Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

Hey Nimrod, the charges in Georgia are state charges. Even if a repub wins the WH and pardons the orange criminal, the state charges are still there. Checkmate

I can't wait until Monday when trump will add to the evidence that the prosecutor have against him. His orange lips are his worst enemy.

Use your brain! trump and his cronies tried to disenfranchise millions of voters. He is the scum on the bottom of my boot.

Other than trump, the one I want to see crushed is Rudy. I want him to sweat until the brown dye drips from his ears. He ruined the lives of the poor election workers in Georgia. He is gonna have to start selling his blood to survive soon.
Your "checkmate" tells me this is a calculated attack that sought to try and trap Trump in a situation orchestrated by (a weaponized prosecution for political purposes), where as if one fails, the second door is then sprung hoping to stop him.

Tsk tsk letting your nefarious cat out of the bag like that.
I almost feel sorry for some of these cult members. They are so very, very clueless. Reality has left them in an orange cloud of confusion. They cannot give up the career criminal.
You hit the nail on the head. Donald Trump has done as he pleased throughout his life. When he was young Daddy protected. After inheriting 175 million his lawyers protected. As president he relied on power of his office. As a private citizen, there is no protection for his crimes. Hi only hope is the protection afforded to the office of the presidency. For Trimp, election is not an option, it is a necessity.
You hit the nail on the head. Donald Trump has done as he pleased throughout his life. When he was young Daddy protected. After inheriting 175 million his lawyers protected. As president he relied on power of his office. As a private citizen, there is no protection for his crimes. His only hope is the protection afforded to the office of the presidency. For Trimp, election is not an option, it is a necessity. The only reason to vote for Trump is to keep him out of jail.
Well, not EVERYTHING was given to Smitty...

The GOP Committee investigating the January 6th Committee can go fuck themselves. They're bitching that the J6 Committee failed to investigate Nancy Pelosi and her failure to provide adequate security.

The Jan 6 Committee recommended charges against multiple people and turned the evidence they had against them over to the DOJ, which had previously asked them for it.
Hey Nimrod, the charges in Georgia are state charges. Even if a repub wins the WH and pardons the orange criminal, the state charges are still there. Checkmate

I can't wait until Monday when trump will add to the evidence that the prosecutor have against him. His orange lips are his worst enemy.

Use your brain! trump and his cronies tried to disenfranchise millions of voters. He is the scum on the bottom of my boot.

Other than trump, the one I want to see crushed is Rudy. I want him to sweat until the brown dye drips from his ears. He ruined the lives of the poor election workers in Georgia. He is gonna have to start selling his blood to survive soon.
But they are all fake, made up charges jimboliar. It will all be thrown out when it gets to a real courtroom with an actual judge...
Your livid Reichbabble has gotten waaay past old Dimtard. Now even your own ilk is sick of hearing it...only you loyal Brownshirts are still Sieg Heiling the America hating mantra.
But, keep it up...its great campaign material for the next president, Trump.
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