Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

Does not matter what you believe. Never has really.

Which is amazing for the lies you believe from the Rapist and Traitor. Who if convicted in Georgia faces a Mandatory Minimum Sentence of five years on each RICO count. And he will have serve that time because the Govenor of Georgia does not the power to pardon. You ain't got to believe it, but is still none the less true.

So that’s a no. You do not believe your own eyes.
You are living proof leftism is a mental disorder.
I knew you wouldn’t let me down!
That Trump would use the military to murder Americans opposed to his naked grab for power comes as no surprise, of course; Jeffery Clark, one of Trump’s henchmen and advocate of lawlessly using the Insurrection Act to murder Americans opposed to Trump, submitted the treasonous idea to Trump because he knew Trump would go along with it.
Show us your evidence, or admit you're just pulling that out of your ass
Trump hasn't broken any laws. There is no proof of anything just mindless conjecture and incessant babbling by your ilk.
Joey Capone on the other hand is tied to his bagman with tons of evidence and proof. And what do we hear about that from you????
Crickets. Disgraceful jimboliar.
Wow! You have "...tons of evidence and proof."
Shouldn't you get on the phone with Gym Jordan, Grassley, Johnson, and Comer? And especially SC Weiss.
They could use you!🤣🤣
Here's another report on who the 19 indicted folks are.

This one is from Politico (it's a free site, so you can go visit the link itself)

"19 defendants: Here are all the people charged in the new Trump indictment

From Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows to a bail bondsman who allegedly tried to breach election equipment, these are the people facing criminal charges."
LOL.... The overcharging will be their Achilles heel. Sit back and learn.
Which side are you on? The Patriots or the gynandroids?
Side? You're not an American? I'm willing to help keep our country free of Nazis! Aren't you? Yes. I'm a Patriot!
What's an "gynandroid"? Are you creating new words to hide what you are?
Side? You're not an American? I'm willing to help keep our country free of Nazis! Aren't you? Yes. I'm a Patriot!
What's an "gynandroid"? Are you creating new words to hide what you are?
Look it up. You appear to be the one standing in the shadows. I'm 100% Trump loyalist.
So that’s a no. You do not believe your own eyes.
You are living proof leftism is a mental disorder.
I knew you wouldn’t let me down!

I do not believe the lies of the Rapist and Traitor.

Oh, just shits and giggles. When Ghouli was "Cleaning Up" Time Square, he used RICO statutes, now he is indicted under the same statutes.....karma is a cast iron bitch.
I do not believe the lies of the Rapist and Traitor.

Oh, just shits and giggles. When Ghouli was "Cleaning Up" Time Square, he used RICO statutes, now he is indicted under the same statutes.....karma is a cast iron bitch.
So you were against Giuliani cleaning up the crime in NYC ? What other L.E. policies are you against ? Seems you are like a snake just lashing out at every turn.
I do not believe the lies of the Rapist and Traitor.

Oh, just shits and giggles. When Ghouli was "Cleaning Up" Time Square, he used RICO statutes, now he is indicted under the same statutes.....karma is a cast iron bitch.

Was Obama lying in the video?
The committee tapes were destroyed. Weren't they?

And...we aren't talking about the DC indictment. We're talking about the Georgia indictment.
No. You were told lies.
Jack Smith has them! He got them before KMac could give copies to Tucker.
Doesn't matter. You think the conspiracy was limited to Ga?
Committee tapes and It's in the DC indictment.
what's your next lie?
From Senator Lindsey Graham:

"Are we going to let county prosecutors start prosecuting the president of the United States -- the former president of the United States?" Graham asked in an interview with host Pete Hegseth.

Graham also took aim at Democratic prosecutors more broadly.

"The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not. This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail," Graham said. "They’re weaponizing the law in this country. They’re trying to take Donald Trump down, and this is setting a bad precedent."
Sometimes Lindsay shows a backbone

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