Zone1 Here Are The Old Testament Passages Describing The Foretold Jewish Messiah

Nope---the "prophecies" in the "OT" doe not describe a "WARRIOR KING" In fact, Ms weather, you should review Isaiah's description of the KING of Israel in the MESSIANIC ERA-----not
a warrior. I have no idea from whence you pulled the WARRIOR KING idea. In fact, I have
no idea from whence you have the concept of the CRYSTAL BALL "PROPHET"
Was King Hezekiah involved in wars, in protecting Israel? Will the promised Messiah be involved in protecting Israel? Did Hezekiah lead? Will the promised Messiah lead? Was Hezekiah, and the promised Messiah, a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or even athletics?

Look, I understand that not all are familiar with every definition of every word. Look up the definition of 'warrior' some time. Jesus said he was meek and humble of heart. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and that signifies peace. It is said he was meek and humble of heart. He was not a warrior king. What say you? Will the Jewish Messiah have great vigor, courage, and will he aggressively pursue the protection of Jews and of Israel? Or, will he merely ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, holding a white flag?

Instead of shouting and scolding, perhaps try to understand? Look, I am aware I probably took too many English and linguistic courses and am familiar with many various definitions of many words. I probably know of too many sports teams named 'Warrior', but come on, it is not an unknown use of the word 'warrior'.
Was King Hezekiah involved in wars, in protecting Israel? Will the promised Messiah be involved in protecting Israel? Did Hezekiah lead? Will the promised Messiah lead? Was Hezekiah, and the promised Messiah, a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or even athletics?

Look, I understand that not all are familiar with every definition of every word. Look up the definition of 'warrior' some time. Jesus said he was meek and humble of heart. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and that signifies peace. It is said he was meek and humble of heart. He was not a warrior king. What say you? Will the Jewish Messiah have great vigor, courage, and will he aggressively pursue the protection of Jews and of Israel? Or, will he merely ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, holding a white flag?

Instead of shouting and scolding, perhaps try to understand? Look, I am aware I probably took too many English and linguistic courses and am familiar with many various definitions of many words. I probably know of too many sports teams named 'Warrior', but come on, it is not an unknown use of the word 'warrior'.

Isaiah was a preacher poet----he did not possess a CRYSTAL BALL---use of
them "balls" is rejected in strict jewish thought

So. Are you saying Isaiah wasn't a prophet?

Was King Hezekiah involved in wars, in protecting Israel? Will the promised Messiah be involved in protecting Israel? Did Hezekiah lead? Will the promised Messiah lead? Was Hezekiah, and the promised Messiah, a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or even athletics?

Look, I understand that not all are familiar with every definition of every word. Look up the definition of 'warrior' some time. Jesus said he was meek and humble of heart. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and that signifies peace. It is said he was meek and humble of heart. He was not a warrior king. What say you? Will the Jewish Messiah have great vigor, courage, and will he aggressively pursue the protection of Jews and of Israel? Or, will he merely ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, holding a white flag?

Instead of shouting and scolding, perhaps try to understand? Look, I am aware I probably took too many English and linguistic courses and am familiar with many various definitions of many words. I probably know of too many sports teams named 'Warrior', but come on, it is not an unknown use of the word 'warrior'.
Jesus SAID "I am meek and humble of heart" ? news to me. Someone said he was a
"warrior"? could be----he did the pharisee thing and tried to expel the roman shill
money changers from the Temple Courtyard. Is Itamar ben Gvir a WARRIOR? I am not
sure----but I believe that the name GVIR----is from the hebrew GEVER----which can mean
something like "brave guy" The arabic is something like JABBAR
So. Are you saying Isaiah wasn't a prophet?

depends on your definition of PROPHET-----the jewish thing is NOT SOOTHSAYER OF
So. Are you saying Isaiah wasn't a prophet?

Suddenly you believe in Prophecy?
Tell justaguy.

If this is true then it cannot be "Prophecy".

  1. Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

    Most prophecy was written after the fact.See below.

  2. prophecy​


    proph·e·cy ˈprä-fə-sē

    variants or less commonly prophesy
    pluralprophecies also prophesies
    Synonyms of prophecy
    : an inspired utterance of a prophet

    : the function or vocation of a prophet
    specifically : the inspired declaration of divine will and purpose

    : a prediction of something to come
A lot of prophecy was written after the fact. Your religious education is piss poor.

Actually mine is a Christian education, and it must embarrass you that a mere mortal like me runs rings around you.
Actually mine is a Christian education, and it must embarrass you that a mere mortal like me runs rings around you.

and you have access to the archives containing the information they used to write the 4th century c-bible they preserved for posterity - and your education ...

- or anything at all that verify's a single page including the forgeries and fallacies contained on nearly every page of their 10000 page document.
Their bible says they are wrong about their Messiah?

Yes, there are Old Testament prophetic scriptures that talk about the Messiah being rejected by His own people. Two that immediately come to mind, are these:

Psalm 118:22

The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.

Isaiah 53:3

He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.

And there are other scriptures that talk about how the Jewish people were blinded, a spiritual blindness....but that blindness will be lifted in the end.

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