Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

The Republicans won't have to.... The impossible collection of ego-centric special interests that make up the Democrat party Will use the same dirty tricks on each other. I already see it happening in some places.
They're letting a really nasty genie out of the bottle and they're complete idiots if they think they can actually control it.
You break the law. You pay for it. It doesn't matter if you are a "former president or a Presidents's son.

trump tried to use Mafia tactics to overturn the election. The wagons have circled. There is no way out fir trump.
You break the law. You pay for it. It doesn't matter if you are a "former president or a Presidents's son.

trump tried to use Mafia tactics to overturn the election. The wagons have circled. There is no way out fir trump.
Trump hasn't broken any laws. There is no proof of anything just mindless conjecture and incessant babbling by your ilk.
Joey Capone on the other hand is tied to his bagman with tons of evidence and proof. And what do we hear about that from you????
Crickets. Disgraceful jimboliar.
You break the law. You pay for it. It doesn't matter if you are a "former president or a Presidents's son.

trump tried to use Mafia tactics to overturn the election. The wagons have circled. There is no way out fir trump.
Trump used the Constitution to question your theft of the election.
Perfectly legal.
You break the law. You pay for it. It doesn't matter if you are a "former president or a Presidents's son.

trump tried to use Mafia tactics to overturn the election. The wagons have circled. There is no way out fir trump.
You're a useful pawn.
Hmmmm....and just who is the party of the ball-less men again, I forget?
I bet you have a man-bun.....
Republicans are the party of ball-less men. Had they any balls the Clintons would be in prison, children wouldn't be getting sterilized, gays wouldn't allowed near children, be able to marry, or serve in the military. If Republicans had any balls Israel would be on its own, welfare would be a thing of the past, Woke ideology would be illegal, we'd have a secure border, Biden would be in jail, and the green agenda would be dead.
What’s significant about the Georgia indictment is that it exposes the full scale of Trump’s treasonous efforts to install himself as despot and dictator and destroy America’s democracy – even it that meant using the military to murder Americans opposed to Trump’s naked grab for power.
Who's been charged with treason?

When did Trump say he was going to use the military to murder people?

You people are taking yourselves way too seriously.
Republicans are the party of ball-less men. Had they any balls the Clintons would be in prison, children wouldn't be getting sterilized, gays wouldn't allowed near children, be able to marry, or serve in the military. If Republicans had any balls Israel would be on its own, welfare would be a thing of the past, Woke ideology would be illegal, we'd have a secure border, Biden would be in jail, and the green agenda would be dead.
Well now you have some points there.
So all I know to do is elect someone who will stand up to all this America hating trash and get things back on track.
I wonder who that will be.
Well now you have some points there.
So all I know to do is elect someone who will stand up to all this America hating trash and get things back on track.
I wonder who that will be.
Not Trump. He did everything Israel and the Neocons told him to do.
Ok then who else do you suggest?
I suggest no one, since they're all in the pocket of Israel. However, I see two ways to go. First, there's the DeSantis option. He's, at least, fighting the Woke agenda. But we could go full on the opposite direction. We could go with Biden and hope for the worst. Acceleration has a habit of waking people up.
I suggest no one, since they're all in the pocket of Israel. However, I see two ways to go. First, there's the DeSantis option. He's, at least, fighting the Woke agenda. But we could go full on the opposite direction. We could go with Biden and hope for the worst. Acceleration has a habit of waking people up.
Joey Capone is an America hating, proven felon, plus he won't make it to the election. DeSantis will never win the nomination.
It’s all complete nonsense. Why didn’t they charge Al Gore for attempting to overturn the election in 2000. He did the same thing as Trump….

This is just nonsense Mr. Trump never use the military to try and overthrow the government. Joe Biden took office in 2020. That’s really all we need to know. The whole thing is a nothing burger.
What about Stacey Abrams who still thinks she's Gov. of Georgia?

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