Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

And I answered you. I don’t lie

How dense are you?
and thats a lie because everyone lies,,
one good example is this morning where you lied about how many illegals are in the country,,
you only counted the ones caught and omitted the ones that didnt get caught when you know they exist,,
and thats a lie because everyone lies,,
one good example is this morning where you lied about how many illegals are in the country,,
you only counted the ones caught and omitted the ones that didnt get caught when you know they exist,,
I gave you a link you piece of shit. It showed exactly what I said

Obviously not a lie

Fail jackass
Tax and spend would seem to be the more fiscally responsible thing…of the two.

Republicans cut taxes and spend
Didn't the treasury take in record revenue under Trump's tax cuts?

Go Figure: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cuts

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal 2018.
I know you think that made some kind of sense

It didn’t

Man. Trumpers get weirder by the minute
A one trick pony makes you seem like a senile slug
who can barely squirm around in the dew laden morn.
Yer posts are One trick boring.It's like how Mark Twain musta
felt after reading gobs of Poems sent to him as gifts
from young mommies.
and yet he incurred massive debt. As did every other Republican tax cut and spend administration
Libs bitching about spending is always fascinating…literally every policy the filthy left pushes, EVERYTHING and every problem they manifest and perpetuate causes/leads to big spending.
More illegals
Free healthcare for Mexico’s people
More free shit for degenerate lowlifes
Fed backed mortgage loans for ShaQuita and Guadalupe because of their skin color and not credit worthiness
Always looking to cultivate a new dependent class of citizen

The retards just can’t get out of their own way….hahaha….absolutely fascinating.
When the rich pay all the taxes, they then own the Government.
Preppy-Love Pedophilia

Another dishonest attempt to equate the HeirHead moochers with the HeirDad achievers. Abolishing inheritance will take away all the power that the predatory Preppies have now. Your college-level stupidity is like claiming that a corporation that gets fined will use that as a bribe to the government.
You know why we never fight over the yachts costs or the costs of the Rolls Royces?

We do not have them. The rich do. But what happens to yachts and Rolls Royces?

The rich rule over them. We are dismissed as non buyers.

Same for the feds. The rich are doing okay. The Rich pay a lot more in sales taxes. I am fine with that. I think it is shitty to focus on incomes.
You Also Take a Pay Cut So the Boss Can Buy Junior a BMW at Age 16

Inherited income must be given to those who helped the HeirDad earn it: his employees, his customers, and the public in general, not to his freeloading spoiled brats.
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You Also Take a Pay Cut So the Boss Can Buy Junior a BMW at Age 16

Inherited income must be given to those who helped the HeirDad earn it: his employees, his customers, and the public in general, not to his freeloading spoiled brats.
what if they arent freeloading spoiled brats and are continuing to employ those people and providing a product or service??
The Republicans do not want anything done about the border.
No, democrats dont want anything on the border. Thats why Joe let our nation get flooded with illegals. Until very recently, you guys spent 3 years denying the problem even existed.

Democrats own this crisis and thats why you will lose the election.
What about the children in the hospital dying of cancer. What about them?
Carcinogenic Karma

Before they got sick, they made fun of the smartkids in the classroom. Those are the only ones who can ever cure cancer, but never if they are demoralized and made to feel like freaks and weirdos. Swallow your pride and you will choke your talent.
You Also Take a Pay Cut So the Boss Can Buy Junior a BMW at Age 16

Inherited income must be given to those who helped the HeirDad earn it: his employees, his customers, and the public in general, not to his freeloading spoiled brats.
Have you lost a parent?

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