Here I Am, Like It Or Not

by 1970 the North had decided that their efforts against the 21D weren't worth the cost and most organized attacks stopped that year. By March of 1971 ROK forces had assumed the responsibility for the defense of all but a mile’s yards of the DMZ, allowing the 2nd Infantry Division to maintain combat readiness in case of any eventuality.
2nd Infantry Division (
he didnt say he was in the war
True. And to extend benefit of doubt, I have a friend who was stationed in Korea and tells a story about "mooning" some North Koreans across the border, one of whom fired a shot at him. (To know this fellow is to appreciate the humor in the telling.)
he didnt say he was in the war
True. And to extend benefit of doubt, I have a friend who was stationed in Korea and tells a story about "mooning" some North Koreans across the border, one of whom fired a shot at him. (To know this fellow is to appreciate the humor in the telling.)
its not wise to piss off people holding guns
especially not those who would shoot their own people as well
Are you sure you weren't a bandsman in the military, ReallyOrnery? Just something about the way you blow your own trumpet.

Just sayin'. Anyway, welcome.

He never mentioned a band but he was apparently a award winning entertainer of the troops and professional lampooner no less
Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:


[ame=]YouTube - Stripes - Don't Call Me Francis[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Max The 2000 Year Old Mouse (Incomplete) - Building The Railroad[/ame]
It seems to me someone who gets his pay from tax dollars and is lampooning
most of the time might be one of those extensions of the welfare system ..thats did you receive welfare...I mean compensation or disability for this work injury ?

Wow..nothing like a monopoly and a captive audience is all I can say..if this script you're writing here is any example of your literary talents

These men accused of "wrong doing" had no legal counsel in a "case" other than some ex-army rodeo clown/entertainer ??

No because you have no clue what I have done and by your own account you had little respect for these instutions you where involved and spent your time lampooning..( in between nursing nuclear weapons and tracking down murders)

can you say... NEUBARTH..NEU-BAR-TH...LOL

So give the "welfare" BS a break, listen for that 'pop' as you pull your head out of your arse and, oh golly, grow up. I earned every penny that I was paid for risking my life for schmucks just like you.

well.. I just thought if it applied to all these slut unwed mothers you worked along side it could also apply to you being the recipient money and medals for lampooning and writing shite on the tax dollar and besides, I thought you said you did it all for the money?


You who have done so little to support the many who you say you respect now challenge the one who has done so much to support the many who you obviously disrespect have no legitimate complaint to make when contradicted by your own words. You are your own worst enemy. In fact, you impeach yourself. More to the point, it must really suck to be you.

Welcome and fuck you all to hell, ReallyOrnery.



You and others of your ilk can indeed serve in the House, Senate and Oval Office, performing the same services as those provided by Monica Lewinsky.

As for the "fuck you...," I don't breed outside my species; indeed, I'm not into zoophilia.


This is true. Reptilians don't.


Nor do any other spcies, other than liberal democrats.

I thought servicemen and woman were all brave and true, sacrificing for their country.. Interesting..


I was pure mercenary in the army and the Calif. Dept. of Corrections (CDC). Yeah, if I was killed, the insurance would take care of my family. But as long as I lived, my pay cheque would do the same thing.

Brave and true? Yes, most definitely. But sacrificing for my nation or state --> ROTFLMRO! I'm a realist. I put my life on the line for money. I had to feed myself and my familty; it was as simple as that.

I lost my idealism when I first enlisted in the army in 1967. As a pad chief for battle field tactical nuclear missiles (Pershings), I quickly learned that the "for God and Country" nonsense was just that --> Male Bovine Feces (MBF)! Everybody was in it for the money.

Was I willing to die for principle? Sure, as long as my wife and child got the benefits of my insurance premiums; otherwise, I would have been a prison guard (oops, I was).

I am 62 years of age and I have never met man or woman who were not mercenaries, irrespective of their rationalizations for risking their lives. They, we -- I, did it for the money.

Does that shock you? Welcome to reality.

"It is surprising how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit." (Noel Coward )

"The true nationalist not only quietly approves of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for refusing to acknowledge them." (George Orwell)

"One who dares not offend cannot be honest." [Thomas Paine ]

"Whenever a people entrust the defense of their country to an army composed of mercenaries, the power of that country will remain under the direction of the wealthy." (A Framer, writing in the Independent Gazetteer - 1791)

"Truth has no manners. It does not respect persons. It wounds kings as deeply as commoners. It cuts down the high and affirms the lowness of the low. Just as truth respects no one, likewise there are few who respect the truth. But those who do are granted the honor of being despised by the ignorant and the false." [Guy de Montaigne]

"You will know you have spoken the truth when you are angrily denounced. You will know when you have spoken the truth and spoken it well when you are visited by the police." (Mark Twain)

"The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsely but because they speak the truth. If men speak falsehoods their own words may be used against them. But if they speak the truth there is nothing that may be used against them except force." (Benjamin Franklin)

"Men who murder have lost their inhibitions for a moment. But men who speak the truth and do so freely have lost their inhibitions forever and are thus as dangerous to some in society as mad dogs." (Guy de Montaigne)

"Free Speech is often offensive speech." (Thomas Jefferson)

"It often takes a great deal of intelligence to see that which is right before our eyes." [ Edmond Duranty ]


Blah, blah, blah; feed your family on (empty) promises; otherwise shut your liberal mouth.

You sound like Stokely Carmichael. Go figure. :rolleyes:


You sound like you're from my generation. However, I have zero in common with Kwame Ture, or any other black agitators of the 1960s. In fact, if they didn't like how the US treated blacks, maybe they should have stayed in Africa where blacks ate other blacks; know what I mean?


NO really.....fuck you.

The good thing is....this type is dying off. Thank God.

Oh and thank you for your service. :)


But the blacks keep eating blacks, which is a type that isn't dying off. So phuck yourself while dining on other blacks, 'groid.

Wow..nothing like a monopoly and a captive audience is all I can say..if this script you're writing here is any example of your literary talents

These men accused of "wrong doing" had no legal counsel in a "case" other than some ex-army rodeo clown/entertainer ??

No because you have no clue what I have done and by your own account you had little respect for these instutions you where involved and spent your time lampooning..( in between nursing nuclear weapons and tracking down murders)

can you say... NEUBARTH..NEU-BAR-TH...LOL

well.. I just thought if it applied to all these slut unwed mothers you worked along side it could also apply to you being the recipient money and medals for lampooning and writing shite on the tax dollar and besides, I thought you said you did it all for the money?


You who have done so little to support the many who you say you respect now challenge the one who has done so much to support the many who you obviously disrespect have no legitimate complaint to make when contradicted by your own words. You are your own worst enemy. In fact, you impeach yourself. More to the point, it must really suck to be you.


Has this fucktard posted anywhere on USMB other than on his own intro thread? This must be some sort of record for offending the most people fastest.....
You'll fit right in here.

There are many who hold the same views as you.

When it comes down to discussing the isues of the day, then we'll see what you're really made of, eh?

Welcome aboard.
Has this fucktard posted anywhere on USMB other than on his own intro thread? This must be some sort of record for offending the most people fastest.....


Maybe if you read the USMB, rather than just this thread, you could answer your own question without embarrassing yourself relative to your inability to do your'research;' humm?

I've offended a lot more people than the few who have replied to this thread -- and in a lot shorter time, too.

So, Madeline, what is it like to be a feminazi?


You who have done so little to support the many who you say you respect now challenge the one who has done so much to support the many who you obviously disrespect have no legitimate complaint to make when contradicted by your own words. You are your own worst enemy. In fact, you impeach yourself. More to the point, it must really suck to be you.




Yes, the sentence was in excellent English, although obviously above your level of comprehension. Yes, I, too, like the one about the medal, the general congratulating me and a world-wide readership. It reminds me that while you were at home sucking your, I was doing something that informed and entertained those troops who served this nation in far away places.

Tell me something, slick, what branch of the military were you in; humm?

You'll fit right in here.

There are many who hold the same views as you.

When it comes down to discussing the isues of the day, then we'll see what you're really made of, eh?

Welcome aboard.


Amen to that, friend.

Thanks for the welcome.



Yes, the sentence was in excellent English, although obviously above your level of comprehension. Yes, I, too, like the one about the medal, the general congratulating me and a world-wide readership. It reminds me that while you were at home sucking your, I was doing something that informed and entertained those troops who served this nation in far away places.

Tell me something, slick, what branch of the military were you in; humm?


The kiss Army from 1976 to 2010... buck-O...We had our share of unwed mothers ,sluts and wannabe criminals as well

[ame=]YouTube - KISS Army Reserves[/ame]
It seems ReallyOrney might be a liar. The Korean War occurred between 1950 and 1953; if he is 62 today, RO was 5 years old in 1953.

Really Ornery wrote in part:

I was in Germany nursing tactical battlefield nuclear missiles while your mamma and poppa were thinking about breeding your worthless butt. I was up to my nose in swamps in Vietnam while the VC did their best to put me in my grave. I was with the 2nd Infantry in Korea on the DMZ while North Korean infiltrators threw hand grenades at our position.

Be nice to have this apparent discrepancy cleared up.


There is no discrepancy. Between 1967 and 1969, I was a pad chief with Pershing missiles in Germany. In 1971, I served with the 221st Signal Company in Vietnam. In 1977-78, I was with the 2nd Infantry Div. on the DMZ in Korea.

The 2nd Inf. Div. was responsible for ensuring the integrity of the DMZ, which is a mile-wide border between the two Koreas. Nevertheless, North Korean infiltrators would attempt to sneak through that corridor, and it was up to the 2nd I.D. troops to stop them. Part of my job was to help stop those infiltrators and the other part of my job was to to report on the success of those efforts to the base newspaper, the Army Times and the Pacific Stars and Stripes.

Since you are just a girl, however, you cannot grasp (as in comprehend) military strategy, let alone the concept of a "break in service," which accounts for the unsual dates. Being the feminazi that you are, though, means that, to any rational human being, even if you could grasp the simple concepts which I have presented to you, you would be obligated to act like any ignorant bytch and persist in presenting yourself as such.

You and eots have much in common: Neither of you have ever served your nation, both of you are ignorant of reality and, unfortunately, both of you suffer with months-long PMS.


Yes, the sentence was in excellent English, although obviously above your level of comprehension. Yes, I, too, like the one about the medal, the general congratulating me and a world-wide readership. It reminds me that while you were at home sucking your, I was doing something that informed and entertained those troops who served this nation in far away places.

Tell me something, slick, what branch of the military were you in; humm?


The kiss Army from 1976 to 2010... buck-O...We had our share of unwed mothers ,sluts and wannabe criminals as well

[ame=]YouTube - KISS Army Reserves[/ame]


Between the two of us, you're the only parasite. All you ever did was play at being a man, while real men like me stood our ground in hell holes like Nam and Korea so that you could pretend to be a man. You are a pathetic piece of shit, fool.

It seems ReallyOrney might be a liar. The Korean War occurred between 1950 and 1953; if he is 62 today, RO was 5 years old in 1953.

Really Ornery wrote in part:

I was in Germany nursing tactical battlefield nuclear missiles while your mamma and poppa were thinking about breeding your worthless butt. I was up to my nose in swamps in Vietnam while the VC did their best to put me in my grave. I was with the 2nd Infantry in Korea on the DMZ while North Korean infiltrators threw hand grenades at our position.

Be nice to have this apparent discrepancy cleared up.

I don't think he said he was in the Korean war. Just that he was stationed on the DMZ.


The Korean war never stopped. An armistice was signed, true enough, but that did not stop the hostilities. Both Koreas are still killing each other -- and Americans, too. However, neithter eots nor the butch dyke Medeline would know this because both are seriously ignorant of current events.

Still, thanks for bringing some rational thought to this thread.


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