Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

You should start a Reality TV show called, jbrown's Son believe it or not. trump has more baggage than the Fat Lady at circus.
He is the perfect nominee for MAGA party. As for Joe...

Do you feel a little stupid right now?
And you should take off your facediaper and stop breathing your own know the leftvirus was a fake scam right jimboliar?
As for feeling stupid....whenever Im around you I feel like I could solve the perpetual motion equation. Your frothing at the mouth, spittle, and constant Reichbabble about things in your imagination is certainly entertaining, but never ever true. You make dead people look smart.
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Another significant aspect of the Georgia indictments is they establish the fact that Trump – once again – was willing to violate the law and commit crimes while in office and engage in treasonous abuse of that office’s power.
Challenging the results of any election....especially one with all the Dim perfectly legal Mrs. Jones. Your own ilk has set that precedent.
Back to mommy's basement.
I, and many prosecutors, are anxiously awaiting trump's promised news conference on Monday when he will reveal "irrefutable" evidence on election fraud, after which we will all slap our foreheads and beg him to forgive us for doubting his word. And then there will be a snow storm in Arizona and frogs will grow wings.
The evidence has already been presented a number of times, and sane people understand what has happened. Your ilk on the other hand....
He will regurgitate the same BS that his fellow indicted partners have been spouting since 2020. His lawyers will probably talk him out of it, since every lie he tells will be used against him in at least two of the pending case. I have no interest in starting a thread on the "irrefutable" nonsense that trump may be vomiting on Monday. But maybe someone else will.

I can only guess that he may have hired technical people to use AI to provide some enhanced audio or video...which of course will be debunked on the spot. No one, outside his drooling cult, trusts the man.
Faked mailin ballots is not bs. One has only to realize millions of ballots with only Poopeypants selected and signatures that don't match aree voter fraud. Simple jimboliar.
There would have been widespread outrage, if he had. That is not how the justice system works...or does not work... I wish the SS had allowed him to go to the Capitol. Then the repubs would have had a harder time defending him. I think, finally, the walls on closing in on the Political Mafia Boss. But as Yogi said, "It ain't over till it is over." trump is as slippery as an eel.
Calm down...take off the facediaper....breathe some oxygen it will be alright once you have elected Trump back to office.
That Trump would use the military to murder Americans opposed to his naked grab for power comes as no surprise, of course; Jeffery Clark, one of Trump’s henchmen and advocate of lawlessly using the Insurrection Act to murder Americans opposed to Trump, submitted the treasonous idea to Trump because he knew Trump would go along with it.
While Poopeypants simply murders the military....
I don't see a constitutional problem with prosecuting crimes identified by grand juries.

Of course you don't, you're a TDS hate-filled partisan hack who doesn't give a damn about the democrat's blatant abuse of power and corruption as long as it's aimed at Trump and others you don't like. You, and others like you, are exactly what's wrong with this country.
Yes, that is exactly what will come from anther Trump administration,4 years of payback, presidential pardoning, new prosecutions of presidential adversaries, and more interference in in elections to make sure voters make the right choice.

At least you admit it's all corruption and abuse of power on the part of the democrats. Wait until they use it on you, you won't be laughing then. Or maybe you will, you're all a bunch of brain dead morons to begin with. :dunno:
You've been lied to for 7 years from the democrat cult media about president trump. You regurgitation those lies proves it.

They obviously don't care, they're all going to double down on the latest and greatest to come out, just look at them all frothing at the mouth in here, they never learn. :cuckoo:
Of course you don't, you're a TDS hate-filled partisan hack who doesn't give a damn about the democrat's blatant abuse of power and corruption as long as it's aimed at Trump and others you don't like. You, and others like you, are exactly what's wrong with this country.
The bogus charges against Trump will eventually find their way into the trash can. The Dimtards think they are clever but have overplayed their hand immensely and it will bite them in their pelosis.
You've been lied to for 7 years from the democrat cult media about president trump. You regurgitation those lies proves it.
What did I regurgitate? Don't lie. Show me.
But you can't because all you have are your favorite RWTalkingPoints. You have a list nearby, don't you?
You can't say anything original because your mental capacity is so limited! Now give us more pics of your pew pews! That's all you've accomplished in your life!
What did I regurgitate? Don't lie. Show me.
But you can't because all you have are your favorite RWTalkingPoints. You have a list nearby, don't you?
You can't say anything original because your mental capacity is so limited! Now give us more pics of your pew pews! That's all you've accomplished in your life!

And you will ride the trump train all the way over the cliff, screaming everyone but you are wrong the whole time!

Maybe that?? You TDS-ers are the ones that have been screaming that for 7 years, no? And you've been wrong, EVERY SINGLE TIME. :dunno:
And you will ride the trump train all the way over the cliff, screaming everyone but you are wrong the whole time!

Maybe that?? You TDS-ers are the ones that have been screaming that for 7 years, no? And you've been wrong, EVERY SINGLE TIME. :dunno:
While Joey Capone runs 30s Chicago from the White House and crickets from the Dim ilk.
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Of course you don't, you're a TDS hate-filled partisan hack who doesn't give a damn about the democrat's blatant abuse of power and corruption as long as it's aimed at Trump and others you don't like. You, and others like you, are exactly what's wrong with this country.
What about an embezzler. If a grand jury indicted somebody on embezzlement, would you prosecute? How about human traffickers? If a grand jury was given evidence of the crime and indicted, would you prosecute them? Are you saying some people are just above the laws as we know them? That is the problem. He has always thought himself above the law. He is not. Let the juries of his trial decide.
What about an embezzler. If a grand jury indicted somebody on embezzlement, would you prosecute? How about human traffickers? If a grand jury was given evidence of the crime and indicted, would you prosecute them? Are you saying some people are just above the laws as we know them? That is the problem. He has always thought himself above the law. He is not. Let the juries of his trial decide.

Not to worry, Biden and democrats are above the law. They can use the power of the fed to ruin a political opponent anytime they want to now, and you'll cheer them on. Do you think Trump will be the last person that opposes them to get this treatment if they're able to get away with it? Sure you do,
No, everything was turned over to the DOJ and given to Jack Smith. All of the interviews, transcripts and reports. Much of Smith's indictment of Trump for January 6th was taken from the interviews, documents and final Report of the January 6th Committee.
Well, not EVERYTHING was given to Smitty...

And you will ride the trump train all the way over the cliff, screaming everyone but you are wrong the whole time!

Maybe that?? You TDS-ers are the ones that have been screaming that for 7 years, no? And you've been wrong, EVERY SINGLE TIME. :dunno:
Are you the mouthpiece for Old Reb? Oh, I know. You are the boxcar conductor on the trump train cliff adventure! Lock in, buddy. That cliff is around the bend!

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