Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

Oh how I cannot wait for that day. Paybacks a coming for covid, for big tech silence of opinions, for banks refusing business with conservatives, for false charges and imprisonment, for ruining lives and families, for pedos and grooming, for media manipulation

Gonna be bloody on biblical proportions
Yes, that is exactly what will come from anther Trump administration,4 years of payback, presidential pardoning, new prosecutions of presidential adversaries, and more interference in in elections to make sure voters make the right choice.
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Yeah, fuck the constitution, as long as you morons 'get Trump', anything is worth it.
I don't see a constitutional problem with prosecuting crimes identified by grand juries.
Trump hasn't broken any laws. There is no proof of anything just mindless conjecture and incessant babbling by your ilk.
Joey Capone on the other hand is tied to his bagman with tons of evidence and proof. And what do we hear about that from you????
Crickets. Disgraceful jimboliar.
You should start a Reality TV show called, jbrown's Son believe it or not. trump has more baggage than the Fat Lady at circus.
He is the perfect nominee for MAGA party. As for Joe...

Do you feel a little stupid right now?

Republicans are comprehensively dishonest.

They’ll continue to believe Trump’s lies regardless the objective, documented facts proving Trump’s corruption and crimes.
I, and many prosecutors, are anxiously awaiting trump's promised news conference on Monday when he will reveal "irrefutable" evidence on election fraud, after which we will all slap our foreheads and beg him to forgive us for doubting his word. And then there will be a snow storm in Arizona and frogs will grow wings.
You've been lied to for 7 years
And you will ride the trump train all the way over the cliff, screaming everyone but you are wrong the whole time!
Now, show us your pew pews! That always boosts your miniscule mind into thinking you own the Dems!
And you will ride the trump train all the way over the cliff, screaming everyone but you are wrong the whole time!
Now, show us your pew pews! That always boosts your miniscule mind into thinking you own the Dems!
I almost feel sorry for some of these cult members. They are so very, very clueless. Reality has left them in an orange cloud of confusion. They cannot give up the career criminal.
From Senator Lindsey Graham:

"Are we going to let county prosecutors start prosecuting the president of the United States -- the former president of the United States?" Graham asked in an interview with host Pete Hegseth.

Graham also took aim at Democratic prosecutors more broadly.

"The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not. This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail," Graham said. "They’re weaponizing the law in this country. They’re trying to take Donald Trump down, and this is setting a bad precedent."

The American people have already decided that they don't want him to be President. The election was held in 2020 and Trump lost BIGLY.

Mitch McConnell begged the DOJ to indict and prosecute Trump after January 6th because that ballless wonder couldn't bring himself to impeach Trump and prevent him from running again. It took them long enough but it's finally happening.

Trump should have been jailed on January 7th.
"I, and many prosecutors, are anxiously awaiting trump's promised news conference on Monday when he will reveal "irrefutable" evidence on election fraud"

Thank you, poster Jim.
THAT.... is a development that must not go unnoticed.
Free advice....or maybe better said...a request?

Start a separate stand-alone thread on the "Irrefutableness" of Trump's Monday evidence.

A stand alone thread is a reminder that Monday is a big day for America.
We could all then discuss the quality and quantity of his evidence.

ps....if the disgraced former guy woulda presented this 'irrefutable' stuff.....well, America coulda avoided the J6 Jackasses beating the snot outta our police, Ashli would still be making videos, and Rudy would have his reputation back.

Why did the disgraced bloke wait?
The committee tapes were destroyed. Weren't they?

And...we aren't talking about the DC indictment. We're talking about the Georgia indictment.

No, everything was turned over to the DOJ and given to Jack Smith. All of the interviews, transcripts and reports. Much of Smith's indictment of Trump for January 6th was taken from the interviews, documents and final Report of the January 6th Committee.
In this Banana Republic the goddamn Democrats will indict anybody that doesn't have an agenda to turn this country into a Socialist Shithole.

Of course if we let the bastards get away with it then we are just as guilty as they are.
Even if Trump gets his Georgia case moved to federal court, there will be a federal judge and different jury - but Fani Willis will still be trying the case and Georgia state pardon laws will still apply - meaning Trump could not be pardoned until after serving his full sentence and then waiting five more years on good behavior before requesting a pardon. So, I'm no longer worried about Trump or any of the other 18 getting transferred to federal court.
The American people have already decided that they don't want him to be President. The election was held in 2020 and Trump lost BIGLY.

Mitch McConnell begged the DOJ to indict and prosecute Trump after January 6th because that ballless wonder couldn't bring himself to impeach Trump and prevent him from running again. It took them long enough but it's finally happening.

Trump should have been jailed on January 7th.
There would have been widespread outrage, if he had. That is not how the justice system works...or does not work... I wish the SS had allowed him to go to the Capitol. Then the repubs would have had a harder time defending him. I think, finally, the walls on closing in on the Political Mafia Boss. But as Yogi said, "It ain't over till it is over." trump is as slippery as an eel.
Thank you, poster Jim.
THAT.... is a development that must not go unnoticed.
Free advice....or maybe better said...a request?

Start a separate stand-alone thread on the "Irrefutableness" of Trump's Monday evidence.

A stand alone thread is a reminder that Monday is a big day for America.
We could all then discuss the quality and quantity of his evidence.

ps....if the disgraced former guy woulda presented this 'irrefutable' stuff.....well, America coulda avoided the J6 Jackasses beating the snot outta our police, Ashli would still be making videos, and Rudy would have his reputation back.

Why did the disgraced bloke wait?
He will regurgitate the same BS that his fellow indicted partners have been spouting since 2020. His lawyers will probably talk him out of it, since every lie he tells will be used against him in at least two of the pending case. I have no interest in starting a thread on the "irrefutable" nonsense that trump may be vomiting on Monday. But maybe someone else will.

I can only guess that he may have hired technical people to use AI to provide some enhanced audio or video...which of course will be debunked on the spot. No one, outside his drooling cult, trusts the man.
And you will ride the trump train all the way over the cliff, screaming everyone but you are wrong the whole time!
Now, show us your pew pews! That always boosts your miniscule mind into thinking you own the Dems!
You've been lied to for 7 years from the democrat cult media about president trump. You regurgitation those lies proves it.

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