Here comes the blame game.. Obama blames congress for Solyndra and pipeline

Doesn't matter either way. This guy could kill Osama Bin Laden..and you still wouldn't vote for him..

Oh wait.

He killed OSAMA who the fuck cares. He will not win the election because of it:cuckoo:
Obama's HIGH POINT comes from executing a standing order from his's so transparent.

His high point came at a staged photo op with his mouth hanging open iike Biden was going to fill it.

The funny thing is, I can imagine obama preening "I KILLED OSAMA" and some Navy Seal going "Oh yeah". Then crashing in an obama engineered helicopter crash. Dead Men Tell No Tales isn't from a Disney movie.
He killed OSAMA who the fuck cares. He will not win the election because of it:cuckoo:
Obama's HIGH POINT comes from executing a standing order from his's so transparent.

His high point came at a staged photo op with his mouth hanging open iike Biden was going to fill it.

The funny thing is, I can imagine obama preening "I KILLED OSAMA" and some Navy Seal going "Oh yeah". Then crashing in an obama engineered helicopter crash. Dead Men Tell No Tales isn't from a Disney movie.
He thought it would boost him to such heights his re-election would be all over but taking the OATH again.

Problem is? The people saw right through it...and he's scrambling.
Obamination - Uh....we need to keep putting tax dollars into uhhhhh GREEN energy, but we have increased drilling uhhhhhh for oil under my watch. Uuhhhhhh does that uhhhhhh make sense to you?

SEIU goons - Yeah, go superior leader you are so smart and caring.
Obamination - Uh....we need to keep putting tax dollars into uhhhhh GREEN energy, but we have increased drilling uhhhhhh for oil under my watch. Uuhhhhhh does that uhhhhhh make sense to you?

SEIU goons - Yeah, go superior leader you are so smart and caring.
But uhhh...I supporting...uhhh...the pipeline...uhhhh...
he better get a grip, hes all over the place, he says hey we are drilling everywhere we can, then in the next townhall he says hey, drilling aint the answer etc etc..this is just more of the same, hes caught up in his litany of mischaracterizations and the like, hes is used to being on both sides of the issue, when the public sniff sniffs it out,becasue he just cannot make gas prices go away and years of the media laying it on every pres. puts him on the spot, he just doubles down apparently.
He killed OSAMA who the fuck cares. He will not win the election because of it:cuckoo:
Obama's HIGH POINT comes from executing a standing order from his's so transparent.

His high point came at a staged photo op with his mouth hanging open iike Biden was going to fill it.

The funny thing is, I can imagine obama preening "I KILLED OSAMA" and some Navy Seal going "Oh yeah". Then crashing in an obama engineered helicopter crash. Dead Men Tell No Tales isn't from a Disney movie.

When you go to McDonalds and order fries you thank the clerk, not the clown.
He killed OSAMA who the fuck cares. He will not win the election because of it:cuckoo:
Obama's HIGH POINT comes from executing a standing order from his's so transparent.

His high point came at a staged photo op with his mouth hanging open iike Biden was going to fill it.

The funny thing is, I can imagine obama preening "I KILLED OSAMA" and some Navy Seal going "Oh yeah". Then crashing in an obama engineered helicopter crash. Dead Men Tell No Tales isn't from a Disney movie.

Someone needs to ask Jesse 'The Body' Ventura what it is like to openly diss a US Navy SEAL...:eusa_drool:
he better get a grip, hes all over the place, he says hey we are drilling everywhere we can, then in the townhall he says hey, drilling aint the answer etc etc..this is just more of the same, hes caught up in his litany of mischaracterizations and the like, hes is used to being on both sides of the issue, when the public sniff sniffs it out,becasue he just cannot make gas prices go away and years of the media laying it on every pres. puts him on the spot, he just doubles down apparently.
Obama can't tell if he's coming or going...nor can he keep up with his lies.

Bottom point is that he knows that he's in trouble and we are witnessing a salvage operation in the works.
Doesn't matter either way. This guy could kill Osama Bin Laden..and you still wouldn't vote for him..

Oh wait.

SEAL's killed bin Laden. The hardest thing Dear Ruler had to do was nod his head when people told him this was a good thing.
Yup. He gets the Kudos for nodding that head but thats about it.

Anyone with half a brain cell knows who killed UBL. Seal Team 6.

As for the pipeline. That thing has been studied asshole to appetite for 3 fucking years. Its the most studied pipeline in US history.

After all that study Barry thinks it need MORE STUDY?? What an idiot. Green Agenda blinders. He could care what we working folks pay for gas to get to work. Green Agenda is all he thinks about.

He's scrambling all right. Gas it throught the roof and he's gonna get blamed for it just like Bush got the blame when he was POTUS.

If he weren't trying to get elected for term 2 he wouldn't give shit one about gas prices. His green agenda is his all. What an asshole this guy is.
Now now Claudette, he has an "all the above" energy's just that some energy sources are more "equal" than others for him. I wonder if they use biomass fuels in his limo or if Air Force One runs on wind energy?

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