Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

The people wanting destroy our country are MAGA who believe that an Insurrection to put a dictator in place is a good idea.
You come from the party of people who support laziness, pedophilia, killing babies, denying God, and think men can have babies, bravo dimwit!
The Constitution gives anyone the right to contest an election jimboliar....even idiots from your party as they have gleefully done before.
Well in this country the courts are the end of the line in a dispute. And Trump lost all his election "fraud" cases in court.
I agree with you on the 1920s, but you can add the 1890s, and 1980s in that mix.

This is about what it has always been about.

Filthy rich oligarchs, and bankers, corrupting the entire system through business monopoly, and bribing politicians, and judges.

Until that is addressed, nothing will change.

FDR went a long way towards addressing, and fixing that very problem, and was popularly elected four times, because of it.

This led to the largest peace, and prosperity in the country's history between 1945-1980. Then it all fell apart when the oligarchs, and bankers got their guy in office.

If you really are a former teacher, then that means you deal in facts. And the fact is, Republicans mostly, and a few Democrats, want to end our experiment in Democracy, and install another King George III government, for their own wealth and power, backed by the filthy rich who do not want to participate.

It's just that simple, and every American is going to have to decide which side they're on. Working class America, or the bankers.
All the rich kooks are Dimtards, Dimtard.
All the other indictments can be confusing to many Americans. But most people know what RICO is and how it brought down the Mafia. The Georgia charges are the most damaging to trump, cause even if he or another repub win in 2024, they will not be able to pardon him and the Governor in Georgia, Kemp, cannot pardon him. The Georgia indictment completed the circle around trump...and many of his fellow criminal cohorts. They are all screwed.

The only way out for trump is to reach some kind of deal or destroying our country's legal system. The former would mean he would have to be humble and swallow his ego. That ain't gonna happen and the latter would mean the end of the country.
The mafia occupies the White House jimboliar.
TDS runs rampant, but no noise for Joey Capone and his 30s Chicago gang.
And this woman is a tough nut. She has prosecuted over a dozen RICO cases and won. Look for many of the others indicted to start flipping as the pressure increases.
She's a wacko Dimtard who makes up her own law. Everyone knows that jimboliar.
My Gosh! What will it take to convince the repub party that trump is nothing but a Mafia Boss over a syndicate of criminals?
The fact that you acknowledge the true mafia boss occupies the White House and has committed real felonies, not made up ones.
From Senator Lindsey Graham:

"Are we going to let county prosecutors start prosecuting the president of the United States -- the former president of the United States?" Graham asked in an interview with host Pete Hegseth.

Graham also took aim at Democratic prosecutors more broadly.

"The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not. This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail," Graham said. "They’re weaponizing the law in this country. They’re trying to take Donald Trump down, and this is setting a bad precedent."
Thats not a legal defense.
Steve Bannon needs to be in the group, somehow. He has been calling for the destruction of the nation for some time.
Poor jimboliar.....another 50 points for Trump in the polls today with this mighty campaign effort.
What will the next state DA's name be...Hiney??
Before we begin tire-kicking some of the more articulate and representative MAGA thinking on this thread---lemme say this: The bride and me are hosting a bit of a wine (and BushLite) BBQ tonight on the patio of our city place. Some of the invitees have termed it an Indictmentpalooza, sort of a urban 'Burning Man Festival'.

But that's a bit too frivolous for me and the bride. We simply want to host good friends to a discussion on the approximately 91 total charges levied upon the disgraced former president in 4 separate indictment actions in different jurisdicitons. That seems like a worthwhile discussion with much complexity and 'what-ifs' to occupy our diverse guests for an evening.
Recent legal actions announced last night seemed to be a good reason to throw a mid-August evening party with drinks and nibbles. No?

OK, now some of the more notable contributions to this thread:

Ummm, I'm not so sure.
Just for starters, the 'nothingburgerness' of the indictments may be lost on the 19'sh or so indicted individuals from the Atlanta prosecutor. I'd bet for those representative and indicted MAGA's the 'nothing' is really something.

I'm not at all sure, what the good poser YK is suggesting about "payback", or "bloody on biblical proportions".
Seems a bit overwrought. But that's just me.
Would YK explain himself? Can he explain himself to the forum?


I personally don't think that is an accurate statement. About 'every conviction'. Can the good poster 'scruffy' explain himself? Give the forum a basis to believe he has crediblity and gravitas? To demonstrate that he knows his onions?
In short, prove it. The table wants to see your cards, scruffy. Show. Or go.


And good poster 'two iron' once again demonstrates MAGA.
He shows us a measure of what too many Trump Supporters think and believe. A demonstration of education level, sense of civic decorum, and their ability with our American English language.
Folks like poster '
two iron' are the future of the American GOP, their approach to Making America Great Again? Their type make today's Republicans proud? Make Conservatives proud? Make responsible Americans proud?

Just askin'.


Don't forget Excalibur's blatant racism in this post:

Clown show knee grow.
The Law is the Law is the Law. If trump had conceded, and allowed a peaceful transfer of power, as has been the case for over 200 years, things would be much different now. But his narcissistic personality disorder and his thirst for power would not allow it. The country is as divided today as I have ever seen it. I hope, but I do not see how we can avoid, more violence from trump inspired followers.
What’s significant about the Georgia indictment is that it exposes the full scale of Trump’s treasonous efforts to install himself as despot and dictator and destroy America’s democracy – even it that meant using the military to murder Americans opposed to Trump’s naked grab for power.
jbrownson0831 is a hopeless cult member. No use even trying to reason with him. He must be a very miserable human being.
jbrownson0831 is a hopeless cult member. No use even trying to reason with him. He must be a very miserable human being.
Again, only one cult, the Reich brownshirts and you have a picture ID.
Reason with me? I know the law and who has broken and is still breaking it......t aint Trump now is it jimboliar??
As for miserable.....your picture is next to it in the dictionary.
Stage 4 TDS, spread to all your organs.
This is over the top and it should be appealed to the Supreme court...

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