Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

NBC News had previously said 10 people had been indicted.

Now the number is 19.

A pie of nonsense by a highly partisan DA who allows violent criminals sway in her county.

And very, very chilling for Free Speech and the right to dispute election results.

Donald Trump

Rudy Guiliani

John Eastman

Mark Meadows

Kenneth Chesebro

Jeffrey Clark

Jenna Ellis

Ray Smith III

Robert Cheeley

Michael Roman

David Shafer

Shawn Still

Stephen Lee

Harrison Floyd

Trevian Kutti

Sidney Powell

Cathy Latham

Scott Hall

Misty Hampton

This is going to be a three ring circus.
Mrs Jones take a Midol Trump will be the next president then you will know you have been successful.
What’s significant about the Georgia indictment is that it exposes the full scale of Trump’s treasonous efforts to install himself as despot and dictator and destroy America’s democracy – even it that meant using the military to murder Americans opposed to Trump’s naked grab for power.
And very, very chilling for Free Speech

Donald Trump

Rudy Guiliani

John Eastman

Mark Meadows

Kenneth Chesebro

Jeffrey Clark

Jenna Ellis

Ray Smith III

Robert Cheeley

Michael Roman

David Shafer

Shawn Still

Stephen Lee

Harrison Floyd

Trevian Kutti

Sidney Powell

Cathy Latham

Scott Hall

Misty Hampton

Very, very chilling for CRIMINALS .
So be it. Let the chips fall where they may, with a state judge and jury, as is the law.
The Law is the Law is the Law. If trump had conceded, and allowed a peaceful transfer of power, as has been the case for over 200 years, things would be much different now. But his narcissistic personality disorder and his thirst for power would not allow it. The country is as divided today as I have ever seen it. I hope, but I do not see how we can avoid, more violence from trump inspired followers.
NBC News had previously said 10 people had been indicted.

Now the number is 19.

A pie of nonsense by a highly partisan DA who allows violent criminals sway in her county.

And very, very chilling for Free Speech and the right to dispute election results.

Donald Trump

Rudy Guiliani

John Eastman

Mark Meadows

Kenneth Chesebro

Jeffrey Clark

Jenna Ellis

Ray Smith III

Robert Cheeley

Michael Roman

David Shafer

Shawn Still

Stephen Lee

Harrison Floyd

Trevian Kutti

Sidney Powell

Cathy Latham

Scott Hall

Misty Hampton

So many of the posts on this thread are from typical Trump lovers. Like Trump, they don't understand law and procedure. They are as lemmings, without a sense of their own direction, just waiting for Trump to tell them how to feel and what to do. They will gladly and proudly following him over a cliff into a volcano if he tells them to.

The most telling thing is the hour long infamous Trump phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State. Read it and pay attention to the "facts" that Trump bellows about showing he "won" the election. The most telling is how folks from neighboring states "told him he "won" Georgia by a lot; there was no way he could lose."

Find another source than Trump and/or Fox News and educate yourselves, if you are capable. It would do you a world of good! Bigly!!!
That is an interesting point of Georgia law. I suspect before this is over, all of us non-Georgian citizens are going to learn more about Georgia Criminal law and procedures, than we ever wanted to know.
What’s significant about the Georgia indictment is that it exposes the full scale of Trump’s treasonous efforts to install himself as despot and dictator and destroy America’s democracy – even it that meant using the military to murder Americans opposed to Trump’s naked grab for power.
And it brings in efforts in other states that could be criminal and may be future indictments. But sometimes when you corner the rat, he takes dramatic and dangerous steps to escape.

When it was obvious trump lost in November 2020, I had progressive friends asking, "What will trump do now?", signaling their fear of his next efforts to stay in power. I replied, "What can he do? Once the court challenges are over, Biden is the winner."

OH HOW WRONG I WAS. I would never in a million years dream that such devious and illegal efforts would be taken by trump and his cronies. The Georgia indictment spells those crimes out in shocking details.
So many of the posts on this thread are from typical Trump lovers. Like Trump, they don't understand law and procedure. They are as lemmings, without a sense of their own direction, just waiting for Trump to tell them how to feel and what to do. They will gladly and proudly following him over a cliff into a volcano if he tells them to.

The most telling thing is the hour long infamous Trump phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State. Read it and pay attention to the "facts" that Trump bellows about showing he "won" the election. The most telling is how folks from neighboring states "told him he "won" Georgia by a lot; there was no way he could lose."

Find another source than Trump and/or Fox News and educate yourselves, if you are capable. It would do you a world of good! Bigly!!!
All four indictment against trump are just white noise to his cult. He will keep 25-30% of the GOP. But he cannot win the General will those people.
NBC News had previously said 10 people had been indicted.

Now the number is 19.

A pie of nonsense by a highly partisan DA who allows violent criminals sway in her county.

And very, very chilling for Free Speech and the right to dispute election results.

Donald Trump

Rudy Guiliani

John Eastman

Mark Meadows

Kenneth Chesebro

Jeffrey Clark

Jenna Ellis

Ray Smith III

Robert Cheeley

Michael Roman

David Shafer

Shawn Still

Stephen Lee

Harrison Floyd

Trevian Kutti

Sidney Powell

Cathy Latham

Scott Hall

Misty Hampton

It's a start.
What’s significant about the Georgia indictment is that it exposes the full scale of Trump’s treasonous efforts to install himself as despot and dictator and destroy America’s democracy – even it that meant using the military to murder Americans opposed to Trump’s naked grab for power.
You are full of pelosi.
Trump has done no more than Gore, or Clinton, or Fatbroad Adams has done in questioning the outcome of an election....a perfectly legitimate Constitutional right.
You America hating fascists are trying to remove the rights of US citizens in your zealous attack of an excellent president. You should all be exiled to Gitmo for some waterboarding.
Plus, the only murdered Americans have come guessed...the Reich of Poopeypants!
All four indictment against trump are just white noise to his cult. He will keep 25-30% of the GOP. But he cannot win the General will those people.
Only 1 cult, your Reich jimboliar.
And you are propelling him back into the White House with your ridiculous over the top campaigning. Even the Dimbulbs in your cult see what you are up to.
And it brings in efforts in other states that could be criminal and may be future indictments. But sometimes when you corner the rat, he takes dramatic and dangerous steps to escape.

When it was obvious trump lost in November 2020, I had progressive friends asking, "What will trump do now?", signaling their fear of his next efforts to stay in power. I replied, "What can he do? Once the court challenges are over, Biden is the winner."

OH HOW WRONG I WAS. I would never in a million years dream that such devious and illegal efforts would be taken by trump and his cronies. The Georgia indictment spells those crimes out in shocking details.
Again, TDS Reich babble. You are so far gone nothing you say even comes close to being sensible.
Hence the well earned name...jimboliar.
So many of the posts on this thread are from typical Trump lovers. Like Trump, they don't understand law and procedure. They are as lemmings, without a sense of their own direction, just waiting for Trump to tell them how to feel and what to do. They will gladly and proudly following him over a cliff into a volcano if he tells them to.

The most telling thing is the hour long infamous Trump phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State. Read it and pay attention to the "facts" that Trump bellows about showing he "won" the election. The most telling is how folks from neighboring states "told him he "won" Georgia by a lot; there was no way he could lose."

Find another source than Trump and/or Fox News and educate yourselves, if you are capable. It would do you a world of good! Bigly!!!
We don't understand mean like legal entry into our country? Murder as a punishable crime? Free speech? What a joke...Asssstr lecturing anyone on the "law"..
Perhaps a lecture on how to break it....
Your party condones, encourages, and supports violent insurrection.

Your Orange Mad Man wants to fuck his daughter.

The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Fuck Wad Russian Loving Coward calls the Men and Women of the United States Military who were Killed In Action against our countries enemies, "Suckers and Losers".

Putin's butt boy attacks Gold Star Families.

Mango Mussolini is now 91-Seperate Counts and is now facing RICO Charges that have 5-Year Mandatory Minimum Sentence.

He has been charged with 31-Counts of violating the Espionage Act of 1917.

Your are as much a pathetic loser as Cheetolini. You make accusations that have no basis in reality and you eat every single lie spoon fed to you.

The Rapist and Traitor should have been aborted and the world would have been a better place if he had never lived.
You come from the party of people who support laziness, pedophilia, killing babies, denying God, and think men can have babies, bravo dimwit!
With both state and Federal criminal indictments of Trump, that Trump and his criminal conspirators sought to install Trump as despot and dictator and destroy America’s democracy is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.
Yes that was one dangerous baby carriage mob....
The Law is the Law is the Law. If trump had conceded, and allowed a peaceful transfer of power, as has been the case for over 200 years, things would be much different now. But his narcissistic personality disorder and his thirst for power would not allow it. The country is as divided today as I have ever seen it. I hope, but I do not see how we can avoid, more violence from trump inspired followers.
The Constitution gives anyone the right to contest an election jimboliar....even idiots from your party as they have gleefully done before.

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