Helping liberals get started with just the basics:

Actually our Founding Fathers were liberals. Jefferson and Franklin were the epitome of liberal thought in the mid 18th century. The United States was founded on liberal principals. It took angry ignorant (mostly) democrat rabble to turn liberal thought inside out in about 150 years. Colleges and Universities were once centers for the liberal exchange of ideas and opinions. Today the likes of Jefferson or Dr. Franklin would likely be victims of assault on campus by liberals just like every high profile conservative in modern history.
Trump Depression is coming!!!
2) Conservatives want huge military not huge govt. Do you understand?

Huge military IS huge government.

Do you understand?

wrong of course. even a very very libertarian country with a tiny tiny govt will need a huge military to protect itself. Conservatives are for huge military and tiny govt. Too complicated for you?
The Vatican has no military.

The Vatican is only nominally a country, pissant, as you very well know. Trust you to find the most irrelevant analogy you can muster.
2) Conservatives want huge military not huge govt. Do you understand?

Huge military IS huge government.

Do you understand?

wrong of course. even a very very libertarian country with a tiny tiny govt will need a huge military to protect itself. Conservatives are for huge military and tiny govt. Too complicated for you?
The Vatican has no military.

Nor does Costa Rica.

Like many countries that love to tout their "moral superiority" in this realm, they DO have a large military protecting them: ours. I'm not exactly impressed with the arrogant preening of people about their "enlightenment" when it's only made possible by hiding behind the very US "barbarity" they're busily sneering at.
2) Conservatives want huge military not huge govt. Do you understand?

Huge military IS huge government.

Do you understand?

wrong of course. even a very very libertarian country with a tiny tiny govt will need a huge military to protect itself. Conservatives are for huge military and tiny govt. Too complicated for you?
The Vatican has no military.

Yet they have walls...dumbass.

And a security force. They just don't call it a military, because their "country" is just a collection of buildings . . . and they're depending on the military of the nation which surrounds them, Italy, to protect them.
i like a good fairy tale.

don't stop now
substance free typical of anti free speech liberal
View attachment 202018

It’s clear Trump is using liberal tactics against you liberals.

He read your friggin book……
So that makes Trump a liberal if he uses liberal tactics and therefore you support liberals...

"Liberal" and "conservative" aren't defined by their tactics, dumbass. They're defined by their goals/principles/worldview. That they generally tend to use different tactics is ancillary.
Liberals have been made nuts by Trump and cant think straight. They need to start over with the basics: Our Founders were right wingers ie they believed in very limited govt or freedom from big liberal govt and thus they produced greatest country in human history by far. Left wingers are socialists, ie opposed to freedom from big central govt. Thus, they spied for Stalin, elected Obama Sanders Warren and now Alexandria Cortez, right out of Bolshevik central casting, even after socialism slowly killed 120 million virtually in a our life times. Now you have a starting point. Do you understand it?

Right wingers obsess over Hillary and haven't had a straight thought in seven years, ever since Trump lied about Obama's birthplace.
Founders were rightwingers who believed in limited govt just like modern fight wingers. Do you understand?
They had to believe in a small govt. because that is all they had to operate with and it grew throughout the years from necessity..You want a federal govt. the size that George Washington presided over? That would be nutz...

No, they didn't "had" to believe in a small government. Smaller, less-intrusive government was the whole point of what they were fighting for. You talk like the Revolutionary War was over something else entirely, rather than type of government, and then they just patched together whatever government they could get as an afterthought.

It grew throughout the years, but usually not from necessity. Most of the growth was due to someone's desire for power, or for freebies, or for the government to be responsible for his/her life so he/she wouldn't have to bother.

The government might need to be larger today in terms of number of employees and geography covered than in Washington's day, but that doesn't mean it has to exceed the basic structural framework laid down in the Constitution, or take on functions not laid down in that structure.
Trump doesn't read.
He can barely use a teleprompter.
I wonder if his staff doesn't use flash cards.
personal attack because liberals lack IQ for substance. See why liberals are violently opposed to free speech nowadays?

I didn't make a personal attack.
I stated a simple fact.

Not a single newspaper or book on a shelf.

Here he is with shot taken from a mirror reflection showing both sides of his office.
Not a book in sight. Not a newspaper.


Neither does his simpleton son, Eric.

Nor Little Lyin' Donnie Jr.


You DO realize that books and newspapers are available in electronic format these days, to be read on computers and similar devices, right?

Welcome to 2018.
Trump lies, but photographs don't.
Do a Google search of Trump in his office.
All the same. He hasn't read a book since he barely graduated from college.

Riiiiiight. The problem couldn't be that you're just hopelessly mired in the previous century and judging people by your own lack of awareness of modern technology.
Most illiterate First Family ever.
personal attack because typical liberal lacks IQ for substance

Sorry, but I am allowed to criticize the president of the United States. Go live in a country where you can't do that. And good riddance.

Substance? 1000 count toilet paper has more substance than you or your post.

As usual, leftists mistake being criticized with being suppressed.

You're allowed to criticize the President. We're allowed to criticize, disdain, and mock the ignorance of your criticism.

Go live in a country where freedom of speech is only allowed to certain people with certain viewpoints. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
No, the militia was never as good as a standing army...

in many cases better since the Red Coats would line up to be shot by Americans hunters use to hiding. We don't expect a liberal to know a thing!!
You wouldn't expect anyone to know anything like yerself yet the militia could never stand toe to toe with redcoat regulars much less auxiliaries.

so???? standing toe to toe was a British tactic.

Which apparently was outdated and ineffective.
Liberals have been made nuts by Trump and cant think straight. They need to start over with the basics: Our Founders were right wingers ie they believed in very limited govt or freedom from big liberal govt and thus they produced greatest country in human history by far. Left wingers are socialists, ie opposed to freedom from big central govt. Thus, they spied for Stalin, elected Obama Sanders Warren and now Alexandria Cortez, right out of Bolshevik central casting, even after socialism slowly killed 120 million virtually in a our life times. Now you have a starting point. Do you understand it?
Both parties are big government...
God has killed more humans than socialism.

And socialism thinks it has killed God . . .
That's communism, Dupe. Everywhere in the world outside the GOP Bubble all of BS, socialism is the government of Canada the EU Australia New Zealand. Always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. ACA made us socialist barely, albeit still a bought off give away to the rich GOP mess.

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