same. He hasn't read a book since he barely graduated from college.
Trump doesn't read.
He can barely use a teleprompter.
I wonder if his staff doesn't use flash cards.
personal attack because liberals lack IQ for substance. See why liberals are violently opposed to free speech nowadays?

I didn't make a personal attack.
I stated a simple fact.

Not a single newspaper or book on a shelf.

Here he is with shot taken from a mirror reflection showing both sides of his office.
Not a book in sight. Not a newspaper.


Neither does his simpleton son, Eric.

Nor Little Lyin' Donnie Jr.


The Trumps don’t need no Stinking books

or no Stinking lying ass liberal rags….

They have out smarted all the editors and authors……

Get your head out of your ass and take a whiff of Reality……

I bet it sucks to go through life as a Dumb Ass liberal…
Trump lies, but photographs don't.
Do a Google search of Trump in his office.
All the same. He hasn't read a book since he barely graduated from college.
and yet he got us 5% GDP, peace with North Korea, and 96% employment while pretty boy Obama got us jack!!!
substance free typical of anti free speech liberal
View attachment 202018

It’s clear Trump is using liberal tactics against you liberals.

He read your friggin book……
So that makes Trump a liberal if he uses liberal tactics and therefore you support liberals...

Not exactly Dumb Ass…
Well, then he's using conservative tactics because he is conservative? Lol

You rode the little bus didn't you...
No, the militia was never as good as a standing army...

in many cases better since the Red Coats would line up to be shot by Americans hunters use to hiding. We don't expect a liberal to know a thing!!
You wouldn't expect anyone to know anything like yerself yet the militia could never stand toe to toe with redcoat regulars much less auxiliaries.

so???? standing toe to toe was a British tactic.
Obama lowered Bush deficit spending every year! Repubtards screamed & cried the whole time. Now Repubtard House, Senate & President EXPLODED DEFICIT TO RECORD HIGH!!!

But any day now they're going to pass legislation to make debt illegal.

Just ask Special Ed. He knows all.
i like a good fairy tale.

don't stop now
Yup! Trump CBO now projecting $100 TRILLION DEBT!!!

And if you get another Obama in there, it will be double that.
Obama lowered Bush deficit spending every year! Repubtards screamed & cried the whole time. Now Repubtard House, Senate & President EXPLODED DEFICIT TO RECORD HIGH!!!

Must be terrible being so ignorant.
Here's how much debt the US government added under President Obama
Liberals have been made nuts by Trump and cant think straight. They need to start over with the basics: Our Founders were right wingers ie they believed in very limited govt or freedom from big liberal govt and thus they produced greatest country in human history by far. Left wingers are socialists, ie opposed to freedom from big central govt. Thus, they spied for Stalin, elected Obama Sanders Warren and now Alexandria Cortez, right out of Bolshevik central casting, even after socialism slowly killed 120 million virtually in a our life times. Now you have a starting point. Do you understand it?

This made me laugh. So much wrong in a post, it's incredible.

1) The political spectrum is relative. The US right wing/left wing is different to another country's. Center is more or less the balancing point between left and right wing in that country.

2) The Founding Fathers weren't right wing. There were Federalists and anti-Federalists which would have been left wing and right wing on their political spectrum of their time.

3) The right believes in limited govt? Some parts do, but it doesn't show much in those who are in govt. Even Trump is increasing the military's size, trying to increase his own power too. Hardly smaller govt.

4) Greatest country in human history? Really? The Romans? The Chinese? for example.

5) Socialism killed 120 million people?

Socialism can't kill anyone. It's not a physical thing. Also, the USSR was not socialist. It was some kind of bastardized form of Communism. They claimed to be Communist, but weren't.

Do I understand anything you've said? The only think I understood was PARTISAN HACKERY
Hence: ‘Special Ed.’
But any day now they're going to pass legislation to make debt illegal.

as soon as liberals agree to make debt illegal the debt problem can be solved forever. Liberals won't agree because they need to keep spending to keep buying votes with promises of ever more welfare!!

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