Here are the 19 people charged in the indictment

Reading comprehension problems?
Giddyup go with your trump train boxcar adventure!
Were you elected to be the conductor, or did you throw the most children under the train?

I read quite fine, you spewed personal insults and bullshit, nothing else. Cause you have nothing else.
You've been lied to for 7 years from the democrat cult media about president trump. You regurgitation those lies proves it.
The Law is the Law. trump has broken multiple laws and he needs to be held accountable.

And since it appears that you are part of his cult, you may want to let him know that every word, every lie, every threat that he speaks at his news conference on Monday can and will be used against him in any or all of the case that he will be facing in court. If prosecutors deem that his words are meant intimidate witnesses of influence the jury pool, they may revoke his bonds and throw his orange butt into jail.

You MIGHT want to let him know that before he makes a complete Horse's Ass of himself. OR....MAYBE NOT?
And your posts are not bullshit?
Dig deep and think hard. You've exposed yourself, Boxcar!
And you will ride the trump train all the way over the cliff, screaming everyone but you are wrong the whole time!

Maybe that?? You TDS-ers are the ones that have been screaming that for 7 years, no? And you've been wrong, EVERY SINGLE TIME. :dunno:

Just facts. :dunno:

I'm getting the impression that you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, and therefore not worth my time. Have a good day. :laughing0301:
And you will ride the trump train all the way over the cliff, screaming everyone but you are wrong the whole time!

Maybe that?? You TDS-ers are the ones that have been screaming that for 7 years, no? And you've been wrong, EVERY SINGLE TIME. :dunno:

Just facts. :dunno:

I'm getting the impression that you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, and therefore not worth my time. Have a good day. :laughing0301:
Ride that train, Mr conductor! No one asked for your time! You jumped in because you thought you could own me! Bye, now. Curl up and pout!
The Law is the Law. trump has broken multiple laws and he needs to be held accountable.

And since it appears that you are part of his cult, you may want to let him know that every word, every lie, every threat that he speaks at his news conference on Monday can and will be used against him in any or all of the case that he will be facing in court. If prosecutors deem that his words are meant intimidate witnesses of influence the jury pool, they may revoke his bonds and throw his orange butt into jail.

You MIGHT want to let him know that before he makes a complete Horse's Ass of himself. OR....MAYBE NOT?
There is no law violated. Other than what democrats have violated.
Dumbass you do realize bragg is using a federal statute to go after Trump? He can't do that. And the shit in Georgia the feds have already charged Trump with which means Georgia has no standing.
Joey Capone is an America hating, proven felon, plus he won't make it to the election. DeSantis will never win the nomination.
I thought DeSantis could pull it off after he announced, but things aren't looking so good for him now. So we get a choice between Zion Don and Xiden.
That Trump would use the military to murder Americans opposed to his naked grab for power comes as no surprise, of course; Jeffery Clark, one of Trump’s henchmen and advocate of lawlessly using the Insurrection Act to murder Americans opposed to Trump, submitted the treasonous idea to Trump because he knew Trump would go along with it.
How many people did he end up murdering?
What did I regurgitate? Don't lie. Show me.
But you can't because all you have are your favorite RWTalkingPoints. You have a list nearby, don't you?
You can't say anything original because your mental capacity is so limited! Now give us more pics of your pew pews! That's all you've accomplished in your life!
He doesn't have to show you nuffin, because the evidence will all drip drip drip out during discovery. Y'all best hurry to find the cut off valve before the drip turns into a waterfall.. 😂
I thought DeSantis could pull it off after he announced, but things aren't looking so good for him now. So we get a choice between Zion Don and Xiden.
Yeah, but Desantis is young, and he can go at it again after Trump, meanwhile Biden will be impeached for real (not like the fake bull shite the Democrat's pulled twice on Trump).

In fact if any of the charges they are trying to use against Trump had already been used, otherwise that were involved in the impeachment's, then they can't be relitigated again due to the double Jeopardy provision.
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What did I regurgitate? Don't lie. Show me.
But you can't because all you have are your favorite RWTalkingPoints. You have a list nearby, don't you?
You can't say anything original because your mental capacity is so limited! Now give us more pics of your pew pews! That's all you've accomplished in your life!
If you said Trump committed crimes you are regurgitating the big lie created by the democrat cult
There is no law violated. Other than what democrats have violated.
Dumbass you do realize bragg is using a federal statute to go after Trump? He can't do that. And the shit in Georgia the feds have already charged Trump with which means Georgia has no standing.
Hey Nimrod, the charges in Georgia are state charges. Even if a repub wins the WH and pardons the orange criminal, the state charges are still there. Checkmate

I can't wait until Monday when trump will add to the evidence that the prosecutor have against him. His orange lips are his worst enemy.

Use your brain! trump and his cronies tried to disenfranchise millions of voters. He is the scum on the bottom of my boot.

Other than trump, the one I want to see crushed is Rudy. I want him to sweat until the brown dye drips from his ears. He ruined the lives of the poor election workers in Georgia. He is gonna have to start selling his blood to survive soon.
That Trump would use the military to murder Americans opposed to his naked grab for power comes as no surprise, of course; Jeffery Clark, one of Trump’s henchmen and advocate of lawlessly using the Insurrection Act to murder Americans opposed to Trump, submitted the treasonous idea to Trump because he knew Trump would go along with it.
I don't recall Trump murdering anyone I do recall Obama murdering serval US citizens without due process.
Hey Nimrod, the charges in Georgia are state charges. Even if a repub wins the WH and pardons the orange criminal, the state charges are still there. Checkmate

I can't wait until Monday when trump will add to the evidence that the prosecutor have against him. His orange lips are his worst enemy.

Use your brain! trump and his cronies tried to disenfranchise millions of voters. He is the scum on the bottom of my boot.

Other than trump, the one I want to see crushed is Rudy. I want him to sweat until the brown dye drips from his ears. He ruined the lives of the poor election workers in Georgia. He is gonna have to start selling his blood to survive soon.
Numbnuts the feds are using the same charge which means Georgia has no standing

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