Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

Ms. Willis is the real deal. She is one thing that the Rapist and Traitor hates, a Strong, Independent African-American Woman who as of now has the power to LOCK HIM UP!!!
Trump hates nothing more than being brought down low by a woman, especially a black one
This fuckpig has ZERO credibility.

Without affirmative action, it's still up in the trees eating lice out of its own asshole and oblivious to the concept of taking money to persecute human beings.

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There zero proof of that, the only reason you believe this bull shit is that the Rapist and Traitor spewed out this lie.
Believing bullshit doesn't make you decent. Just a fool
How much proof is it going to take before your denial is finally realized, and then admitted to by your side ?? Over and over again it's being proven that many of what people claim or experience is real, yet you all keep saying it isn't even with the proof right in front of your eyes, and on the news daily.
This thread has devolved into a bunch of name-calling, but as a historian and teacher, let me give you all this insight: Remember this. Pay attention to what is going on right now, because you're living through history right now, and your grandchildren and great-grands could one day ask you what it was like, and who said what.

A lot of what we're going to hear in the next year or more will reflect on, and determine, what our national standards are and what we believe as a nation. No matter who you like or hate, you're going to be smarter, better informed, and more able to defend your own beliefs if you do.

The 2020s will be one of those decades, like the 1790s, the 1850s, or the 1920s and 1960s, that change everything. Mark my words.

I agree with you on the 1920s, but you can add the 1890s, and 1980s in that mix.

This is about what it has always been about.

Filthy rich oligarchs, and bankers, corrupting the entire system through business monopoly, and bribing politicians, and judges.

Until that is addressed, nothing will change.

FDR went a long way towards addressing, and fixing that very problem, and was popularly elected four times, because of it.

This led to the largest peace, and prosperity in the country's history between 1945-1980. Then it all fell apart when the oligarchs, and bankers got their guy in office.

If you really are a former teacher, then that means you deal in facts. And the fact is, Republicans mostly, and a few Democrats, want to end our experiment in Democracy, and install another King George III government, for their own wealth and power, backed by the filthy rich who do not want to participate.

It's just that simple, and every American is going to have to decide which side they're on. Working class America, or the bankers.
RICO ain't BS.
All the other indictments can be confusing to many Americans. But most people know what RICO is and how it brought down the Mafia. The Georgia charges are the most damaging to trump, cause even if he or another repub win in 2024, they will not be able to pardon him and the Governor in Georgia, Kemp, cannot pardon him. The Georgia indictment completed the circle around trump...and many of his fellow criminal cohorts. They are all screwed.

The only way out for trump is to reach some kind of deal or destroying our country's legal system. The former would mean he would have to be humble and swallow his ego. That ain't gonna happen and the latter would mean the end of the country.
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Two posters will not be rejoining thread and several posts have been deleted. Members are reminded to stay on topic, and if answering with snark or attack, to include topical thread content as is required.
Thread topic is:

Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

All the other indictments can be confusing to many Americans. But most people know what RICO is and how it brought down the Mafia. The Georgia charges are the most damaging to trump, cause even if he or another repub win in 2024, they will not be able to pardon him and the Governor in Georgia, Kemp, cannot pardon him. The Georgia indictment completed the circle around trump...and may of his fellow criminal cohorts. They are all screwed.

The only way out for trump is to reach some kind of deal or destroying our country's legal system. The former would mean he would have to be humble and swallow his ego. That ain't gonna happen and the latter would mean the end of the country.

That is what MAGA cannot or will not understand. The Governor of Georgia, regardless of politica party DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO PARDON.

Which means when the Rapist and Traitor is convicted he could very well spend the next 5+years in the Georgia State Penitentiary. They cannot or will not deal that reality.
Uh huh.

The left won’t believe any of our sources. Let’s see if they’ll believe one of their own.

From Senator Lindsey Graham:

"Are we going to let county prosecutors start prosecuting the president of the United States -- the former president of the United States?" Graham asked in an interview with host Pete Hegseth.

Graham also took aim at Democratic prosecutors more broadly.

"The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not. This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail," Graham said. "They’re weaponizing the law in this country. They’re trying to take Donald Trump down, and this is setting a bad precedent."
That's the entire point of all this. Trump didn't want this decided at the ballot box.
All the other indictments can be confusing to many Americans. But most people know what RICO is and how it brought down the Mafia. The Georgia charges are the most damaging to trump, cause even if he or another repub win in 2024, they will not be able to pardon him and the Governor in Georgia, Kemp, cannot pardon him. The Georgia indictment completed the circle around trump...and may of his fellow criminal cohorts. They are all screwed.

The only way out for trump is to reach some kind of deal or destroying our country's legal system. The former would mean he would have to be humble and swallow his ego. That ain't gonna happen and the latter would mean the end of the country.
Until you posted, I did not realize, a Governor of Georgia did not have the power of pardon over state crimes. They are in fact one of nine states that give that power to a board of Pardons and Paroles. Business Insider reports that if convicted, he would not even be eligible for consideration for pardon or parole the first 5 years after sentencing, by Georgia law.
Until you posted, I did not realize, a Governor of Georgia did not have the power of pardon over state crimes. They are in fact one of nine states that give that power to a board of Pardons and Paroles. Business Insider reports that if convicted, he would not even be eligible for consideration for pardon or parole the first 5 years after sentencing, by Georgia law.
The escape route has been closed.
Until you posted, I did not realize, a Governor of Georgia did not have the power of pardon over state crimes. They are in fact one of nine states that give that power to a board of Pardons and Paroles. Business Insider reports that if convicted, he would not even be eligible for consideration for pardon or parole the first 5 years after sentencing, by Georgia law.

Heres another one you may not know

Georgia puts the burden of proof on the defendant to demonstrate they pose "no significant risk of intimidating witnesses."

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