Helsinki: Trump fights the enemy Deep State.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Helsinki: Putin or American intelligence?

Trump has his work cut out for him because itā€™s a tossup as to which entity houses the truly wicked in human politics. Putin is a bad guy; there is no doubt about that but Putin doesnā€™t pretend to be anything other than what he is and has always been. Heā€™s a former KGB agent who has risen steadily through the ranks of Russian leadership and he is a formidable force representing a despised system that is poison to American democracy.

But Trump is faced with unprecedented corruption in American security agencies and a rotten status quo comprised of professional political operatives infested with liars and thieves from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Trump possibly and quite rightly perceives Putin as the lesser of two evils and reasons that a dialog with a leader that has half the worldā€™s nuclear weapons is prudent and needed to preserve the peace.

Trumpā€™s election was a watershed event exposing a dirty Deep State in the United States that is a far more dangerous threat to democracy than Putin poses because it attacks democracy from the inside out as it sells out the middle class which is the prima facie defense against failed socialism and classic Communism.

At first Trump was not taken seriously by a depraved and tainted status quo comfortable that the people had been hoodwinked by domestic propaganda and swindled of individual common sense. But the people were smarter than expected and tired of the usual endless manure spreading; they wanted leadership that could produce a valid crop even if the farmer had some personal flaws.

Once the statist community in the US became aware that Trump was a player they swung into action with the devastating strategy of an HIV infection and took over the defense mechanisms of the FBI and the DOJ turning them into host-killing attackers of American democracy-just to take out Trump.

Vladimir Putin is on the JV team compared to the Trump-deranged American Deep State led by John Brennan, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Robert Mueller and many, many more. Trump knows this and he knows he has to act fast to save the republic.

Trump Derangement syndrome is propagating a meltdown among deep-staters because they know if he succeeds their days are numbered. Those who hate Trump more than they love America will gladly take the country down.
REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.
Deep State has existed for many decades within the U.S. government.

It is a lawless cabal made up of both government and private sector individuals with a globalist agenda. .... :cool:
Deep State has existed for many decades within the U.S. government.

It is a lawless cabal made up of both government and private sector individuals with a globalist agenda. .... :cool:

The Deep State = Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy
Trump and Putin working together is the worst nightmare of Deep Sate. Together they will clean the Earth from all Globalist projects, stop the conflicts and demonstrate to the people that Russia is an ally, not the enemy like Deep State has been portraying her (to keep increasing military budgets). And ... that will mean "Game Over!" for Deep State.

That's why all the Deep State puppets from both parties are barking at Trump from all the holes calling him "a traitor", trying to stir the public opinion in USA and looking for a good chance to remove him from the Oval Office. I don't know about you guys, but I keep praying for him because I remember what happened to the last American president who wanted good relationship with USSR: Kennedy.
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Helsinki: Putin or American intelligence?

Trump has his work cut out for him because itā€™s a tossup as to which entity houses the truly wicked in human politics. Putin is a bad guy; there is no doubt about that but Putin doesnā€™t pretend to be anything other than what he is and has always been. Heā€™s a former KGB agent who has risen steadily through the ranks of Russian leadership and he is a formidable force representing a despised system that is poison to American democracy.

But Trump is faced with unprecedented corruption in American security agencies and a rotten status quo comprised of professional political operatives infested with liars and thieves from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Trump possibly and quite rightly perceives Putin as the lesser of two evils and reasons that a dialog with a leader that has half the worldā€™s nuclear weapons is prudent and needed to preserve the peace.

Trumpā€™s election was a watershed event exposing a dirty Deep State in the United States that is a far more dangerous threat to democracy than Putin poses because it attacks democracy from the inside out as it sells out the middle class which is the prima facie defense against failed socialism and classic Communism.

At first Trump was not taken seriously by a depraved and tainted status quo comfortable that the people had been hoodwinked by domestic propaganda and swindled of individual common sense. But the people were smarter than expected and tired of the usual endless manure spreading; they wanted leadership that could produce a valid crop even if the farmer had some personal flaws.

Once the statist community in the US became aware that Trump was a player they swung into action with the devastating strategy of an HIV infection and took over the defense mechanisms of the FBI and the DOJ turning them into host-killing attackers of American democracy-just to take out Trump.

Vladimir Putin is on the JV team compared to the Trump-deranged American Deep State led by John Brennan, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Robert Mueller and many, many more. Trump knows this and he knows he has to act fast to save the republic.

Trump Derangement syndrome is propagating a meltdown among deep-staters because they know if he succeeds their days are numbered. Those who hate Trump more than they love America will gladly take the country down.
Ray, I believe a year from now you are going to wonder what you were thinking. Your Trump hysteria reminds me of all those screechings those of us protesting the invasion of Iraq heard. Constant shouts of 'traitor', 'terrorist lovers', Un-American. We even changed the name of french fries, for Pete's sake. We have since learned the foolishness of rushing in where angels fear to tread.

You call my objection to allowing a foreign nation to interfere in our elections, mainly by providing fodder for your call that Trump Derangement Syndrome. Invasion of our sovereignty already in place evidently doesn't bother you. Holding a President accountable for the oath he took and the actions he has taken, and the actions he has NOT taken upsets you. What if Putin becomes disenchanted with Trump and favors a Democrat next time around? Because you know the pendulum always swings.

WE can have a balance of friendship with Russia WITHOUT giving them our sovereignty and the right to choose our leaders.
Helsinki: Putin or American intelligence?

Trump has his work cut out for him because itā€™s a tossup as to which entity houses the truly wicked in human politics. Putin is a bad guy; there is no doubt about that but Putin doesnā€™t pretend to be anything other than what he is and has always been. Heā€™s a former KGB agent who has risen steadily through the ranks of Russian leadership and he is a formidable force representing a despised system that is poison to American democracy.

But Trump is faced with unprecedented corruption in American security agencies and a rotten status quo comprised of professional political operatives infested with liars and thieves from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Trump possibly and quite rightly perceives Putin as the lesser of two evils and reasons that a dialog with a leader that has half the worldā€™s nuclear weapons is prudent and needed to preserve the peace.

Trumpā€™s election was a watershed event exposing a dirty Deep State in the United States that is a far more dangerous threat to democracy than Putin poses because it attacks democracy from the inside out as it sells out the middle class which is the prima facie defense against failed socialism and classic Communism.

At first Trump was not taken seriously by a depraved and tainted status quo comfortable that the people had been hoodwinked by domestic propaganda and swindled of individual common sense. But the people were smarter than expected and tired of the usual endless manure spreading; they wanted leadership that could produce a valid crop even if the farmer had some personal flaws.

Once the statist community in the US became aware that Trump was a player they swung into action with the devastating strategy of an HIV infection and took over the defense mechanisms of the FBI and the DOJ turning them into host-killing attackers of American democracy-just to take out Trump.

Vladimir Putin is on the JV team compared to the Trump-deranged American Deep State led by John Brennan, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Robert Mueller and many, many more. Trump knows this and he knows he has to act fast to save the republic.

Trump Derangement syndrome is propagating a meltdown among deep-staters because they know if he succeeds their days are numbered. Those who hate Trump more than they love America will gladly take the country down.


Pompeo says there is no deep state.

Is the Secretary of State delusional or is the President?
Helsinki: Putin or American intelligence?

Trump has his work cut out for him because itā€™s a tossup as to which entity houses the truly wicked in human politics. Putin is a bad guy; there is no doubt about that but Putin doesnā€™t pretend to be anything other than what he is and has always been. Heā€™s a former KGB agent who has risen steadily through the ranks of Russian leadership and he is a formidable force representing a despised system that is poison to American democracy.

But Trump is faced with unprecedented corruption in American security agencies and a rotten status quo comprised of professional political operatives infested with liars and thieves from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Trump possibly and quite rightly perceives Putin as the lesser of two evils and reasons that a dialog with a leader that has half the worldā€™s nuclear weapons is prudent and needed to preserve the peace.

Trumpā€™s election was a watershed event exposing a dirty Deep State in the United States that is a far more dangerous threat to democracy than Putin poses because it attacks democracy from the inside out as it sells out the middle class which is the prima facie defense against failed socialism and classic Communism.

At first Trump was not taken seriously by a depraved and tainted status quo comfortable that the people had been hoodwinked by domestic propaganda and swindled of individual common sense. But the people were smarter than expected and tired of the usual endless manure spreading; they wanted leadership that could produce a valid crop even if the farmer had some personal flaws.

Once the statist community in the US became aware that Trump was a player they swung into action with the devastating strategy of an HIV infection and took over the defense mechanisms of the FBI and the DOJ turning them into host-killing attackers of American democracy-just to take out Trump.

Vladimir Putin is on the JV team compared to the Trump-deranged American Deep State led by John Brennan, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Robert Mueller and many, many more. Trump knows this and he knows he has to act fast to save the republic.

Trump Derangement syndrome is propagating a meltdown among deep-staters because they know if he succeeds their days are numbered. Those who hate Trump more than they love America will gladly take the country down.
Ray, I believe a year from now you are going to wonder what you were thinking. Your Trump hysteria reminds me of all those screechings those of us protesting the invasion of Iraq heard. Constant shouts of 'traitor', 'terrorist lovers', Un-American. We even changed the name of french fries, for Pete's sake. We have since learned the foolishness of rushing in where angels fear to tread.

You call my objection to allowing a foreign nation to interfere in our elections, mainly by providing fodder for your call that Trump Derangement Syndrome. Invasion of our sovereignty already in place evidently doesn't bother you. Holding a President accountable for the oath he took and the actions he has taken, and the actions he has NOT taken upsets you. What if Putin becomes disenchanted with Trump and favors a Democrat next time around? Because you know the pendulum always swings.

WE can have a balance of friendship with Russia WITHOUT giving them our sovereignty and the right to choose our leaders.
Have you ever thought you've been fooled and Russia has NOT interfered in your elections? If they did, where is one single frikn' evidence?

Putin: First, Russia as a state has never interfered in the internal affairs of the United States. Do you really think that it was possible to influence US elections from Russia, to influence the choice of millions of Americans? This is ridiculous.

Second, It concerned the hacking of a Democratic candidateā€™s email. Did this attack involve manipulation with facts? This is very important. I want the Americans to hear this. Did anyone manipulate with the facts or plant fake information? No.

As far as I remember, the leaders of the partyā€™s executive bodies resigned. It means that they admitted this fact. I believe this is the crucial thing. You must stop manipulating public opinion and apologise to the voters for what was done, rather than keep looking for those who allegedly did this.

As for the specific accusations, Mr Mueller has brought charges against a Russian company, a small business working primarily in the catering industry. This company has hired American attorneys to protect its name in an American court. This court has not yet found any trace of interference by this company.

Do you know about this or not? Let the millions of Americans know about this as well.

News conference following talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States
Helsinki: Putin or American intelligence?

Trump has his work cut out for him because itā€™s a tossup as to which entity houses the truly wicked in human politics. Putin is a bad guy; there is no doubt about that but Putin doesnā€™t pretend to be anything other than what he is and has always been. Heā€™s a former KGB agent who has risen steadily through the ranks of Russian leadership and he is a formidable force representing a despised system that is poison to American democracy.

But Trump is faced with unprecedented corruption in American security agencies and a rotten status quo comprised of professional political operatives infested with liars and thieves from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Trump possibly and quite rightly perceives Putin as the lesser of two evils and reasons that a dialog with a leader that has half the worldā€™s nuclear weapons is prudent and needed to preserve the peace.

Trumpā€™s election was a watershed event exposing a dirty Deep State in the United States that is a far more dangerous threat to democracy than Putin poses because it attacks democracy from the inside out as it sells out the middle class which is the prima facie defense against failed socialism and classic Communism.

At first Trump was not taken seriously by a depraved and tainted status quo comfortable that the people had been hoodwinked by domestic propaganda and swindled of individual common sense. But the people were smarter than expected and tired of the usual endless manure spreading; they wanted leadership that could produce a valid crop even if the farmer had some personal flaws.

Once the statist community in the US became aware that Trump was a player they swung into action with the devastating strategy of an HIV infection and took over the defense mechanisms of the FBI and the DOJ turning them into host-killing attackers of American democracy-just to take out Trump.

Vladimir Putin is on the JV team compared to the Trump-deranged American Deep State led by John Brennan, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Robert Mueller and many, many more. Trump knows this and he knows he has to act fast to save the republic.

Trump Derangement syndrome is propagating a meltdown among deep-staters because they know if he succeeds their days are numbered. Those who hate Trump more than they love America will gladly take the country down.


Pompeo says there is no deep state.

Is the Secretary of State delusional or is the President?

All sides need a boogie man, someone/something that is evil that they can rally the troops around. In absence of a true threat the enemy is created in the minds of those in power and sold to the minions. The Deep State and the NWO are two examples of such an action taking place.
We know that Trump is corrupt almost to beyond imagination and is in league with PUtin. In Trump, America is faced with unprecedented corruption in the White House and many of the executive branches and among the far right in Congress.

Trump let the cat out of the bag at Helsinki and Real America is mobilizing against him and his evil path he is trying to lead America down.

Putin admitting finally that he wanted Trump to win was breathtakingly stupid. It is mobilizing America.
Helsinki: Putin or American intelligence?

Trump has his work cut out for him because itā€™s a tossup as to which entity houses the truly wicked in human politics. Putin is a bad guy; there is no doubt about that but Putin doesnā€™t pretend to be anything other than what he is and has always been. Heā€™s a former KGB agent who has risen steadily through the ranks of Russian leadership and he is a formidable force representing a despised system that is poison to American democracy.

But Trump is faced with unprecedented corruption in American security agencies and a rotten status quo comprised of professional political operatives infested with liars and thieves from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Trump possibly and quite rightly perceives Putin as the lesser of two evils and reasons that a dialog with a leader that has half the worldā€™s nuclear weapons is prudent and needed to preserve the peace.

Trumpā€™s election was a watershed event exposing a dirty Deep State in the United States that is a far more dangerous threat to democracy than Putin poses because it attacks democracy from the inside out as it sells out the middle class which is the prima facie defense against failed socialism and classic Communism.

At first Trump was not taken seriously by a depraved and tainted status quo comfortable that the people had been hoodwinked by domestic propaganda and swindled of individual common sense. But the people were smarter than expected and tired of the usual endless manure spreading; they wanted leadership that could produce a valid crop even if the farmer had some personal flaws.

Once the statist community in the US became aware that Trump was a player they swung into action with the devastating strategy of an HIV infection and took over the defense mechanisms of the FBI and the DOJ turning them into host-killing attackers of American democracy-just to take out Trump.

Vladimir Putin is on the JV team compared to the Trump-deranged American Deep State led by John Brennan, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Robert Mueller and many, many more. Trump knows this and he knows he has to act fast to save the republic.

Trump Derangement syndrome is propagating a meltdown among deep-staters because they know if he succeeds their days are numbered. Those who hate Trump more than they love America will gladly take the country down.

You speak to the lowest common denominator of the current American political infighting, and in doing so, highlight the motivations of its worst actors. Hatred of our President, above all else, is the motivation of his opposition for denouncing his every action and removing him. No cost is too great for them in achieving this goal--to include ending 242 years of Constitutional rule of our Republic. What the radical Left has forced on the American people is no less than a paradigm of mutually assured political destruction; if they are about to lose, so must all Americans lose all.

In a demonstration of meteoric irony, the American Left has demonstrated a greater degree of anti-Americanism and possibly--public treason in their broadcast seditiousness against our President, than that which they 24/7 accuse him of in President Putin's presence. What too many would be revolutionaries forget or ignore is how our President is the lone man on point for our nation, going out beyond its frontiers time and again, walking that international gangplank, to meet the real monsters in person and to keep their monster factories from American shores and their front yards. We the people send him out there, alone, and then so many of us seek to tear him down when he is at his most vulnerable, serving our safety and defense.


A part of me would rejoice in seeing a valiant President Trump return to our shores, a combined joint forces strike force at his back, much the same as Caesar at the Rubicon, poised to lay bare and remove the host of traitors lying in wait.
Have you ever thought you've been fooled and Russia has NOT interfered in your elections? If they did, where is one single frikn' evidence?
How about Putin admitting it!!!!!

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.
Helsinki: Putin or American intelligence?

Trump has his work cut out for him because itā€™s a tossup as to which entity houses the truly wicked in human politics. Putin is a bad guy; there is no doubt about that but Putin doesnā€™t pretend to be anything other than what he is and has always been. Heā€™s a former KGB agent who has risen steadily through the ranks of Russian leadership and he is a formidable force representing a despised system that is poison to American democracy.

But Trump is faced with unprecedented corruption in American security agencies and a rotten status quo comprised of professional political operatives infested with liars and thieves from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Trump possibly and quite rightly perceives Putin as the lesser of two evils and reasons that a dialog with a leader that has half the worldā€™s nuclear weapons is prudent and needed to preserve the peace.

Trumpā€™s election was a watershed event exposing a dirty Deep State in the United States that is a far more dangerous threat to democracy than Putin poses because it attacks democracy from the inside out as it sells out the middle class which is the prima facie defense against failed socialism and classic Communism.

At first Trump was not taken seriously by a depraved and tainted status quo comfortable that the people had been hoodwinked by domestic propaganda and swindled of individual common sense. But the people were smarter than expected and tired of the usual endless manure spreading; they wanted leadership that could produce a valid crop even if the farmer had some personal flaws.

Once the statist community in the US became aware that Trump was a player they swung into action with the devastating strategy of an HIV infection and took over the defense mechanisms of the FBI and the DOJ turning them into host-killing attackers of American democracy-just to take out Trump.

Vladimir Putin is on the JV team compared to the Trump-deranged American Deep State led by John Brennan, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Robert Mueller and many, many more. Trump knows this and he knows he has to act fast to save the republic.

Trump Derangement syndrome is propagating a meltdown among deep-staters because they know if he succeeds their days are numbered. Those who hate Trump more than they love America will gladly take the country down.
Ray, I believe a year from now you are going to wonder what you were thinking. Your Trump hysteria reminds me of all those screechings those of us protesting the invasion of Iraq heard. Constant shouts of 'traitor', 'terrorist lovers', Un-American. We even changed the name of french fries, for Pete's sake. We have since learned the foolishness of rushing in where angels fear to tread.

You call my objection to allowing a foreign nation to interfere in our elections, mainly by providing fodder for your call that Trump Derangement Syndrome. Invasion of our sovereignty already in place evidently doesn't bother you. Holding a President accountable for the oath he took and the actions he has taken, and the actions he has NOT taken upsets you. What if Putin becomes disenchanted with Trump and favors a Democrat next time around? Because you know the pendulum always swings.

WE can have a balance of friendship with Russia WITHOUT giving them our sovereignty and the right to choose our leaders.
Have you ever thought you've been fooled and Russia has NOT interfered in your elections? If they did, where is one single frikn' evidence?

Putin: First, Russia as a state has never interfered in the internal affairs of the United States. Do you really think that it was possible to influence US elections from Russia, to influence the choice of millions of Americans? This is ridiculous.

Second, It concerned the hacking of a Democratic candidateā€™s email. Did this attack involve manipulation with facts? This is very important. I want the Americans to hear this. Did anyone manipulate with the facts or plant fake information? No.

As far as I remember, the leaders of the partyā€™s executive bodies resigned. It means that they admitted this fact. I believe this is the crucial thing. You must stop manipulating public opinion and apologise to the voters for what was done, rather than keep looking for those who allegedly did this.

As for the specific accusations, Mr Mueller has brought charges against a Russian company, a small business working primarily in the catering industry. This company has hired American attorneys to protect its name in an American court. This court has not yet found any trace of interference by this company.

Do you know about this or not? Let the millions of Americans know about this as well.

News conference following talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States
<<Have you ever thought you've been fooled and Russia has NOT interfered in your elections? If they did, where is one single frikn' evidence?>> NO, I haven't thought that. As for evidence, I hear that a lot...but it means nothing. All our security agencies declare that Russia interfered in our elections and just because the investigation does not report on Fox daily, as its detractors do, does NOT mean there is no evidence. You can believe Putin if you choose, but sadly...your decision affects my life, so I call you on it. If you want Russian-style leadership, move there instead of inviting Putin and gang to move here. BTW, do the charges against the young Russian woman NOT brought by Mueller in any way color your judgement?
Trump and Putin working together is the worst nightmare of Deep Sate. Together they will clean the Earth from all Globalist projects, stop the conflicts and demonstrate to the people that Russia is an ally, not the enemy like Deep State has been portraying her (to keep increasing military budgets). And ... that will mean "Game Over!" for Deep State.

That's why all the Deep State puppets from both parties are barking at Trump from all the holes calling him "a traitor", trying to stir the public opinion in USA and looking for a good chance to remove him from the Oval Office. I don't know about you guys, but I keep praying for him because I remember what happened to the last American president who wanted good relationship with USSR: Kennedy.

Globalization is not something you can hide from.

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