Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

Are you really this stupid? There hasn't been a conviction...and you are talking Supreme Court?
This crap may in fact end up at the Supreme Court depending on how many idiot Dim judges are involved beforehand. Either way Trump wins.
Are you really this stupid? There hasn't been a conviction...and you are talking Supreme Court?
You are that stupid
After the Monday news conference. Expect a couple mire indictments. trump just cannot shut up.
Phony indictments have nothing to do with what Trump does or doesn't do. They get faker and faker and he has a right to stand up for himself under the Constitution.
Poor jimboliar, this isn't going to turn out well for you.
What law? I've yet to see any of these indictments used for the original intended purpose. That's why when it's gets fast tracked to the supreme court your nightmares will begin
Yeah. You wouldn't be able to see that with your 7/11 law degree. Face it, dickwad, you are the most stupid poster on this board. All you have is dick jokes and pure idiocy.
Stick to your day job- plunging toilets!
Yeah. You wouldn't be able to see that with your 7/11 law degree. Face it, dickwad, you are the most stupid poster on this board. All you have is dick jokes and pure idiocy.
Stick to your day job- plunging toilets!
The guy who you saw trying to plunge you out of the toilet wasn't me. Numbnuts you continue to believe the liars who brought you Trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory
But they are all fake, made up charges jimboliar. It will all be thrown out when it gets to a real courtroom with an actual judge...
Your livid Reichbabble has gotten waaay past old Dimtard. Now even your own ilk is sick of hearing it...only you loyal Brownshirts are still Sieg Heiling the America hating mantra.
But, keep it up...its great campaign material for the next president, Trump.
It dosen’t matter who the Judge is in Georgia. Trump’s advisors and his intercircle provided the critical evidence to indict.

Trump is going to go down hard in Georgia with the evidence from the indictment plus the evidence from the 19 co-conspirator is presented who are going squeal like pigs to stay out of prison. There is enough in the indictment to convict Trump but there will certainly be more to come. The Trump co- defenders aren’t going to take the sword for him when it means a minimum sentence of 5 years.
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It dosen’t matter who the Judge is in Georgia. Trump’s advisors and his intercircle provided the critical evidence to indict.

Trump is going to go down hard in Georgia with the evidence from the indictment plus the evidence from the 19 co-conspirator is presented who are going squeal like pigs to stay out of prison. There is enough in the indictment to convict Trump but there will certainly be more to come. The Trump co- defenders aren’t going to take the sword for him when it means a minimum sentence of 5 years.
And every time the man opens his mouth, he digs the hole he is in a little deeper.

I honestly think he is under he false assumption that his bullying and attempts at intimidation will get him off the hook. That is not going yo happen.

The members of his cult that are sending death threats and posting jurors names and addresses on line are going to be caught and brought to justice. He is going to keep threatening and intimidating until someone else is killed. He just CANNOT shut up!
It dosen’t matter who the Judge is in Georgia. Trump’s advisors and his intercircle provided the critical evidence to indict.

Trump is going to go down hard in Georgia with the evidence from the indictment plus the evidence from the 19 co-conspirator is presented who are going squeal like pigs to stay out of prison. There is enough in the indictment to convict Trump but there will certainly be more to come. The Trump co- defenders aren’t going to take the sword for him when it means a minimum sentence of 5 years.
You misspelled Biden

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