Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

That is what MAGA cannot or will not understand. The Governor of Georgia, regardless of politica party DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO PARDON.

Which means when the Rapist and Traitor is convicted he could very well spend the next 5+years in the Georgia State Penitentiary. They cannot or will not deal that reality.
Putting all your chips in for one big push are you ? We'll see how the wheel spins, and odds are it won't be in your favor. Get help before the fall of your idles comes, and this as they get shown the doorway out by the fed up eyes wide open voter's in this country.
You break the law. You pay for it. It doesn't matter if you are a "former president or a Presidents's son.

trump tried to use Mafia tactics to overturn the election. The wagons have circled. There is no way out fir trump.
Oh pahleeese....stop pretending it isn't widespread....I have no pity for Trump...but as I said the Genie is out of the bottle now just like it was with Harry Reid....Lefty never learns.
That is what MAGA cannot or will not understand. The Governor of Georgia, regardless of politica party DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO PARDON.

Which means when the Rapist and Traitor is convicted he could very well spend the next 5+years in the Georgia State Penitentiary. They cannot or will not deal that reality.
Never happen....that bar would be far too deadly for all of DC.
My Gosh! What will it take to convince the repub party that trump is nothing but a Mafia Boss over a syndicate of criminals?

Republicans are comprehensively dishonest.

They’ll continue to believe Trump’s lies regardless the objective, documented facts proving Trump’s corruption and crimes.
You are full of pelosi.
Trump has done no more than Gore, or Clinton, or Fatbroad Adams has done in questioning the outcome of an election....a perfectly legitimate Constitutional right.
You America hating fascists are trying to remove the rights of US citizens in your zealous attack of an excellent president. You should all be exiled to Gitmo for some waterboarding.
Plus, the only murdered Americans have come guessed...the Reich of Poopeypants!
Another significant aspect of the Georgia indictments is they establish the fact that Trump – once again – was willing to violate the law and commit crimes while in office and engage in treasonous abuse of that office’s power.
Uh huh.

The left won’t believe any of our sources. Let’s see if they’ll believe one of their own.

Does not matter what you believe. Never has really.

Which is amazing for the lies you believe from the Rapist and Traitor. Who if convicted in Georgia faces a Mandatory Minimum Sentence of five years on each RICO count. And he will have serve that time because the Govenor of Georgia does not the power to pardon. You ain't got to believe it, but is still none the less true.
Who's been charged with treason?

When did Trump say he was going to use the military to murder people?

You people are taking yourselves way too seriously.
That Trump would use the military to murder Americans opposed to his naked grab for power comes as no surprise, of course; Jeffery Clark, one of Trump’s henchmen and advocate of lawlessly using the Insurrection Act to murder Americans opposed to Trump, submitted the treasonous idea to Trump because he knew Trump would go along with it.
NBC News had previously said 10 people had been indicted.

Now the number is 19.

A pie of nonsense by a highly partisan DA who allows violent criminals sway in her county.

And very, very chilling for Free Speech and the right to dispute election results.

Donald Trump

Rudy Guiliani

John Eastman

Mark Meadows

Kenneth Chesebro

Jeffrey Clark

Jenna Ellis

Ray Smith III

Robert Cheeley

Michael Roman

David Shafer

Shawn Still

Stephen Lee

Harrison Floyd

Trevian Kutti

Sidney Powell

Cathy Latham

Scott Hall

Misty Hampton

The Georgia Indictment has nothing to do with free speech, it about a direct assault on American Democracy.
That Trump would use the military to murder Americans opposed to his naked grab for power comes as no surprise, of course; Jeffery Clark, one of Trump’s henchmen and advocate of lawlessly using the Insurrection Act to murder Americans opposed to Trump, submitted the treasonous idea to Trump because he knew Trump would go along with it.
The Constitution gives anyone the right to contest an election jimboliar....even idiots from your party as they have gleefully done before.

Over 60-Lawsuits were filed alleging Election Fraud/Voter Fraud and over 60-Lawsuits alleging Election Fraud/Voter Fraud were tossed.

The Fucking Rapist and Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
From Senator Lindsey Graham:

"Are we going to let county prosecutors start prosecuting the president of the United States -- the former president of the United States?" Graham asked in an interview with host Pete Hegseth.

Graham also took aim at Democratic prosecutors more broadly.

"The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not. This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail," Graham said. "They’re weaponizing the law in this country. They’re trying to take Donald Trump down, and this is setting a bad precedent."

Funny I don't remember Lindsey Graham saying any of that shit when he wanted to impeach Clinton for lying about a cum stain.

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