Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

We want open borders to stop. We want Taxpayers treated fairly. We want laws on the books to be enforced. We would love it if all were healthy. We do not think Americans can afford what Democrats want. Witness the extreme national debt. Debt is not being paid down.

1. There are no open borders
2. Your party pushes all policy to the wealthy on taxes.
3. Like insurrection ones?
4. The national debt ballooning started under Reagan. Increase under both Bush’s and 8 Trillion more under the former fuckup. The only president since LBJ to have a budget surplus was Clinton.
5. The economy since has performed on average better under Democratic presidents than republic ones.

You need to educate yourself more on the issues bob.
We want taxes to be in line with what we are spending

Republicans keep slashing taxes without reducing spending
Maybe you personally do want that. But can you persuade your fellow Democrats. Give me a good proof Republicans slash taxes and do not reduce spending?
Maybe you personally do want that. But can you persuade your fellow Democrats. Give me a good proof Republicans slash taxes and do not reduce spending?
Holy shit

THEY even admit it

Damn. You won

You’re the dumbest poster on the forum and “progressive Hunter” gave you a run for your money
Did you ever read the Grace commission report passed when Reagan was president. Reagan managed to slash about 40 percent of spending.
And he himself raised the debt percentage wise more than any president in the history of our country while NOT at war!
JFC it is so easy to read this stuff!
Holy shit

THEY even admit it

Damn. You won

You’re the dumbest poster on the forum and “progressive Hunter” gave you a run for your money
An excellent example of a wild ass taunt intended to boost his baby ass. Did not help him.
And he himself raised the debt percentage wise more than any president in the history of our country while NOT at war!
JFC it is so easy to read this stuff!
Note his key term. Percentage. Actually it needs to be in dollars. And it also must disclose who Tip O'Neil was and how he impacted the budget.
The Grace commission was Reagan's effort to not hurt Government but cut spending costs. And he managed to get around 40 percent of his slashing done. He put a lot of effort into cutting your taxes. Clinton was not interested in cutting your taxes. Democrat do not want your taxes cut.
Note his key term. Percentage. Actually it needs to be in dollars. And it also must disclose who Tip O'Neil was and how he impacted the budget.
The Grace commission was Reagan's effort to not hurt Government but cut spending costs. And he managed to get around 40 percent of his slashing done. He put a lot of effort into cutting your taxes. Clinton was not interested in cutting your taxes. Democrat do not want your taxes cut.
The man almost TRIPLED the debt during his presidency. No president not involved in a world or civil war has ever done that! Not one. That would seem to be pretty fucking significant. And only proves even more his bullshit trickle down or supply side economics doesn't work!
The man almost TRIPLED the debt during his presidency. No president not involved in a world or civil war has ever done that! Not one. That would seem to be pretty fucking significant. And only proves even more his bullshit trickle down or supply side economics doesn't work!
You forgot to mention how much income he managed to collect as president, even though he cut taxes for millions of Americans.
The man almost TRIPLED the debt during his presidency. No president not involved in a world or civil war has ever done that! Not one. That would seem to be pretty fucking significant. And only proves even more his bullshit trickle down or supply side economics doesn't work!
The former fuckup added 32% to our national debt in just 4 years.

And where was Bob during that time?
Bullshit, you had your chance to get 1300 more border agents with expanded deportation powers and turned it all down just to kiss the Trump ring yet again.

Get lost.
However your king almighty Biden wanted to let in 5000 per day come in who were not legal. Biden turned down HR2 many months back.
However your king almighty Biden wanted to let in 5000 per day come in who were not legal. Biden turned down HR2 many months back.
Not true bob.

Hr2 never passed the Senate.

And the 5K number is a trigger number to close the border as it was negotiated.

Why be a fuckup bob.
What I said is very true. Biden wants 1,850,000 illegals here per year. But why don't you read HR2 to see how many we want in?
No, it’s not true bob.

You have been lied to and you swallowed it whole.

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