Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

The history of the USA since 1933 under FDR has been a constant struggle by the Republicans to make our costs lower and the democrats make our costs go way up.

If that were the case, then under Republican regimes the costs would have gone down, wouldn't they?

Let's look at debt increase

Biden's on a 6.3% increase, but he's not finished his term yet, so we'll see.
Trump was on a 40% increase, Covid played its part, so it's a little difficult to see what otherwise would have been.
Obama had a 70% increase
Dubya had a 105% increase
Clinton had a 31% increase
Bush snr. had a 53% increase
Reagan had a 186% increase.

Something tells me that this isn't what you're saying it is.

Simple fact is George W. Bush is going to cost the US so much money it's incredible.

The cost of the Iraq War

2003-2010 something like $1 trillion.
The war in Afghanistan cost like $2 trillion.

The medical benefits for those who served is going through the roof and will cost the US govt long into the future. They were sending kids to get all kinds of medical issues and some of these kids will live 60 years or more on federal money.

So I disagree with what you say from the simplistic point of view you've presented so far.
You do know that our tax system has tax brackets?
No Shit Birdbrain.
Tax Brackets are 100% about Percentages.
Which Robert W hates or doesn't understand.

Then tell me why you support A High Earner paying a lower tax rate (ETR) than a lower earner, even though they do actually pay more dollars.
Why is he nuts? When Carter was president, I was a home builder. Matter of fact, my wife was alsoin construction. We both were out of work.

Explain how that is nuts?
The Ironic thingy is ... The Carter's home.It was appraised
the least few years at Under $ 200,ooo.Granted the home was built
in like the 50's and appeared to be a one story house.
But it was a well built home and looked comfortable.
I think I remember the home was appraised at $ 167,ooo.
That was the place where a former President and his wife
Lived.I wonder what Billy's room looked like.
As in Billy Beer.I wonder if it was loitered with different
beer brands.Shirley Billy had his own room growing up.
We want open borders to stop. We want Taxpayers treated fairly. We want laws on the books to be enforced. We would love it if all were healthy. We do not think Americans can afford what Democrats want. Witness the extreme national debt. Debt is not being paid down.

And white supremacy as always.
Lesh posts to piss people off. I am not nuts. I sold builders homes. I recall the way the economy was. And a lot of builders with crews lost their incomes. Carter got blamed by the voters. Reagan won by enormous margins.
No. You are.



If that were the case, then under Republican regimes the costs would have gone down, wouldn't they?

Let's look at debt increase

Biden's on a 6.3% increase, but he's not finished his term yet, so we'll see.
Trump was on a 40% increase, Covid played its part, so it's a little difficult to see what otherwise would have been.
Obama had a 70% increase
Dubya had a 105% increase
Clinton had a 31% increase
Bush snr. had a 53% increase
Reagan had a 186% increase.

Something tells me that this isn't what you're saying it is.

Simple fact is George W. Bush is going to cost the US so much money it's incredible.

The cost of the Iraq War

2003-2010 something like $1 trillion.
The war in Afghanistan cost like $2 trillion.

The medical benefits for those who served is going through the roof and will cost the US govt long into the future. They were sending kids to get all kinds of medical issues and some of these kids will live 60 years or more on federal money.

So I disagree with what you say from the simplistic point of view you've presented so far.
Say Knuckle dragging human buffoon.Then explain how
the New Republican Majority of 1994-95 Under Speaker Newt
Gingrich was able to have 4 consecutive Balanced Budgets.
Clinton did his democrat best to Not sign on to balanced budgets.
But was pressured to.
Then as per Democrat usual they decided to target Gingrich
was some kind of Bogus ethics breach.Something about his
not paying or reporting income earned as a teacher.
Gingrich was forced to resign as Speaker.
That is how Democrat scum play politics.They pulled the same crapola
with Tom DeLay.
Say Knuckle dragging human buffoon.Then explain how
the New Republican Majority of 1994-95 Under Speaker Newt
Gingrich was able to have 4 consecutive Balanced Budgets.
Clinton did his democrat best to Not sign on to balanced budgets.
But was pressured to.
Then as per Democrat usual they decided to target Gingrich
was some kind of Bogus ethics breach.Something about his
not paying or reporting income earned as a teacher.
Gingrich was forced to resign as Speaker.
That is how Democrat scum play politics.They pulled the same crapola
with Tom DeLay.

Nope, didn't get past the first five words. Let me know if you're not interested in debating, talking and you just want to insult people, then you can fuck off to my ignore list.
No Shit Birdbrain.
Tax Brackets are 100% about Percentages.
Which Robert W hates or doesn't understand.

Then tell me why you support A High Earner paying a lower tax rate (ETR) than a lower earner, even though they do actually pay more dollars.
All I know is at this moment, in most of the states, when you purchase items, you have paid part of the cost to government. And when you pay sales taxes, you do not need to send the Feds a notice you did this. It makes your income irrelevant to the feds.
We know we pay sales taxes. And so far in many years of posting, I do not recall even the most ardent person saying not to pay sales taxes. Things you talk over can then be moot.
How to make an enormous income.
There are too many ways it makes little sense to mention them in all. But even today, I ordered a meal be delivered to me and it cost me taxes. I don't mind that for reasons I shall talk about a bit. When I pay sales taxes, i do not need an accountant to send papers to the Feds admitting I paid. It is very simple to enforce.
I am not against the Governments getting funded. I know a lot they pay for is good for all. I don't cite how much in sales taxes to pay often. I might do that later.
We know we pay sales taxes. And so far in many years of posting, I do not recall even the most ardent person saying not to pay sales taxes.
For Example: The State of Oregon does NOT pay sales tax.

You know this, right?
For Example: The State of Oregon does NOT pay sales tax.

You know this, right?
However, I would like to see everybody in all states pay sales taxes to fund the Feds. The States as you point out can do it or not do it.
However, I would like to see everybody in all states pay sales taxes to fund the Feds. The States as you point out can do it or not do it.
You still haven't made it clear why you oppose taxing INCOME.
You still haven't made it clear why you oppose taxing INCOME.
I have presented my case. But since you don't read all posts, I will help you this time.
There is far too much jealousy which is directed at high income earners. Read the many lies told about the rich on this forum. We have to have a tax system similar to our founders system. Income forces everybody to present papers to the Federals. It invites people not willing to pay taxes, a path for them to cheapen their payments and spend time in prison. We should not try to force citizens where an outcome is they go to prison. Sales taxes paid to the merchants result in that fund source getting to the Feds and we will see a huge drop in jealousy vs the rich. Again, my proposal is not to stop paying taxes to the feds, but change to a system where nobody will feel the Feds are out to ruin our lives.
For Example: The State of Oregon does NOT pay sales tax.

You know this, right?
Today there are 7 states with no income tax.

Do you believe they got it wrong?

Everybody wants a lower tax bill. One way to accomplish that might be to live in a state with no income tax. At present, seven states—Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming—levy no state income tax at all.1 In addition, Washington levies an income tax on investment income and capital gains, but it is only for certain high earners. Elsewhere, New Hampshire currently taxes investment and interest income but is set to phase out those taxes starting in 2023. That will bring the number of states with no income tax to nine by 2027.2
New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration. "Frequently Asked Questions - Interest & Dividend Tax."
I have presented my case. But since you don't read all posts, I will help you this time.
Don't patronize me.

You want to talk, let's talk.

I asked earlier why you think it's wrong that a high earner pays a higher ETR. You keep responding about % versus total tax paid.

I think it is highly unfair that a person making $10,000,000 per year pays a lower ETR than someone making $50,000 or even $300,000.
In theory, a higher earner will pay more in total taxes, but not as high of an ETR, because they lie and cheat. How did billionaire DJT pay only $750 in FIT? Or is that a lie.
Don't patronize me.

You want to talk, let's talk.

I asked earlier why you think it's wrong that a high earner pays a higher ETR. You keep responding about % versus total tax paid.

I think it is highly unfair that a person making $10,000,000 per year pays a lower ETR than someone making $50,000 or even $300,000.
In theory, a higher earner will pay more in total taxes, but not as high of an ETR, because they lie and cheat. How did billionaire DJT pay only $750 in FIT? Or is that a lie.
He has no idea what you just said

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