Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

If you are a Trump supporter you ain't decent people
As I told another poster, You come from the party of people who support laziness, pedophilia, killing babies, denying God, and think men can have babies, bravo dimwit!
The only disgrace is youand your bride chump! You come from the party of people who support laziness, pedophilia, killing babies, denying God, and think men can have babies, bravo dimwit!

Your party condones, encourages, and supports violent insurrection.

Your Orange Mad Man wants to fuck his daughter.

The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Fuck Wad Russian Loving Coward calls the Men and Women of the United States Military who were Killed In Action against our countries enemies, "Suckers and Losers".

Putin's butt boy attacks Gold Star Families.

Mango Mussolini is now 91-Seperate Counts and is now facing RICO Charges that have 5-Year Mandatory Minimum Sentence.

He has been charged with 31-Counts of violating the Espionage Act of 1917.

Your are as much a pathetic loser as Cheetolini. You make accusations that have no basis in reality and you eat every single lie spoon fed to you.

The Rapist and Traitor should have been aborted and the world would have been a better place if he had never lived.
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This thread has devolved into a bunch of name-calling, but as a historian and teacher, let me give you all this insight: Remember this. Pay attention to what is going on right now, because you're living through history right now, and your grandchildren and great-grands could one day ask you what it was like, and who said what.

A lot of what we're going to hear in the next year or more will reflect on, and determine, what our national standards are and what we believe as a nation. No matter who you like or hate, you're going to be smarter, better informed, and more able to defend your own beliefs if you do.

The 2020s will be one of those decades, like the 1790s, the 1850s, or the 1920s and 1960s, that change everything. Mark my words.
NBC News had previously said 10 people had been indicted.

Now the number is 19.

A pie of nonsense by a highly partisan DA who allows violent criminals sway in her county.

And very, very chilling for Free Speech and the right to dispute election results.

Donald Trump

Rudy Guiliani

John Eastman

Mark Meadows

Kenneth Chesebro

Jeffrey Clark

Jenna Ellis

Ray Smith III

Robert Cheeley

Michael Roman

David Shafer

Shawn Still

Stephen Lee

Harrison Floyd

Trevian Kutti

Sidney Powell

Cathy Latham

Scott Hall

Misty Hampton

It's hilarious the entire thing, and the free speech issue will cause it all to get thrown out... This is definitely the weaponization of our government by what might be one of the most connected band of corrupt people this nation has ever seen or experienced before.

As long as the foundation of it all, and mean of it all (Russia collusion) was used as the foundation, then the entire debacle fails, because it all can be traced back to that corrupt beginning that started it all, and its where everything rolled out from there. The Democrat's have already been implicated in that beginning corruption, and it will all be connected now.
NBC News had previously said 10 people had been indicted.

Now the number is 19.

A pie of nonsense by a highly partisan DA who allows violent criminals sway in her county.

And very, very chilling for Free Speech and the right to dispute election results.

Donald Trump

Rudy Guiliani

John Eastman

Mark Meadows

Kenneth Chesebro

Jeffrey Clark

Jenna Ellis

Ray Smith III

Robert Cheeley

Michael Roman

David Shafer

Shawn Still

Stephen Lee

Harrison Floyd

Trevian Kutti

Sidney Powell

Cathy Latham

Scott Hall

Misty Hampton

trump is cooked. In Georgia, the Governor cannot pardon him. These are state charges that will be with him until he is/if convicted and jailed. BUT PLEASE MAGA! Stick with the Mafia Boss in Chief. He will bring the entire repub party down.
She'd be stupid to fuck around with that jackass. If he steps outa line, get a bench warrant and arrest his ass. Just like they did with Ammonia Bundy

Ms. Willis is the real deal. She is one thing that the Rapist and Traitor hates, a Strong, Independent African-American Woman who as of now has the power to LOCK HIM UP!!!
This thread has devolved into a bunch of name-calling, but as a historian and teacher, let me give you all this insight: Remember this. Pay attention to what is going on right now, because you're living through history right now, and your grandchildren and great-grands could one day ask you what it was like, and who said what.

A lot of what we're going to hear in the next year or more will reflect on, and determine, what our national standards are and what we believe as a nation. No matter who you like or hate, you're going to be smarter, better informed, and more able to defend your own beliefs if you do.

The 2020s will be one of those decades, like the 1790s, the 1850s, or the 1920s and 1960s, that change everything. Mark my words.
Hopefully it will change for the better, but only if the change rolls back the complete idiocy that has befallen this nation. The future is in God's hands, and his will shall be completed whether it will be better or for worse for this nation and the world going forward ...Mark my words.
"You come from the party of people who support laziness, pedophilia, killing babies, denying God, and think men can have babies, bravo dimwit!"
Thank you for your thoughtful post, but.......but I respectfully demur.

Can the MAGA-Q's..... make America great?

Color me skeptical.

Pay attention to what is going on right now, because you're living through history..... and your grandchildren and great-grands could one day ask you what it was like, and who said what.......... No matter who you like or hate, you're going to be smarter, better informed, and more able to defend your own beliefs if you do.

I quite agree with poster Pellinore. 👍
There is truthiness there.
America has never been more interesting.
Or at any rate, not in my adult lifetime.
These are fascinating times.
This thread has devolved into a bunch of name-calling, but as a historian and teacher, let me give you all this insight: Remember this. Pay attention to what is going on right now, because you're living through history right now, and your grandchildren and great-grands could one day ask you what it was like, and who said what.

A lot of what we're going to hear in the next year or more will reflect on, and determine, what our national standards are and what we believe as a nation. No matter who you like or hate, you're going to be smarter, better informed, and more able to defend your own beliefs if you do.

The 2020s will be one of those decades, like the 1790s, the 1850s, or the 1920s and 1960s, that change everything. Mark my words.

Have we offended your delicate sensibilities? Oh Dear Oh My...
My Gosh! What will it take to convince the repub party that trump is nothing but a Mafia Boss over a syndicate of criminals?
You say that whilst ignoring Biden and his son ? What will it take for you to stop being so partisan and cult like ??
From Senator Lindsey Graham:

"Are we going to let county prosecutors start prosecuting the president of the United States -- the former president of the United States?" Graham asked in an interview with host Pete Hegseth.

Graham also took aim at Democratic prosecutors more broadly.

"The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not. This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail," Graham said. "They’re weaponizing the law in this country. They’re trying to take Donald Trump down, and this is setting a bad precedent."
The Law is the Law is the Law. Yes, let the legal process play out. And if he is your nominee, let the people decide if they want a criminal with multiple indictments, and possibly convictions as their president.

Graham is in love with trump. Their love fest in the club house after the 18th hole are well known.
The Banana Republic Democrats are criminalizing politics.
This will not end well.
They are destroying our country.

The people wanting destroy our country are MAGA who believe that an Insurrection to put a dictator in place is a good idea.
As I told another poster, You come from the party of people who support laziness, pedophilia, killing babies, denying God, and think men can have babies, bravo dimwit!

The Rapist and Traitor wants to fuck his own daughter.

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